Now this is something I didn't expect to look interesting. I don't know shit about Ms. Marvel but I already want to play this game only because of her character.
I have your blog on RSS and noticed it came to life a few days ago. I had some decent memories pop up when you reviewed Mario Bros. (without any "Super" in it), and when you got to Donkey Kong Jr., that was a game I had completely forgotten about! Have you ever played Jungle Hunt / Jungle King (the same game had two names)? I can still get that theme song playing in my head.
October is usually my month to do a bunch of reviews for my blog. The previous two years were pretty terrible for me so I didn't do anything… more, but it's better this year so I decided to start up the tradition again:
1st of October: Mario Bros.
1st of October: Shenmue
2nd of October: Donkey Kong
2nd of October: Hector: Badge of Carnage - Episode 1: We Negotiate With Terrorists
3rd of October: Donkey Kong Jr.
3rd of October: Sam & Max Beyond Time and Space: Episode 2 - Moai Better Blues
I will never not push Ms. Marvel, I highly recommend her comic series which started 2013 and ended earlier this year (60 issues overall I think). It's a ton of fun!
Now this is something I didn't expect to look interesting. I don't know shit about Ms. Marvel but I already want to play this game only because of her character.
I had Jungle Hunt for the ColecoVision, so I only ever heard the opening jingle. I just saw a playthrough of Taito's arcade version on YouTube: I still like the Coleco version of the intro tune better (that's probably just nostalgia though), but the fact that music plays over the actual gameplay almost makes it a whole different game. I'll have to track that down and give it a play.
I have your blog on RSS and noticed it came to life a few days ago. I had some decent memories pop up when you reviewed Mario Bros. (withou… moret any "Super" in it), and when you got to Donkey Kong Jr., that was a game I had completely forgotten about! Have you ever played Jungle Hunt / Jungle King (the same game had two names)? I can still get that theme song playing in my head.
I watched the Joker movie today. I thought it was very good but not really amazing. Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic as the Joker and really makes it his own. Everyone in the movie overall gives a good performance for the most part. The movie can get pretty tense and unnerving at times and for the most part you do feel bad for Arthur. You get a lot of empathy for him, even when his actions begin to get worse and worse, but they do go a little bit ham to show off how crazy he gets in a way that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense (maybe that could be the point). It's also very well shot (lots of great looking scenes) and there's some really good sound design.
However, the movie does seem to crawl up its own behind at times and really push the "We live in a society" theme, which is what honestly brings the movie down for me. It can get pretty preachy about it despite how basic of a take it is. While it's not a shallow movie by any means, it's not particularly deep. Also while I don't really have a problem with the ending (I enjoyed how it ended), it also almost feels like it ends just as it really gets started. Maybe it was just me wanting a bit more movie, which is a good thing.
I really did enjoy the movie though. Is it an Oscar worthy movie? In my opinion, no, I don't think it does enough with its concept to earn one, but I wouldn't be surprised/mad if Joaquin Phoenix gets a nomination at the very least.
Overall, we really do live in a society. It's time for us gamers to rise up from our oppression.
Is it possible to restore a deleted comment on Reddit?
I put a lot of effort into two(on my phone, mind you) and then suddenly they're gone the moment I try to adjust something abou them.
Skybound owns the rights to Telltale's The Walking Dead series now. This includes the legal rights, so Telltale 2.0 probably can't have a dedicated forum here. On the bright side, at least the game rights now belong to The Walking Dead's creator.
Package of amazon stuff finally came! I now own...
The complete series of Spectacular Spider-Man. (I checked the synopses, and I never did finish season 1!)
The complete Batman: Sins of the Father comic mini-series! (taking place between both Telltale seasons, this story has Batman face off against Deadshot!)
Still no trailer it looks like, but at least now I have a date to work with.
EDIT: So apparently, they won't give a trailer, but they'll show the entire first episode of the season at NYCC, and now people are posting plot points about it, and I'm trying to avoid them. I really don't understand why they show entire episodes at stuff like this. Trailers and screenshots I get, hell, even a few minutes of an episode, but there's no way I'm going to be able to avoid getting spoiled about something, especially since the premiere is well over a month away.
Still no trailer it looks like, but at least now I have a … moredate to work with.
EDIT: So apparently, they won't give a trailer, but they'll show the entire first episode of the season at NYCC, and now people are posting plot points about it, and I'm trying to avoid them. I really don't understand why they show entire episodes at stuff like this. Trailers and screenshots I get, hell, even a few minutes of an episode, but there's no way I'm going to be able to avoid getting spoiled about something, especially since the premiere is well over a month away.
