The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Yeah I agree. Anointed in Mayhem made me not want to play it as its expecting you to kill 4 of them at the same time as well as a few bad asses. I found this to be impossible as Zane, but Flak its not hard to do (which is like you see, seems like lack of polish in balance department)

    Just seems unlike past Borderlands games, theres def better and worst characters. Right now it seems Zane is in the shit tier, and Flak is God. I hear Amara is probably second best but I also heard Moze actually has a super op build. Sadly it seems Zane just sucks no matter what which does suck because I honestly liked his character the most out of my 2 playthroughs (and from what Ive seen of Moze and Amara from youtube)

    I can’t speak from experience as I haven’t played as FL4K yet (still working through Mayhem as Moze and work has been killing me otherwise),

  • Oh Zane is definitely the best in terms of personality, he’s got some of the best lines in the game and he’s so fun.

    (sees a room filled with corpses and blood) “Reminds me of my first piano recital.”

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah I agree. Anointed in Mayhem made me not want to play it as its expecting you to kill 4 of them at the same time as well as a few bad as

  • Why am I now just learning that there's not one, but TWO, references to Metallica songs in Borderlands 3?!

    You have a gun literally called Creeping Death, with red text in it's description with "I creep across the land" a lyric from the song Creeping Death.

    Then, you have the King's Call and the Queen's Call, both of which have red text quoting Metallica's Nothing Else Matters. "Life is ours, we live it our way."

    Where were you guys?! Why didn't you tell me?!

  • Hey bros... tomorrow Wolf Among Us turns 6 years old. I wonder if new Telltale will say something, Im sure they will, right bros?

  • Oh poogers, dem' eyes say it all!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey bros... tomorrow Wolf Among Us turns 6 years old. I wonder if new Telltale will say something, Im sure they will, right bros?

  • Wow didn't notice it's been 6 years......

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey bros... tomorrow Wolf Among Us turns 6 years old. I wonder if new Telltale will say something, Im sure they will, right bros?

  • bro did you just say you would stab somebody

    AronDracula posted: »

    (Spoiler) Also, there are other games who did the same with TLOU and were still great like Dead Space (Spoiler)

  • literally every story beat in the last of us is cliche so i dont really see how it having a more cliche ending would have impacted it negatively but aight you're probably right

    AronDracula posted: »


  • edited October 2019

  • That kitten has awful parents

    lupinb0y posted: »

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  • 🔮 ➕ 🔜 = 🐺

  • edited October 2019

    Dude it takes literally until the 2nd to last act of the game for Joel to suddenly develop some sort of emotions for her. He’s a shit protagonist and everything you’re saying is making things worse. As soon as she spills her heart out to him, he’s like “nah, fam, fuck u we’re going our separate ways” 2 scenes later they’re best buds. Yeah, powerful plot.

    You should know more than anyone that not every game is flawless, and that it’s ok to admit when something’s wrong. You like Joel? Fine. But you can’t deny he’s an absolute dickhead who’s soul motivation was “I need to smuggle this kid so I get paid” only for him to actually start caring for her out of nowhere. Oh, and as far as I know, it was the military who was going around killing people at the start. Fireflies wear green armour, the military wore black. So idk if I missed something or what, but I’m sure you’re wrong about that.

    A game isn’t defined by the ending, and that’s just a fact. If you only like the last of us for the ending, not the gameplay, the beginning, the middle or the characters, then I’m sorry but you just don’t like the last of us. I can name many successful games with cliché endings: Basically every gta game in existence, the Witcher 3, Marvel’s Spider-Man, undead nightmare, every elderscrolls game in existence, the walking dead season 4, etc. So the game would be as popular as it is now with a different ending? Why? Because nobody fucking liked the ending and it still did well, save from a select few people of course. But trust me, I’ve had discussions with people, I’ve watched review videos, reaction videos, and the only person I’ve seen who liked the ending was you, so it’s just bs saying the game wouldn’t be as good without the ending.

    I mean if you liked the ending then more power to you, but you’re getting a bit heated over an opinion that you need to see both sides of. I used to defend games to the death to, even if I made 0 sense so I still understand, but I still hate Joel as a protagonist and wouldn’t get too upset if he died in the next game.

