I just now learned that The Wolf Among Us and Batman are the only section where we can still make threads and comments. That 100% confirms both are only games supported by new Telltale for now.
I just now learned that The Wolf Among Us and Batman are the only section where we can still make threads and comments. That 100% confirms both are only games supported by new Telltale for now.
So it's confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to FULLY be First Person Perspective. That means NO third person gameplay AND cutscenes, even sex scenes. Now I'm not one of those people who are obsessed with Third Person and I was totally fine with the first person gameplay when it was revealed in the Alpha version. But this new change is kind of disappointing because what is the point of customizing your character if you don't even get to see him/her during the story?
I'm not upset of CD project making the game as how they want it to be, I'm more upset that they made a decision which can upset their fans who had great expectations.
Apparantly, they did it for the immersion. I personally am fine with it. You can still see your character when waking up from bed, in car, mirrors, and at some cutscenes. There are going to be sex scenes but in first person.
So it's confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to FULLY be First Person Perspective. That means NO third person gameplay AND cutscenes, even… more sex scenes. Now I'm not one of those people who are obsessed with Third Person and I was totally fine with the first person gameplay when it was revealed in the Alpha version. But this new change is kind of disappointing because what is the point of customizing your character if you don't even get to see him/her during the story?
I'm not upset of CD project making the game as how they want it to be, I'm more upset that they made a decision which can upset their fans who had great expectations.
It took me two years longer than anticipated, but I finally made it into the Post-Secondary program I wanted!
Performance Acting - Theatre! Wooooo! First day today, and I'm excited.
Well, that's going to be awkward as hell, don't think I've ever seen a first person sex scene in a game that wasn't awkward and uncomfortable to watch.
I think this whole thing is a reason good reason why game companies should keep most features of their game a secret until near release, since a few features that CD said would be in the game last year such as owning multiple apartments, choosing your character's childhood hero are apparently no longer in the game. Even with the "work in progress" disclaimer that they put in the trailers and demos people will still get their hopes up regardless.
So it's confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to FULLY be First Person Perspective. That means NO third person gameplay AND cutscenes, even… more sex scenes. Now I'm not one of those people who are obsessed with Third Person and I was totally fine with the first person gameplay when it was revealed in the Alpha version. But this new change is kind of disappointing because what is the point of customizing your character if you don't even get to see him/her during the story?
I'm not upset of CD project making the game as how they want it to be, I'm more upset that they made a decision which can upset their fans who had great expectations.
Well, that's going to be awkward as hell, don't think I've ever seen a first person sex scene in a game that wasn't awkward and uncomfortable to watch.
Far Cry 3 does have that feature, in one of its endings per se.
even sex scenes.
Well, that's going to be awkward as hell, don't think I've ever seen a first person sex scene in a game that wasn't… more awkward and uncomfortable to watch.
I think this whole thing is a reason good reason why game companies should keep most features of their game a secret until near release, since a few features that CD said would be in the game last year such as owning multiple apartments, choosing your character's childhood hero are apparently no longer in the game. Even with the "work in progress" disclaimer that they put in the trailers and demos people will still get their hopes up regardless.
Another company bought the Telltale name and its properties, mainly Wolf, Batman and a few of their older games, games like Minecraft, Guardians and GoT reverted back to their original owners, and have hired/contracted several former Telltale employees. At the moment they'll be focusing on making sure their games are back in stores, but they'll be announcing their first game (which is speculated to be Wolf 2) within the coming weeks.
Another company bought the Telltale name and its properties, mainly Wolf, Batman and a few of their older games, games like Minecraft, Guard… moreians and GoT reverted back to their original owners, and have hired/contracted several former Telltale employees. At the moment they'll be focusing on making sure their games are back in stores, but they'll be announcing their first game (which is speculated to be Wolf 2) within the coming weeks.
That was mostly due to Telltale doing nothing to make their games actually worth peoples money. If this new company is smart they will focus way more on making choices matter more and adding some actual gameplay to their game. If your game is just a linear story with no gameplay, no one is going to play because they wont have a "game" to play, and if the story is the same, might as well just watch it on youtube for free.
I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time. I'm not sure exactly why I did that but I wanted to fully understand the movie and make my full opinion. And guess what? Acting wise, it's pretty fucking amazing because the casting is just plain phenomenal. Visual wise, the CGI and practical effects are a spot-on, Disney really knows how to make it cinematic and flawless. Story wise, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!!!!!
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I thought it was pretty good, even better than The Force Awakens. This is probably due to being distracted by the great special effects and the acting and I haven't really paid attention to the story. But when I heard why people hated this movie, I completely started to understand why. This movie is a fucking cheater, and a traitor to the Original trilogy. It's full of plot holes, Rey's character is forced, there are tons of WTF moments that make no sense and it's 150 minutes FOR NO REASON. Just like everyone else, I think this is the worst Star Wars film ever made and the most disappointing film I've ever seen. I facepalmed so hard in every moment that ruins the movie while rewatching. I almost stopped watching because of that. This is the time when I shouldn't listen to those fucking critics who praised the shit out of it. They are fucking useless.
I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time. I'm not sure exactly why I did that but I wanted to fully understand the movie and m… moreake my full opinion. And guess what? Acting wise, it's pretty fucking amazing because the casting is just plain phenomenal. Visual wise, the CGI and practical effects are a spot-on, Disney really knows how to make it cinematic and flawless. Story wise, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!!!!!
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I thought it was pretty good, even better than The Force Awakens. This is probably due to being distracted by the great special effects and the acting and I haven't really paid attention to the story. But when I heard why people hated this movie, I completely started to understand why. This movie is a fucking cheater, and a traitor to the Original trilogy. It's full of plot holes, Rey's character is forced, there are tons of WTF moments that make no sense and it's 150 minutes FOR NO R… [view original content]
Pun unintended but I refuse to think she can easily take care of herself without needing someone's help. The only time she is defenseless is when she confronts Snoke. I've seen better female protagonists and those are:
I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time. I'm not sure exactly why I did that but I wanted to fully understand the movie and m… moreake my full opinion. And guess what? Acting wise, it's pretty fucking amazing because the casting is just plain phenomenal. Visual wise, the CGI and practical effects are a spot-on, Disney really knows how to make it cinematic and flawless. Story wise, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!!!!!
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I thought it was pretty good, even better than The Force Awakens. This is probably due to being distracted by the great special effects and the acting and I haven't really paid attention to the story. But when I heard why people hated this movie, I completely started to understand why. This movie is a fucking cheater, and a traitor to the Original trilogy. It's full of plot holes, Rey's character is forced, there are tons of WTF moments that make no sense and it's 150 minutes FOR NO R… [view original content]
Pun unintended but I refuse to think she can easily take care of herself without needing someone's help.
That's... a strange thing to say. It's been established that she took care of herself for years, providing her with some survival and fighting skills, long before the events of Force Awakens. How does that mean she's somehow less capable than a farm boy or a slave?
The only time she is defenseless is when she confronts Snoke.
She also gets knocked out during her first confrontation with Kylo Ren.
Pun unintended but I refuse to think she can easily take care of herself without needing someone's help. The only time she is defenseless is… more when she confronts Snoke. I've seen better female protagonists and those are:
* Sarah Connor (Terminator)
* Ellen Ripley (Alien)
* Beatrix Kiddo (Kill Bill)
Yes,these new movies didn't need to exist in the first place anyway,they had tons of materials to work with and either they should've left the franchise alone or try to make something completely new in a different era with a new story and new characters.
I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time. I'm not sure exactly why I did that but I wanted to fully understand the movie and m… moreake my full opinion. And guess what? Acting wise, it's pretty fucking amazing because the casting is just plain phenomenal. Visual wise, the CGI and practical effects are a spot-on, Disney really knows how to make it cinematic and flawless. Story wise, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!!!!!
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I thought it was pretty good, even better than The Force Awakens. This is probably due to being distracted by the great special effects and the acting and I haven't really paid attention to the story. But when I heard why people hated this movie, I completely started to understand why. This movie is a fucking cheater, and a traitor to the Original trilogy. It's full of plot holes, Rey's character is forced, there are tons of WTF moments that make no sense and it's 150 minutes FOR NO R… [view original content]
I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time. I'm not sure exactly why I did that but I wanted to fully understand the movie and m… moreake my full opinion. And guess what? Acting wise, it's pretty fucking amazing because the casting is just plain phenomenal. Visual wise, the CGI and practical effects are a spot-on, Disney really knows how to make it cinematic and flawless. Story wise, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!!!!!
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I thought it was pretty good, even better than The Force Awakens. This is probably due to being distracted by the great special effects and the acting and I haven't really paid attention to the story. But when I heard why people hated this movie, I completely started to understand why. This movie is a fucking cheater, and a traitor to the Original trilogy. It's full of plot holes, Rey's character is forced, there are tons of WTF moments that make no sense and it's 150 minutes FOR NO R… [view original content]
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing. Like it or not, Disney didn't do anything new to the franchise with the sequels because they copied almost every single material from the originals:
Snoke = Emperor Palpatine
Kylo Ren = Darth Vader
Jakku = Tatooine
Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber being the first one being used in both trilogies
Imperial Stormtroopers = First Order soldiers
Captain Phasma = Boba Fett
Han Solo's death = Obi-Wan's death
Snoke's throne room = Palpatine's throne room
Crait = Hoth
Kylo Ren's base planet = Death Star
General Hux = General Tarkin
Kylo betrays Snoke = Vader betrays Palpatine
I could go on if you want.