Trust me, it's a lot more than that. Since it was co-created by the head writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender, I'd recommend it once you finish up with that. The seasons are only 9 episodes long, so even if you start after Season 3 airs, you only have 27 episodes.
Damn, the series looks like it's ramped up to something epic!
(And here I am, the only knowledge I have of the show is from S1 promo pictures. All I know is that the series is about caring for a baby dragon egg)
Earlier in the Summer I entered a Competition where I told the Story of an Inspirational Teacher I had. I was very in-depth, I poured my hea… morert and soul into it, as the Teacher I nominated means a lot to me, she was there for me when I needed someone, and always looked out for me, my peers and everyone in the School Community.
Around the end of August, I was contacted by the Competition Hosts, they informed me that my nomination was successful, and that the Teacher I nominated was on a shortlist to win a National Award.
On Monday I attended a very prestigious College for the shortlist announcement, I managed to make it to national television and appeared on major radio stations across the country, where I got to tell my Story. The Teacher has since been receiving praise from all across the nation for being on the shortlist.
I am attending a Ceremony in two weeks time where they will announce the winner, I am fairly optimistic that the… [view original content]
So recently my computer has kept giving me a message saying my Microsoft Office is no longer valid. Because of this I could no longer use Word, PowerPoint, etc and these are things I need to use for uni. So I just came back from the store with a new copy of Microsoft Office for AUD184 ($124 in American Dollars) and I turned on my Microsoft Office to renew the code aaaand... everything is working.
I just spent close to two hundred dollaridoos for something I can't use, and it can't be refunded.
Does your university offer any perks like Free access to Microsoft Office 365? (their cloud-based Office?) That could have been an alternative for you, if it's available down undah.
So recently my computer has kept giving me a message saying my Microsoft Office is no longer valid. Because of this I could no longe… morer use Word, PowerPoint, etc and these are things I need to use for uni. So I just came back from the store with a new copy of Microsoft Office for AUD184 ($124 in American Dollars) and I turned on my Microsoft Office to renew the code aaaand... everything is working.
I just spent close to two hundred dollaridoos for something I can't use, and it can't be refunded.
They actually do offer Office 365 but it only lasts as long as I'm a student, the one I got was a permanent installation. But again, sadly everything seems to be working again on my end so I guess I now have a copy of Microsoft Office in case I get a new computer in the future.
Damn, that's weird.
Does your university offer any perks like Free access to Microsoft Office 365? (their cloud-based Office?) That could have been an alternative for you, if it's available down undah.
Right so because I’m cheap I only managed to get around to TLOU this year and it’s because it’s free on ps+.
Anyway the entire game was a blast, but the ending rubbed me the wrong way, starting from when Joel woke up from his wound. Sure, I didn’t have a problem with him killing the murder rapist cannibals at first, but the last couple of sequences changed my mind. He starts off as not the best person in the world, and it would be understandable if that was consistent, but he goes through this arc if gaining his humanity back, only to instantly lose it all over again. I get that he’d do anything for Ellie but I just don’t like it. I hope part 2 addresses this issue and he at least feels a little bit of remorse.
There is a tape in the last chapter in which confirms that the Fireflies already tried to get cure from 12 people who were just as immune as Ellie. Joel was justified to prevent from letting them do the same with Ellie because come on, they failed 12 times, I don't think Ellie was any different to those patients.
Was the tape optional because I don’t remember that part. If it was, my Joel definitely wasn’t justified. Plus I looked at a few walkthroughs and every youtuber I watched was dissatisfied with the ending and all of them thought that Joel was lying to her at the end so it must be optional.Even if this was the case it still doesn’t feel right. It feels to me like a lot of the development in the other chapters was for nothing.
Well, aren't all collectibles collected supposed to be canon to the story? I don't remember this game having some sort of "make your own decisions" mechanic that excludes the combat system. Plus, Joel finds humans way more threatening than the infected, they are the main reason his daughter died in the first place. Why would he make the same mistake again with his daughter figure? Just like I said, the tape confirms Fireflies failed 12 times to find cure out of immune people and I don't think Ellie was any different.