    Edit: so I looked it up, and it was all the military’s fault, not the fireflies. The military provoked them, so they responded back with violence as a last resort.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • edited October 2019

    Went to PAX AUS today with a couple friends. Had a swell time and got some nice loot (some merch, a comic book and a shirt). Wanted to try out the Avengers game but didn't want to line up for a long time so we spent most of the time looking around at the booths and merch stores.

    Saw some people playing Biomutant, an action RPG that's supposed to come out sometime this year. It looks like it'll be a fun time and it looks to have pretty in depth character customisation. It did however look a little janky in terms of platforming so hopefully that's ironed out before it releases whenever. There's still no final release date which makes me think it'll be delayed again to next year.

    I also saw a bunch of neat little indie games on display. I didn't get a good look at all of them but the ones that caught my attention the most were Necrobarista and The Rewinder. There was also a first person shooter game that looked kinda neat (like a low poly Counter-Strike) but I can't remember the name of it. It was Blood [Something] I think.

  • edited October 2019

    As soon as she spills her heart out to him, he’s like “nah, fam, fuck u we’re going our separate ways” 2 scenes later they’re best buds.

    I assume you're talking about the "you're treading on some mighty thin ice" scene, so I hope by 2 scenes later you mean '2 seasons later'. Keep in mind that following this, Ellie and Joel take the long trek to the University of Colorado, visibly develop a good relationship -- with the following scene opening with Joel explaining to Ellie the rules of football, also evidenced by their conversations they have when you get off of Callus.
    Not to mention that in Winter we've got Ellie caring for Joel and then their reconciliation after Ellie's trauma leading into Spring.

    But you can’t deny he’s an absolute dickhead who’s soul motivation was “I need to smuggle this kid so I get paid” only for him to actually start caring for her out of nowhere.

    I mean, yeah, Joel is actually a pretty bad dude but no they didn't develop a relationship "out of nowhere".

    So the game would be as popular as it is now with a different ending? Why? Because nobody fucking liked the ending and it still did well

    I agree with the sentiment that _____ isn't defined by its ending, but a good, proper ending can certainly enhance upon the experience of what happened before. (And, c'mon man, you can't just say "nobody liked the ending". I've seen plenty of people liking the ending. I liked the ending. It's a thought-provoking one.)
    TLOU ending with Joel not killing all the fireflies, crying over Ellie's death and having humanity cured would have been expected and everyone would be fine with. Open and shut cliché ending, I got no problems with that.
    But with the added moral dilemma of having Joel (a clearly messed up guy) possibly dooming the human race by taking away their most successful cure candidate (given that Ellie's case was unlike anything they'd seen before) is certainly a way to add some subjective conflict to the game. The game is great, even before it reaches the ending, but you can't deny that the way it ends is probably not what you'd expect when you first pick up the game.

    Edit: Shouldn't this discussion now be migrated over to the TLOU Discussion thread?

    Melton23 posted: »


  • He’s a shit protagonist and everything you’re saying is making things worse.

    You don't have to like his character. You just need to at least understand why he did that cause you don't seem to accept his motivation. Like Magneto from X-Men franchise, I don't think anybody agreed with what he was doing but he was still justified.

    As soon as she spills her heart out to him, he’s like “nah, fam, fuck u we’re going our separate ways” 2 scenes later they’re best buds. Yeah, powerful plot.

    You don't get it. The main reason Joel did that was because he didn't want to lose his brother and have his sister-in-law, Maria, become an enemy towards him. The loss of his daughter was already enough.

    You should know more than anyone that not every game is flawless

    I never said this game was perfect. Hell, there is NO game that is for everyone. The only thing that pisses me off the most is the enemy A.I.

    But you can’t deny he’s an absolute dickhead

    Did I ever say that you don't get to judge all of his actions? I never said he was innocent.

    Because nobody fucking liked the ending

    Yet I heard nobody say The Last of Us ending was one of the worst that ever happened, not even top 10.

    I’ve watched review videos, reaction videos, and the only person I’ve seen who liked the ending was you

    I bet you only watched reviews from IGN and Gamespot who are both unprofessional shits, because Chris Stuckmann liked the ending as well.

    I mean if you liked the ending then more power to you, but you’re getting a bit heated over an opinion that you need to see both sides of.

    No I didn't. Just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean I don't understand why you don't like the ending. I do see why people were underwhelmed but I wasn't for a good reason.

    everything you’re saying is making things worse.

