Personally loved it. Loved everything about it. The visuals alone won me over with the glacier looking thing, the Star Destroyers… more rising from the oceans, the shot of the Resistance fleet, etc. The music, the dialogue and having the line "The Force will be with you. Always." by Luke and Leia was just the cherry on top.
It was ok. It's not the best but not the worst either. I was expecting more because it was the finale of Clementine's story and it should have been a big deal but it wasn't. I do love some of its aspects though.
So, after getting in contact with sony, I found out they had taken more money than I thought. The two child accounts had also filled their playstation wallets to the brim of $250 apiece on top of going wild in the playstation store, totaling at almost $1000 stolen. But thankfully, sony was able to see all of this, refunded me to the last penny, and unbanned my account. All's well that ends well.
From this happening I have realized my mistake in making my account easy to access and made some changes. I changed the security to a randomly generated password that is only saved on a Third-party password manager along with Two-step verification for the account. I also made a point of erasing all saved passwords from my browser all together and changing those passwords around as well. This should not happen again, but if it does, I hope it is from a console gaming marketplace.
So, after getting in contact with sony, I found out they had taken more money than I thought. The two child accounts had also filled their p… morelaystation wallets to the brim of $250 apiece on top of going wild in the playstation store, totaling at almost $1000 stolen. But thankfully, sony was able to see all of this, refunded me to the last penny, and unbanned my account. All's well that ends well.
From this happening I have realized my mistake in making my account easy to access and made some changes. I changed the security to a randomly generated password that is only saved on a Third-party password manager along with Two-step verification for the account. I also made a point of erasing all saved passwords from my browser all together and changing those passwords around as well. This should not happen again, but if it does, I hope it is from a console gaming marketplace.
So, after getting in contact with sony, I found out they had taken more money than I thought. The two child accounts had also filled their p… morelaystation wallets to the brim of $250 apiece on top of going wild in the playstation store, totaling at almost $1000 stolen. But thankfully, sony was able to see all of this, refunded me to the last penny, and unbanned my account. All's well that ends well.
From this happening I have realized my mistake in making my account easy to access and made some changes. I changed the security to a randomly generated password that is only saved on a Third-party password manager along with Two-step verification for the account. I also made a point of erasing all saved passwords from my browser all together and changing those passwords around as well. This should not happen again, but if it does, I hope it is from a console gaming marketplace.
Seems Helldivers is actually getting a new expansion this Liberty Day. Yayy!
It's called "Dive Harder". New arena-style missions with modifiers, loadout selection, other quality of life improvements (like skipping the ending cinematic after a war). Sounds great!
I would also never have any credit or debit card saved on file with them. As soon as you buy something, remove it so hackers can't use what you have on file. This goes for any online retailer (PlayStation, Xbox, Amazon, etc.), even if it's annoying to keep re-entering your payment information, better safe than sorry. That's how people got a hold of my info years ago.
So, after getting in contact with sony, I found out they had taken more money than I thought. The two child accounts had also filled their p… morelaystation wallets to the brim of $250 apiece on top of going wild in the playstation store, totaling at almost $1000 stolen. But thankfully, sony was able to see all of this, refunded me to the last penny, and unbanned my account. All's well that ends well.
From this happening I have realized my mistake in making my account easy to access and made some changes. I changed the security to a randomly generated password that is only saved on a Third-party password manager along with Two-step verification for the account. I also made a point of erasing all saved passwords from my browser all together and changing those passwords around as well. This should not happen again, but if it does, I hope it is from a console gaming marketplace.
So this may interest some Borderlands 3 players and Tales fans. But also tiny Bl3 spoilers/future spoilers.
So the first DLC seems like its going to center around Tim Lawrence (Jack's body double) and Jack's Casino which has been in lock down for years ever since Jack died. Jack stole the idea off Moxxi who now wants to destroy it with the help of Tim who is key to even getting in due to being Jack's double.
However, its interesting to note that the audio is place holder, not the actual actors as Moxxi or Jack. This gets a bit conspiracy, but Moxxi in this footage sounds a lot a lot like Erin Yvette, AKA Sasha. Erin recording placer holder lines would mean she is also there for other reasons such as Sasha. If Sasha is coming in a DLC, Im assuming Fiona will too, meaning a Tales DLC is looking more and more likely.
Timothy Lawrence is a great start! Hoping for a Tales DLC more than anything!