I didn’t collect that “collectible” though, and if you ignore optional conversations, the person you can have said conversation with will have different reactions, so everything that’s optional in this game being considered as canon can suck my ass because they’re not as far as what I can see. Besides a whole heap of people seem to have missed that collectible, so if you want to show off an important fucking plot piece, how about doing it in the actual story itself instead of hiding it? It’s a good game, but there are plot holes and hidden details that shouldn’t be hidden and should be incorporated into the main story everywhere
I mean it’s one thing having an incredibly well hidden/obscured Easter egg or item, but having an important plot device hidden, which would happen to make Joel look like the scummiest liar there is if you don’t find it, is just not how to do things.
Edit: Right no wonder we couldn’t find the recorder, it doesn’t exist. I went through all of them and the closest one I could find is “surgeon’s recorder” which basically says “Ellie’s infection is nothing like we’ve ever seen before” plus there’s a recording after that where Marlene says that she’s just been told that the only way to create a vaccine is by killing Ellie and how that decision is difficult for her. Why lie about past patients in your own private recording? Anyway, yeah, Joel lies and is in the wrong so part 2 needs a redemption arc for him
so if you want to show off an important fucking plot piece, how about doing it in the actual story itself instead of hiding it?
True dat. I didn't even know that existed.
Idk I liked it. It's a very selfish and fucked up ending that just barely works yet it doesn't really leave a bad taste for me. Also it didn't feel like the story was about morality, rather Joel growing closer to Ellie, and how that culminates in a controversial plot point that allows for lots of discussion. I do want Joel and Ellie to talk more about that moment in Part 2 though.
Idk. I feel like the ending could have been better placed, either in the middle (Joel’s wake up call for why he should be Ellie’s father figure rather than all’s it taking was her getting pissy and storming off) giving us time to regain our affection for him rather than leaving this bitter taste in our mouths once the game ends, or at the start of a second game so we have an entire redemption arc all ready for us.
I just kinda feel cheated that I spent the entire game caring for this character, then he goes and does something that you wouldn’t expect him to do...I mean the guy with the surgery knife thingie, could he not have just knocked him out instead of stabbing him in the fucking throat? It’s even worse that he does this knowing that the fireflies are good people who want to save humanity, and he ends all of that just so he can have this girl. Now when I buy the second game, I’ll either want him to get his act together and do a tonne of good, or he needs to die. The progressiveness of his character arc throughout the entirety of the game conveys his struggles with the past and how he can move past that with a new daughter, sort of like a second chance at fatherhood, yet he sacrifices all of his redeeming qualities and all of said qualities that this girl admires about him, also damning the human race in the process, just for one person. It’s a severe morality issue that he executed in the wrong way.
Today was kinda nice. When I was out pushing carts, there was this wonderful sunset. It had colors of red orange and purple, some pink on the edge, and had a moon off to the side that greatly resembled this moment:
I was very happy to see that. Almost had me in tears.
You know, people keep saying that, and I honestly never had a problem. I'm experiencing way more problems with Moze in Mayhem Mode. Almost as soon as I deploy Iron Bear, he's killed, and I have a shield for him. With my Zane, I have health regeneration on every kill, as well as regular health regen, and when I'm close to death, I just deploy my clone and get an immediate second wind. I'm not having the same problems as everyone else.
I mean the guy with the surgery knife thingie, could he not have just knocked him out instead of stabbing him in the fucking throat?
Yeah because the doctor would have totally just let him take the only thing that could "save" the whole. You would actually expect him to NOT stab him while picking Ellie up? If anything, I would have done the same. Why would you let someone threaten you in your face?
Plus, how were Fireflies going to save the word? There were still people who became killers and cannibals and Fireflies were about to just unintentionally popularize them. They are much worse than the infected. Just like I said, people are the ones who ruined Joel's life, not zombies. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Also, there are other games who did the same with TLOU and were still great like Dead Space
Isaac Clarke's main objective in the game is to save his wife from a spaceship infested with aliens and in the end, it turned out that his whole adventure was for nothing because his wife was dead the whole time.
Dude, he could have literally punched the doctor once and he’d get knocked out. Throughout the entire game he could punch zombies to death. Literally. That’s how hard he hits, it isn’t a matter of “Oh, he wouldn’t let him take Ellie” because at the end of the day the surgeon would be on the floor unable to do anything. It’s literally not defensible at all, the other two doctors let him take her, KO the one who tried to defend her and you’re good. I mean Joel had the knife, he didn’t even need to thrust it into his throat, the mere threat of death would get him to behave
I’ve never played dead space but that ending sounds nothing like the one from TLOU. Isaac doesn’t lose pretty much all of his character development at the end, he was still driven by a just cause, unlike Joel, and unfortunately he failed, as is the way of life. Joel on the other hand murders a bunch of innocents who are trying to save the world instead of making the hard decision, making him by far one of the most weak willed characters I’ve ever played as, literally as soon as he starts to show the good side of his personality as well, the guy just needs to go and cock it up by basically committing a terrorist attack. He’s not even an anti-hero at that point, he’s the villain.
