The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I can not watch it but I can also criticize James Cameron for not doing anything to save his franchise that raised his career in the first place. He totally lost all my respect for him after what he did because I loved the first Terminator films and Aliens. Also, he despised some of the major aspects of Alien 3, yet he did the same thing to his own story. This is something I cannot ignore.

    Never said you couldn't criticize James Cameron, in fact, didn't we just say "You can always blame a director for the quality of a film"? Think before you type, buddy.

    Salvation too? Cause I don't see it

    Let me rephrase that, ALMOST every terminator movie.

    That means nothing to me. I didn't love Halloween 2018, the movie was ok at the best but what I meant is that it did much better at reviving its specific franchise than Dark Fate which was nothing but a goddamn traitor.

    So, if you liked Halloween 2018 more than dark fate, you'd still enjoy watching it more than dark fate.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Then that's your opinion, if you don't like it, don't watch it. I can not watch it but I can also criticize James Cameron for not do

  • Same here

    Pipas posted: »

    Looks fine to me as well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Salvation too? Cause I don't see it

    minus the time travel, salvation still has a killer robot saving john connor's life while he tries to save the future from more evil terminators, with a big battle in a factory at the end of the movie. salvation differs in the fact that it's the only terminator film without time travel and the only one that takes place in judgement day, but the same plot structure is still there.

    Dark Fate which was nothing but a goddamn traitor.

    lmao dude how the fuck can movies be "traitors" what does that even mean. there is no betrayal happening. tim miller just made a shitty movie that didn't fit with your perception of the franchise. maybe you could say tim miller "betrayed" the franchise but the terminator franchise in it's current state is already such a big betrayal of what it's been since T2. every single movie contradicts the T2's themes. you cannot shift so much blame onto dark fate for doing what every other terminator movie has done.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Then that's your opinion, if you don't like it, don't watch it. I can not watch it but I can also criticize James Cameron for not do

  • edited November 2019

    I just want to say that the buying structure of Batman: The Enemy Within is messed up on PS4, while the Xbox page has it all correct.

    • For Xbox, the first episode is free and the other episodes can be purchased for 5$ or equivalent. This is how it has been for a while, and usually ends up being for Telltale games.
    • On Playstation, the first episode is 5$ or equivalent and the other episodes are discounted as "Free", but only accessible if you buy the season pass.

    Batman: The Telltale Series (Season 1) also has the same issues.

    • Xbox has all the episodes individually available for 5$ or equivalent.
    • Playstation has Episode 1 available for 5$ or equivalent, with Episodes 2-5 listed as "Free" and inaccessible without buying the Season Pass.
  • edited November 2019

    Also, slightly related to my previous comment: a friend of mine (a small Xbox streamer) recently played through Life is Strange S1 and 2.
    We talked about them a bit, and he also mentioned having played/enjoyed previous TTG games like TFTB and TWAU, and he's never played Batman.

    The two seasons are on sale seperately (on Xbox) for a combined price of ~15$. I'm considering gifting him codes for them -- because luckily Microsoft has that option.

  • Hello Gamers

  • @Nikolah Can u forward this to Brian/Jaime

    AChicken posted: »

    I just want to say that the buying structure of Batman: The Enemy Within is messed up on PS4, while the Xbox page has it all correct. *

  • Is it loss again?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hello Gamers

  • edited November 2019

    Can I be a fan of anything that doesn’t wind up getting marred in controversy, seriously?

    Oh, there’s this great video game company making story based games called Telltale, they seem cool. Wait, it turns out that their CEO is completely incompetent, their PR person doesn’t do his job, and the company has a toxic work environment and is struggling financially. Whoops, they’re out of business.

    That’s okay, at least I’ve got The Walking Dead, the show has been declining, but the comics are still good. We’ve got Issue 193 andddddd...what do you mean that’s it? You’re just saying you’re done, just like that. No warning, no nothing. And the ending was complete crap anyway.

    Fine, I’ve still got Borderlands...and their CEO is a man child douchebag who consistently lies, threatens and assaults former employees, and has private investigators come and threaten a popular YouTuber at his home. Oh, and the story and villains completely sucked for BL3, isn’t that awesome?