Also hmmmm, I'm really hoping this hints towards Erin reprising her role and not being a union loyalist like Troy. But to be down to earth it sounds like Tyreens VA (who works for Gearbox) and not Erin
So this may interest some Borderlands 3 players and Tales fans. But also tiny Bl3 spoilers/future spoilers.
So the first DLC seems like i… morets going to center around Tim Lawrence (Jack's body double) and Jack's Casino which has been in lock down for years ever since Jack died. Jack stole the idea off Moxxi who now wants to destroy it with the help of Tim who is key to even getting in due to being Jack's double.
However, its interesting to note that the audio is place holder, not the actual actors as Moxxi or Jack. This gets a bit conspiracy, but Moxxi in this footage sounds a lot a lot like Erin Yvette, AKA Sasha. Erin recording placer holder lines would mean she is also there for other reasons such as Sasha. If Sasha is coming in a DLC, Im assuming Fiona will too, meaning a Tales DLC is looking more and more likely.
So this may interest some Borderlands 3 players and Tales fans. But also tiny Bl3 spoilers/future spoilers.
So the first DLC seems like i… morets going to center around Tim Lawrence (Jack's body double) and Jack's Casino which has been in lock down for years ever since Jack died. Jack stole the idea off Moxxi who now wants to destroy it with the help of Tim who is key to even getting in due to being Jack's double.
However, its interesting to note that the audio is place holder, not the actual actors as Moxxi or Jack. This gets a bit conspiracy, but Moxxi in this footage sounds a lot a lot like Erin Yvette, AKA Sasha. Erin recording placer holder lines would mean she is also there for other reasons such as Sasha. If Sasha is coming in a DLC, Im assuming Fiona will too, meaning a Tales DLC is looking more and more likely.
Is it just me, or does it sound like the voice of Pretty Boy is doing an evil impersonation of Mel Blanc's Bugs Bunny. I was half expecting him to say "Ehhh, what's up doc?"
I'm not entirely sure it's Erin Yvette. It's definitely not Brina Palencia (or at least not the voice she uses for Moxxi), but as for it being Erin Yvette, I'm just not convinced.
So this may interest some Borderlands 3 players and Tales fans. But also tiny Bl3 spoilers/future spoilers.
So the first DLC seems like i… morets going to center around Tim Lawrence (Jack's body double) and Jack's Casino which has been in lock down for years ever since Jack died. Jack stole the idea off Moxxi who now wants to destroy it with the help of Tim who is key to even getting in due to being Jack's double.
However, its interesting to note that the audio is place holder, not the actual actors as Moxxi or Jack. This gets a bit conspiracy, but Moxxi in this footage sounds a lot a lot like Erin Yvette, AKA Sasha. Erin recording placer holder lines would mean she is also there for other reasons such as Sasha. If Sasha is coming in a DLC, Im assuming Fiona will too, meaning a Tales DLC is looking more and more likely.
I hope that if we get another Mafia game that they really make sure not to make the core gameplay so repetitive. Mafia 3, in my opinion, had a shockingly fantastic story with some extremely well written and voice acted characters. But that gameplay absolutely overstayed its welcome about a third of the way through for me, and it took me nearly 30 hours to beat it.
But thankfully, sony was able to see all of this, refunded me to the last penny, and unbanned my account. All's well that ends well.
Oh thank god. I was really worried for you, man. Glad it all got sorted out.
I would also never have any credit or debit card saved on file with them. As soon as you buy something, remove it so hackers can't use what … moreyou have on file. This goes for any online retailer (PlayStation, Xbox, Amazon, etc.), even if it's annoying to keep re-entering your payment information, better safe than sorry. That's how people got a hold of my info years ago.
I meant to respond to this earlier, but I forgot. You have some good takes. I especially hope Thin Lizzy makes in it.
One artist who I really feel should be the RRHOF is the late Warren Zevon, one of my favorite singer-songwriters. He's just awesome. His macabre lyrics, the sardonic style, and some damn fine songs (which, incidentally, are perfect for Halloween; see "Werewolves of London," "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner," and "Excitable Boy"). He deserves more love. I would hope they would come to recognize him.
The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (read: Shame) has released it's nominees for induction in 2020. Much like all nominees in the last several ye… morears for the Hall, artists and bands nominated come from a diverse group of genres, ultimately defeating the purpose of it being the ROCK AND ROLL Hall of Fame, but I digress (no I don't).