You can easily tell Disney had NO idea what to do with this trilogy considering how much trouble the production had. Rian Johnson ditched JJ Abrams' draft versions of The Last Jedi, he decided to make his own movie, screwing all those potential TFA set ups and Jurassic World director was fired from directing Episode 9 due Kennedy's disagreement with his script from what I remember. Plus, why the hell should we watch something that we have already seen before? Are we watching remakes or sequels? Yes, I prefer Episode 1 and 2 over the sequels because even if they are full of cheesiness, at least there are a lot of things that I can make fun of and make me laugh.
@lupinb0y That's... a strange thing to say. It's been established that she took care of herself for years, providing her with some survival and fighting skills, long before the events of Force Awakens. How does that mean she's somehow less capable than a farm boy or a slave?
A long baton isn't the same as a lightsaber. The fact that she had no trouble defeating Kylo Ren and Snoke's guards makes me not want to like her. Because she is not someone I can relate to. Training by yourself is way harder than being trained by someone. Her parents being nobodies ruins her lore. Luke was way more relatable because he was an actual human being. Who saved him from those tusken raiders? Obi-Wan. Who defended him from a drunk idiot in the Tatooine cantina? Obi-Wan. Who saved him when being attacked by Darth Vader on Death Star? Han Solo. Who saved him from the cold in Hoth? Han Solo. Who helped him lift his starfighter in Dagobah? Yoda. Rey seems to take care of herself pretty well. Should I actually root for her?
She also gets knocked out during her first confrontation with Kylo Ren.
Still not promising. That makes it only 2 times so she is still OP for stupid reasons.
@GSSalvador You can think about TLJ how you like, but saying it is worse than The Phantom Menace AND especially Attack of the Clones is just wrong. AotC especially is near to unwatchable today.
Just like everyone else, I think this is the worst Star Wars film ever made and the most disappointing film I've ever seen.
When is the last time you watched either the Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones?
It's worth noting that the prequels deliberate parallels as well.
The differences with the sequels is that, likely because of how the prequels were received, there's less of a feeling that the story & characters are really leading anywhere and a direct lean into original trilogy memorabilia.
Honestly, it feels like the mera aspect is what's wrong with the sequels.
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and… more terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing. Like it or not, Disney didn't do anything new to the franchise with the sequels because they copied almost every single material from the originals:
* Snoke = Emperor Palpatine
* Kylo Ren = Darth Vader
* Jakku = Tatooine
* Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber being the first one being used in both trilogies
* Imperial Stormtroopers = First Order soldiers
* Captain Phasma = Boba Fett
* Han Solo's death = Obi-Wan's death
* Snoke's throne room = Palpatine's throne room
* Crait = Hoth
* Kylo Ren's base planet = Death Star
* General Hux = General Tarkin
* Kylo betrays Snoke = Vader betrays Palpatine
I could go on if you want.
You can easily tell Disney had NO… [view original content]
I don't really see how that makes much of a difference. Did we need to have had a flashback of her as a kid using a stick like a sword or something to fight back some bullies?
The fact that she had no trouble defeating Kylo Ren and Snoke's guards makes me not want to like her.
In TFA, Kylo was shot by Chewie's crossbow bolt which was shown to blow away Troopers with a single shot. He was literally pounding away at the whole on his side throughout the fight. He also gets hit once by Finn just before fighting her. No trouble? He has the upper hand for a majority of the fight, she literally starts running away at one point. Once she actually begins to focus was she finally able to fight back, and even then it took three hits with her saber to take him down.
In TLJ she's fighting one on one for the most part compared to Kylo who has the Praetorian Guards ganging up on him. She has trouble with one dude for most of the fight and wins by playing smart. Kylo takes on three of the guards at once and is only grappled into a position he can't get out of, when he gets to the last one. Kylo has majority of the kills in the scene.
Because she is not someone I can relate to. Training by yourself is way harder than being trained by someone. Her parents being nobodies ruins her lore.
I guess you can't relate to superheroes then since a lot of them didn't train to get their superpowers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How does it ruin her lore if that was her backstory to begin with? If you can't relate to her because she's capable fighter that's fine I guess, but that's not the point of her character? The whole point of her arc in TLJ is that she's a nobody and it fits with what we'd learned from TFA. She wanted to be more than just some girl who was orphaned on a planet in the middle of nowhere.
Still not promising. That makes it only 2 times so she is still OP for stupid reasons.
She gets knocked out again by Kylo before he fights Finn, and like I said above, she is on the losing end for a majority of her fights in TFA and TLJ. She wins those fights by playing smart and "believing in the force" which is something a lot of people do in the world of Star Wars.
As for everything you've mentioned that wasn't directed at me. You've really gotta stop watching people like Mauler man.
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and… more terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing. Like it or not, Disney didn't do anything new to the franchise with the sequels because they copied almost every single material from the originals:
* Snoke = Emperor Palpatine
* Kylo Ren = Darth Vader
* Jakku = Tatooine
* Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber being the first one being used in both trilogies
* Imperial Stormtroopers = First Order soldiers
* Captain Phasma = Boba Fett
* Han Solo's death = Obi-Wan's death
* Snoke's throne room = Palpatine's throne room
* Crait = Hoth
* Kylo Ren's base planet = Death Star
* General Hux = General Tarkin
* Kylo betrays Snoke = Vader betrays Palpatine
I could go on if you want.
You can easily tell Disney had NO… [view original content]
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing.
I would agree that originality is one of the prequel's strong suits - however, those are just bad movies. Terrible CGI, wooden dialogue, some terrible casting choices, bad character work, and POLITICS was a key plot point (the whole conflict of TPM is about trade negotiations...which is just bad). Give them a watch, and believe me. I tried a few months ago to watch the beginning of TPM, and I just turned it off after 15 minutes. The only good prequel is ROTS, but even that film is not without its flaws. The sequels are not as creative (especially The Force Awakens), but I think, compared to the prequels (excepting ROTS), they are definitely more enjoyable/less painful to watch than the first two prequels. Plus, the prequels demystified the Force a lot, which was bad.
Like it or not, Disney didn't do anything new to the franchise with the sequels because they copied almost every single material from the originals:
The Force Awakens definitely (although it makes for at least an enjoyable film that I have no trouble watching). The Last Jedi, on the other hand, was really creative.
Snoke = Emperor Palpatine
Mostly fair, although Palpatine was also the main bad guy of the prequels (although I suppose it was in a different role). We will have to see how similar this this come TROS.
Kylo Ren = Darth Vader
This is kind of a lazy equation. Kylo has much more in common with prequel Anakin Skywalker than original Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is incredibly emotional, openly angry, and most importantly, sympathetic (which took Vader 3 films to reach). He tries to live up to a legacy of Vader, but he is just not. From a certain point of view, we could also say that Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Grievous are equivalent to Vader (especially Maul), but that wouldn't be fair. However, I will agree that Star Wars, as a whole, sometimes has a problem escaping from making its villains too similar to Vader, and I hope future works can try something different (Thrawn from Rebels is a great example).
Jakku = Tatooine
I will admit, it's kind of boring to have another desert planet, but we must remember Tatooine also was a key in the prequels as well.
Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber being the first one being used in both trilogies
Eh, don't think this really matters.
Imperial Stormtroopers = First Order soldiers
Yeah, but they are an Imperial remnant after all. I would have liked to see more creative designs, but at least FO stormtroopers are visually different and have different attributes than Imperial ones. Plus, couldn't we say that clone troopers = imperial stormtroopers = First Order soldiers? There's a lineage here, after all, one that I can appreciate.
Captain Phasma = Boba Fett
Fair enough.
Han Solo's death = Obi-Wan's death
Okay, although I would say that Han Solo's death is more important for the characters than Obi-Wan's was (since, you know, Obi-Wan became a force ghost). Plus, Vader was never broken up over it, but it meant something for Kylo's character.
Snoke's throne room = Palpatine's throne room
The big bad overlord isn't going to have a throne room? Don't think this is a big deal.
Crait = Hoth
This is not a great comparison. Crait is a great example of ST trying something different. Beyond the walkers and speeders (all new designs), and trying to run away, is there any substance to this?
Kylo Ren's base planet = Death Star
Yeah, this one bothered me, especially since we already had TWO Death Stars. Fair point. Star Wars needs to escape its obsession with superweapons.
General Hux = General Tarkin
Maybe as a weak expy as their roles in the hierarchy, but Hux is sneevish and kind of a loser. Tarkin commanded respect and fear. Tarkin also lasted one film, where he was the head bad guy, while Hux will have been in three, and been a butt-monkey for all of them.
