The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited December 2019

    Yeah, that was my thought when. Like, I never disliked Jar Jar personally, especially since I mainly knew of him from the Lego Game and the Clone Wars, but I was pretty understanding when I watched parts of the Phantom Menace again a year or two ago.

    Fine fine, I do have a soft spot for him (even if he kinda grosses me out). I'll put Jar Jar slightly below Bor Gullet who I'll put below Salacious Crumb.

    I honestly had to look up who/what that was.
    Wtf was up with that?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I wouldn't mind him as much if they had toned down the slapstick and poop and fart jokes. Otherwise I'd think he's okay, not anywhere near great though. Like slightly below Jabba the Hutts monkey lizard.

  • If they actually do appear and they only go "Batman collection" then thats a yikes. Just going "also btw wolf 2 is happening here have a logo" would be enough

    Literally this if they're at the game awards.

    No wolf, no love, no buy, no one cares Telltale's back.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Id be ok with that too. If they actually do appear and they only go "Batman collection" then thats a yikes. Just going "also btw wolf 2 is happening here have a logo" would be enough to at least just know its being made at some point.

  • Also if the first and only thing they reveal is "Hey we took that old companies game and are re-releasing it so we get money" is stupid. A ton of people already have this mentality that they only bought the company to make a profit off games other people made, and that would be exactly what people were expecting. If they are going to do this with Batman, they need to say what actual "new" thing they are making, and it needs to be what people actually want. Otherwise their first impression will be shit and they will just die again.

    AChicken posted: »

    If they actually do appear and they only go "Batman collection" then thats a yikes. Just going "also btw wolf 2 is happening here have a log

  • We don't really know what the bundle will be though. If it was a total remake of both seasons with a new engine and art style, that would be different. Same if it came with a new game mode like an episode where you control another character like Catwoman or John Doe and play through the events of an episode through their POV.

    That's impossible to expect at this point, but I'd be totally on board with buying the bundle if it came with extras like that that show there's effort put into it and it's not just another lazy re-release.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also if the first and only thing they reveal is "Hey we took that old companies game and are re-releasing it so we get money" is stupid. A t

  • Probably going to end up being like Walking Dead Definitive Edition. Its using the Telltale engine so its probably nothing that crazy. I doubt its going to add real new additions like story segments giving how little time and little people they got. Time will tell but I dont really think its going to be anything that will actually blow our minds.

    booper posted: »

    We don't really know what the bundle will be though. If it was a total remake of both seasons with a new engine and art style, that would b

  • edited December 2019

    Trailer for the film Free Guy just came out. It looks like it does what it sets out to do. Just be a fun action flick. (Truman show+Action movie+"We're in a video game" plot). Not totally original, but still, I'm pretty excited. Some of that trailer editing was nice too.

  • I hope they show off some of the buggy stuff that can happen in video games like t-posing, clipping, rubber banding and all that.

    AChicken posted: »

    Trailer for the film Free Guy just came out. It looks like it does what it sets out to do. Just be a fun action flick. (Truman show+Action m

  • "Enjoy your life time supply of virginity"
    That line was funnier than it should be.

    AChicken posted: »

    Trailer for the film Free Guy just came out. It looks like it does what it sets out to do. Just be a fun action flick. (Truman show+Action m

  • And I just like that left the Shingeki No Kyojin subreddit. I wasn't really participating anyway, but the occasional meme or nonspoiler thread was nice. However, I shouldn't have to tolerate refreshing my homepage only to see five manga spoiler threads pop up anymore.

  • here I was thinking it was still in development Hell shm my head

  • edited December 2019

    So a group of friends and I are doing a Secret Santa gift exchange and I got one of my long time friends of 13(?) years and I wanted to make something very personalised. But I'm kinda having some trouble.

    I was thinking of drawing up something that involved the first time we met all those years ago and slapping it onto a keychain. The problem is that its not exactly super easy to find a keychain maker that does individual designs, at least where I am.

