The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If you thought Fallout 76 couldn't get any worse, you're dead wrong because Bethesda even banned the player who is a die-hard fan of the game, spent all those money in-game and did nothing but help them raise the community.

    I don't even know who is the worst anymore. Bethesda, EA and Activision need to go bankrupt if they refuse to make people proud again.

  • It looks like that woman has green eyes. Snow's are blue. Faith has green eyes but that isn't her hair. Hm. I don't really know though; it might be someone messing with models by combining them (pretty sure you can do that).

    booper posted: »

    Some guy on /r/TheWolfAmongUs posted "leaks" this morning for season 2. Pretty obvious he's a troll, but the pic he included still has me a

  • Yeah, wanna assume it's fake since it doesn't look like it belongs on her head. To say nothing of being the original graphic style otherwise.
    Not ringing a bell.

    Did she ever sport that style in the comics?

    booper posted: »

    Some guy on /r/TheWolfAmongUs posted "leaks" this morning for season 2. Pretty obvious he's a troll, but the pic he included still has me a

  • Yeah, actually. Snow keeps her hair like that in the comics. Bad crop job aside, it sort of looked like it was referencing a variant cover for the very first issue of Fables, which is something Telltale had done with their Batman s2 episode posters, so it felt like it could have been legit based on that. If the crop job and models weren't so sus.

    Here's the thread if you guys are curious. The pic is in his post history, and it's one of two posts he's made. Account is 8 days old too, so he either made this just to troll or there's a .0000000001% chance he's legit.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, wanna assume it's fake since it doesn't look like it belongs on her head. To say nothing of being the original graphic style otherwise. Not ringing a bell. Did she ever sport that style in the comics?

  • RPG elements

    booper posted: »

    Yeah, actually. Snow keeps her hair like that in the comics. Bad crop job aside, it sort of looked like it was referencing a variant cover f

  • Yeah, saw that and was like nah that ain't happening.

    DabigRG posted: »

    RPG elements

  • edited November 2019

    real talk new Wolf Among Us/fables RPG as a spiritual successor to VM Bloodlines

    tell me that wouldn't be awesome

    Edit: oh wait

    They're actually making a Bloodlines 2


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yeah, saw that and was like nah that ain't happening.

  • They're also making a Bloodlines game but with werewolves so you pretty much got your wish right there.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    real talk new Wolf Among Us/fables RPG as a spiritual successor to VM Bloodlines tell me that wouldn't be awesome Edit: oh wait They're actually making a Bloodlines 2 okay

  • Looking back Wolf Among Us would've made a perfect action rpg. They could've left the story completely unchanged, add sidequests, more character customization and made a AAA game with open world neon New York

    It's still one of my favorite games as it is though

    lupinb0y posted: »

    They're also making a Bloodlines game but with werewolves so you pretty much got your wish right there.

  • So... Chocolate Cheesecake for my birthday celebration. Noice.

    And Gifts! I got a

    • DVD of the Over the Garden Wall series (never seen it)
    • Cards Against Humanity card game. Now to find people to play it with!
    • Travel case for my PS Vita
    • 25$ Playstation card
    • A reusable coffee/drink cup from Starbucks
    • New pairs of PJs, pants and polo shirt
  • edited November 2019

    Update on the TWAU2 leaker. Now it's getting interesting. He posted the rest of the picture.

    He says this is supposed to be Bigby's new look; he has longer hair. I don't see it. He also says the trailer should be in a few weeks.

    Anyone recognize where THIS new model is from? I don't recognize who the character with the glasses is at all; she doesn't look like anyone I know of from the comics.

  • edited November 2019

    The longer hair appears to be this.

    That being said, Bigby looks the most the same compared to Snow who actually looks really accurate to her Fables 1 look turtle neck and all. That plus the hair looking very well is interesting, but Bigby having longer hair doesnt seem that hard to do.