Some quick, and some totally not biased in anyway, thoughts on the artists/bands nominated from your local music "expert" MetallicaRules.
Pat Benatar: I can't say I've been a huge fan or connoisseur of Benatar's music, but there's no denying her popularity in the 80's and her influence even today, especially with classics such as Heartbreaker and Hit Me With Your Best Shot. This is her first time being nominated (which alone is surprising), but I think she's got a good chance of making it, and I think it would be well deserved. And at least she's a rock artist.
Dave Matthews Band: I've only listened to them a fe… [view original content]
Playing Skyrim and was doing the quest where you have to acquire the Nettlebane. Killed the Hagraven and looted her chest. I usually just do a quick scan of the items and use the take all button. I noticed one specific item in the chest, but I was too late to stop my finger from pressing the trigger. I looted the chest. And then suddenly...
I can't stand any of its shit because just like A New Frontier, it ignored and trashed the victory achieved in its predecessors
Reminds me of The Last Jedi, just like ANF they're both hated and it was disappointment for the fans, looking back at TLJ discussion videos and analysis (even though I'm not a big SW fan) that movie is really really bad.
Spider-Man 3 is overhated. It definitely has problems but I don't see how it's coming close as one of the worst movie ever made, it's not ev… moreen on the same level with Superman 4 and Fant4stic.
On the other hand, there is no movie in this world that pissed me off more than Alien 3. I can't stand any of its shit because just like A New Frontier, it ignored and trashed the victory achieved in its predecessors and forced me to care for characters who did absolutely NOTHING for me to remember them. I'm actually surprised Alien 3 gets less hated than Spider-Man 3 and I don't fucking understand. Maybe I would have hated it less if it wasn't connected to the first movies.
TLJ almost took that spot of the movie that pissed me off the worst but it has a few moments that are decent. I'm already getting worried that Episode 9 isn't going fix anything.
I can't stand any of its shit because just like A New Frontier, it ignored and trashed the victory achieved in its predecessors
Remi… morends me of The Last Jedi, just like ANF they're both hated and it was disappointment for the fans, looking back at TLJ discussion videos and analysis (even though I'm not a big SW fan) that movie is really really bad.
Alongside The Last of Us 2's delay today, Ubisoft just released some financial reports and had a conference call about their upcoming games, and apparently Watch Dogs Legion has been delayed to release in their next fiscal year, so "between April 2020 and March 2021". The Assassin's Creed - Gods And Monsters spinoff is reportedly delayed as well, and the standalone Rainbow Six Quarantine.
TLJ almost took that spot of the movie that pissed me off the worst but it has a few moments that are decent. I'm already getting worried that Episode 9 isn't going fix anything.
Breakpoint really put a wrench in their plans, but it's good that they seem to be trying to make up for it. Which is good considering how poorly received it was. I think it's been a while since a AAA game has been so negatively reviewed.
The Assassin's Creed - Gods And Monsters spinoff is reportedly delayed as well
Gods and Monsters is it's own standalone game, it's just being worked on by the AC Odyssey team.
According to their statement regarding the delays they have five AAA games coming out next year including the ones you just listed. The fourth one is presumably the next AC game. The other one better be a new Splinter Cell or I'll be mildly annoyed for a couple minutes..
Alongside The Last of Us 2's delay today, Ubisoft just released some financial reports and had a conference call about their upcoming games,… more and apparently Watch Dogs Legion has been delayed to release in their next fiscal year, so "between April 2020 and March 2021". The Assassin's Creed - Gods And Monsters spinoff is reportedly delayed as well, and the standalone Rainbow Six Quarantine.
Breakpoint, explain yourself.
THQ Nordiq announced a collectors edition for the Battle for Bikini Bottom game which includes three statues for Spongebob, Patrick and Sandy, but for some reason they have Spongebobs tongue vibrate throughout the thing. It's the only one in the video that does that.
I need to know if it actually does that. Probably not but it'd be neat if it did. Probably not though.
ok but bb8 leading horses into battle on top of a star destroyer is easily way more bananas and creative than anything in the prequels and even if it's stupid i'm in love with it
THQ Nordiq announced a collectors edition for the Battle for Bikini Bottom game which includes three statues for Spongebob, Patrick and Sand… morey, but for some reason they have Spongebobs tongue vibrate throughout the thing. It's the only one in the video that does that.
