Hey, Psycho!
As Chicken said, there hasn't really been that much activity around here for the past few months. I'm glad to see some familiar usernames starting to come back.
To be fair, Telltale had significantly lower budgets compared to Quantic Dream who pretty much received blank cheques from Sony, which I think makes my opinion of Detroit a little worse since I don't think two thirds of that game is that particularly well written (only actually liked Connors story like most people).
Yeah, I gave Detroit a try earlier this week and it started to sow seeds in my mind that telltale was actually utter ass in comparison. Hope the new company does better
Apparently 9 is going to boycott some of the problems to make the movie at least a little bit bearable? One of the changes is supposed to be… more that Rey’s parents won’t be nobodies, and one of my theories is that Snoke was a failed clone of palpatine who’s spirit lived inside of him, which would explain why palps is suddenly back and Snoke’s species is unknown.
One of the changes is supposed to be that Rey’s parents won’t be nobodies,
I wouldn't be surprised about this. I thought it was kinda left open that her parents could not be nobodies. In fact, that's what I believed when I first left the theatre after TLJ.
The mirror scene where Rey wants to see her parents doesn't really reveal anything about them, and when Ben/Kylo tells her that they were nobodies, I thought that he was lying to get her on his side. That he was trying to manipulate her...
But what do I really know it's been a long time. I've only seen TLJ once and that was in the movie theater. I thought it was decent.
Try as I might, the gameplay and exploration of the Borderlands series can't quite hook me. Telltale's story-based twist to it certainly hooked me to the franchise's world, characters and humorous writing... But I don't know, maybe it's the character I chose, maybe it's because I'm going it solo.
ANYWAYS, yes, I do really like the world, writing and characters from the franchise. And just watching this video here gets me all excited for a Borderlands game I've no intention of playing at the moment. It's so cool on concept to me, I just can't quite grasp/take the whole gameplay loop.
A mix of both mate, but overall, it was pretty good. My sister got married, and one of my other sisters had a child, so pretty good. I started college last week, I am doing a course in Psychology, it's alright so far. I wish you the best with your game design course It's something I'd like to do too, but I wouldn't be the sharpest tool in the shed
Hey Dylan!
Hmm, good busy, or stressful busy? Or a bit of both?
Hey, you in college now?
I've been pretty busy myself; I'm studying a game design course at the moment heheh.
So I was one of the people who ordered the Final Season Collector's Pack with the AJ figure and just got it in the mail. When I was first saw those photos of it online I was pretty disappointed, but now that I actually have it in person it's honestly not that bad.
The body is actually pretty nicely detailed, you get the wrinkles and shading which looks nice. The problem is definitely the face which is so undetailed compared to the rest of the body. If they had included details from the actual game it would definitely look better, but as is it's not bad. Not amazing, but not bad.
Borderlands is one of my favorite game franchises, and Borderlands 2 remains one of my favorite games of all time, I must have (combined from both PC and PS4) well over 2,000 hours on it. That being said, I'll admit that my first time through it was a bit of a challenge and a slog. Granted I never had much experience at the time with first person shooters, let alone looter shooters, but I just wasn't having fun. Some of it could be the character, but I find that, as the game goes on, you unlock cooler upgrades for your character, you spend Badass tokens to increase your stats, and you find amazing loot, the game starts to get better.
If you do ever pick up BL3, hit me up. Unlike BL2, BL3 provides a more balanced gameplay in co-op for people who aren't on the same level. I forget how they called it, but basically if I was level 28 and you were level 5, your enemies and loot would reflect your level 5, while I would still see level 28 enemies/loot. BL2 doesn't have that, which has always been one of my biggest gripes with the game as it makes it difficult to jump in to an already established game with your friends if you have a character who's level is too low/high for what they're doing.
I'll admit...
Try as I might, the gameplay and exploration of the Borderlands series can't quite hook me. Telltale's story-bas… moreed twist to it certainly hooked me to the franchise's world, characters and humorous writing... But I don't know, maybe it's the character I chose, maybe it's because I'm going it solo.
ANYWAYS, yes, I do really like the world, writing and characters from the franchise. And just watching this video here gets me all excited for a Borderlands game I've no intention of playing at the moment. It's so cool on concept to me, I just can't quite grasp/take the whole gameplay loop.
So someone hacked the camera in PT leading to an honestly terrifying discovery.
https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1170859463508… more557824
Lisa was following behind you all this time...always watching you. The pain of Silent Hills' cancellation will never go away huh?