    There’s always Metallica...who’s leader singer just had to go back to rehab after a relapse, and the guitarist of Thin Lizzy is calling them a bunch of bastards because the band’s management screwed him over years ago.

    How about my favorite hockey team, the New Jersey Devils. They made some great moves in the offseason, got the Number 1 pick in the draft, and have extended some key players. I think we’re ready to make a playoff run. No, wait, turns out we still suck despite the talent and there’s talks of firing the head coach. Only problem is he was also signed to a three year extension. Awesome, I love being the laughingstock of the NHL, again.

    (sigh) Star Wars? Nope, Last Jedi was terrible, Solo bombed, Kathleen Kennedy keeps losing directors and writers, and George Lucas recently said he felt betrayed due to Disney’s treatment of him after he sold Star Wars.

    Ugh, all that is bad, but there’s no way this can be ruined. I just got a new trailer for one of my new favorite shows on Netflix, it’s third season is releasing November 22nd, and I cannot wait to watch the new season of The Dragon Prince...SON OF A BITCH!!! Turns out some female workers left the company producing the show (Wonderstorm) and one of them is alleging a sexist and toxic work environment fostered by one of the creators where female employees’ ideas were shut down and ignored, among other problems, and they all had to leave for their own mental health. To add insult to injury, the two creators of that show are Aaron Ehasz (head writer of Avatar: The Last Airbender, one of my all time favorite shows) and Justin Richmond (co-director of Uncharted 3).

    Can I have one thing in this world? Just one thing?

  • No, it is information regarding The Wolf Among Us 2.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Is it loss again?

  • Jeez, that last one has me stunned.
    Hope the show can make it out of that controversial mess.

    Can I be a fan of anything that doesn’t wind up getting marred in controversy, seriously? Oh, there’s this great video game company makin

  • just got out of joker right after seeing the lighthouse. the lighthouse is absolutely a modern masterpiece and kicks every film released this year so far right in the dick. absolutely floored by it.

    joker is kinda bad imo. i get why people love it and i totally see why the clicked with it, but to me it's just a lot of pretty visuals hiding a bland story, cartoonishly evil charicatures and being bashed over the head with already very obvious themes and metaphors. just wasn't my thing.

  • Anyone play After Party, by Night School Studio yet?

    If so how is it?

  • Supaidaman (AKA Japanese Spider-Man) has been confirmed for Spider-Verse 2.


  • Emissary from hell

    Now that, I can't wait for!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Supaidaman (AKA Japanese Spider-Man) has been confirmed for Spider-Verse 2. YEEAAAHHHHH GIMME MY BIG DUMB MECH WITH THE EMISSARY FROM HELL

  • Yay! Just bought and gifted codes for Batman Season 1 and Season 2 to my friend. Hopefully he enjoys them when he gets around to them. (Should I warn him that Season 1's quality is okay, and Season 2 blows it out of the water?)
    Thanks for having that option to send a game code, Microsoft.

  • This is just more proof why Microsoft (and by extension, Xbox) are the superior company and console.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yay! Just bought and gifted codes for Batman Season 1 and Season 2 to my friend. Hopefully he enjoys them when he gets around to them. (Shou

  • lupinb0y posted: »

    Supaidaman (AKA Japanese Spider-Man) has been confirmed for Spider-Verse 2. YEEAAAHHHHH GIMME MY BIG DUMB MECH WITH THE EMISSARY FROM HELL

  • Disagree.

    This is just more proof why Microsoft (and by extension, Xbox) are the superior company and console.

  • I cannot stop thinking about Terminator Dark Fate. It was the perfect opportunity for James Cameron to save the franchise who raised his whole career in the first place. But just like Ridley Scott, he proved once and for all that his "franchise" doesn't belong to 21st century.