I know I talk about this game a lot, but it’s a perfectly good exampl: Arthur Morgan in red dead 2 starts off as a selfish outlaw, who later (determinately, but lbh this is fucking canon Arthur) turns into a Good Samaritan who acts in complete selflessness, choosing to cut ties with the people he called family for the greater good. Joel commits to evil, however, going from a man trying to make his way in the apocalypse with a shady past, then he develops into a good person who gave up on being a bandit and developed the urge to protect a young girl, who wasn’t related to him, he made new friends, who sort of back stabbed him (also putting Ellie in danger) but he let him live anyway, only to revert back to the start and abandon all of his earned character development. Red dead 2 does it right, the last of us does it wrong. You develop a character, you stick with it. Simple as that. How is a killer, liar and a thief going to slowly gain a sense of morality throughout the span of a few months, whereas an apocalypse survivor takes half a year to gain a sense of morality, and half a year to completely lose it, after 20 years had already passed. It makes no sense! The more I think about this, the dumber TLOU sounds.
My second play through is with Flak who seems to be considered the most OP. He melts literally everything and it got to the point it was so easy I was checking if the difficulty was changed. When I played as Zane boss battles took me forever, when Flak I literally melted them, some boss battles took like 30 seconds despite being the same level I was at the time when I played as Zane.
You know, people keep saying that, and I honestly never had a problem. I'm experiencing way more problems with Moze in Mayhem Mode. Almost a… mores soon as I deploy Iron Bear, he's killed, and I have a shield for him. With my Zane, I have health regeneration on every kill, as well as regular health regen, and when I'm close to death, I just deploy my clone and get an immediate second wind. I'm not having the same problems as everyone else.
Joel on the other hand murders a bunch of innocents who are trying to save the world instead of making the hard decision, making him by far one of the most weak willed characters I’ve ever played as, literally as soon as he starts to show the good side of his personality as well, the guy just needs to go and cock it up by basically committing a terrorist attack. He’s not even an anti-hero at that point, he’s the villain.
Yeah, a villain who tried to save a girl from people who actually murdered people at the beginning. Fireflies are the ones attacked Boston, just to look for Robert. Not to mention, outside the Firefly base, the soldier knocks a man, who was trying to save a girl (THE "CURE") from drowning, out for no fucking reason and who the fuck knows how they revived her, maybe one of them volunteering themselves? What if the firefly knocked Joel out and Ellie died instantly? Does that make Joel any more of a villain? Fireflies are nothing but a bunch of assholes who kept making the same mistakes instead of finding a better way to get a cure.
Riddle me this. Do you think this game would have been better if Joel just accepts that stupid decision? This game probably would have been less successful if it ended with a cliche ending. What if the fireflies still failed to get the cure? Joel would have been out of character to just let the same people ruin his life again. He was a father and all he wanted was a good life with his daughter, Sarah. This game isn't about the danger caused by zombies, it's the humanity that is the main villain of the game. People gave him no choice, why would he let them keep throwing shit at him? If you were a father and lost someone you loved before the apocalypse, you think it would be just easy for you to let those idiots get cure by sacrificing someone you care about?
FL4K is definitely OP from what I've heard, he has already been nerfed...twice.
Again, I don't know what it is, but I never really experienced any difficulty, especially during the boss fights, as Zane. The only one that gave me trouble was Traunt on Athenas, that was a bitch and a half. Everything else, I was able to do in one or two tries. Other than Traunt, the only thing that came close to giving me a difficult time was probably the Agonizer 9000 with Pain and Terror.
Are you using only one of your skills in order to keep a grenade, or are you using two? I abandoned the grenade and had my clone and my drone active. Even before Zane got boosted in a recent patch, my clone and drone going at the same time helped me greatly.
My second play through is with Flak who seems to be considered the most OP. He melts literally everything and it got to the point it was so … moreeasy I was checking if the difficulty was changed. When I played as Zane boss battles took me forever, when Flak I literally melted them, some boss battles took like 30 seconds despite being the same level I was at the time when I played as Zane.