I need to know if it actually does that. Probably not but it'd be neat if it did. Probably not though.
ok but bb8 leading horses into battle on top of a star destroyer is easily way more bananas and creative than anything in the prequels and even if it's stupid i'm in love with it
seeing a butterfly flap it's wings upwards only lasts for a few seconds, the fruity taste of toocan sam's fruit loops only lasts for a few seconds, the excitement and elation of getting your friends with a ligma joke only lasts for a few seconds. art is art bro.
Playing Skyrim and was doing the quest where you have to acquire the Nettlebane. Killed the Hagraven and looted her chest. I usually just do… more a quick scan of the items and use the take all button. I noticed one specific item in the chest, but I was too late to stop my finger from pressing the trigger. I looted the chest. And then suddenly...
I only played the quest once (YEARS ago) despite my many playthroughs but I remember it actually being alright. My only problem with it was the incessant yelling in my ears lol.
Persona 5 Scramble (for the Switch) is looking to be more like Persona 5: 2 with real-time combat elements.
There's a calendar system, the visual style has been perfectly replicated, typical Persona elements of being normal teens doing summer stuff... This looks cool.
Just don't get overhyped. Trailers don't always result good movies.
Batman and the Wolf Among Us after their rights are bought back by New Telltale
While I do get excited over trailers I usually try to temper my expectations for the actual product themselves just out of fear lol.
How do you describe each season of telltale's the walking dead? (Excluding ANF, since... well, you know.)
So, after getting in contact with sony, I found out they had taken more money than I thought. The two child accounts had also filled their playstation wallets to the brim of $250 apiece on top of going wild in the playstation store, totaling at almost $1000 stolen. But thankfully, sony was able to see all of this, refunded me to the last penny, and unbanned my account. All's well that ends well.
From this happening I have realized my mistake in making my account easy to access and made some changes. I changed the security to a randomly generated password that is only saved on a Third-party password manager along with Two-step verification for the account. I also made a point of erasing all saved passwords from my browser all together and changing those passwords around as well. This should not happen again, but if it does, I hope it is from a console gaming marketplace.
Geez that's a lot of money they managed to get away with. Luckily you were able to get it all back!
Oh thank god. I was really worried for you, man. Glad it all got sorted out.
Seems Helldivers is actually getting a new expansion this Liberty Day. Yayy!
It's called "Dive Harder". New arena-style missions with modifiers, loadout selection, other quality of life improvements (like skipping the ending cinematic after a war). Sounds great!

I would also never have any credit or debit card saved on file with them. As soon as you buy something, remove it so hackers can't use what you have on file. This goes for any online retailer (PlayStation, Xbox, Amazon, etc.), even if it's annoying to keep re-entering your payment information, better safe than sorry. That's how people got a hold of my info years ago.
So this may interest some Borderlands 3 players and Tales fans. But also tiny Bl3 spoilers/future spoilers.
So the first DLC seems like its going to center around Tim Lawrence (Jack's body double) and Jack's Casino which has been in lock down for years ever since Jack died. Jack stole the idea off Moxxi who now wants to destroy it with the help of Tim who is key to even getting in due to being Jack's double.
However, its interesting to note that the audio is place holder, not the actual actors as Moxxi or Jack. This gets a bit conspiracy, but Moxxi in this footage sounds a lot a lot like Erin Yvette, AKA Sasha. Erin recording placer holder lines would mean she is also there for other reasons such as Sasha. If Sasha is coming in a DLC, Im assuming Fiona will too, meaning a Tales DLC is looking more and more likely.
Man these BL3 DLC's better be fucking hype.
Timothy Lawrence is a great start! Hoping for a Tales DLC more than anything!
Also hmmmm, I'm really hoping this hints towards Erin reprising her role and not being a union loyalist like Troy. But to be down to earth it sounds like Tyreens VA (who works for Gearbox) and not Erin
Nice. If there's any DLC for the con-artist duo to appear, then a casino-themed level sounds like the perfect place.
Been on this forum for 5 years now.
Is it just me, or does it sound like the voice of Pretty Boy is doing an evil impersonation of Mel Blanc's Bugs Bunny. I was half expecting him to say "Ehhh, what's up doc?"