Kylo betrays Snoke = Vader betrays Palpatine
Now this is a bad comparison. Vader betrayed Palpatine in 3rd film, and died a few minutes later. Kylo betrayed Snoke in the 2nd film, but, hey, he's NOT dead. Plus, the circumstances were completely different. Kylo betrayed Snoke so [Kylo] wouldn't have to kill Rey, and make her join him on the Dark Side. Vader killed Palpatine to save Luke, in his act of redemption. Kylo is definitely NOT redeemed. Kylo betraying Snoke was one of the best parts of TLJ, and I think should set up a great TROS (plus, we got one of the finest fight scenes in the whole saga after this).
Plus, why the hell should we watch something that we have already seen before? Are we watching remakes or sequels? Yes, I prefer Episode 1 and 2 over the sequels because even if they are full of cheesiness, at least there are a lot of things that I can make fun of and make me laugh.
Well, TLJ is not definitely not a soft remake/reboot (TFA arguably is). But like I said, rewatch Episode 1 and 2, since you said it's been a long time ago. They just, are not fun to watch at all, unless you're only in it for the memes (which ROTS beats them at). Creativity is nice, but it's not everything. Being a better film is (also, while this is more of a personal opinion, the funny stuff in the sequels is much better than funny stuff in the prequels - take the Finn BSing his way through the plot or BB-8's antics vs. Jar Jar).
It's amazing how bad Attack of the Clones was after how bad the Phantom Menace was. Attack of the Clones does not have a single great scene (TPM has podracing and Darth Maul, its only saving graces). TFA and TLJ (although its length is a pain) are far more watchable as films than those two are. But please, decide for yourself.
But all the Rey stuff, that wasn't in response, but I will say that Kylo was taking on like 3 guards at one time, while Rey was struggling with one. It definitely wasn't a breeze for her. Plus, 9 year old Anakin Skywalker won a podracing race and singlehandedly destroyed a massive ship in the middle of a battle against tons of fighters, while military trained pilots perished. This stuff ain't new for Star Wars. And, on "Her parents being nobodies ruins her lore," I disagree with this, on a personal basis, because for one, it's nice to have someone not be someone's daughter or whatever. Two, one of the core themes of Star Wars has always been about someone becoming a hero, and I like that Rey is an example that you don't need to have come from great/powerful/successful parents. Third, I think it was a nice twist, and a breath of fresh air, and I like what it di for her character.
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and… more terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing. Like it or not, Disney didn't do anything new to the franchise with the sequels because they copied almost every single material from the originals:
* Snoke = Emperor Palpatine
* Kylo Ren = Darth Vader
* Jakku = Tatooine
* Anakin's/Luke's lightsaber being the first one being used in both trilogies
* Imperial Stormtroopers = First Order soldiers
* Captain Phasma = Boba Fett
* Han Solo's death = Obi-Wan's death
* Snoke's throne room = Palpatine's throne room
* Crait = Hoth
* Kylo Ren's base planet = Death Star
* General Hux = General Tarkin
* Kylo betrays Snoke = Vader betrays Palpatine
I could go on if you want.
You can easily tell Disney had NO… [view original content]
Yeah, this one bothered me, especially since we already had TWO Death Stars. Fair point. Star Wars needs to escape its obsession with superweapons.
Yeah this is a criticism like this is something I can get behind. Star Wars absolutely needs to walk away from super weapons. The old EU had even dumber stuff like this. There was the Sun Crusher, a ship the size of a starfighter which was nearly indestructible and could destroy galaxies by taking out its suns.
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and… more terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing.
I would agree that originality is one of the prequel's strong suits - however, those are just bad movies. Terrible CGI, wooden dialogue, some terrible casting choices, bad character work, and POLITICS was a key plot point (the whole conflict of TPM is about trade negotiations...which is just bad). Give them a watch, and believe me. I tried a few months ago to watch the beginning of TPM, and I just turned it off after 15 minutes. The only good prequel is ROTS, but even that film is not without its flaws. The sequels are not as creative (especially The Force Awakens), but I think, compared to the prequels (excepting ROTS), they are definitely more enjoyable/les… [view original content]
Did we need to have had a flashback of her as a kid using a stick like a sword or something to fight back some bullies?
All I'm saying is that Rey needed better reasons to be beloved by fans but she doesn't because her plot armor is bigger than Luke and Anakin's. Kill Bill vol 2 is a great example of showing how a female protagonist has great fighting abilities. Is there any reason why Disney didn't take that inspiration?
In TFA, Kylo was shot by Chewie's crossbow bolt which was shown to blow away Troopers with a single shot. He was literally pounding away at the whole on his side throughout the fight. He also gets hit once by Finn just before fighting her. No trouble? He has the upper hand for a majority of the fight, she literally starts running away at one point. Once she actually begins to focus was she finally able to fight back, and even then it took three hits with her saber to take him down.
If Kylo became weak with that wound, then how did he catch up to Finn and Rey in the woods? Last time I checked, they had the high ground and weren't harmed in any way. Ben has been trained for god-knows how many years, managed to defeat his uncle, Luke, with the debris of his tent and still failed to fight someone who was never trained to be a Jedi. Luke was trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda for a few years but still failed to defeat Darth Vader when confronted him the first time. Why is Rey so different again? Also, Chewie's crossbow didn't blow Kylo up after he killed his father, he just shot him in the waist like a normal blaster.
In TLJ she's fighting one on one for the most part compared to Kylo who has the Praetorian Guards ganging up on him. She has trouble with one dude for most of the fight and wins by playing smart.
Yeah, playing very smart, by making his weapon on his left hand vanish. Pay attention here 3:19
Kylo takes on three of the guards at once and is only grappled into a position he can't get out of, when he gets to the last one.
Yeah, because he forgot that the force existed. He could have easily force chocked the guardian if there weren't any other ways to get out.
I guess you can't relate to superheroes then since a lot of them didn't train to get their superpowers ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Who said that Star Wars was a superhero film?
How does it ruin her lore if that was her backstory to begin with? If you can't relate to her because she's capable fighter that's fine I guess, but that's not the point of her character? The whole point of her arc in TLJ is that she's a nobody and it fits with what we'd learned from TFA. She wanted to be more than just some girl who was orphaned on a planet in the middle of nowhere.
If her parents are nobodies, then why is she so powerful in the first place? If her parents were planned to be just a couple of junkies, give me a better reason why Rey is overpowered and not vulnerable in any way. You can't just make someone powerful out of nowhere. Would Spider-Man still be one of the best superheros if his origins were never revealed? Last time I checked, Anakin never used the force in Phantom Menace but still managed to save the day because he was an expert pilot on Tatooine.
You've really gotta stop watching people like Mauler man.
When did I say something about that guy? I just said that I watched the movie the second time and I wanted to learn everything myself.
@InGen_Nate_Kenny Plus, the prequels demystified the Force a lot, which was bad.
So are we just going to pretend that didn't happen in the sequels as well? Rey had a vision when she touched Anakin's lightsaber, despite being a nobody. Rey and Kylo just happened to see and talk to each other through their minds. Speaking of which, if Rey's blaster couldn't be shot through the vision while talking to Kylo, how come the water from the sea Rey was standing nearby manage to reach Kylo? If Ghost Yoda could still interact with the physical world by summoning a lighting bolt, why didn't he help the rebels win the war against the empire?
The Last Jedi, on the other hand, was really creative.
Creative you say? Last time I checked, the main plot of TLJ is basically Resistance vs First Order which is the same concept as Empire Strikes Back with Rebels vs Empire. In both movies, the bad guys had the high ground. Not only that, like I said, they also tried to recreate the throne room from Return of the Jedi, where the protagonists meet the supreme leader. Like you said, very creative.
Eh, don't think this really matters.
All I'm saying is that Anakin's lightsaber just came out of nowhere. Last time I checked, Luke lost it in Cloud City and was somehow recovered by that Orange alien woman can't remember her name. Why was it brought back other than being the most memorable model? Could have easily been replaced by Luke's lightsaber from ROTJ.
Yeah, but they are an Imperial remnant after all. I would have liked to see more creative designs, but at least FO stormtroopers are visually different and have different attributes than Imperial ones. Plus, couldn't we say that clone troopers = imperial stormtroopers = First Order soldiers? There's a lineage here, after all, one that I can appreciate.
Difference is that Clones were the good guys before Order 66. They had the right to be different yet still remember the audience of the stormtroopers.
This is not a great comparison. Crait is a great example of ST trying something different. Beyond the walkers and speeders (all new designs), and trying to run away, is there any substance to this?
The whole background of the planet is basically white just like Hoth. If the temperature isn't down below zero, then why do we see the First Order soldiers in their winter suits?
Kylo betrayed Snoke in the 2nd film, but, hey, he's NOT dead.
Who told you that Snoke isn't dead? If that's the case, WHY THE FUCK IS PALPATINE COMING BACK IN EPISODE 9? Palpatine and Lando weren't supposed to come back until TLJ changed everything for the worse.
the funny stuff in the sequels is much better than funny stuff in the prequels
There is only one scene that makes me chuckle and that is Luke fooling Rey when he was giving her the first lesson of the force. That is the only time the comedy worked in that movie. TLJ is full of unnecessary comedy tropes which makes it feel like a Marvel movie. That is also one of the reasons why Predator (2018) was crap.