    No idea who that person is on the left it maybe the new character they were talking about in that original reddit post? I doubt its real but I am interested in seeing what happens with this.

    booper posted: »

    Update on the TWAU2 leaker. Now it's getting interesting. He posted the rest of the picture. (Spoiler) He says this is supposed to be

  • edited November 2019

    It's almost certainly fake, though he's put in quite a bit of effort into it. The neon lighting is way too over the top, and the way the it cuts off at the left of Bigby's face is what gets me. It looks like he added a filter to get the neon look but didn't make it blend in properly since it just goes straight to flat lighting.

    Another tell is the woman holding the phone. You can see a hair line right above her hand that's been smeared over the phone.

    Here's what I mean.

    If it somehow ends up being real I'll happily eat crow, but as of right now it looks super fake.

    booper posted: »

    Update on the TWAU2 leaker. Now it's getting interesting. He posted the rest of the picture. (Spoiler) He says this is supposed to be

  • edited November 2019

    I dont think thats the phone I think thats suppose to be someone else (unless that isnt what you were talking about)

    Oh I see what you mean now. Hair bit is interesting. Seems a bit odd but at the same time she doesn kind have wacky hair could have been intentional? (also I forgot how to spoiler tag help)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's almost certainly fake, though he's put in quite a bit of effort into it. The neon lighting is way too over the top, and the way the it

  • edited November 2019

    tbh I don't even want it to be real. If it is, it would confirm that the sequel is 90% reused assets on an old, outdated engine. The art style should absolutely stay the same, just updated since it's not 2013 anymore. The fat Bigby leaks from last year were concerning, but I'd rather take something that goes balls to wall insane and tries something different instead of a slapjob of barely changed assets.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's almost certainly fake, though he's put in quite a bit of effort into it. The neon lighting is way too over the top, and the way the it

  • edited November 2019

    The wacky hair is fine (it was the 80's after all) but the hair line looks smeared. It's just the one line as well that looks like that.

    To spoiler tag, highlight the image link and click the backwards 'P' on the toolbar. It'll give you the option to spoiler tag it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont think thats the phone I think thats suppose to be someone else (unless that isnt what you were talking about) (Spoiler) Oh I se

  • edited November 2019

    So last year one of my best friends broke up with his long time girlfriend (someone we both knew from school). She wasn't a gold digger or anything but she was someone he couldn't say no to and tried as hard as he could to appease her, and at times it did feel like she used it to her advantage. There were also a few other issues with her, some of which he and I wasn't aware of at the time anyway, but I did feel like something was off but it looked like they were happy together so I thought nothing of it. I later learned about some of the arguments they had when they together and the time she cut him with her nails in anger. It didn't take too long for her to find someone else (maybe a month?). It really tore him up and it took him a long time to get over it. I helped him as much as I could of course. He got a good job and was pretty much doing his own thing.

    Then a few months ago he told me that she had contacted him, trying to get him to speak to her for some reason. He also informed me that her boyfriend had cheated on her with someone else. Apparently she was rather distraught. She quit her job and was going through some personal things of her own. I had an inkling on why she called, but apparently she wanted to apologise to him. I told him that if it was true, accept the apology and leave it at that, if she tried to do anything else, cut the call and talk to me or anyone else. That it wouldn't be worth the pain and effort considering the emotional damage she had caused him in the past. Eventually she said that trying to contact him was a mistake and left it at that. No apology or anything else so it was kind of a waste of time.

    The other day my friend told me that he was coming over to Melbourne for tax reasons. I didn't question it and we set a day to meet up and hangout.

    Today I found out that he was coming over here to see the girl again. I'm meeting up with him tomorrow and I have no idea what to do anymore. He lied to me. I feel kinda betrayed. It seems that he's been talking to her again, for a while now. I don't know if he actually did listen to me all those months ago or he caved in and actually did contact her.

    I was told that his parents are really worried for him. That he might be planning to go back to Melbourne and study just to be with her again.

    I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I don't know if I can just put on a facade and just hangout like normal when something like this is gnawing at the back of my head. I'm really mad. At both of them. If I see her again I feel like I'm just gonna implode. "How fucking dare you do this to him? Again?!"

    I might be down one friend by tomorrow's end. I don't know.

