This November...
One chicken...
Will spread birthday cheer throughout the world...
"He wished us a happy birthday when … moreno one would.
Now it's time to return the favor."
"You put yourself in danger countless times for us Chicken. Why? What did we do to deserve you?"
"This chicken has to be stopped at all costs."
"You can't quit now. Not after everything."
Kevin Bruner: "It's over chicken! Your friends are dead. There's no one to wish a happy birthday to except the ghosts of your past. Give up!"
"Well Sandra in other news it seems we are being invaded by a chicken army in a birthday escapade."
Colonel Sanders: "I'm a man of special services, Mr. Bruner."
"Name your price."
"I think you turn it right-"
"Shut up Jerry."
This November...
One chicken...
Will spread birthday cheer throughout the world...
"He wished us a happy birthday when … moreno one would.
Now it's time to return the favor."
"You put yourself in danger countless times for us Chicken. Why? What did we do to deserve you?"
"This chicken has to be stopped at all costs."
"You can't quit now. Not after everything."
Kevin Bruner: "It's over chicken! Your friends are dead. There's no one to wish a happy birthday to except the ghosts of your past. Give up!"
"Well Sandra in other news it seems we are being invaded by a chicken army in a birthday escapade."
Colonel Sanders: "I'm a man of special services, Mr. Bruner."
"Name your price."
"I think you turn it right-"
"Shut up Jerry."
Because he's just a big advocate for it. It would make a great merchandise item to have, and he keeps getting acknowledged by Telltale staff about it, but hasn't come any further than that.
Because he's just a big advocate for it. It would make a great merchandise item to have, and he keeps getting acknowledged by Telltale staff about it, but hasn't come any further than that.
Happy Birthday to @Saltlick123!
Woot woooot!
Happy Belated birthday to @Mortal5075!
Happy belated birthdays to @Explodingkittens971, @Solar_Sistem, and @CosmicSouls
Happy current birthday to @Telltale_Fanboy!
Club Penguin’s birthday was like 3 or 4 days ago or something like that so our boy needs a shoutout ❤🐧
Well then happy belated birthday to Club Penguin! RIP in Penguin Pepperonis (that pizza game was the best).
Also happy belated to @CrazedRabbit, and @Menofthe214!
Happy current birthday to @leatherwolf89, @lottii-lu, and @JesseTheBuilder!!
Happy Missing Persons Report Thread 2.0
im impressed that this threads still going nice
Happy belated birthdays to both @captainivy1 and @TheSloaningDead!! (got to remember tomorrow's smorgasbord)
my birthday is january 12
Thanks man!
Well, I guess now I can officially say Happy Birthday to @dojo32161, @AWESOMEO, @RobertJK94, @ChuckTheLizard, and the one and only @BigGazMan!! Wow that's a lot of people!
Happy Birthday to @Connora711!
You, sir, are an awesome guy Mr. AChicken.
Hey. Look. Listen.
Happy birthday, @AChicken !
Happy Birthday @AChicken. Thank you for keeping this thread alive!
This November...
One chicken...
Will spread birthday cheer throughout the world...
"He wished us a happy birthday when no one would.
Now it's time to return the favor."
"You put yourself in danger countless times for us Chicken. Why? What did we do to deserve you?"
"This chicken has to be stopped at all costs."
"You can't quit now. Not after everything."
Kevin Bruner: "It's over chicken! Your friends are dead. There's no one to wish a happy birthday to except the ghosts of your past. Give up!"
"Well Sandra in other news it seems we are being invaded by a chicken army in a birthday escapade."
Colonel Sanders: "I'm a man of special services, Mr. Bruner."
"Name your price."
"I think you turn it right-"
"Shut up Jerry."
Bravo! Thank you, Cocoa! Such a beautiful gif trailer. I'd watch it.
And thank you @Zombiekiller3121 and @Pipas!
and now here's epic trailer music for maximum viewing pleasure
Goddamn, that's a lotta chickens!
Oh no! I missed @happylovelyperson2016's birthday!
Happy belated birthday, you!
Also happy current birthday to @Debbie82!
Happy Belated birthday to @MegaXD!
Happy Birthday to @DillonDex and @Furious_Titaness!!
Okay, happy belated birthday to @DaveMLG, @NoHopeLeft, and @buntingsir!
And a super happy birthday to the one and only @Poogers555!!
i pray evry day
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? @Poogers555 deserves those socks!
Also may I ask, why is he so obsessed about Rhys's socks tho?
Because he's just a big advocate for it. It would make a great merchandise item to have, and he keeps getting acknowledged by Telltale staff about it, but hasn't come any further than that.
Hmm ok then
thank you mr chicken !
So, umm... Business as usual?
Happy BELATED I'M SORRY Birthday to...
@WalkerHH933, @striker707, @ZombiePizza, @Kracmos, @Bruno113, @LoseMyHome, @MadManLee, @OfficialSheriffMaybe, @finlander, @cinderymonk02, @pr0dz, and @TheFurryOne.
Thank you so much @AChicken ! And Happy Belated Birthday to you as well! 🎂
Happy.... belated... birthday... to the following:
@CiaraCoin, @Lazy_DC, @RhysAndLee, @Megami_Kizukanai, @Ghetsis
is late posting Birthday celebrations
Happy Belated birthday to @CreepingCake, @Shroomii, and @OneWayNoWay!! Woooot!
Happy 2020, everyone.
And a happy belated birthday to
@DeliciousDeku Oh Deku. Oh, you newcomer to the forums, I have failed you!
Oh cool, happy current birthday to @EleanaBaeForeva! Stay cool... forevaaaaaa!!!
Thanks dude!
It's all good man thank you so much, it was a fairly quiet birthday, a few of my friends and I went to the cinema and watched a film.
Thanks again!
Why does time move so fast
Happy belated b-days to
Happy birthday to @xfuriouss and @TheAutisticGamer!!
What the heck, not again!
Happy slightly belated birthday to @WhatTheHeck.
I’m May 2nd
Thanks for the birthday wishes, @AChicken!