    If anyone could help me think up some ideas aside from a keychain that would be great lmao :grimace:

  • edited December 2019

    I swear, I should become an artist. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but if someone can get $120,000 for something as simple as taping a banana to a fucking wall, then anything is possible. My first piece will be an apple glued to a door. It symbolizes, I don’t know, American oppression or some shit, whatever pretentious liberal hipsters are into. The bidding starts at $200,000.

  • "also btw wolf 2 is happening here have a logo"

    Reduce, reuse, recycle.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Id be ok with that too. If they actually do appear and they only go "Batman collection" then thats a yikes. Just going "also btw wolf 2 is happening here have a logo" would be enough to at least just know its being made at some point.

  • I swear, I should become an artist. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but if someone can get $120,000 for something as simple as tap

  • It's an artistic expression that it's not about the money and neither are starving people.

    I swear, I should become an artist. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but if someone can get $120,000 for something as simple as tap

  • Someone eating it is how I first heard of this story. You know what they did, they just got another banana and taped it to the wall. That's a $120,000 piece of art that I could do in my own home after spending $5 at the grocery store.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Someone ate the $120k banana, by the way.

  • It's a piece of fruit taped to a goddamn wall, it's not that deep people.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    It's an artistic expression that it's not about the money and neither are starving people.

  • Someone should've told Mr. Krabs he struck a gold mine when he nailed that sandwich to the side of the ship.

    It's a piece of fruit taped to a goddamn wall, it's not that deep people.

  • I uploaded my very first video on Youtube.

    I made this video because Terminator Dark Fate pissed me off and I wanted to show why people are pissed off about it. I still haven't seen the movie but I know the spoilers of it. I'm a die hard fan of the first two films and I cannot believe that after all the fanfiction-y sequels, this is the best they came up with? So much for the return of James Cameron and Linda Hamilton. I'm so glad this movie bombed.

  • chris stuckmann deserves better than to be lumped in with the rest of these guys

    AronDracula posted: »

    I uploaded my very first video on Youtube. I made this video because Terminator Dark Fate pissed me off and I wanted to show why people

  • edited December 2019

    gee golly guys The Mandalorian sure is great. I love star wars so much, I'm so excited to hear everyone else's thoughts on this breath of fresh air for the star wars series--

    oh... aw man...

  • Im a bit out of the loop as I havent watched the show yet (but do plan on doing it) but I heard people not liking episode 4 too much.

    I do know people were bitching about how a woman knew how to shoot a gun or something. Is that the only thing or is there an actual reason for why people didnt like episode 4 instead of classic gamer stuff like being mad a woman knew how to use a gun? (without spoilers please)

    gee golly guys The Mandalorian sure is great. I love star wars so much, I'm so excited to hear everyone else's thoughts on this breath of fresh air for the star wars series-- oh... aw man...

  • I'll take it.

    I swear, I should become an artist. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but if someone can get $120,000 for something as simple as tap

  • without spoilers it's pretty much just gamers being gamers. mad about women. I read some of the criticisms and it's all so easily debunked by just paying attention to the show. chris o'neill specifically had some pretty out there (and false) criticism of the episode and it seems by his follow up tweets that he's just mad because there's a girl now. it's pretty pathetic.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im a bit out of the loop as I havent watched the show yet (but do plan on doing it) but I heard people not liking episode 4 too much. I d

  • No, it’s been the exact opposite, people getting pissed off over a lack of feminism and female characters, and demanding the show “do better” or be cancelled. They’ve even gone after the shows creator, implying sexist and misogynistic behavior over it.

    without spoilers it's pretty much just gamers being gamers. mad about women. I read some of the criticisms and it's all so easily debunked b

  • People are sexist, women feel persecuted, Star Wars is a religion.

    I've cracked the case let's all just be friends and not kill ourselves over fiction.

    gee golly guys The Mandalorian sure is great. I love star wars so much, I'm so excited to hear everyone else's thoughts on this breath of fresh air for the star wars series-- oh... aw man...

  • Sold. I accept cash or Venmo.

    ralo229 posted: »

    I'll take it.