Attack of the Clones does not have a single great scene
I guess you hated the arena battle between the Jedi and battle droids because I thought that was the best part of that movie. That is something we will probably never see again in a Star Wars story ever again. It was more original then what the sequels have done.
But all the Rey stuff, that wasn't in response, but I will say that Kylo was taking on like 3 guards at one time, while Rey was struggling with one. It definitely wasn't a breeze for her.
Rey actually struggled with more than one. She killed 3 of them.
And, on "Her parents being nobodies ruins her lore," I disagree with this, on a personal basis, because for one, it's nice to have someone not be someone's daughter or whatever.
If that's the case, why did she have a vision when she touched Luke's lightsaber? Again, if her parents are nobodies, why is she powerful in the first place? She is not vulnerable in any way. She was nowhere as a good female protagonist as Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley and Beatrix Kiddo. Those 3 characters did much better in terms of character development.
a nice twist
Just because it was surprising, doesn't mean it made any sense. Movies that can have plot twist, but at least have them make sense. Her parents being nobodies is nowhere as good as Vader revealed to be Luke's father. Am I supposed to care and root for Rey now? Nothing was earned for her in my opinion.
A long baton isn't the same as a lightsaber.
I don't really see how that makes much of a difference. Did we need to have had a flash… moreback of her as a kid using a stick like a sword or something to fight back some bullies?
The fact that she had no trouble defeating Kylo Ren and Snoke's guards makes me not want to like her.
In TFA, Kylo was shot by Chewie's crossbow bolt which was shown to blow away Troopers with a single shot. He was literally pounding away at the whole on his side throughout the fight. He also gets hit once by Finn just before fighting her. No trouble? He has the upper hand for a majority of the fight, she literally starts running away at one point. Once she actually begins to focus was she finally able to fight back, and even then it took three hits with her saber to take him down.
In TLJ she's fighting one on one for the most part compared to Kylo who has the Praetorian Guards ganging up on him. She … [view original content]
So are we just going to pretend that didn't happen in the sequels as well? Rey had a vision when she touched Anakin's lightsaber, despite being a nobody. Rey and Kylo just happened to see and talk to each other through their minds. Speaking of which, if Rey's blaster couldn't be shot through the vision while talking to Kylo, how come the water from the sea Rey was standing nearby manage to reach Kylo? If Ghost Yoda could still interact with the physical world by summoning a lighting bolt, why didn't he help the rebels win the war against the empire?
DEMYSTIFIY: "make (a difficult or esoteric subject) clearer and easier to understand." Nothing you have listed does that (honestly, it makes the Force more difficult to understand). Midcholarians from the prequels definitely does. And midcholarians also challenge descriptions of Rey as a nobody.
While she is a nobody in the sense of her background, wouldn't Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon, etc. all be nobodies too? If they weren't identified as force-sensitives, they'd just live their lives regularly, probably making use of their abilities without fully understanding them. The only difference is that they have received training. Almost every Jedi (excepting noble Dooku, Anakin since his conception is tied to the Force, and Luke as Anakin's son) is a nobody. So, a Force connection between Rey and the lightsaber isn't really a stretch (after all, that lightsaber has seen a lot of stuff), although complaints about her general force skills, yeah, that is something I can understand.
And, Rey and Kylo speaking through their minds was explicitly said to be the work of Snoke in the film (and also, that idea of a Force bond came from TCW show - Yoda, Dooku, later in Rebels, Ezra and Maul). Ghost Yoda doing something raises a lot of questions, I agree. Blaster thing is an interesting question, that I don't have a response too. Maybe just a film making oversight, or maybe something more. I dunno.
Creative you say? Last time I checked, the main plot of TLJ is basically Resistance vs First Order which is the same concept as Empire Strikes Back with Rebels vs Empire. In both movies, the bad guys had the high ground. Not only that, like I said, they also tried to recreate the throne room from Return of the Jedi, where the protagonists meet the supreme leader. Like you said, very creative.
Main plot? Hmm. Rebels running from evil empire while a Jedi trains. Okay. That's fair. I say that's where most of the the similarities end. For one, in TESB, it's only the Falcon running, while in TLJ it's nearly all of the good guys. Luke's training of Rey is much different than Yoda's training of Luke. The whole Rose-Finn sideventure doesn't really fit in TESB (although I suppose Cloud City could fit, but beyond a rich place and a betrayal, there isn't a lot of similarities). We didn't see any space battles in TESB, or a conflict within the rebels, or any attempts to sneak aboard the enemy warship. No one's master was betrayed in TESB. There were no bounty hunters in TLJ, no asteroid fields to hide in, anything like that. Say the TFA is basically a soft reboot/remake of A New Hope, okay. But saying that the Last Jedi wasn't a radical change, a new flavor of film in the franchise (even if you don't like it, you're fine not liking it), is kind of ignorant?
Couldn't the whole throne room critique be applied to the fight against Count Dooku in AOTC, or the several scenes in ROTS (Dooku at the start - that's a throne room, as well as Windu and Palpatine in the Senate)? It's Star Wars. Those kinds of places, those kind of battles, are part of its DNA, as Star Wars, but also as a science fiction and fantasy story.
All I'm saying is that Anakin's lightsaber just came out of nowhere. Last time I checked, Luke lost it in Cloud City and was somehow recovered by that Orange alien woman can't remember her name. Why was it brought back other than being the most memorable model? Could have easily been replaced by Luke's lightsaber from ROTJ.
I agree it was kind of stupid, but you exactly hit it on the nose. It WAS the most memorable model. It was a connection to the saga's history. If it was Luke's ROTJ lightsaber, then we would know something is immediately off. I think it makes to choose this particular because they could add it in without raising questions like "Why doesn't Luke have his green lightsaber?" We would have known TFA more about Luke's exile than they probably have wanted us to know. And, where would have Maz gotten this? From Luke himself? From the remains of the old Jedi Temple? Questions important for the plot.
Difference is that Clones were the good guys before Order 66. They had the right to be different yet still remember the audience of the stormtroopers.
Shouldn't a faction that is a successor state of the Empire also have that right, to remind people of their background, both in-universe and out-of-universe?
The whole background of the planet is basically white just like Hoth. If the temperature isn't down below zero, then why do we see the First Order soldiers in their winter suits?
Crait was salt, and not snow. There were crazy crystal caverns, and red dust everywhere. By this standard, any planet that has any white, at all, is not okay? I can understand intense dislike of the sequels, but complaining about this particular instance seems more motivated by a desire to find even the smallest fault (this is not one of them) than legitimate criticism (which you do have in other cases). As for the First Order stormtroopers, a place still can be chilly but not freezing to justify the clothes. I don't think the Resistance, at this point in the film, had any time or resources to properly dress up.
Who told you that Snoke isn't dead? If that's the case, WHY THE FUCK IS PALPATINE COMING BACK IN EPISODE 9? Palpatine and Lando weren't supposed to come back until TLJ changed everything for the worse.
I was referring to Kylo not being dead, because that's the one of the most important distinctions between their betrayals. Kylo's is an evolution of his character, Vader's is a conclusion.
There is only one scene that makes me chuckle and that is Luke fooling Rey when he was giving her the first lesson of the force. That is the only time the comedy worked in that movie. TLJ is full of unnecessary comedy tropes which makes it feel like a Marvel movie. That is also one of the reasons why Predator (2018) was crap.
Yeah, I can understand the comedy being weird. I was mostly talking about the Force Awakens comedy (I really enjoy Finn BSing, especially when he BSes BB-8 into giving away the location of the Resistance base). I guess it's a personal preference, although I think most would agree Jar Jar stepping in crap isn't really funny.
Rey actually struggled with more than one. She killed 3 of them.
You misunderstand, If you watch the clip that so helpfully provided, she never fights more than two at one time, and in the end, against just one, she almost loses. Kylo, on the other hand, kills 5, and also fights against three opponents at once. I can understand complaints that Rey is overpowered, but in this scene, it seems clear that Kylo is the more powerful of the two. But honestly, that doesn't even matter.
I guess you hated the arena battle between the Jedi and battle droids because I thought that was the best part of that movie. That is something we will probably never see again in a Star Wars story ever again. It was more original then what the sequels have done.
Yeah, I don't think it's great. The only good parts of it is when the Jedi first show up, when the clones first show up, and Jango Fett vs. Mace Windu. In the context of the awfulness of AOTC, it's a decent scene, but if you compared to the best scene of every Star Wars film, this is the worst.
Surprisingly, seeing hundreds of Jedi die to a small army of annoying CGI droids is not particularly interesting. And if this the only time we ever see that many Jedi together, this was a massive mixed opportunity, and you should be disappointed.
Seriously, those freaking battle droids suck. They fall over and die.