Aw yeaaaa, tomorrow I'll get to see a video I helped create be test screened on a giant tv in a central area of the city.
Hopefully it ends up looking alright
So someone hacked the camera in PT leading to an honestly terrifying discovery.
https://twitter.com/manfightdragon/status/1170859463508… more557824
Lisa was following behind you all this time...always watching you. The pain of Silent Hills' cancellation will never go away huh?
Great. Another reason for my Horror-averse mind to regret not downloading PT when I had the chance... I'd have (hopefully) loved to experience it.
So cool... (though that really makes the game seem even scarier!)
I really liked Detroit’s story. It got me tearing up quite a bit, and that’s really difficult to do. The only other games that has managed to get me to cry is Red Dead 2 and TWD S1+2
In terms of choices and consequences, Detroit is by far the best game to pull it off due to the insane budget. At least on a mechanicle leve… morel.
But David Cage just isn't that great of a writer. He's basically what pulls Quantic Dreams' games down the most.
Reviews are starting to come in for Borderlands 3, and outside of Polygon (which has been shitting on the game since it's announcement), most have been positive. Mostly 8's and 9's, and one 63 from PC Gamer. Consensus seems to be it adds on where BL2 left off, improved gameplay, no radical changes or things that push the genre forward (which is fine, Borderlands doesn't need to reinvent the wheel for me), not as funny, and insanely awesome loot.
The review from PC GAMER is really weird, since the biggest and most notable complaint they have with the game is its humor, which isn't all that surprising since Borderlands' humor can be hit or miss, but straight up giving it only 63 for it is ... yikes.
Another prime example of why review scores are pretty much garbage across the board, regardless of positive or negative.
I think every review would be inherently improved by letting the review speak for itself instead of having to put a number on it to be eligable for Metacritic, which is itself one of the worst things to ever happen to criticism in any media.
Reviews are starting to come in for Borderlands 3, and outside of Polygon (which has been shitting on the game since it's announcement), mos… moret have been positive. Mostly 8's and 9's, and one 63 from PC Gamer. Consensus seems to be it adds on where BL2 left off, improved gameplay, no radical changes or things that push the genre forward (which is fine, Borderlands doesn't need to reinvent the wheel for me), not as funny, and insanely awesome loot.
Has anyone been talking about the story? Im fully expecting the humor to either be really funny or super cringe but I am very interested in if the story is any good. Obviously it isnt really the main focus of these games but Gearbox does keep saying the story is important to them and they want it to have a strong narrative. Im curious if it will be as good as Borderlands 2. (which sadly I dont see happening as what I know so far about the bad guys in this, they dont come close to Handsome Jack)
Reviews are starting to come in for Borderlands 3, and outside of Polygon (which has been shitting on the game since it's announcement), mos… moret have been positive. Mostly 8's and 9's, and one 63 from PC Gamer. Consensus seems to be it adds on where BL2 left off, improved gameplay, no radical changes or things that push the genre forward (which is fine, Borderlands doesn't need to reinvent the wheel for me), not as funny, and insanely awesome loot.
I expect the humor to be a mix of both, which is pretty typical of most Borderlands games outside of Tales From the Borderlands. There will be times where something is legitimately funny, but then it's followed by a forced "joke" that does not stick. When it comes to comedies, whether it be games or movies or TV shows, maintaining the right balance of comedy is a tricky feat. What some of these writers don't understand is that you don't need to make everything into a joke, it's not an endless onslaught of gags or quips or jokes or whatever. Sometimes not making the joke can actually make the whole thing funnier, because that bad joke you made doesn't block the other 4 good ones. While some of these reviews still point to cringe humor, others have said the humor is dialed back (especially moving away from the meme-humor) to avoid that onslaught and avoid forced humor when possible.
I will also say that there hasn't been all that much buildup or stuff showing off the story in regards to this game. Everything shown off has been pretty much the same: the Calypsos have united the clans and formed a cult, they want to access the power of the Vaults, we have to stop them. Not much else has been shown, and if I'm being honest, that has always been my biggest worry. They keep showing off or talking about the gameplay improvements and characters, but not much in terms of story, and that makes me think that it's not all that much and could be more akin to Borderlands 1 than Borderlands 2, which was pretty paper thin and even boring at times. Now granted I don't know what type of trailers or info was given back when Borderlands 2 was being marketed, it might have been similarly toned down as to let the game speak for itself, and what we got in that game was one of the greatest villains in gaming history and an excellent story.