    You guys don't deserve to not be spoiled about the new film because there is no spoiler that will satisfy you at all. But this is why the new film is such an abomination:

    HOW COULD YOU KILL JOHN CONNOR, THE KEY CHARACTER OF THE FRANCHISE, LIKE THAT, CAMERON? Last time I checked, you were the one who criticized Alien 3 which killed the major characters in the previous film at beginning that served no purpose, yet you did the same thing with John Connor in the new film? What makes you think it was a good idea in the first place? Also, you and your team lied about Eddie Furlong coming back as John, he didn't do acting at all, it was just a digital double who used the likeness of his character from T2. Tim Miller also denies the fact that it's a controversial decision to the audience. What a fucking dick.
    Tim mentions he is not a fan of the "chosen one" plot point, yet that's EXACTLY what he did with his movie. The new character Dani Ramos is fucking terrible and she is supposed to be the key in the whole narrative, meaning that she is a replacement of John Connor. What the fuck is he talking about?

    Let's not forget that this movie is doing terrible at the box office, even worse than its predecessors. Maybe this wouldn't have happened if Tim dickhead Miller didn't insult the fans of the first 2 films and call them internet trolls for criticizing the marketing of the film in July 2019.

    James Cameron already has plans for the sequels which will probably not happen. As mentioned above, the chances are so fucking low. Salvation was also supposed to be part of a trilogy but didn't happen, same with Genisys. If the cancellation is confirmed, nobody will be surprised. Paramount is already disappointed, they were already afraid of that film before it hit theaters. I haven't seen the whole film, just some clips on youtube but I wanna watch it when it gets released digitally so I can rant more about it.

    It's time for Terminator, Alien and Predator to just be left alone. They can't be good anymore because modern Hollywood can't write for shit.

  • edited November 2019

    I just watched Terminator and Judgement Day Director's cut for the first time a few days ago and knowing what happens to that "key character" I'm gonna stop there.

    Terminator, Judgement Day & Salvation >>> others.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I cannot stop thinking about Terminator Dark Fate. It was the perfect opportunity for James Cameron to save the franchise who raised his who

  • Oh, there’s this great video game company making story based games called Telltale, they seem cool. Wait, it turns out that their CEO is completely incompetent, their PR person doesn’t do his job, and the company has a toxic work environment and is struggling financially. Whoops, they’re out of business.

    Telltale is so quiet I didn't even know they had PR person, Telltale really needs some rep.

    and has private investigators come and threaten a popular YouTuber at his home.

    That son of a bitch, why the fuck can people be this fucking cruel?

    George Lucas recently said he felt betrayed due to Disney’s treatment of him after he sold Star Wars.

    I fucking hate it when corporate businesses ruin good things, lucas shouldn't have sold it to them!

    Can I be a fan of anything that doesn’t wind up getting marred in controversy, seriously? Oh, there’s this great video game company makin

  • edited November 2019

    I fucking hate it when corporate businesses ruin good things, lucas shouldn't have sold it to them!

    I'm also blaming those stupid fans who took the prequel trilogy too serious. Most of them even sent death threats not only to Lucas but also to the actors who played Anakin and Jar Jar Binks. Like what the fuck was wrong with them? Since when do actors have anything to do with the direction of a film? All they do is act, not write a script. Why would you hate someone who was in a film you hated when all they did was to act? I feel bad for Jake Lloyd, he was bullied because stupid morons were pissed about a fucking movie. I'm really happy for Mark Hamill to not be against Lucas and the prequels along with those shitheads.

    And they still do that fucking shit, that case being Kelly Marie Tran. I hated Rose in The Last Jedi but the actress did nothing wrong. She got a lot of shit from "fans" so much it made her delete her social media accounts.

    Oh, there’s this great video game company making story based games called Telltale, they seem cool. Wait, it turns out that their CEO is com

  • This was the original Telltale, it was a guy named Job Stauffer for many years. Dude was absolutely terrible at his job. He never interacted with the community, and when he did, he insulted and mocked us, he was as much a liar as Kevin Bruner, blamed Telltale's failure on Pete Hawley, and would start Q&A's and then leave for weeks before answering any of the questions.

    Oh, there’s this great video game company making story based games called Telltale, they seem cool. Wait, it turns out that their CEO is com

  • edited November 2019

    This whole thing is a mess. Some fans are calling for a boycott of the show, but the person making the claims says don't boycott. Her reasoning isn't because she doesn't want to hurt the workers, but because if the boycott works then they don't learn anything and will just find more work. However, if we continue to watch, then it'll bring about change (I don't know what type of logic was used there, but that's basically what she's saying). Some of her claims go into huge detail, others are vague because she says she doesn't want to go into detail. She's claiming that the way they have talked about the show's production and development hasn't been honest, among other things.

