The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • there is no film better than paul blart mall cop 2. a truly haunting cinematic experience that no film will ever be able to top.

    TRASH! The original Paul Blart is clearly the superior cinematic experience. And you call yourself a film critic. For shame.

    finally saw climax and loved it. great fuckin movie. wrote a review for it on letterboxd:

  • edited November 2019

    No one gives a fuck about the multiplayer in a cdprojektred game

    And cosmetics microtransactions in games are fine imo but if a game has lootboxes that you need to pay for to get the better stuff then yes that's bad.

    AronDracula posted: » And people thought CD Proje

  • you got me beat

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Maybe it's just me but I don't think it would have been a great idea to have a character named Ackbar suicide bomb himself.

  • tfw you weren't allowed to watch anything above PG so Paul Blart Mall Cop was the most violent movie you watched as a kid.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    there is no film better than paul blart mall cop 2. a truly haunting cinematic experience that no film will ever be able to top. TRA

  • I hope this won't turn into a GTA Online situation where it becomes harder to mod the storymode when it is shared with the online in the base game.

    AronDracula posted: » And people thought CD Proje

  • LMAO

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Maybe it's just me but I don't think it would have been a great idea to have a character named Ackbar suicide bomb himself.

  • Tales from the Borderlands is 5 years old today! (and so is our lord and saviour Loader Bot)

  • edited November 2019

    Happy Birthday TFTB! "You're... you're really cool... I just... I wanted you to know that."

    Pipas posted: »

    Tales from the Borderlands is 5 years old today! (and so is our lord and saviour Loader Bot)

  • Loader-bot is being celebrated this month with, Bordermas!

    Pipas posted: »

    Tales from the Borderlands is 5 years old today! (and so is our lord and saviour Loader Bot)

  • Wait... We're still on this topic??

  • You should watch this:

  • edited November 2019

    A hero's work is never done.

    You should watch this:

  • feels like yesterday

    Pipas posted: »

    Tales from the Borderlands is 5 years old today! (and so is our lord and saviour Loader Bot)

  • I have honestly actually played tales from the borderlands and still didnt finish episode 5 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • It was a pretty solid bit of relaxation with some somewhat meaningful themes lying not far under each episode.
    So at least a bit about okay.

    Amazing, was it any good? I'm thinking of watching it myself.

  • ingen, asking a public access internet forum to stay respectful and not devolve into shouting chimpanzees again? for shame, you know better than to expect things from the human race smh smh

    You should watch this:

  • I feel like I miss so much when I’m away, and when I’m here, nothing happens.

    Seriously, can we go 5 minutes with going into another discussion about Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Some people love it, some people hate it, both are valid opinions, there we go, let’s move on.

  • You tell me. I really want to open discussions about this whole decade (Talking about games, movies, Telltale, our own lives etc. in 2010's) but we still have one month left.

    I feel like I miss so much when I’m away, and when I’m here, nothing happens. Seriously, can we go 5 minutes with going into another disc

  • edited November 2019

    It wasn't even about Star Wars, at least not really. It spun out from a conversation about Star Wars and very suddenly shifted to something completely different that I still don't quite understand.

    I can PM you the cliffnotes if you'd like.

    I feel like I miss so much when I’m away, and when I’m here, nothing happens. Seriously, can we go 5 minutes with going into another disc

  • We really should. I just suck at opening topics like that. What year did The Chocolate Factory come out?

    AronDracula posted: »

    You tell me. I really want to open discussions about this whole decade (Talking about games, movies, Telltale, our own lives etc. in 2010's) but we still have one month left.

  • edited November 2019


  • You mean Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory or Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?

    We really should. I just suck at opening topics like that. What year did The Chocolate Factory come out?

  • Welcome to the holiday season. See if you can survive it, and hopefully things will get better in 2020.


  • yall need to start talking about Wolf 2 more than Star Wars before New Telltale makes a Star Wars game instead.