    Then stop making nonsensical excuses to make Joel look like a terrible character. I don't wanna keep arguing about this. As I said, you don't have to like him and I do know he isn't innocent but at least understand everything he has done because you think it's easy for a father who lost everything he cared about to do something that could cause deja vu to him?

    Melton23 posted: »


  • man can't we all just agree that tlou is mediocre and uncharted is better why must we fight

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Is that a bat?

    lupinb0y posted: »

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  • "This thing that got a lot of praise ain't much."

  • edited October 2019

    The top-down, Freedom-filled, Starship Troopers-like game Helldivers might be getting a new small expansion this Liberty Day (Oct. 26) like it did last year. If it's night missions, I'm excited!

  • Yup.

    Is that a bat?

  • when you say "starship troopers-like", do you mean from the perspective of somebody who actually understands the satirical nature of the film and it's takedowns of corporate capitalism, fascism and military propaganda, or from the perspective of filmbros who think it's an epic space action movie about beating up bad guys and is very cool and badass. because depending on the answer this could be a hard play or a hard pass.

    AChicken posted: »

    The top-down, Freedom-filled, Starship Troopers-like game Helldivers might be getting a new small expansion this Liberty Day (Oct. 26) like

  • edited October 2019

    I mean it from the perspective of someone whose never seen the film. Only heard of it.

    So, I think that second definition fits it better.
    (the game uses some cheesy voice lines as you're shooting up alien baddies. "For Libertyyy!" and "How'd you like the taste of freedom?!" among other things. It leans heavily into parodying patriotism and American military bros.)

    You might not be too keen on the influence if StarshipT is what draws you in (then again I've never seen it so I don't know it that's good or bad) but the game itself is very fun. There's not much in terms of story, gameplay is king.

    when you say "starship troopers-like", do you mean from the perspective of somebody who actually understands the satirical nature of the fil

  • Lol, all my nightmares nowadays are just me not meeting the deadlines on my assignments and having panic attacks about them.

    I think I'd like to go back to the monsters skulking in the darkness please.

  • edited October 2019

    I mean he did go from “I’m not ur fucken dad, m8” to “I will protect you at all costs” literally one or two scenes apart after they had last seen each other, but hey I’m not trying to ruin your experience or anything, if you liked the game then more power to you, I just thought that it’s incredibly and painfully overrated, still good, but overrated, so I’ll leave it there. Also I have no idea where TLOU thread is an I cba digging it out. Probably on the second page but I’m a lazy shit, so there’s that.

    AChicken posted: »

    (Spoiler) Edit: Shouldn't this discussion now be migrated over to the TLOU Discussion thread?

  • edited October 2019

    Bruh this shit is so cute, like, what the fuck.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Mean adult cats 😢

    lupinb0y posted: »

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  • Disney just made this really long twitter thread of their entire Disney+ catalog coming on Nov. 12. Goes from oldest (1937) to newest (2019) content. And it's a lot. Get ready to scroll.

    Or, if you'd rather see something -- longer than Disney's Avengers: Endgame, mind you -- you can watch this 3+ hour video of a bunch of silent clips from... basically everything on launch day. The further you go the closer you get to the present, if you want to see what the more recent films/shows are included.

  • Finally I can rewatch classics like Zenon: The Zequel and Halloweentown High.

    AChicken posted: »

    Disney just made this really long twitter thread of their entire Disney+ catalog coming on Nov. 12. Goes from oldest (1937) to newest (2019)

  • The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (read: Shame) has released it's nominees for induction in 2020. Much like all nominees in the last several years for the Hall, artists and bands nominated come from a diverse group of genres, ultimately defeating the purpose of it being the ROCK AND ROLL Hall of Fame, but I digress (no I don't).

    Some quick, and some totally not biased in anyway, thoughts on the artists/bands nominated from your local music "expert" MetallicaRules.

    Pat Benatar: I can't say I've been a huge fan or connoisseur of Benatar's music, but there's no denying her popularity in the 80's and her influence even today, especially with classics such as Heartbreaker and Hit Me With Your Best Shot. This is her first time being nominated (which alone is surprising), but I think she's got a good chance of making it, and I think it would be well deserved. And at least she's a rock artist.

    Dave Matthews Band: I've only listened to them a few times, and while they aren't my style, there's no denying they're one of the biggest music acts playing today. They were also the 2nd band to have 5 consecutive No. 1 albums on the Billboard 200 (the first of which was none other than Metallica, obviously). They've successfully blended rock with fusion and jazz to create their own unique sound, so I think that, even if they don't get in this year, they're a shoe in at some point in time.