Imagine if the Jedi were fighting, you know, actual people that are actually smart and hard to kill. This is why the Jango Fett-Mace Windu fight is the best part of this scene, because for once, an actually dangerous opponent appears. Even the Clone Wars animated show, which I adore, had this problem. The Umbara arc is the best storyline to focus on an actual battle of Clone Wars. And it just so happened that the main bad guys are all aliens, and not droids. The Umbarans were deadly in a way battle droids just simply aren't.
If that's the case, why did she have a vision when she touched Luke's lightsaber? Again, if her parents are nobodies, why is she powerful in the first place? She is not vulnerable in any way. She was nowhere as a good female protagonist as Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley and Beatrix Kiddo. Those 3 characters did much better in terms of character development.
She has the Force, just like many other people do. No one trained her in it (this why critiques of her skills are okay), but doesn't mean she doesn't have it, and can't respond to it (or have it respond to her). Obi-Wan's parents? We've never heard about them. Nobodies. Mace Windu? Kit Fisto? Qui-Gon? Luminara? What about Palpatine himself? And that IS Rey's vulnerability. She has no family, no one. She's lonely. That's her weakness. She grasps onto mentors (Han, Luke) because she has no one else. She has blind faith too, that she can bring Kylo to the light. Those are her flaws. That's why I like her, comments about her strength aside. Don't see why you mention those other franchise protagonists. Rey being female is kind of irrelevant to this discussion unless you make it relevant. What does Rey have in common with them besides being a woman, after all? There are male protagonists she has more in common with. If you must compare her, probably best to do it to Luke, or Anakin, or any of the other Star Wars protagonists, so there's a shared understanding and basis.
But yeah, Poogs is right, no need to crowd this thread with Star Wars. Too many times as Star Wars discussion gotten bad here, I should know better. It's a shame TLJ is so decisive, but I can understand why people had problems with it. I just wish prequel revisionism would stop, and people hated both the sequels and prequels, instead of trying to say the prequels are actually brilliant films.
Did we need to have had a flashback of her as a kid using a stick like a sword or something to fight back some bullies?
All I'm sayi… moreng is that Rey needed better reasons to be beloved by fans but she doesn't because her plot armor is bigger than Luke and Anakin's. Kill Bill vol 2 is a great example of showing how a female protagonist has great fighting abilities. Is there any reason why Disney didn't take that inspiration?
In TFA, Kylo was shot by Chewie's crossbow bolt which was shown to blow away Troopers with a single shot. He was literally pounding away at the whole on his side throughout the fight. He also gets hit once by Finn just before fighting her. No trouble? He has the upper hand for a majority of the fight, she literally starts running away at one point. Once she actually begins to focus was she finally able to fight back, and even then it took three hits with her saber to take him down.
If Kylo became weak w… [view original content]
So are we just going to pretend that didn't happen in the sequels as well? Rey had a vision when she touched Anakin's lightsaber, despite be… moreing a nobody. Rey and Kylo just happened to see and talk to each other through their minds. Speaking of which, if Rey's blaster couldn't be shot through the vision while talking to Kylo, how come the water from the sea Rey was standing nearby manage to reach Kylo? If Ghost Yoda could still interact with the physical world by summoning a lighting bolt, why didn't he help the rebels win the war against the empire?
DEMYSTIFIY: "make (a difficult or esoteric subject) clearer and easier to understand." Nothing you have listed does that (honestly, it makes the Force more difficult to understand). Midcholarians from the prequels definitely does. And midcholarians also challenge descriptions of Rey as a nobody.
While she is a nobody in the sense of her background, wouldn't Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon,… [view original content]
If Kylo became weak with that wound, then how did he catch up to Finn and Rey in the woods? Last time I checked, they had the high ground and weren't harmed in any way. Ben has been trained for god-knows how many years, managed to defeat his uncle, Luke, with the debris of his tent and still failed to fight someone who was never trained to be a Jedi. Luke was trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda for a few years but still failed to defeat Darth Vader when confronted him the first time. Why is Rey so different again? Also, Chewie's crossbow didn't blow Kylo up after he killed his father, he just shot him in the waist like a normal blaster.
I'm sorry but it really just seems like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. The whole point of showing him getting shot by Chewie's blaster was to show his resilience. Despite being wounded he still manages to catch up with them. Again, earlier in the movie they show that his bowcaster can literally blow through troopers like nothing, but when it hits Kylo he's still standing.
Again, at the point of his defeat, Kylo had just killed his father and was shot and cut up four different ways. It's not too hard to believe that he was caught by surprise at one point due to his emotional and physical state and was defeated. Luke was with Obi Wan for only a couple days and was with Yoda for about six months. He didn't train with them for years. The fights are different because Vader at that point was considered the most powerful force user in the galaxy whereas Kylo was not. Is he powerful? Yes, but he's not Vader.
Yeah, playing very smart, by making his weapon on his left hand vanish. Pay attention here 3:19
Yes yes I'm aware of this error. It still doesn't change the fact that her fights are mostly one on one and that she has trouble fighting just the one guy at the end.
Yeah, because he forgot that the force existed. He could have easily force chocked the guardian if there weren't any other ways to get out.
Why didn't Anakin just force choke Obi Wan on Mustafar? Why didn't Darth Maul force choke Qui-Gon and Obi Wan while they were trapped behind the barriers? Why didn't Dooku force choke Anakin while Obi Wan was incapacitated? Why didn't Vader force choke Obi Wan instead of fighting him? I guess they all forgot the force existed.
I think you'll have to forgive Star Wars in general for leaps of logic because they will almost always go for spectacle over a quick win in the movies.
Who said that Star Wars was a superhero film?
Star Wars is about religious wizards in space who fight each other with laser swords and magic. It may not be classified as a superhero film but its just as absurd.
If her parents are nobodies, then why is she so powerful in the first place? If her parents were planned to be just a couple of junkies, give me a better reason why Rey is overpowered and not vulnerable in any way. You can't just make someone powerful out of nowhere. Would Spider-Man still be one of the best superheros if his origins were never revealed? Last time I checked, Anakin never used the force in Phantom Menace but still managed to save the day because he was an expert pilot on Tatooine.
Because the force works in mysterious ways? Because you don't need to be a Skywalker or a Solo or be from a lineage of some sort to be strong? Because that's one of the main plot points of the series? Because, like Spider-Man, it's not about how she got this power but how she uses it? She was dumped onto a planet in the middle of nowhere by parents who didn't care for her. She fought and scavenged all on her own from the age of 5 to 19, with no one to guide her and yet despite having a villains backstory she is a force (heh) for good. Kylo Ren was born a Skywalker with loving parents and given everything Rey would have wanted and more. Yet he fell to the Dark Side.
Anakin totally used the force though? That's the whole reason he's such a good pilot despite being a nine year old slave child on a desert planet. Qui-Gon says, "He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes. It is a Jedi trait."
But yeah, Poogs is right, no need to crowd this thread with Star Wars. Too many times as Star Wars discussion gotten bad here, I should know better. It's a shame TLJ is so decisive, but I can understand why people had problems with it. I just wish prequel revisionism would stop, and people hated both the sequels and prequels, instead of trying to say the prequels are actually brilliant films.
Yeah gonna agree with this. Don't wanna fill this place with arguing. Just keep in mind I'm not trying to change your mind on the overall quality of the films. I'm just trying to "inform" a bit more I guess and put in some context. I apologise if I appeared a bit harsh or assholish in any way.
Did we need to have had a flashback of her as a kid using a stick like a sword or something to fight back some bullies?
All I'm sayi… moreng is that Rey needed better reasons to be beloved by fans but she doesn't because her plot armor is bigger than Luke and Anakin's. Kill Bill vol 2 is a great example of showing how a female protagonist has great fighting abilities. Is there any reason why Disney didn't take that inspiration?
In TFA, Kylo was shot by Chewie's crossbow bolt which was shown to blow away Troopers with a single shot. He was literally pounding away at the whole on his side throughout the fight. He also gets hit once by Finn just before fighting her. No trouble? He has the upper hand for a majority of the fight, she literally starts running away at one point. Once she actually begins to focus was she finally able to fight back, and even then it took three hits with her saber to take him down.
If Kylo became weak w… [view original content]
You can now buy the entire Walking Dead game soundtrack on 4 disc's, guess what? It's fucking EXPENSIVE. Seriously it costs $ 89.99! Is there seriously anyone whose gonna buy that when you can find the songs easily on YouTube for FREE??
You can now buy the entire Walking Dead game soundtrack on 4 disc's, guess what? It's fucking EXPENSIVE. Seriously it costs $ 89.99! Is there seriously anyone whose gonna buy that when you can find the songs easily on YouTube for FREE??
You can now buy the entire Walking Dead game soundtrack on 4 disc's, guess what? It's fucking EXPENSIVE. Seriously it costs $ 89.99! Is there seriously anyone whose gonna buy that when you can find the songs easily on YouTube for FREE??
You can now buy the entire Walking Dead game soundtrack on 4 disc's, guess what? It's fucking EXPENSIVE. Seriously it costs $ 89.99! Is there seriously anyone whose gonna buy that when you can find the songs easily on YouTube for FREE??
Maybe if I buy a Bluetooth record player and then pair it to my headphones it would make my investment worth it 🤔. And as the audio slowly degrades from repadiate use it will remind me that the interest in this game will one day be faded as this vinyl has.