I had my Zane built more with grenades with the grenade damage boosting your clone. I read it was better to have that build than abandon them (but who knows, this was also before it was considered Zane wasnt that good)
I plan to play as Amara next, but the thing with Zane was it wasnt really "hard" but I can def say at times it feels like you dont do much damage at all. For example boss battles went on for a long ass time, but I rarely actually died. Agonizer took me a long time as Zane, but I played as Flak and seriously no joke it was so pathetically easy. First health bar went down in 10 seconds, second went down in 2.
FL4K is definitely OP from what I've heard, he has already been nerfed...twice.
Again, I don't know what it is, but I never really experi… moreenced any difficulty, especially during the boss fights, as Zane. The only one that gave me trouble was Traunt on Athenas, that was a bitch and a half. Everything else, I was able to do in one or two tries. Other than Traunt, the only thing that came close to giving me a difficult time was probably the Agonizer 9000 with Pain and Terror.
Are you using only one of your skills in order to keep a grenade, or are you using two? I abandoned the grenade and had my clone and my drone active. Even before Zane got boosted in a recent patch, my clone and drone going at the same time helped me greatly.
I can’t speak from experience as I haven’t played as FL4K yet (still working through Mayhem as Moze and work has been killing me otherwise), but they’re just seems to be a lot of inconsistencies between the characters’ abilities. Some are too powerful, some are too weak. With that, some balancing issues for the Annointed in Mayhem, and the bugs and menu problems, among other things, it shows that not a lot of testing was done for this game. The menu, especially the inventory and skills sections, still runs like crap on my PS4, and I’ve heard others have had similar problems. I just think these problems in regards to the characters could have easily been rectified with proper testing so we don’t have to wait for patch after patch to fix them, which only generates more negative publicity for the game and Gearbox/2K. And after everything that went wrong before the game came out, it’s not like they need more bad press.
I had my Zane built more with grenades with the grenade damage boosting your clone. I read it was better to have that build than abandon the… morem (but who knows, this was also before it was considered Zane wasnt that good)
I plan to play as Amara next, but the thing with Zane was it wasnt really "hard" but I can def say at times it feels like you dont do much damage at all. For example boss battles went on for a long ass time, but I rarely actually died. Agonizer took me a long time as Zane, but I played as Flak and seriously no joke it was so pathetically easy. First health bar went down in 10 seconds, second went down in 2.
Now this is something I didn't expect to look interesting. I don't know shit about Ms. Marvel but I already want to play this game only because of her character.
I have your blog on RSS and noticed it came to life a few days ago. I had some decent memories pop up when you reviewed Mario Bros. (without any "Super" in it), and when you got to Donkey Kong Jr., that was a game I had completely forgotten about! Have you ever played Jungle Hunt / Jungle King (the same game had two names)? I can still get that theme song playing in my head.
I will never not push Ms. Marvel, I highly recommend her comic series which started 2013 and ended earlier this year (60 issues overall I think). It's a ton of fun!
I had Jungle Hunt for the ColecoVision, so I only ever heard the opening jingle. I just saw a playthrough of Taito's arcade version on YouTube: I still like the Coleco version of the intro tune better (that's probably just nostalgia though), but the fact that music plays over the actual gameplay almost makes it a whole different game. I'll have to track that down and give it a play.
This is so fucking tragic, please give this man his TWD forums back!
I watched the Joker movie today. I thought it was very good but not really amazing. Joaquin Phoenix is fantastic as the Joker and really makes it his own. Everyone in the movie overall gives a good performance for the most part. The movie can get pretty tense and unnerving at times and for the most part you do feel bad for Arthur. You get a lot of empathy for him, even when his actions begin to get worse and worse, but they do go a little bit ham to show off how crazy he gets in a way that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense (maybe that could be the point). It's also very well shot (lots of great looking scenes) and there's some really good sound design.
However, the movie does seem to crawl up its own behind at times and really push the "We live in a society" theme, which is what honestly brings the movie down for me. It can get pretty preachy about it despite how basic of a take it is. While it's not a shallow movie by any means, it's not particularly deep. Also while I don't really have a problem with the ending (I enjoyed how it ended), it also almost feels like it ends just as it really gets started. Maybe it was just me wanting a bit more movie, which is a good thing.
I really did enjoy the movie though. Is it an Oscar worthy movie? In my opinion, no, I don't think it does enough with its concept to earn one, but I wouldn't be surprised/mad if Joaquin Phoenix gets a nomination at the very least.
Overall, we really do live in a society. It's time for us gamers to rise up from our oppression.
Is it possible to restore a deleted comment on Reddit?
I put a lot of effort into two(on my phone, mind you) and then suddenly they're gone the moment I try to adjust something abou them.