    Depeche Mode: I'm sure for some, this is well deserved, but for me, I think there's a lot more acts out there far more deserving than them. I've always found their music to be more popish than rock, but they are one of the big New Wave bands of the 80's, so I can see the justification for the nomination. I don't see them getting past the nomination though, there are just more high profile artists on the list (even if they don't belong there).

    The Doobie Brothers: Would you believe that they were my first ever concert (they were touring with Lynyrd Skynyrd back in 2011 and they came to the PNC Bank Arts Center in New Jersey)? Needless to say, I do have a soft spot in my heart for them, but even without that, I do think an argument can be made for them to be in the RRHOF. They're staples of classic rock radio and many of their songs feature some outright great vocal harmonies. They should definitely be in there, but maybe not in front of some other artists that are either nominated as well or have not been yet.

    Whitney Houston: The fact that she was even nominated is an outright insult to rock music and the RRHOF. Whitney Houston (RIP) was an incredibly talented and gifted singer, she had numerous accomplishments, sold more albums than pretty much anyone else nominated, and her influence and legacy will stand the test of time. With that being said, there's one slight problem with this nomination...SHE'S NOT ROCK! You are the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Whitney Houston does not belong there, simple as that. Simply rename it the Music Hall of Fame, there would be no problem. But if you're going to claim to be the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, you need to focus on rock music. I don't expect to see Metallica get nominated for any hip hop accolades anytime soon, do you? This is the kind of shit that infuriates me every year in regards to their nominations.

    Judas Priest: My fellow metal maniacs, it is beyond time for one of the founding fathers of heavy metal (a subgenre of rock) to be inducted into the institution that was supposed to be about rock and roll. This is their second year being nominated, despite being eligible decades before this. Rob Halford, simply put, is one of the greatest rock vocalists of all time, and landmark albums like British Steel and Painkiller continue to play an important role in metal to this day. The fact that they haven't already been inducted, but rap and pop artists have been years before them, is just one of the many middle fingers the RRHOF has dished out over the years.

    Kraftwerk: I've honestly never heard of them, it seems as if they're a German techno band, and if that's true, I'm glad I've never heard of them. Skip.

    MC5: An early originator of punk music known and praised for it's anti-establishment and left-wing political activism and themes in their songs, they were a defining voice of the counter culture movement of the 60's and 70's. Both rock and punk were born out of this movement, and artists like MC5, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Joni Mitchell, and The Beatles (among others) were just some of the artists and forefront. MC5 is one of those bands that probably should have already been in the RRHOF, or one you just assumed were already in. I think it's about time they got in there, but I won't make a big deal if they don't.

    Motörhead: Probably the most shocking nominee on this list for me. Not because I don't think they deserve it, they totally do, but more so because they seem like an artist the RRHOF would completely skip over. Motörhead vocalist, bassist, and sole original member Lemmy (RIP) was the living embodiment of the "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll" lifestyle. I'm not sure there isn't a drug he hadn't tried, and it's rumored that he slept with anywhere between 1,000-2,000 women during his amazing 70 years on this earth (the fact he lived until he was 70 is outright astounding if you knew anything about him). As for the music, the band helped define heavy metal back in the 70's and 80's with albums like Overkill and Ace of Spades. While Lemmy would end up being the only remaining original member, that never stopped the band from touring for several decades, and up until 2 weeks before Lemmy's passing. They totally deserve to be in there, but sadly, I highly doubt they'll get in, whether it's this year or any year. But if they ever do, they absolutely need to include Mikkey Dee and Phil Campbell, who were snubbed from being included because the RRHOF are run by musically inept morons, but I digress (no I don't).

    Nine Inch Nails: Can you say "overrated," because that's what this band is. While their music at least fits within the rock genre, I strongly don't believe they're worthy of induction. I just could never get into their music, and frankly, there are artists both on and off this list that deserve it more. That being said, they'll get in eventually because of their notoriety and fame, regardless of musical talent.

    The Notorious B.IG.: Pretty much the same exact same thing I said for Whitney Houston. He was one of the most prolific and famous rappers of his time, and still one of the most influential today, but he's not rock, and therefore, shouldn't be in. However, like other rap groups like Run DMC, the RRHOF will probably induct him this year, because they're a fucking joke.