You wish bucko
I just now learned that The Wolf Among Us and Batman are the only section where we can still make threads and comments. That 100% confirms both are only games supported by new Telltale for now.
(and Puzzle Agent and Hector too...)
So it's confirmed that Cyberpunk 2077 is going to FULLY be First Person Perspective. That means NO third person gameplay AND cutscenes, even sex scenes. Now I'm not one of those people who are obsessed with Third Person and I was totally fine with the first person gameplay when it was revealed in the Alpha version. But this new change is kind of disappointing because what is the point of customizing your character if you don't even get to see him/her during the story?
I'm not upset of CD project making the game as how they want it to be, I'm more upset that they made a decision which can upset their fans who had great expectations.
Apparantly, they did it for the immersion. I personally am fine with it. You can still see your character when waking up from bed, in car, mirrors, and at some cutscenes. There are going to be sex scenes but in first person.
It took me two years longer than anticipated, but I finally made it into the Post-Secondary program I wanted!
Performance Acting - Theatre! Wooooo! First day today, and I'm excited.
Well, that's going to be awkward as hell, don't think I've ever seen a first person sex scene in a game that wasn't awkward and uncomfortable to watch.
I think this whole thing is a reason good reason why game companies should keep most features of their game a secret until near release, since a few features that CD said would be in the game last year such as owning multiple apartments, choosing your character's childhood hero are apparently no longer in the game. Even with the "work in progress" disclaimer that they put in the trailers and demos people will still get their hopes up regardless.
Far Cry 3 does have that feature, in one of its endings per se.
So how’s Telltale making a comeback then? I haven’t really been paying attention to the story. How will they be operating differently?
Another company bought the Telltale name and its properties, mainly Wolf, Batman and a few of their older games, games like Minecraft, Guardians and GoT reverted back to their original owners, and have hired/contracted several former Telltale employees. At the moment they'll be focusing on making sure their games are back in stores, but they'll be announcing their first game (which is speculated to be Wolf 2) within the coming weeks.
Bit of an odd choice considering TT games sold like donkey doo doo 🤔
That was mostly due to Telltale doing nothing to make their games actually worth peoples money. If this new company is smart they will focus way more on making choices matter more and adding some actual gameplay to their game. If your game is just a linear story with no gameplay, no one is going to play because they wont have a "game" to play, and if the story is the same, might as well just watch it on youtube for free.
I watched Star Wars: The Last Jedi for the second time. I'm not sure exactly why I did that but I wanted to fully understand the movie and make my full opinion. And guess what? Acting wise, it's pretty fucking amazing because the casting is just plain phenomenal. Visual wise, the CGI and practical effects are a spot-on, Disney really knows how to make it cinematic and flawless. Story wise, HELL TO THE FUCKING NO!!!!!!!
When I first saw this movie in theaters, I thought it was pretty good, even better than The Force Awakens. This is probably due to being distracted by the great special effects and the acting and I haven't really paid attention to the story. But when I heard why people hated this movie, I completely started to understand why. This movie is a fucking cheater, and a traitor to the Original trilogy. It's full of plot holes, Rey's character is forced, there are tons of WTF moments that make no sense and it's 150 minutes FOR NO REASON. Just like everyone else, I think this is the worst Star Wars film ever made and the most disappointing film I've ever seen. I facepalmed so hard in every moment that ruins the movie while rewatching. I almost stopped watching because of that. This is the time when I shouldn't listen to those fucking critics who praised the shit out of it. They are fucking useless.
I mean she's a Jedi, she kinda has to have the force to be one
Pun unintended but I refuse to think she can easily take care of herself without needing someone's help. The only time she is defenseless is when she confronts Snoke. I've seen better female protagonists and those are:
I need this in my veins.
When is the last time you watched either the Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones?
That's... a strange thing to say. It's been established that she took care of herself for years, providing her with some survival and fighting skills, long before the events of Force Awakens. How does that mean she's somehow less capable than a farm boy or a slave?
She also gets knocked out during her first confrontation with Kylo Ren.
Yes,these new movies didn't need to exist in the first place anyway,they had tons of materials to work with and either they should've left the franchise alone or try to make something completely new in a different era with a new story and new characters.
You can think about TLJ how you like, but saying it is worse than The Phantom Menace AND especially Attack of the Clones is just wrong.
AotC especially is near to unwatchable today.
Well, I haven't watched the prequels and the originals a long time ago. I do admit, those 2 movies aren't perfect due to cheesy dialogue and terrible execution. However, unlike the sequels, those movies aren't rehashing anything from the originals and tried to be their own thing. Like it or not, Disney didn't do anything new to the franchise with the sequels because they copied almost every single material from the originals:
I could go on if you want.
You can easily tell Disney had NO idea what to do with this trilogy considering how much trouble the production had. Rian Johnson ditched JJ Abrams' draft versions of The Last Jedi, he decided to make his own movie, screwing all those potential TFA set ups and Jurassic World director was fired from directing Episode 9 due Kennedy's disagreement with his script from what I remember. Plus, why the hell should we watch something that we have already seen before? Are we watching remakes or sequels? Yes, I prefer Episode 1 and 2 over the sequels because even if they are full of cheesiness, at least there are a lot of things that I can make fun of and make me laugh.
A long baton isn't the same as a lightsaber. The fact that she had no trouble defeating Kylo Ren and Snoke's guards makes me not want to like her. Because she is not someone I can relate to. Training by yourself is way harder than being trained by someone. Her parents being nobodies ruins her lore. Luke was way more relatable because he was an actual human being. Who saved him from those tusken raiders? Obi-Wan. Who defended him from a drunk idiot in the Tatooine cantina? Obi-Wan. Who saved him when being attacked by Darth Vader on Death Star? Han Solo. Who saved him from the cold in Hoth? Han Solo. Who helped him lift his starfighter in Dagobah? Yoda. Rey seems to take care of herself pretty well. Should I actually root for her?
Still not promising. That makes it only 2 times so she is still OP for stupid reasons.
So having an opinion is wrong? Ok.
It's worth noting that the prequels deliberate parallels as well.
The differences with the sequels is that, likely because of how the prequels were received, there's less of a feeling that the story & characters are really leading anywhere and a direct lean into original trilogy memorabilia.
Honestly, it feels like the mera aspect is what's wrong with the sequels.
I don't really see how that makes much of a difference. Did we need to have had a flashback of her as a kid using a stick like a sword or something to fight back some bullies?
In TFA, Kylo was shot by Chewie's crossbow bolt which was shown to blow away Troopers with a single shot. He was literally pounding away at the whole on his side throughout the fight. He also gets hit once by Finn just before fighting her. No trouble? He has the upper hand for a majority of the fight, she literally starts running away at one point. Once she actually begins to focus was she finally able to fight back, and even then it took three hits with her saber to take him down.
In TLJ she's fighting one on one for the most part compared to Kylo who has the Praetorian Guards ganging up on him. She has trouble with one dude for most of the fight and wins by playing smart. Kylo takes on three of the guards at once and is only grappled into a position he can't get out of, when he gets to the last one. Kylo has majority of the kills in the scene.
I guess you can't relate to superheroes then since a lot of them didn't train to get their superpowers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
How does it ruin her lore if that was her backstory to begin with? If you can't relate to her because she's capable fighter that's fine I guess, but that's not the point of her character? The whole point of her arc in TLJ is that she's a nobody and it fits with what we'd learned from TFA. She wanted to be more than just some girl who was orphaned on a planet in the middle of nowhere.
She gets knocked out again by Kylo before he fights Finn, and like I said above, she is on the losing end for a majority of her fights in TFA and TLJ. She wins those fights by playing smart and "believing in the force" which is something a lot of people do in the world of Star Wars.
As for everything you've mentioned that wasn't directed at me. You've really gotta stop watching people like Mauler man.
I would agree that originality is one of the prequel's strong suits - however, those are just bad movies. Terrible CGI, wooden dialogue, some terrible casting choices, bad character work, and POLITICS was a key plot point (the whole conflict of TPM is about trade negotiations...which is just bad). Give them a watch, and believe me. I tried a few months ago to watch the beginning of TPM, and I just turned it off after 15 minutes. The only good prequel is ROTS, but even that film is not without its flaws. The sequels are not as creative (especially The Force Awakens), but I think, compared to the prequels (excepting ROTS), they are definitely more enjoyable/less painful to watch than the first two prequels. Plus, the prequels demystified the Force a lot, which was bad.
The Force Awakens definitely (although it makes for at least an enjoyable film that I have no trouble watching). The Last Jedi, on the other hand, was really creative.
Mostly fair, although Palpatine was also the main bad guy of the prequels (although I suppose it was in a different role). We will have to see how similar this this come TROS.