    For the most part, these are just claims. While they should be taken seriously and investigated, only some actual evidence was presented and only a few facts are known. It doesn't help matters though when Wonderstorm and Ehasz have been completely radio silent on this matter.

    Me personally, I need to know more facts before I make a final judgment, but this is definitely not a good look. We know enough that something smells fishy and there are potential problems, I'm just not sure how bad it was because, again, not much evidence, nor the finer details, has been presented. People are rightfully angry and are demanding answers, few are just being provided right now.

    EDIT: A third woman, who used to work at Riot Games with Aaron Ehasz before Wonderstorm/The Dragon Prince, also came out with a long thread detailing her experience with Ehasz, and it was not positive at all. Her thread was filled with examples of him taking advantage of employees, treating her like crap, gaslighting her and others, lying, not taking other people's opinions into consideration, and of practically setting up a culture of fear if you went against him. It fits pretty much in line with the behavior laid out by the two women who worked at Wonderstorm with him and left. Needless to say, this is NOT going to be something that goes away quickly. What, to me, seemed like a little bit of smoke a few hours ago, is starting to look more and more like a burning fire. There is almost definitely something there, and while I still believe in one's presumption of innocence, corroborating evidence is certainly starting to pile up.

    If these are true, then I can definitely see why Mike and Bryan of Avatar no longer wanted to work with him for both The Legend of Korra and the live action Avatar remake.

    AChicken posted: »

    Jeez, that last one has me stunned. Hope the show can make it out of that controversial mess.

  • Fuck those people, flakey business will make you lose your job in just weeks. Maybe if they weren't assholes they'd have a stable company!

    This was the original Telltale, it was a guy named Job Stauffer for many years. Dude was absolutely terrible at his job. He never interacted

  • I'm also blaming those stupid fans who took the prequel trilogy too serious.

    Blaming them for what?

    I'm really happy for Mark Hamill to not be against Lucas and the prequels along with those shitheads.

    It's sad that kathleen kennedy was just making star wars a feminist movie, every single character doesn't have to be a fucking female! And she only wants the female people to direct the star wars movies. I'm not trying to sound sexist over here but if she keeps on cranking out bad feministic star wars movies, I'm gonna riot against this bitch!
    Mark Hamill gets it, george lucas made some great movies. Kennedy made some shitty feminist fan service films.

    Since when do actors have anything to do with the direction of a film? All they do is act, not write a script.

    That's not why some of the fans hate on them, it's their goddamn acting!

    I hated Rose in The Last Jedi, but the actress did nothing wrong.

    Rose was okay, I agree that the actress did nothing wrong. But, her acting wasn't the best. Therefore she was given shit about it! People expected a good installment in the star wars franchise and were presented absolute garbage!
    I stand with some of the people who gave her 'shit' about the movie, but to an extent. Saying that her acting was shitty is somewhat acceptable, telling her to kill herself though? HELL NO!

    Why would you hate someone who was in a film you hated when all they did was to act?

    Were you being serious when you wrote that sentence, They hated the actors ACTING!

    AronDracula posted: »

    I fucking hate it when corporate businesses ruin good things, lucas shouldn't have sold it to them! I'm also blaming those stupid fa

  • You need to be locked away right at the earth’s core if you disliked the prequels or jar jar, no discussion needed

    AronDracula posted: »

    I fucking hate it when corporate businesses ruin good things, lucas shouldn't have sold it to them! I'm also blaming those stupid fa

  • Jar Jar was amazing!

    Melton23 posted: »

    You need to be locked away right at the earth’s core if you disliked the prequels or jar jar, no discussion needed

  • The full GPT-2 AI is now available to the public. What this does is that you can give it a sentence or two, it tries to understand the intent of the sentence, and it completes it with a few paragraphs. Its understanding is based on what it can find on the Internet. It's been restricted for a while, because people were afraid it might be used by spammers and such to generate realistic-looking messages, but it's still not that hard to tell it's an algorithm.