Even without reviews, I'm fully expecting and have always expected this game to have a weaker story and villains than Borderlands 2. That's not necessarily to say that these people aren't capable of doing something good, I do think they can and the Calypsos can be interesting and well done villains (key word is "can). However, because the heights of Borderlands 2 are just so hard to reach, it's just never going to match it no matter how hard they try. The Calypsos are never going to be Handsome Jack, that's a fact, only Handsome Jack is Handsome Jack. To try and replicate him would hurt Borderlands 3 (which is why I was glad to hear they scrapped plans on making him the main villain in Borderlands 3 long ago). So yeah, expect something inferior, but mainly because Handsome Jack is the god-tier of villains (and the main guy responsible for his creation is not involved with Borderlands 3). That's also not to say we should defend mediocrity if the Calypsos suck (part of me worries they will because the annoying streamer schtick can get old quickly, ie Screwball from Spiderman), but to have our expectations measured and reasonable.
Has anyone been talking about the story? Im fully expecting the humor to either be really funny or super cringe but I am very interested in … moreif the story is any good. Obviously it isnt really the main focus of these games but Gearbox does keep saying the story is important to them and they want it to have a strong narrative. Im curious if it will be as good as Borderlands 2. (which sadly I dont see happening as what I know so far about the bad guys in this, they dont come close to Handsome Jack)
Has anyone been talking about the story? Im fully expecting the humor to either be really funny or super cringe but I am very interested in … moreif the story is any good. Obviously it isnt really the main focus of these games but Gearbox does keep saying the story is important to them and they want it to have a strong narrative. Im curious if it will be as good as Borderlands 2. (which sadly I dont see happening as what I know so far about the bad guys in this, they dont come close to Handsome Jack)
A lot of Borderlands 2 marketing involved Jack describing the game and how it plays. The marketing campaign seemed to be centered on Jack and making you want to buy the game to shut him up for constantly belittling you in the trailers and often times saying "if you want to stop me come and get me" type of stuff.
I expect the humor to be a mix of both, which is pretty typical of most Borderlands games outside of Tales From the Borderlands. There will … morebe times where something is legitimately funny, but then it's followed by a forced "joke" that does not stick. When it comes to comedies, whether it be games or movies or TV shows, maintaining the right balance of comedy is a tricky feat. What some of these writers don't understand is that you don't need to make everything into a joke, it's not an endless onslaught of gags or quips or jokes or whatever. Sometimes not making the joke can actually make the whole thing funnier, because that bad joke you made doesn't block the other 4 good ones. While some of these reviews still point to cringe humor, others have said the humor is dialed back (especially moving away from the meme-humor) to avoid that onslaught and avoid forced humor when possible.
I will also say that there hasn't been all that much buildu… [view original content]
Would have thought the meme king would have prioritised the funnies?
Honestly though, it’d actually be funny if the game has an Easter egg about you trying to get some of those Rhys socks
EDIT: Ok. Insiders and media people are mentioning that it's a behind closed doors event, but that we should see that info soon after the event.
I bet they'll probably release that info 2 days later on Outbreak Day, both to give time for outlets to write their articles and videos, and since it's a fitting day series-wise.
Outside of TWD: The Final Season episodes, there really hasn't been any games in the last several months that I've been interested in. Within the next few months, I'll have Borderlands 3, Doom Eternal, Afterparty, Cyberpunk 2077, Dying Light 2, The Outer Worlds, Death Stranding, and (hopefully if they give the release date at this event) The Last of Us 2.
My wallet is asking that you pray for it, because it's about to be murdered.
please show a… more release date...
EDIT: Ok. Insiders and media people are mentioning that it's a behind closed doors event, but that we should see that info soon after the event.
I bet they'll probably release that info 2 days later on Outbreak Day, both to give time for outlets to write their articles and videos, and since it's a fitting day series-wise.
So pumped for Borderlands 3, especially after seeing that the writing is pretty close to being as good as Tales. They did Rhys and Vaughn justice. They even brought back Vaughn's VA. Fiona, Gortys, and Loader Bot were also leaked so I cant wait to see them. Holding out for Sasha and August.