I'm not entirely sure it's Erin Yvette. It's definitely not Brina Palencia (or at least not the voice she uses for Moxxi), but as for it being Erin Yvette, I'm just not convinced.
I hope that if we get another Mafia game that they really make sure not to make the core gameplay so repetitive. Mafia 3, in my opinion, had a shockingly fantastic story with some extremely well written and voice acted characters. But that gameplay absolutely overstayed its welcome about a third of the way through for me, and it took me nearly 30 hours to beat it.
Yep. Yep it was lol.
Thanks man, I appreciate it.
That's a good idea. Yeah it maybe annoying at first, but it's better than this ever happening again. I probably won't be so lucky next time.
Why the hell was this video recommended in my youtube home feed?

Same. I thought it was just recommended from the hours I spent going through the WD subreddit
I meant to respond to this earlier, but I forgot. You have some good takes. I especially hope Thin Lizzy makes in it.
One artist who I really feel should be the RRHOF is the late Warren Zevon, one of my favorite singer-songwriters. He's just awesome. His macabre lyrics, the sardonic style, and some damn fine songs (which, incidentally, are perfect for Halloween; see "Werewolves of London," "Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner," and "Excitable Boy"). He deserves more love. I would hope they would come to recognize him.
191?! Dang, that's a lot of "okays" from Clementine lol
Playing Skyrim and was doing the quest where you have to acquire the Nettlebane. Killed the Hagraven and looted her chest. I usually just do a quick scan of the items and use the take all button. I noticed one specific item in the chest, but I was too late to stop my finger from pressing the trigger. I looted the chest. And then suddenly...
Reminds me of The Last Jedi, just like ANF they're both hated and it was disappointment for the fans, looking back at TLJ discussion videos and analysis (even though I'm not a big SW fan) that movie is really really bad.
TLJ almost took that spot of the movie that pissed me off the worst but it has a few moments that are decent. I'm already getting worried that Episode 9 isn't going fix anything.
So this is a thing. Valve actually remembered that Left 4 Dead is a thing?!
Alongside The Last of Us 2's delay today, Ubisoft just released some financial reports and had a conference call about their upcoming games, and apparently Watch Dogs Legion has been delayed to release in their next fiscal year, so "between April 2020 and March 2021". The Assassin's Creed - Gods And Monsters spinoff is reportedly delayed as well, and the standalone Rainbow Six Quarantine.
Breakpoint, explain yourself.
What if it does?
Breakpoint really put a wrench in their plans, but it's good that they seem to be trying to make up for it. Which is good considering how poorly received it was. I think it's been a while since a AAA game has been so negatively reviewed.
Gods and Monsters is it's own standalone game, it's just being worked on by the AC Odyssey team.
According to their statement regarding the delays they have five AAA games coming out next year including the ones you just listed. The fourth one is presumably the next AC game. The other one better be a new Splinter Cell or I'll be mildly annoyed for a couple minutes..
THQ Nordiq announced a collectors edition for the Battle for Bikini Bottom game which includes three statues for Spongebob, Patrick and Sandy, but for some reason they have Spongebobs tongue vibrate throughout the thing. It's the only one in the video that does that.
I need to know if it actually does that. Probably not but it'd be neat if it did. Probably not though.
ok but bb8 leading horses into battle on top of a star destroyer is easily way more bananas and creative than anything in the prequels and even if it's stupid i'm in love with it
I needed to know that.
Thank you
That guy who couldn't find that one stupid sock in the Flying Dutchman's graveyard as a kid.
Wikipedia: new remake will have multiplayer and robo squidward
yes please

Yeah, but it's only for a few seconds.
seeing a butterfly flap it's wings upwards only lasts for a few seconds, the fruity taste of toocan sam's fruit loops only lasts for a few seconds, the excitement and elation of getting your friends with a ligma joke only lasts for a few seconds. art is art bro.
i used to hate the merida quest too, but honestly if you go into it at a high enough level, it's super fun. and her sword is also super cool.
I only played the quest once (YEARS ago) despite my many playthroughs but I remember it actually being alright. My only problem with it was the incessant yelling in my ears lol.
Persona 5 Scramble (for the Switch) is looking to be more like Persona 5: 2 with real-time combat elements.

There's a calendar system, the visual style has been perfectly replicated, typical Persona elements of being normal teens doing summer stuff... This looks cool.