This is kind of a lazy equation. Kylo has much more in common with prequel Anakin Skywalker than original Darth Vader. Kylo Ren is incredibly emotional, openly angry, and most importantly, sympathetic (which took Vader 3 films to reach). He tries to live up to a legacy of Vader, but he is just not. From a certain point of view, we could also say that Darth Maul, Count Dooku, and General Grievous are equivalent to Vader (especially Maul), but that wouldn't be fair. However, I will agree that Star Wars, as a whole, sometimes has a problem escaping from making its villains too similar to Vader, and I hope future works can try something different (Thrawn from Rebels is a great example).
I will admit, it's kind of boring to have another desert planet, but we must remember Tatooine also was a key in the prequels as well.
Eh, don't think this really matters.
Yeah, but they are an Imperial remnant after all. I would have liked to see more creative designs, but at least FO stormtroopers are visually different and have different attributes than Imperial ones. Plus, couldn't we say that clone troopers = imperial stormtroopers = First Order soldiers? There's a lineage here, after all, one that I can appreciate.
Fair enough.
Okay, although I would say that Han Solo's death is more important for the characters than Obi-Wan's was (since, you know, Obi-Wan became a force ghost). Plus, Vader was never broken up over it, but it meant something for Kylo's character.
The big bad overlord isn't going to have a throne room? Don't think this is a big deal.
This is not a great comparison. Crait is a great example of ST trying something different. Beyond the walkers and speeders (all new designs), and trying to run away, is there any substance to this?
Yeah, this one bothered me, especially since we already had TWO Death Stars. Fair point. Star Wars needs to escape its obsession with superweapons.
Maybe as a weak expy as their roles in the hierarchy, but Hux is sneevish and kind of a loser. Tarkin commanded respect and fear. Tarkin also lasted one film, where he was the head bad guy, while Hux will have been in three, and been a butt-monkey for all of them.
Now this is a bad comparison. Vader betrayed Palpatine in 3rd film, and died a few minutes later. Kylo betrayed Snoke in the 2nd film, but, hey, he's NOT dead. Plus, the circumstances were completely different. Kylo betrayed Snoke so [Kylo] wouldn't have to kill Rey, and make her join him on the Dark Side. Vader killed Palpatine to save Luke, in his act of redemption. Kylo is definitely NOT redeemed. Kylo betraying Snoke was one of the best parts of TLJ, and I think should set up a great TROS (plus, we got one of the finest fight scenes in the whole saga after this).
Well, TLJ is not definitely not a soft remake/reboot (TFA arguably is). But like I said, rewatch Episode 1 and 2, since you said it's been a long time ago. They just, are not fun to watch at all, unless you're only in it for the memes (which ROTS beats them at). Creativity is nice, but it's not everything. Being a better film is (also, while this is more of a personal opinion, the funny stuff in the sequels is much better than funny stuff in the prequels - take the Finn BSing his way through the plot or BB-8's antics vs. Jar Jar).
It's amazing how bad Attack of the Clones was after how bad the Phantom Menace was. Attack of the Clones does not have a single great scene (TPM has podracing and Darth Maul, its only saving graces). TFA and TLJ (although its length is a pain) are far more watchable as films than those two are. But please, decide for yourself.
But all the Rey stuff, that wasn't in response, but I will say that Kylo was taking on like 3 guards at one time, while Rey was struggling with one. It definitely wasn't a breeze for her. Plus, 9 year old Anakin Skywalker won a podracing race and singlehandedly destroyed a massive ship in the middle of a battle against tons of fighters, while military trained pilots perished. This stuff ain't new for Star Wars. And, on "Her parents being nobodies ruins her lore," I disagree with this, on a personal basis, because for one, it's nice to have someone not be someone's daughter or whatever. Two, one of the core themes of Star Wars has always been about someone becoming a hero, and I like that Rey is an example that you don't need to have come from great/powerful/successful parents. Third, I think it was a nice twist, and a breath of fresh air, and I like what it di for her character.
me watching everyone argue over Star Wars when we should all be circlejerking to Wolf Among Us 2 at all times 24/7
Yeah this is a criticism like this is something I can get behind. Star Wars absolutely needs to walk away from super weapons. The old EU had even dumber stuff like this. There was the Sun Crusher, a ship the size of a starfighter which was nearly indestructible and could destroy galaxies by taking out its suns.
What about circlejerking Bigby in wolf form wielding a lightsaber in his maw?
All I'm saying is that Rey needed better reasons to be beloved by fans but she doesn't because her plot armor is bigger than Luke and Anakin's. Kill Bill vol 2 is a great example of showing how a female protagonist has great fighting abilities. Is there any reason why Disney didn't take that inspiration?
If Kylo became weak with that wound, then how did he catch up to Finn and Rey in the woods? Last time I checked, they had the high ground and weren't harmed in any way. Ben has been trained for god-knows how many years, managed to defeat his uncle, Luke, with the debris of his tent and still failed to fight someone who was never trained to be a Jedi. Luke was trained by Obi-Wan and Yoda for a few years but still failed to defeat Darth Vader when confronted him the first time. Why is Rey so different again? Also, Chewie's crossbow didn't blow Kylo up after he killed his father, he just shot him in the waist like a normal blaster.
Yeah, playing very smart, by making his weapon on his left hand vanish. Pay attention here 3:19

Yeah, because he forgot that the force existed. He could have easily force chocked the guardian if there weren't any other ways to get out.
Who said that Star Wars was a superhero film?
If her parents are nobodies, then why is she so powerful in the first place? If her parents were planned to be just a couple of junkies, give me a better reason why Rey is overpowered and not vulnerable in any way. You can't just make someone powerful out of nowhere. Would Spider-Man still be one of the best superheros if his origins were never revealed? Last time I checked, Anakin never used the force in Phantom Menace but still managed to save the day because he was an expert pilot on Tatooine.
When did I say something about that guy? I just said that I watched the movie the second time and I wanted to learn everything myself.
So are we just going to pretend that didn't happen in the sequels as well? Rey had a vision when she touched Anakin's lightsaber, despite being a nobody. Rey and Kylo just happened to see and talk to each other through their minds. Speaking of which, if Rey's blaster couldn't be shot through the vision while talking to Kylo, how come the water from the sea Rey was standing nearby manage to reach Kylo? If Ghost Yoda could still interact with the physical world by summoning a lighting bolt, why didn't he help the rebels win the war against the empire?
Creative you say? Last time I checked, the main plot of TLJ is basically Resistance vs First Order which is the same concept as Empire Strikes Back with Rebels vs Empire. In both movies, the bad guys had the high ground. Not only that, like I said, they also tried to recreate the throne room from Return of the Jedi, where the protagonists meet the supreme leader. Like you said, very creative.
All I'm saying is that Anakin's lightsaber just came out of nowhere. Last time I checked, Luke lost it in Cloud City and was somehow recovered by that Orange alien woman can't remember her name. Why was it brought back other than being the most memorable model? Could have easily been replaced by Luke's lightsaber from ROTJ.
Difference is that Clones were the good guys before Order 66. They had the right to be different yet still remember the audience of the stormtroopers.
The whole background of the planet is basically white just like Hoth. If the temperature isn't down below zero, then why do we see the First Order soldiers in their winter suits?
Who told you that Snoke isn't dead? If that's the case, WHY THE FUCK IS PALPATINE COMING BACK IN EPISODE 9? Palpatine and Lando weren't supposed to come back until TLJ changed everything for the worse.
There is only one scene that makes me chuckle and that is Luke fooling Rey when he was giving her the first lesson of the force. That is the only time the comedy worked in that movie. TLJ is full of unnecessary comedy tropes which makes it feel like a Marvel movie. That is also one of the reasons why Predator (2018) was crap.
I guess you hated the arena battle between the Jedi and battle droids because I thought that was the best part of that movie. That is something we will probably never see again in a Star Wars story ever again. It was more original then what the sequels have done.
Rey actually struggled with more than one. She killed 3 of them.
If that's the case, why did she have a vision when she touched Luke's lightsaber? Again, if her parents are nobodies, why is she powerful in the first place? She is not vulnerable in any way. She was nowhere as a good female protagonist as Sarah Connor, Ellen Ripley and Beatrix Kiddo. Those 3 characters did much better in terms of character development.
Just because it was surprising, doesn't mean it made any sense. Movies that can have plot twist, but at least have them make sense. Her parents being nobodies is nowhere as good as Vader revealed to be Luke's father. Am I supposed to care and root for Rey now? Nothing was earned for her in my opinion.
DEMYSTIFIY: "make (a difficult or esoteric subject) clearer and easier to understand." Nothing you have listed does that (honestly, it makes the Force more difficult to understand). Midcholarians from the prequels definitely does. And midcholarians also challenge descriptions of Rey as a nobody.
While she is a nobody in the sense of her background, wouldn't Obi-Wan, Mace Windu, Qui-Gon, etc. all be nobodies too? If they weren't identified as force-sensitives, they'd just live their lives regularly, probably making use of their abilities without fully understanding them. The only difference is that they have received training. Almost every Jedi (excepting noble Dooku, Anakin since his conception is tied to the Force, and Luke as Anakin's son) is a nobody. So, a Force connection between Rey and the lightsaber isn't really a stretch (after all, that lightsaber has seen a lot of stuff), although complaints about her general force skills, yeah, that is something I can understand.