Im pretty bummed it seems like they shafted Fiona and Sasha. They clearly wont have a major role and if they are already in as NPCs Fiona wont be a DLC character. Also Im worried Fiona will be recasted seeing how Laura Bailey is one of the highest paid voice actresses. Also I got ahead of myself and assumed Sasha is in seeing how she wasnt leaked at all. August probably wont appear and if he is hes been recasted seeing how Nolan North said he wasnt involved in Borderlands 3 when he was talking with Troy about being recasted. If Fiona is recasted Ill be pretty annoyed as it seems silly to recast them for money reasons but then get Ice T to play a small minor role when Rhys is going to be major to the plot. At least Chris Hardwick is back as Vaughn but thats probably due to how him and Randy are friends.
So pumped for Borderlands 3, especially after seeing that the writing is pretty close to being as good as Tales. They did Rhys and Vaughn ju… morestice. They even brought back Vaughn's VA. Fiona, Gortys, and Loader Bot were also leaked so I cant wait to see them. Holding out for Sasha and August.
Im pretty bummed it seems like they shafted Fiona and Sasha. They clearly wont have a major role and if they are already in as NPCs Fiona wo… morent be a DLC character. Also Im worried Fiona will be recasted seeing how Laura Bailey is one of the highest paid voice actresses. Also I got ahead of myself and assumed Sasha is in seeing how she wasnt leaked at all. August probably wont appear and if he is hes been recasted seeing how Nolan North said he wasnt involved in Borderlands 3 when he was talking with Troy about being recasted. If Fiona is recasted Ill be pretty annoyed as it seems silly to recast them for money reasons but then get Ice T to play a small minor role when Rhys is going to be major to the plot. At least Chris Hardwick is back as Vaughn but thats probably due to how him and Randy are friends.
Heya Zombie! It's good to see you again!
How you doing?
Hey wait, isn't your birthday coming up?
I've recently had a birthday myself heheh
Hey Dylan!
Hmm, good busy, or stressful busy? Or a bit of both?
Hey, you in college now?
I've been pretty busy myself; I'm studying a game design course at the moment heheh.
To be fair, Telltale had significantly lower budgets compared to Quantic Dream who pretty much received blank cheques from Sony, which I think makes my opinion of Detroit a little worse since I don't think two thirds of that game is that particularly well written (only actually liked Connors story like most people).
What a zigzagy mess.
Yeah there are definitely those are joking around with it, but the ones that aren't though.
@Melton23 @AronDracula
I wouldn't be surprised about this. I thought it was kinda left open that her parents could not be nobodies. In fact, that's what I believed when I first left the theatre after TLJ.
The mirror scene where Rey wants to see her parents doesn't really reveal anything about them, and when Ben/Kylo tells her that they were nobodies, I thought that he was lying to get her on his side. That he was trying to manipulate her...
But what do I really know it's been a long time. I've only seen TLJ once and that was in the movie theater. I thought it was decent.
I'll admit...
Try as I might, the gameplay and exploration of the Borderlands series can't quite hook me. Telltale's story-based twist to it certainly hooked me to the franchise's world, characters and humorous writing... But I don't know, maybe it's the character I chose, maybe it's because I'm going it solo.
ANYWAYS, yes, I do really like the world, writing and characters from the franchise. And just watching this video here gets me all excited for a Borderlands game I've no intention of playing at the moment. It's so cool on concept to me, I just can't quite grasp/take the whole gameplay loop.
A mix of both mate, but overall, it was pretty good. My sister got married, and one of my other sisters had a child, so pretty good. I started college last week, I am doing a course in Psychology, it's alright so far. I wish you the best with your game design course
It's something I'd like to do too, but I wouldn't be the sharpest tool in the shed 
So I was one of the people who ordered the Final Season Collector's Pack with the AJ figure and just got it in the mail. When I was first saw those photos of it online I was pretty disappointed, but now that I actually have it in person it's honestly not that bad.
The body is actually pretty nicely detailed, you get the wrinkles and shading which looks nice. The problem is definitely the face which is so undetailed compared to the rest of the body. If they had included details from the actual game it would definitely look better, but as is it's not bad. Not amazing, but not bad.
Borderlands is one of my favorite game franchises, and Borderlands 2 remains one of my favorite games of all time, I must have (combined from both PC and PS4) well over 2,000 hours on it. That being said, I'll admit that my first time through it was a bit of a challenge and a slog. Granted I never had much experience at the time with first person shooters, let alone looter shooters, but I just wasn't having fun. Some of it could be the character, but I find that, as the game goes on, you unlock cooler upgrades for your character, you spend Badass tokens to increase your stats, and you find amazing loot, the game starts to get better.