  • edited December 2019

    It was mainly because a villager woman knew how to shoot a gun and Gina Carano's character being able to actually go toe to toe with the Mandalorian.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im a bit out of the loop as I havent watched the show yet (but do plan on doing it) but I heard people not liking episode 4 too much. I d

  • edited December 2019

    I mean, the lack of any real support for this clearly shows this is the exact opposite of what you claim doesn't it?

    ClemmyCloo gave an example showing videos reaching nearly two hundred thousand viewers but your example with Anita Sarkeesian's tweet barely reaches two-thousand likes. The number of people actually being mad at the lack of female representation, at least at the time, seems to be in the minority compared to the people being mad at there actually being female representation.

    No, it’s been the exact opposite, people getting pissed off over a lack of feminism and female characters, and demanding the show “do better

  • The Game Awards 2019 - Telltale hits the Stage - Reveal Batman Collection

    Telltale Community:

  • What the hell?

    I swear, I should become an artist. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but if someone can get $120,000 for something as simple as tap

  • edited December 2019

    The problem with this though is that what you’re saying (gamers and men being outraged over female representation) doesn’t match the videos in your screenshot. Most of those videos are focusing on and giving examples of people saying the show isn’t woke enough and liberals/leftists complaining about it, not men complaining about representation. The Quarterings video, the most viewed on that screenshot (and was posted back in mid November, pre-dating the release of Episode 4) is mocking those outraged by the supposed lack of female representation, which was a pretty sizable group of people judging by the responses to some of the tweets he presents.

    without spoilers it's pretty much just gamers being gamers. mad about women. I read some of the criticisms and it's all so easily debunked b

  • edited December 2019

    Uhhhhh.. who cares tho? There are episodes of shows that have no men and some that have no women. Some have no LGBT and some have only LGBT. Some episodes only have minorities and some have no minorities.

    Nobody here was going directly out of their way to exclude women, there just happened to be no women in this episode.

    not trying to fuel the fire, but this is my not-so-hot take.

    No, it’s been the exact opposite, people getting pissed off over a lack of feminism and female characters, and demanding the show “do better

  • edited December 2019

    I completely and 100% agree. I don’t care what sex the characters are, and neither should you or anyone. You should watch something because of the storytelling and writing, not because it fills some diversity quota. I’m not raising any issues over there being a female character, nor am I doing it over a lack of female rep. Others, sadly, don’t see it that way.

    And your meme isn’t too far off. Some of the people in The Quartering’s video actually counted how many minutes and seconds passed before a female character showed up. If that’s really what you’re focusing on and that’s your priority, then I don’t understand how you can have any fun.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Uhhhhh.. who cares tho? There are episodes of shows that have no men and some that have no women. Some have no LGBT and some have only LGBT.

  • Lmao there's a game being made where you play as Jesus Christ and it's being made in complete seriousness but at the same time you'll supposedly be able to fight Satan himself???

  • Today I learned people are mad about the space bounty hunter show with a small green baby alien because one episode didnt have a woman in it and another had a woman who knew how to shoot a gun- thus now both sides have some stupid thing to complain about.

  • Hear, hear.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Today I learned people are mad about the space bounty hunter show with a small green baby alien because one episode didnt have a woman in it

  • edited December 2019

    Seems like an... interesting concept for a video game, but the fact that this is a pre-made CGI trailer does not make me impressed. I'd love to see the real thing in action to judge it. Not that I'm expecting much, anyway...

    Oh yeah here's a picture from steam.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Lmao there's a game being made where you play as Jesus Christ and it's being made in complete seriousness but at the same time you'll supposedly be able to fight Satan himself???

  • Can we stay away from the whole 'representation' whatever debate? I mean, come on guys, does it really matter? Is it worth getting into an argument and then insults then whatever? Remember the forum guidelines!

  • InGen every week or so having to deal with our bullshit

    Hopefully Game Awards has something to talk about thats Telltale related.

    Can we stay away from the whole 'representation' whatever debate? I mean, come on guys, does it really matter? Is it worth getting into an argument and then insults then whatever? Remember the forum guidelines!

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