    Rufus featuring Chaka Khan: Um, they exist. Honestly, that's as much as I can say about them, I know next to nothing about them. But unlike Kraftwerk, I at least have heard about this group. They've been nominated several times before, so this might just be their year

    Todd Rundgren: I've heard of him because of That 70's Show...that's all I've got. I do know he was a very popular rock artist back in the 70's, and he's also produced some landmark rock albums like Grand Funk Railroad's We're an American Band and Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell. Due to his various talents (being a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer), I can see the argument, but ultimately, I think he'll always come up just short. But like with all things concerning the RRHOF, I'm probably wrong.

    Soundgarden: Other than Nirvana, was their a more influential and recognizable band from the grunge movement of the early to mid 90's? You might say Pearl Jam (who are already in it), but even then, it's a toss up. Chris Cornell (RIP) had one of the most distinct voices of the grunge movement and was an intricate part of Soundgarden's success. Both Nirvana and Pearl Jam are already in there, might as well get them in too and have the Big 3 of Grunge inducted.

    T. Rex: I must admit, this has always been a band that's puzzled me, I never know what to make of them. They're highly influential in the UK, but were never hugely well known in the US. I've heard people talk about them and heap praise for their music, but to me, it just doesn't seem like anything special, at least not compared to what others were doing at the time. They're one of those bands, I think, that are on the cusp and can go either way.

    Thin Lizzy: These guys have been snubbed before in the past, and sadly, it'll probably happen again. It's a damn shame because of just how influential Phil Lynott and Thin Lizzy were on hard rock and heavy metal. Their music goes beyond that and includes elements of blues, psychedelic, soul, and traditional Irish music, all of which lends itself to Thin Lizzy's unique sound. They should be in there, no questions asked.

    Artists that will definitely get in: Whitney Houston, Rufus featuring Chaka Khan, Soundgarden, Pat Benatar, Dave Matthews Band

    On the fence: Depeche Mode, Judas Priest, The Doobie Brothers, MC5, the Notorious B.I.G.

    Artists that should be nominated or should already be in the RRHOF: Iron Maiden, Boston, Megadeth, Pantera, Ozzy Osbourne (solo), Blue Oyster Cult, Jethro Tull, Bad Company, King Crimson, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer, Slayer, Anthrax, Dead Kennedy's

  • edited October 2019

    Riot Games announced an animated series set in the League of Legends universe and while I'm not a fan of League of Legends or Riot Games recent controversies but I have to give credit where credit is due, the animation and visuals in this are absolutely gorgeous holy shit.

    The art and setting really reminds of the Dishonored games. I love me some aminations so I'll definitely keep an eye on this.

  • edited October 2019

    Of course the Washington Nationals are going to the World Series mere months after I graduated from college and no longer live in Washington DC. And of course one of their potential opponents are the Yankees, but I moved from New Jersey/New York down to Georgia over the summer. Why couldn't have this happened about a year ago, that would have been super exciting.

    It's actually kind of funny because I had a job interview for the Nationals in regards to a sales position back in May. At the time, the Nats were near the bottom of the league, no one within the team, especially in their sales department, saw them going this far, let alone making the playoffs. I didn't end up getting the job, but if I did, that would have been something.

  • This whole forum right now.

  • Right now?
    Please, it's been like this for the past 6 months.

    AronDracula posted: »

    This whole forum right now.

  • Not when it was announced that Telltale is back, sort of.

    AChicken posted: »

    Right now? Please, it's been like this for the past 6 months.

  • forum activity rn

  • Honestly I thought the forums would be like this.

    AronDracula posted: »

    This whole forum right now.

  • Doesnt really help the forums are low key hidden. I dont really expect it to get truly active again until they do that (which is probably going to be when the announcement of Wolf 2 happens) and then it will get quiet again until release.

    Its gonna be a little sad though without episodic waits as those arnt going to return. I hope it doesnt mean theres just gonna be a big chunk of discussion then everyone goes away again.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Not when it was announced that Telltale is back, sort of.

  • Wuzzup guys? I've taken a hiatus from certain discussions and I've returned to this one! What happened when I was gone?

  • You could read to find out what happened while you were gone.

    Wuzzup guys? I've taken a hiatus from certain discussions and I've returned to this one! What happened when I was gone?

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