If you do ever pick up BL3, hit me up. Unlike BL2, BL3 provides a more balanced gameplay in co-op for people who aren't on the same level. I forget how they called it, but basically if I was level 28 and you were level 5, your enemies and loot would reflect your level 5, while I would still see level 28 enemies/loot. BL2 doesn't have that, which has always been one of my biggest gripes with the game as it makes it difficult to jump in to an already established game with your friends if you have a character who's level is too low/high for what they're doing.
So someone hacked the camera in PT leading to an honestly terrifying discovery.
Lisa was following behind you all this time...always watching you. The pain of Silent Hills' cancellation will never go away huh?
Don't touch that dial now
w̰̯̱̥̮e̠̳̗'̖̖͙͎̜̻̮̹̭ṟ̬͙̤̹̲͖e̼͈̟̬ ͙̞̙j̰u͚̺̞͓̭̖̯s̠̟̻t̹̦͎̤ ̘̟͈̺̱̻̜̫̭g̖̲̳͈̭̲e͈͙͚̖t̖͈̰̼̣̗̫̟͖t̜̖̗̝i̞͍n͉̰̖̭̹ͅg̠̜̻̮̬̦͈̭̝ ͔s͎̬͔͇̖̱̠̣͍t̩̫̳̲̝a͎̞͇r̹͖̮t̗͕͚̞͔͉̞̜e͈̻d̖̻̰̞
Great. Another reason for my Horror-averse mind to regret not downloading PT when I had the chance... I'd have (hopefully) loved to experience it.
So cool... (though that really makes the game seem even scarier!)
Aw yeaaaa, tomorrow I'll get to see a video I helped create be test screened on a giant tv in a central area of the city.
Hopefully it ends up looking alright
Looks left and right
And I still regret not owning a PS4 until 2015
Yeah, and here I thought being able to catch Lisa watching you was bad enough.
It's such a cool detail, like they could've left it at simply having the sound of footsteps just to mess with you, but they went the extra mile.
I really liked Detroit’s story. It got me tearing up quite a bit, and that’s really difficult to do. The only other games that has managed to get me to cry is Red Dead 2 and TWD S1+2
Sometimes to fix a mess you need to make a mess
Reviews are starting to come in for Borderlands 3, and outside of Polygon (which has been shitting on the game since it's announcement), most have been positive. Mostly 8's and 9's, and one 63 from PC Gamer. Consensus seems to be it adds on where BL2 left off, improved gameplay, no radical changes or things that push the genre forward (which is fine, Borderlands doesn't need to reinvent the wheel for me), not as funny, and insanely awesome loot.
The review from PC GAMER is really weird, since the biggest and most notable complaint they have with the game is its humor, which isn't all that surprising since Borderlands' humor can be hit or miss, but straight up giving it only 63 for it is ... yikes.
Another prime example of why review scores are pretty much garbage across the board, regardless of positive or negative.
I think every review would be inherently improved by letting the review speak for itself instead of having to put a number on it to be eligable for Metacritic, which is itself one of the worst things to ever happen to criticism in any media.
Has anyone been talking about the story? Im fully expecting the humor to either be really funny or super cringe but I am very interested in if the story is any good. Obviously it isnt really the main focus of these games but Gearbox does keep saying the story is important to them and they want it to have a strong narrative. Im curious if it will be as good as Borderlands 2. (which sadly I dont see happening as what I know so far about the bad guys in this, they dont come close to Handsome Jack)
I expect the humor to be a mix of both, which is pretty typical of most Borderlands games outside of Tales From the Borderlands. There will be times where something is legitimately funny, but then it's followed by a forced "joke" that does not stick. When it comes to comedies, whether it be games or movies or TV shows, maintaining the right balance of comedy is a tricky feat. What some of these writers don't understand is that you don't need to make everything into a joke, it's not an endless onslaught of gags or quips or jokes or whatever. Sometimes not making the joke can actually make the whole thing funnier, because that bad joke you made doesn't block the other 4 good ones. While some of these reviews still point to cringe humor, others have said the humor is dialed back (especially moving away from the meme-humor) to avoid that onslaught and avoid forced humor when possible.