And, Rey and Kylo speaking through their minds was explicitly said to be the work of Snoke in the film (and also, that idea of a Force bond came from TCW show - Yoda, Dooku, later in Rebels, Ezra and Maul). Ghost Yoda doing something raises a lot of questions, I agree. Blaster thing is an interesting question, that I don't have a response too. Maybe just a film making oversight, or maybe something more. I dunno.
Main plot? Hmm. Rebels running from evil empire while a Jedi trains. Okay. That's fair. I say that's where most of the the similarities end. For one, in TESB, it's only the Falcon running, while in TLJ it's nearly all of the good guys. Luke's training of Rey is much different than Yoda's training of Luke. The whole Rose-Finn sideventure doesn't really fit in TESB (although I suppose Cloud City could fit, but beyond a rich place and a betrayal, there isn't a lot of similarities). We didn't see any space battles in TESB, or a conflict within the rebels, or any attempts to sneak aboard the enemy warship. No one's master was betrayed in TESB. There were no bounty hunters in TLJ, no asteroid fields to hide in, anything like that. Say the TFA is basically a soft reboot/remake of A New Hope, okay. But saying that the Last Jedi wasn't a radical change, a new flavor of film in the franchise (even if you don't like it, you're fine not liking it), is kind of ignorant?
Couldn't the whole throne room critique be applied to the fight against Count Dooku in AOTC, or the several scenes in ROTS (Dooku at the start - that's a throne room, as well as Windu and Palpatine in the Senate)? It's Star Wars. Those kinds of places, those kind of battles, are part of its DNA, as Star Wars, but also as a science fiction and fantasy story.
I agree it was kind of stupid, but you exactly hit it on the nose. It WAS the most memorable model. It was a connection to the saga's history. If it was Luke's ROTJ lightsaber, then we would know something is immediately off. I think it makes to choose this particular because they could add it in without raising questions like "Why doesn't Luke have his green lightsaber?" We would have known TFA more about Luke's exile than they probably have wanted us to know. And, where would have Maz gotten this? From Luke himself? From the remains of the old Jedi Temple? Questions important for the plot.
Shouldn't a faction that is a successor state of the Empire also have that right, to remind people of their background, both in-universe and out-of-universe?
Crait was salt, and not snow. There were crazy crystal caverns, and red dust everywhere. By this standard, any planet that has any white, at all, is not okay? I can understand intense dislike of the sequels, but complaining about this particular instance seems more motivated by a desire to find even the smallest fault (this is not one of them) than legitimate criticism (which you do have in other cases). As for the First Order stormtroopers, a place still can be chilly but not freezing to justify the clothes. I don't think the Resistance, at this point in the film, had any time or resources to properly dress up.
I was referring to Kylo not being dead, because that's the one of the most important distinctions between their betrayals. Kylo's is an evolution of his character, Vader's is a conclusion.
Yeah, I can understand the comedy being weird. I was mostly talking about the Force Awakens comedy (I really enjoy Finn BSing, especially when he BSes BB-8 into giving away the location of the Resistance base). I guess it's a personal preference, although I think most would agree Jar Jar stepping in crap isn't really funny.
You misunderstand, If you watch the clip that so helpfully provided, she never fights more than two at one time, and in the end, against just one, she almost loses. Kylo, on the other hand, kills 5, and also fights against three opponents at once. I can understand complaints that Rey is overpowered, but in this scene, it seems clear that Kylo is the more powerful of the two. But honestly, that doesn't even matter.
Yeah, I don't think it's great. The only good parts of it is when the Jedi first show up, when the clones first show up, and Jango Fett vs. Mace Windu. In the context of the awfulness of AOTC, it's a decent scene, but if you compared to the best scene of every Star Wars film, this is the worst.
Surprisingly, seeing hundreds of Jedi die to a small army of annoying CGI droids is not particularly interesting. And if this the only time we ever see that many Jedi together, this was a massive mixed opportunity, and you should be disappointed.
Seriously, those freaking battle droids suck. They fall over and die.
Imagine if the Jedi were fighting, you know, actual people that are actually smart and hard to kill. This is why the Jango Fett-Mace Windu fight is the best part of this scene, because for once, an actually dangerous opponent appears. Even the Clone Wars animated show, which I adore, had this problem. The Umbara arc is the best storyline to focus on an actual battle of Clone Wars. And it just so happened that the main bad guys are all aliens, and not droids. The Umbarans were deadly in a way battle droids just simply aren't.
She has the Force, just like many other people do. No one trained her in it (this why critiques of her skills are okay), but doesn't mean she doesn't have it, and can't respond to it (or have it respond to her). Obi-Wan's parents? We've never heard about them. Nobodies. Mace Windu? Kit Fisto? Qui-Gon? Luminara? What about Palpatine himself? And that IS Rey's vulnerability. She has no family, no one. She's lonely. That's her weakness. She grasps onto mentors (Han, Luke) because she has no one else. She has blind faith too, that she can bring Kylo to the light. Those are her flaws. That's why I like her, comments about her strength aside. Don't see why you mention those other franchise protagonists. Rey being female is kind of irrelevant to this discussion unless you make it relevant. What does Rey have in common with them besides being a woman, after all? There are male protagonists she has more in common with. If you must compare her, probably best to do it to Luke, or Anakin, or any of the other Star Wars protagonists, so there's a shared understanding and basis.
But yeah, Poogs is right, no need to crowd this thread with Star Wars. Too many times as Star Wars discussion gotten bad here, I should know better. It's a shame TLJ is so decisive, but I can understand why people had problems with it. I just wish prequel revisionism would stop, and people hated both the sequels and prequels, instead of trying to say the prequels are actually brilliant films.
Yeah, I'm also tired. You can keep your opinion and I'll keep mine.
Good idea.
I'm sorry but it really just seems like you're complaining for the sake of complaining. The whole point of showing him getting shot by Chewie's blaster was to show his resilience. Despite being wounded he still manages to catch up with them. Again, earlier in the movie they show that his bowcaster can literally blow through troopers like nothing, but when it hits Kylo he's still standing.
Again, at the point of his defeat, Kylo had just killed his father and was shot and cut up four different ways. It's not too hard to believe that he was caught by surprise at one point due to his emotional and physical state and was defeated. Luke was with Obi Wan for only a couple days and was with Yoda for about six months. He didn't train with them for years. The fights are different because Vader at that point was considered the most powerful force user in the galaxy whereas Kylo was not. Is he powerful? Yes, but he's not Vader.
Yes yes I'm aware of this error. It still doesn't change the fact that her fights are mostly one on one and that she has trouble fighting just the one guy at the end.
Why didn't Anakin just force choke Obi Wan on Mustafar? Why didn't Darth Maul force choke Qui-Gon and Obi Wan while they were trapped behind the barriers? Why didn't Dooku force choke Anakin while Obi Wan was incapacitated? Why didn't Vader force choke Obi Wan instead of fighting him? I guess they all forgot the force existed.
I think you'll have to forgive Star Wars in general for leaps of logic because they will almost always go for spectacle over a quick win in the movies.
Star Wars is about religious wizards in space who fight each other with laser swords and magic. It may not be classified as a superhero film but its just as absurd.
Because the force works in mysterious ways? Because you don't need to be a Skywalker or a Solo or be from a lineage of some sort to be strong? Because that's one of the main plot points of the series? Because, like Spider-Man, it's not about how she got this power but how she uses it? She was dumped onto a planet in the middle of nowhere by parents who didn't care for her. She fought and scavenged all on her own from the age of 5 to 19, with no one to guide her and yet despite having a villains backstory she is a force (heh) for good. Kylo Ren was born a Skywalker with loving parents and given everything Rey would have wanted and more. Yet he fell to the Dark Side.
Anakin totally used the force though? That's the whole reason he's such a good pilot despite being a nine year old slave child on a desert planet. Qui-Gon says, "He can see things before they happen. That's why he appears to have such quick reflexes. It is a Jedi trait."
Yeah gonna agree with this. Don't wanna fill this place with arguing. Just keep in mind I'm not trying to change your mind on the overall quality of the films. I'm just trying to "inform" a bit more I guess and put in some context. I apologise if I appeared a bit harsh or assholish in any way.
I'm watching stuff from Batman: Enemy Within and I still absolutely love this game. I love the writing, the characters and John so much.
It's unlikely, but I hope somehow, someday, we get an adaption of this story. Be it live action or animated.
Also season 3 please Telltale v2.
You can now buy the entire Walking Dead game soundtrack on 4 disc's, guess what? It's fucking EXPENSIVE. Seriously it costs $ 89.99! Is there seriously anyone whose gonna buy that when you can find the songs easily on YouTube for FREE??
They're on vinyl, not discs. It's for collectors.
Okay but still, it's really expensive
Gotta beat that dead horse as much as you can.
That's pretty ridiculous. But I'm sure there's someone crazy out there who's willing to shell all of that money out. Not me though.
Maybe if I buy a Bluetooth record player and then pair it to my headphones it would make my investment worth it 🤔. And as the audio slowly degrades from repadiate use it will remind me that the interest in this game will one day be faded as this vinyl has.