  • Only thing better than Rhysha

    Is Sasha x Corporate Rhys with a mustache

    This really is the best timeline

    (if only troy baker's voice were still alive to see it :cry:)

  • I think I've been watching to much Death Stranding. I just see rain now and my first thought is like; DON'T GET WET YOU WILL DIE!

  • no offense but sam & max and the wolf among us are the only telltale games that still 100% hold up on repeat playthroughs. tales has a weak ending and twd s1 drags in it's 4th episode but sam and max/the wolf among us are games that I literally have no negative feelings towards during my playthroughs

  • I think I love this drawing more than most things

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Only thing better than Rhysha Is Sasha x Corporate Rhys with a mustache This really is the best timeline (if only troy baker's voice were still alive to see it )

  • I've been having a similar situation with one of my best friends. there's a girl he's fallen in love with that is clearly not reciprocating the feeling and she's done nothing but treat him like shit their entire friendship, but he constantly thinks he's in the wrong and it's really not healthy for him, he even threw away his previous, mostly healthy, relationship just for this girl because his gf said she's manipulative. I think the important thing to remember is that when people are convinced of things like this, there's usually a level of mental illness that plays into it. it could be dependency issues, it could be him being naïve, it could be stockholm syndrome even.

    it's important to realize that when somebody you care about is going through anything like this, they're not thinking clearly about anything. and you can feel hurt and betrayed by their actions, but you also can't expect them to snap out of a deeply rooted mindset they're stuck in. I think the best thing you can do in this situation if you want to keep the friendship alive, is support them and give your best advice until they finally realize that they're definitely in the wrong. Be understanding that it's a difficult mindset to break out of, but at the same time, don't let it consume you and keep you from being mentally stable. If being their safety net is coming at the cost of your own stability, then you either need to give some tough love or you need to reconsider whether or not you want that energy in your life.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So last year one of my best friends broke up with his long time girlfriend (someone we both knew from school). She wasn't a gold digger or a

  • I'm gonna need Sasha's character design to look exactly like that in Borderlands 3 DLC

    And also for them to pose like this


    I think I love this drawing more than most things

  • sasha best girl

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I'm gonna need Sasha's character design to look exactly like that in Borderlands 3 DLC And also for them to pose like this perfect

  • 404 page not found
    Joker: Syke you thought
    Batman: :(

  • Thanks for the advice. Yeah I 'm going to try and be understanding about it but I feel like he thinks because she's the first person he's ever been with means that she's the only one he has to be with if that makes sense, regardless of how shitty she did treat him at times. He actually started going to therapy for a while after that and it did seem like he was getting much better. Getting healthier, new hobbies and interests, a nice job, etc.

    And it looks like he's going to throw it all away for this one girl who simply isn't worth it, and I'm afraid he won't realise that.

    I'll post an update later today. Hopefully what I have to say isn't bad news.

    I've been having a similar situation with one of my best friends. there's a girl he's fallen in love with that is clearly not reciprocating

  • Good luck. There's a chance that what they've both been through could be better for both of them. If the friend is still seeing a therapist (maybe not if he moved), if friend is willing, you could ask the therapist if there's anything you should do to reinforce your friend doing what's best for himself.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Thanks for the advice. Yeah I 'm going to try and be understanding about it but I feel like he thinks because she's the first person he's ev

  • Toby Fox freaking made a song for Pokémon Sword/Shield!

  • toby's musical style wipes the floor with literally every triple A game

    AChicken posted: »

    Toby Fox freaking made a song for Pokémon Sword/Shield!

  • When I saw her I was thinking Cinderella but probably not. Guess it could also be the new female character mentioned in the reddit post if it's legit.

    I'm gonna go on a hunch and say that this is legit and hope I'm right. :blush:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The longer hair appears to be this. (Spoiler) That being said, Bigby looks the most the same compared to Snow who actually looks reall

  • That has to be a new new character and not someone from Fables as it looks nothing like anyone else.