  • If we were going with the most recent it would have to be Charlie's Chocolate Factory. I looked up the movies that came out and they are both way older than 10 years.

    AronDracula posted: »

    You mean Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory or Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?

  • Shoot.
    I don't mean to start another Star Wars debate, but...

    "They fly now?!"
    Excuse me? Stormtroopers on jetpacks is not new. Jetpacks aren't new.
    I'm confused.

  • They should show something first, I don't even know how bigby looks yet ffs.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    yall need to start talking about Wolf 2 more than Star Wars before New Telltale makes a Star Wars game instead.

  • Hopefully the reveal at least shows off Bigby's look

    They should show something first, I don't even know how bigby looks yet ffs.

  • edited November 2019

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the reddit leaker was legit and Telltale is just going to reuse the season one model. I'm not sure what the validity is on all the post closure interviews that came out talking about Wolf 2's production, but if there's any grain of truth to the reports of it being on a shoestring budget, this would confirm it. The other models he posted are a little sus, but I still find it really weird that out of all the communities to troll with fake leaks, someone would pick one as dead and as obscure as this. That he deleted his account is a little weird to me too.

    Anyway, we should get a betting pool going, first for if the VGAs will actually be where they make the announcement, second for if the guy turns out to be legit. It would be hilarious if he was.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hopefully the reveal at least shows off Bigby's look

  • I do wonder why he ditched all of a sudden. It wasnt as far fetched either, saying almost no real work is done yet. Im still expecting wolf 2 to happen at the Game Awards anyway, but Im not really expecting Bigby to go and open a door talk to me tho

    booper posted: »

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the reddit leaker was legit and Telltale is just going to reuse the season one model.

  • Yeah why did he dip? So what if he gets banned on one subreddit? Should've at least explained why he would go on to delete his account. That's why I'm suspicious.

    booper posted: »

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the reddit leaker was legit and Telltale is just going to reuse the season one model.

  • I'm staying patient and waiting for The Game Awards.

    LCGTTG is clearly still in operation, as their games, all just went on sale for Black Friday. They aren't dead like AdHoc yet.

    (Is AdHoc dead??? I forgot about them up until today)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hopefully the reveal at least shows off Bigby's look

  • Honestly, this would probably be me if I was a superhero.

    You should watch this:

  • FUCK IT I'm just gonna summon Wolf Among Us 2

    Everybody join hands.

  • I guess AdHoc isnt dead as I think we'd know but its a way smaller team and budget for sure. Hopefully if New Telltale does well AdHoc will be bought up by them so we can get some of the best former Telltale Staff back to making good games.

    Game Awards I still feel is a lock. I doubt theres gonna be much info, but its probably just going to be similar to Telltale Batman or GOTG reveal at the Game Awards where its nothing that revealing other than "Yup the game is real."

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I'm staying patient and waiting for The Game Awards. LCGTTG is clearly still in operation, as their games, all just went on sale for Black Friday. They aren't dead like AdHoc yet. (Is AdHoc dead??? I forgot about them up until today)

  • edited November 2019

    I love the "logic" of some people.

    I wrote a post on another website in regards to a particular show. I said that one of the female characters will probably end up being the most interesting character going forward, someone whose arc can lead them to either a possible redemption or (what I find to be more likely) an outright villain with compelling motivation, and sympathy.

    I was called sexist for saying that. Yes, because me praising the character arc of a female character and saying she will most likely become one of the most complex and interesting characters in the show, is sexism.

  • You're missing cigarettes. Now it'll be delayed for another five years and you'll summon Satan instead.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    FUCK IT I'm just gonna summon Wolf Among Us 2 Everybody join hands.

  • It would be hilarious if he was.

    Is it because I'd have to eat a stick of butter.

    booper posted: »

    The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that the reddit leaker was legit and Telltale is just going to reuse the season one model.

  • What show was it if you don't mind me asking?

    I love the "logic" of some people. I wrote a post on another website in regards to a particular show. I said that one of the female chara

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