Skybound owns the rights to Telltale's The Walking Dead series now. This includes the legal rights, so Telltale 2.0 probably can't have a dedicated forum here. On the bright side, at least the game rights now belong to The Walking Dead's creator.
Package of amazon stuff finally came! I now own...
The complete series of Spectacular Spider-Man. (I checked the synopses, and I never did finish season 1!)
The complete Batman: Sins of the Father comic mini-series! (taking place between both Telltale seasons, this story has Batman face off against Deadshot!)
Still no trailer it looks like, but at least now I have a date to work with.
EDIT: So apparently, they won't give a trailer, but they'll show the entire first episode of the season at NYCC, and now people are posting plot points about it, and I'm trying to avoid them. I really don't understand why they show entire episodes at stuff like this. Trailers and screenshots I get, hell, even a few minutes of an episode, but there's no way I'm going to be able to avoid getting spoiled about something, especially since the premiere is well over a month away.
Damn, the series looks like it's ramped up to something epic!
(And here I am, the only knowledge I have of the show is from S1 promo pictures. All I know is that the series is about caring for a baby dragon egg)
Trust me, it's a lot more than that. Since it was co-created by the head writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender, I'd recommend it once you finish up with that. The seasons are only 9 episodes long, so even if you start after Season 3 airs, you only have 27 episodes.
Got a new PC and so happy that I can play my Steam games without worrying about the fan heating up.
So the Ceremony happened on Friday, I unfortunately couldn't attend due to some last minute complications, but my Teacher won!
It makes me so proud to see that she is receiving nationwide recognition for her dedication and care towards students.
Just dropping by to say I still love you guys.
Take care y'all
To everyone who sees this....

So recently my computer has kept giving me a message saying my Microsoft Office is no longer valid. Because of this I could no longer use Word, PowerPoint, etc and these are things I need to use for uni. So I just came back from the store with a new copy of Microsoft Office for AUD184 ($124 in American Dollars) and I turned on my Microsoft Office to renew the code aaaand... everything is working.
I just spent close to two hundred dollaridoos for something I can't use, and it can't be refunded.
Damn, that's weird.
Does your university offer any perks like Free access to Microsoft Office 365? (their cloud-based Office?) That could have been an alternative for you, if it's available down undah.
They actually do offer Office 365 but it only lasts as long as I'm a student, the one I got was a permanent installation. But again, sadly everything seems to be working again on my end so I guess I now have a copy of Microsoft Office in case I get a new computer in the future.
Right so because I’m cheap I only managed to get around to TLOU this year and it’s because it’s free on ps+.
Anyway the entire game was a blast, but the ending rubbed me the wrong way, starting from when Joel woke up from his wound. Sure, I didn’t have a problem with him killing the murder rapist cannibals at first, but the last couple of sequences changed my mind. He starts off as not the best person in the world, and it would be understandable if that was consistent, but he goes through this arc if gaining his humanity back, only to instantly lose it all over again. I get that he’d do anything for Ellie but I just don’t like it. I hope part 2 addresses this issue and he at least feels a little bit of remorse.
There is a tape in the last chapter in which confirms that the Fireflies already tried to get cure from 12 people who were just as immune as Ellie. Joel was justified to prevent from letting them do the same with Ellie because come on, they failed 12 times, I don't think Ellie was any different to those patients.
Was the tape optional because I don’t remember that part. If it was, my Joel definitely wasn’t justified. Plus I looked at a few walkthroughs and every youtuber I watched was dissatisfied with the ending and all of them thought that Joel was lying to her at the end so it must be optional.Even if this was the case it still doesn’t feel right. It feels to me like a lot of the development in the other chapters was for nothing.
Well, aren't all collectibles collected supposed to be canon to the story? I don't remember this game having some sort of "make your own decisions" mechanic that excludes the combat system. Plus, Joel finds humans way more threatening than the infected, they are the main reason his daughter died in the first place. Why would he make the same mistake again with his daughter figure? Just like I said, the tape confirms Fireflies failed 12 times to find cure out of immune people and I don't think Ellie was any different.
I didn’t collect that “collectible” though, and if you ignore optional conversations, the person you can have said conversation with will have different reactions, so everything that’s optional in this game being considered as canon can suck my ass because they’re not as far as what I can see. Besides a whole heap of people seem to have missed that collectible, so if you want to show off an important fucking plot piece, how about doing it in the actual story itself instead of hiding it? It’s a good game, but there are plot holes and hidden details that shouldn’t be hidden and should be incorporated into the main story everywhere
True dat. I didn't even know that existed.