    Im not sure if its real or not, it easily could be, but the guy hasnt really posted anything truly noteworthy since yesterday. I do hope we see more of whatever he is offering, but its highly likely going to be fake.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    When I saw her I was thinking Cinderella but probably not. Guess it could also be the new female character mentioned in the reddit post if it's legit. I'm gonna go on a hunch and say that this is legit and hope I'm right.

  • edited November 2019

    I'm starting to have my doubts that it's fake now too. He said the pic was animated but only after he was pressed on it, which was why the color was so weird. That seems reasonable but I don't know, guys. That Bigby model is just way, WAY too unchanged from s1.

    Maybe one of you can pick his brain and try to see if the trailer is going to drop at the Game Awards. I feel like I've burned out all of my good will with calling him a troll over and over.

    Also, as far as the new character goes, it's not Cinderella. Cinderella already has a character model since she was originally planned to be in season 1 (you can see it very briefly in the Tweedles office in the folder they have on her) and it looks nothing like this new person.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That has to be a new new character and not someone from Fables as it looks nothing like anyone else. Im not sure if its real or not, it e

  • I kinda figured it had to be animated as I doubt he would just post 2 images where the lighting changed from Bigby being yellow to a dark blue as if he thought no one would notice.

    Its just a strange situation. The fact Snow and this new character appear to have a lot of effort in them and then Bigby has almost nothing almost makes me think it could be real. Because just that feeling of "No theyd change him more!" but in reality they always could just not change anything major. (Like I dont see why they wouldnt bother changing up Bigby but do the work for the other stuff unless somehow it was real and they actually just didnt change Bigby.)

    Unless they give more info Im gonna stay on with its fake, if he starts posting more who knows.

    booper posted: »

    I'm starting to have my doubts that it's fake now too. He said the pic was animated but only after he was pressed on it, which was why the c

  • There’s literally no way it’s real lol. LCG TTG doesn’t even have 10 employees. Stuff like this couldn’t be leaked without it being traced, besides, what would some freelance employees motivations to leak this be? Do they not want supplemental income?

    Besides look at the first pic with only snow, it’s obviously a badly cropped PNG. You can see the white pixels around her hair.

    I don’t get why this is still being discussed everywhere. It’s clearly a hoax.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I kinda figured it had to be animated as I doubt he would just post 2 images where the lighting changed from Bigby being yellow to a dark bl

  • Is there a source for how many employees are now working at LCG? Just out of curiosity.

    Also no idea if this means anything but if its a promo image like this guy claims is it at all possible its at The Game Awards where he is getting it?

    Kinda interesting this gets tweeted so close to this

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    There’s literally no way it’s real lol. LCG TTG doesn’t even have 10 employees. Stuff like this couldn’t be leaked without it being traced,

  • Because it's fun to speculate? idk, man, it's not like we have much of anything else to do right now.

    He posted another part of the pic btw. This one has Bluebeard and two new comic characters.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    There’s literally no way it’s real lol. LCG TTG doesn’t even have 10 employees. Stuff like this couldn’t be leaked without it being traced,

  • The more he posts, the more I believe it's fake. Look at King Cole's moustache. That's not how perspective works.

    booper posted: »

    Because it's fun to speculate? idk, man, it's not like we have much of anything else to do right now. He posted another part of the pic btw. This one has Bluebeard and two new comic characters. (Spoiler)

  • Yeah King Cole lookin kinda uhhhhh

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The more he posts, the more I believe it's fake. Look at King Cole's moustache. That's not how perspective works.

  • edited November 2019

    You gotta hand it to him for going through all this effort in trying to fool such a niche community.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah King Cole lookin kinda uhhhhh

  • However thank you for reminding me as I just noticed I did not mention Bigby is going to be customizable. He can wear different ties, shirts, and coats, but you can not change his physical appearence.

    You heard it here first, folks. Micro transactions are coming to TWAU.

    To recap, according to this guy, TWAU2 is going to have
    -Open world elements
    -A time management mechanic ala Persona or Majora's Mask
    -RPG style point based stats and upgrades that will affect dialogue (I guess???)
    -This dress up mechanic.

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