    You can play with it yourself at

    Here's an example. I typed at the prompt, "Telltale Games announces The Wolf Among Us Season 2." Here are the results. As you can see, it's a little confused about a few things:

    Telltale Games announces The Wolf Among Us Season 2.5

    The Wolf Among Us returns in Season 2.5

    In an interview at GDC, Telltale Games has announced the first details of the season 2 of The Wolf Among Us, which will release in spring 2017.

    Season 2.5 will take place between Episode 3 of the first season and Episode 5 of the second season.

    Episode 4 will be called "The House Of Wolves," and Episode 5 will be called "A Hen's All You Need."

    Telltale is not talking about a specific game. However, it does reveal that The Wolf Among Us will get an HD remaster.

    A new game trailer, titled "The Wolf Among Us – Episode 4: The House of Wolves," was also released at the GDC, which we will cover in a separate report.

    "Episode 4" is set in the town of Salem and is a continuation of Episode 3's story. You play as Clementine and find yourself in the middle of a war between the citizens of the town and the forces of the Governor.

  • edited November 2019


    This is absolutely hilarious. I love it. Thank you for providing this weird randomly-generated blurb.

    Season 2.5 will take place between Episode 3 of the first season and Episode 5 of the second season.

    Episode 4 will be called "The House Of Wolves," and Episode 5 will be called "A Hen's All You Need."

    Telltale is not talking about a specific game. However, it does reveal that The Wolf Among Us will get an HD remaster.

    :lol: :lol: :lol: It's all so crazy weird, and somewhat plausible, too.

    "Episode 4" is set in the town of Salem and is a continuation of Episode 3's story. You play as Clementine and find yourself in the middle of a war between the citizens of the town and the forces of the Governor.

    I don't know what alternate universe we're getting a glimpse at here, but I think I like it.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    The full GPT-2 AI is now available to the public. What this does is that you can give it a sentence or two, it tries to understand the inte

  • Oh god, now you've gotten me started...

    Telltale Games' "Guardians of the Galaxy" is getting a second season.

    Telltale Games' "Guardians of the Galaxy" is getting a second season. The streaming service, the company that made "The Walking Dead," announced the upcoming release of "Game of Thrones" season 4.

    In July, Disney and Netflix announced that the first three seasons of "Marvel's Daredevil" and "Marvel's Jessica Jones" are part of their shared universe. Marvel is also reportedly considering a spinoff of its own based on the upcoming "Avengers: Infinity War."

    Related Hulu: Exclusive Content, Exclusive Shows, Streaming Deals Hulu Is Adding Two New Channels, New Video, and a New Price

    Netflix has been looking at more scripted content, with the company's latest acquisition, "Bright," starring and executive produced by Sarah Hyland, set for release in 2019.

    (Attempt 2) I only included the first paragraph since the rest is about Playstation's new Gravity Rush for the 3DS and Xbox, for some reason.

    Telltale Games announces "Guardians of the Galaxy Season 2". The game is a co-op shooter, it features a cast of 20+ characters and has some great story lines.

    "The Last of Us Part II has been delayed for a 3rd time." (Now this is GOLD)

    The Last of Us Part II has been delayed for a 3rd time.

    While the game will be released on June 21st, it will not be playable until the following day. This is according to the new patch notes posted by Sony.

    Sony also said that the PlayStation 4 version of The Last of Us Part II won't be playable in some regions, and that a new patch for the console version will be released in the coming days.

    In order to play the game, a user will have to have purchased the Season Pass, which includes The Last of Us Part II and all future DLC.

    This isn't the first time the game has been delayed. It originally launched last April, but was delayed for several months as it was put in the hands of the Naughty Dog team.

    In June, a new patch for the PS4 version of The Last of Us Part II arrived, adding a new map and several gameplay changes. The update also added more achievements, more customization options, and a new character: Ellie.

    AChicken posted: »

    XD This is absolutely hilarious. I love it. Thank you for providing this weird randomly-generated blurb. Season 2.5 will take place

  • edited November 2019

    Borderlands 3 Concept Art

    Originally, Rhys was going to wear a bathrobe. Thank goodness they went with the Rhys that we got in the final game, I don't like these other options.

    Here's Zer0 and Vaughn (Can't find a PDF of them)

  • edited November 2019

    Okay I know ya'll like to make shit up sometimes but this is getting ridiculous.