I mean it’s one thing having an incredibly well hidden/obscured Easter egg or item, but having an important plot device hidden, which would happen to make Joel look like the scummiest liar there is if you don’t find it, is just not how to do things.
Edit: Right no wonder we couldn’t find the recorder, it doesn’t exist. I went through all of them and the closest one I could find is “surgeon’s recorder” which basically says “Ellie’s infection is nothing like we’ve ever seen before” plus there’s a recording after that where Marlene says that she’s just been told that the only way to create a vaccine is by killing Ellie and how that decision is difficult for her. Why lie about past patients in your own private recording? Anyway, yeah, Joel lies and is in the wrong so part 2 needs a redemption arc for him
Idk I liked it. It's a very selfish and fucked up ending that just barely works yet it doesn't really leave a bad taste for me. Also it didn't feel like the story was about morality, rather Joel growing closer to Ellie, and how that culminates in a controversial plot point that allows for lots of discussion. I do want Joel and Ellie to talk more about that moment in Part 2 though.
Idk. I feel like the ending could have been better placed, either in the middle (Joel’s wake up call for why he should be Ellie’s father figure rather than all’s it taking was her getting pissy and storming off) giving us time to regain our affection for him rather than leaving this bitter taste in our mouths once the game ends, or at the start of a second game so we have an entire redemption arc all ready for us.
I just kinda feel cheated that I spent the entire game caring for this character, then he goes and does something that you wouldn’t expect him to do...I mean the guy with the surgery knife thingie, could he not have just knocked him out instead of stabbing him in the fucking throat? It’s even worse that he does this knowing that the fireflies are good people who want to save humanity, and he ends all of that just so he can have this girl. Now when I buy the second game, I’ll either want him to get his act together and do a tonne of good, or he needs to die. The progressiveness of his character arc throughout the entirety of the game conveys his struggles with the past and how he can move past that with a new daughter, sort of like a second chance at fatherhood, yet he sacrifices all of his redeeming qualities and all of said qualities that this girl admires about him, also damning the human race in the process, just for one person. It’s a severe morality issue that he executed in the wrong way.
Honestly, the ending seemed to suggest Ellie knew he was lying and was gonna to let it be for the time being until it becomes too much to ignore.
Today was kinda nice. When I was out pushing carts, there was this wonderful sunset. It had colors of red orange and purple, some pink on the edge, and had a moon off to the side that greatly resembled this moment:

I was very happy to see that. Almost had me in tears.
me after playing Borderlands 3 as Zane just to replay as a different character and realize how shit and low tier Zane is
You know, people keep saying that, and I honestly never had a problem. I'm experiencing way more problems with Moze in Mayhem Mode. Almost as soon as I deploy Iron Bear, he's killed, and I have a shield for him. With my Zane, I have health regeneration on every kill, as well as regular health regen, and when I'm close to death, I just deploy my clone and get an immediate second wind. I'm not having the same problems as everyone else.
Yeah because the doctor would have totally just let him take the only thing that could "save" the whole. You would actually expect him to NOT stab him while picking Ellie up? If anything, I would have done the same. Why would you let someone threaten you in your face?
Plus, how were Fireflies going to save the word? There were still people who became killers and cannibals and Fireflies were about to just unintentionally popularize them. They are much worse than the infected. Just like I said, people are the ones who ruined Joel's life, not zombies. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.
Also, there are other games who did the same with TLOU and were still great like Dead Space
Isaac Clarke's main objective in the game is to save his wife from a spaceship infested with aliens and in the end, it turned out that his whole adventure was for nothing because his wife was dead the whole time.
Dude, he could have literally punched the doctor once and he’d get knocked out. Throughout the entire game he could punch zombies to death. Literally. That’s how hard he hits, it isn’t a matter of “Oh, he wouldn’t let him take Ellie” because at the end of the day the surgeon would be on the floor unable to do anything. It’s literally not defensible at all, the other two doctors let him take her, KO the one who tried to defend her and you’re good. I mean Joel had the knife, he didn’t even need to thrust it into his throat, the mere threat of death would get him to behave
I’ve never played dead space but that ending sounds nothing like the one from TLOU. Isaac doesn’t lose pretty much all of his character development at the end, he was still driven by a just cause, unlike Joel, and unfortunately he failed, as is the way of life. Joel on the other hand murders a bunch of innocents who are trying to save the world instead of making the hard decision, making him by far one of the most weak willed characters I’ve ever played as, literally as soon as he starts to show the good side of his personality as well, the guy just needs to go and cock it up by basically committing a terrorist attack. He’s not even an anti-hero at that point, he’s the villain.