I will also say that there hasn't been all that much buildup or stuff showing off the story in regards to this game. Everything shown off has been pretty much the same: the Calypsos have united the clans and formed a cult, they want to access the power of the Vaults, we have to stop them. Not much else has been shown, and if I'm being honest, that has always been my biggest worry. They keep showing off or talking about the gameplay improvements and characters, but not much in terms of story, and that makes me think that it's not all that much and could be more akin to Borderlands 1 than Borderlands 2, which was pretty paper thin and even boring at times. Now granted I don't know what type of trailers or info was given back when Borderlands 2 was being marketed, it might have been similarly toned down as to let the game speak for itself, and what we got in that game was one of the greatest villains in gaming history and an excellent story.
Even without reviews, I'm fully expecting and have always expected this game to have a weaker story and villains than Borderlands 2. That's not necessarily to say that these people aren't capable of doing something good, I do think they can and the Calypsos can be interesting and well done villains (key word is "can). However, because the heights of Borderlands 2 are just so hard to reach, it's just never going to match it no matter how hard they try. The Calypsos are never going to be Handsome Jack, that's a fact, only Handsome Jack is Handsome Jack. To try and replicate him would hurt Borderlands 3 (which is why I was glad to hear they scrapped plans on making him the main villain in Borderlands 3 long ago). So yeah, expect something inferior, but mainly because Handsome Jack is the god-tier of villains (and the main guy responsible for his creation is not involved with Borderlands 3). That's also not to say we should defend mediocrity if the Calypsos suck (part of me worries they will because the annoying streamer schtick can get old quickly, ie Screwball from Spiderman), but to have our expectations measured and reasonable.
Would have thought the meme king would have prioritised the funnies?
Honestly though, it’d actually be funny if the game has an Easter egg about you trying to get some of those Rhys socks
A lot of Borderlands 2 marketing involved Jack describing the game and how it plays. The marketing campaign seemed to be centered on Jack and making you want to buy the game to shut him up for constantly belittling you in the trailers and often times saying "if you want to stop me come and get me" type of stuff.
Well Im assuming the quality of the writing is going to be more like Pre-Squel, so super cringey humor that doesnt stick a landing.
Also that would never happen, aint no Gearbox dude reading my post here lmao. They already did enough damage to Rhys in BL3. Godspeed Rhys. Godspeed.
Do you? Do you really?
You know how the saying goes, if you kill one old lady you gotta kill the other
Oh, Happy belated birthday!
Yeah my birthday is coming up soon but it feels like it's already come and gone. Things have been fine.
It's cool that you're taking game design courses. If you don't mind me asking, what type of games do you think of making?
please show a release date...
EDIT: Ok. Insiders and media people are mentioning that it's a behind closed doors event, but that we should see that info soon after the event.
I bet they'll probably release that info 2 days later on Outbreak Day, both to give time for outlets to write their articles and videos, and since it's a fitting day series-wise.
Outside of TWD: The Final Season episodes, there really hasn't been any games in the last several months that I've been interested in. Within the next few months, I'll have Borderlands 3, Doom Eternal, Afterparty, Cyberpunk 2077, Dying Light 2, The Outer Worlds, Death Stranding, and (hopefully if they give the release date at this event) The Last of Us 2.
My wallet is asking that you pray for it, because it's about to be murdered.
... I just found out that the little heart button says "Awesome."
Conrad thanks the small percentage of people that saved him:
You are very welcome Conrad.
Top 10 bruh moments taken seconds before the bruh
. * Conrad thinks you're super awesome.
So pumped for Borderlands 3, especially after seeing that the writing is pretty close to being as good as Tales. They did Rhys and Vaughn justice. They even brought back Vaughn's VA. Fiona, Gortys, and Loader Bot were also leaked so I cant wait to see them. Holding out for Sasha and August.
Im pretty bummed it seems like they shafted Fiona and Sasha. They clearly wont have a major role and if they are already in as NPCs Fiona wont be a DLC character. Also Im worried Fiona will be recasted seeing how Laura Bailey is one of the highest paid voice actresses. Also I got ahead of myself and assumed Sasha is in seeing how she wasnt leaked at all. August probably wont appear and if he is hes been recasted seeing how Nolan North said he wasnt involved in Borderlands 3 when he was talking with Troy about being recasted. If Fiona is recasted Ill be pretty annoyed as it seems silly to recast them for money reasons but then get Ice T to play a small minor role when Rhys is going to be major to the plot. At least Chris Hardwick is back as Vaughn but thats probably due to how him and Randy are friends.
Wait what.