    It's sad that kathleen kennedy was just making star wars a feminist movie,

    Nothing about the movies so far has been about feminism. Like, at all. They're not shoving the fact that Rey is a woman down you're throat. She's just someone doing her thing.

    every single character doesn't have to be a fucking female!

    Damn, I didn't know having two main female characters (Rey and Rose) suddenly means male genocide. Hell, if we're including the spin offs, Rogue One and Solo only had one main female character each with a cast of multiple males who are main characters.

    And she only wants the female people to direct the star wars movies.

    Literally every director so far for modern Star Wars movies has been male. I seriously have no clue what you're on about.

    I'm not trying to sound sexist over here but if she keeps on cranking out bad feministic star wars movies, I'm gonna riot against this bitch!

    I think pretty much everything you've said in this line alone, not even including everything else in your comment, has kinda proved otherwise.

    I'm also blaming those stupid fans who took the prequel trilogy too serious. Blaming them for what? I'm really happy for Mark

  • edited November 2019

    Telltale Games' "Guardians of the Galaxy" is getting a second season. The streaming service, the company that made "The Walking Dead," announced the upcoming release of "Game of Thrones" season 4.

    Wow, they skipped seasons 2 and 3, and just went straight to 4! But won't that make things all confusing? I can't believe my favourite streaming service, Telltale Games, would do this to me! :cry:

    Telltale Games announces "Guardians of the Galaxy Season 2". The game is a co-op shooter, it features a cast of 20+ characters and has some great story lines.

    Damn, great storylines?! Count me in! I can't wait to experience all of them!

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh god, now you've gotten me started... Telltale Games' "Guardians of the Galaxy" is getting a second season. (Spoiler) (Attempt 2)

  • galaxy brain response

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Okay I know ya'll like to make shit up sometimes but this is getting ridiculous. It's sad that kathleen kennedy was just making star w

  • Okay I know y'all like to make shit up sometimes but this is getting ridiculous.

    Well, what are we making shit up about now?

    Nothing about the movies so far has been about feminism. Like, at all. They're not shoving the fact that Rey is a woman down your throat. She's just someone doing her thing.

    Have you seen The Last Jedi, the female characters have way more screen time than the male characters.

    Damn, I didn't know having two main female characters (Rey and Rose) suddenly means male genocide. Hell, if we're including the spin offs, Rogue One and Solo only had one main female character each with a cast of multiple males who are main characters.

    Diversity is great and all but, they used Rose as a fucking plot device to progress the story.

    Literally every director so far for modern Star Wars movies has been male. I seriously have no clue what you're on about.

    She turned down, benioff and weiss, kevin feige, and colin trevorrow. All fucking males!

    I think pretty much everything you've said in this line alone, not even including everything else in your comment, has kinda proved otherwise.

    I think I just lost some brain cells reading this, or was i that stupid when I was born?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Okay I know ya'll like to make shit up sometimes but this is getting ridiculous. It's sad that kathleen kennedy was just making star w

  • What the actual fuck is this?!?

  • the female characters have way more screen time than the male characters.

    Dear god, this is blasphemy of the highest degree! How dare a film give women more importance than men?!

    Okay I know y'all like to make shit up sometimes but this is getting ridiculous. Well, what are we making shit up about now? N

  • edited November 2019

    Well, what are we making shit up about now?

    I assume you meant, "Well who's making shit up now?"

    The answer is still you.

    Have you seen The Last Jedi, the female characters have way more screen time than the male characters.

    How on Earth is having a female character appearing on screen longer than a male character mean they're shoving feminism down your throat?

    Diversity is great and all but, they used Rose as a fucking plot device to progress the story.

    How was she used as a plot device and what does diversity have to do with it? Would it have mattered either way if she were white?

    She turned down, benioff and weiss, kevin feige, and colin trevorrow. All fucking males!

    And all the directors so far have again, been male, so what's your point?

    Also Kevin Feige is still on board to do a Star Wars movie so I have no idea what neckbeard of a YouTuber you're getting your information from.

    was i that stupid when I was born?

    Well considering your behaviour on the site so far...

    Okay I know y'all like to make shit up sometimes but this is getting ridiculous. Well, what are we making shit up about now? N

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