I know I talk about this game a lot, but it’s a perfectly good exampl: Arthur Morgan in red dead 2 starts off as a selfish outlaw, who later (determinately, but lbh this is fucking canon Arthur) turns into a Good Samaritan who acts in complete selflessness, choosing to cut ties with the people he called family for the greater good. Joel commits to evil, however, going from a man trying to make his way in the apocalypse with a shady past, then he develops into a good person who gave up on being a bandit and developed the urge to protect a young girl, who wasn’t related to him, he made new friends, who sort of back stabbed him (also putting Ellie in danger) but he let him live anyway, only to revert back to the start and abandon all of his earned character development. Red dead 2 does it right, the last of us does it wrong. You develop a character, you stick with it. Simple as that. How is a killer, liar and a thief going to slowly gain a sense of morality throughout the span of a few months, whereas an apocalypse survivor takes half a year to gain a sense of morality, and half a year to completely lose it, after 20 years had already passed. It makes no sense! The more I think about this, the dumber TLOU sounds.
My second play through is with Flak who seems to be considered the most OP. He melts literally everything and it got to the point it was so easy I was checking if the difficulty was changed. When I played as Zane boss battles took me forever, when Flak I literally melted them, some boss battles took like 30 seconds despite being the same level I was at the time when I played as Zane.
Yeah, a villain who tried to save a girl from people who actually murdered people at the beginning. Fireflies are the ones attacked Boston, just to look for Robert. Not to mention, outside the Firefly base, the soldier knocks a man, who was trying to save a girl (THE "CURE") from drowning, out for no fucking reason and who the fuck knows how they revived her, maybe one of them volunteering themselves? What if the firefly knocked Joel out and Ellie died instantly? Does that make Joel any more of a villain? Fireflies are nothing but a bunch of assholes who kept making the same mistakes instead of finding a better way to get a cure.
Riddle me this. Do you think this game would have been better if Joel just accepts that stupid decision? This game probably would have been less successful if it ended with a cliche ending. What if the fireflies still failed to get the cure? Joel would have been out of character to just let the same people ruin his life again. He was a father and all he wanted was a good life with his daughter, Sarah. This game isn't about the danger caused by zombies, it's the humanity that is the main villain of the game. People gave him no choice, why would he let them keep throwing shit at him? If you were a father and lost someone you loved before the apocalypse, you think it would be just easy for you to let those idiots get cure by sacrificing someone you care about?
FL4K is definitely OP from what I've heard, he has already been nerfed...twice.
Again, I don't know what it is, but I never really experienced any difficulty, especially during the boss fights, as Zane. The only one that gave me trouble was Traunt on Athenas, that was a bitch and a half. Everything else, I was able to do in one or two tries. Other than Traunt, the only thing that came close to giving me a difficult time was probably the Agonizer 9000 with Pain and Terror.
Are you using only one of your skills in order to keep a grenade, or are you using two? I abandoned the grenade and had my clone and my drone active. Even before Zane got boosted in a recent patch, my clone and drone going at the same time helped me greatly.
I had my Zane built more with grenades with the grenade damage boosting your clone. I read it was better to have that build than abandon them (but who knows, this was also before it was considered Zane wasnt that good)
I plan to play as Amara next, but the thing with Zane was it wasnt really "hard" but I can def say at times it feels like you dont do much damage at all. For example boss battles went on for a long ass time, but I rarely actually died. Agonizer took me a long time as Zane, but I played as Flak and seriously no joke it was so pathetically easy. First health bar went down in 10 seconds, second went down in 2.
I can’t speak from experience as I haven’t played as FL4K yet (still working through Mayhem as Moze and work has been killing me otherwise), but they’re just seems to be a lot of inconsistencies between the characters’ abilities. Some are too powerful, some are too weak. With that, some balancing issues for the Annointed in Mayhem, and the bugs and menu problems, among other things, it shows that not a lot of testing was done for this game. The menu, especially the inventory and skills sections, still runs like crap on my PS4, and I’ve heard others have had similar problems. I just think these problems in regards to the characters could have easily been rectified with proper testing so we don’t have to wait for patch after patch to fix them, which only generates more negative publicity for the game and Gearbox/2K. And after everything that went wrong before the game came out, it’s not like they need more bad press.