The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • See, this is why people say robots are taking over the world.

    man just get over it already. it's just a movie about robots. it should not have this much impact on you and your ability to discuss things respectfully and rationally

  • Will we be blessed with this time line?

  • Well, I would say, but....
    Swanson is watching us!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Will we be blessed with this time line?

  • I re-watched Attack of the Clones. Which i don't think I've in seen fully in like 10 or so years I think.

    Oh boy this is going to be a long one. I'm just gonna spoilet tag it so that it doesn't take up too much space. I'm just gonna start with the good before I go into the bad, and then the inbetweens, then a small conclusion at the end.

    I actually quite liked the first 20-30 minutes of the movie. I didn't think the acting was too bad and I liked the writing and dialogue. Jar Jar Binks was much more subdued and much better written than in Phantom Menace. The comradery between Anakin and Obi Wan was fun and believable. They actually felt like close friends which made me really like seeing them together. But once they split off to do their own stories with Anakin hanging out with Padme and Obi Wan investigating the Kamino, the movie takes a nosedive with varying bumps of quality in between.

    The romance between Anakin and Padme was painfully awkward. Hayden Christensen and Natalie Portman are incredibly wooden and the dialogue they share was just plain bad. It was like really bad Shakespeare. Everything about them is clearly meant to be portrayed as romantic but it's more creepy than anything, with no thanks to Hayden's lack of any facial expression. For most of their interactions, Anakin feels like some weird creepo obsessed with her. The only part I actually really liked with Anakin is when he reunites with his mother. It's a touching and surprisingly emotional moment. Scenes like this, where Hayden Christenson acts angry or sad are actually pretty well done. It's every other emotion he does that I just cannot buy.

    I actually liked Obi Wan investigating Jango Fett and the Kamino clone facility, at first anyway. I had also completely forgotten that he just straight up visits an American styled diner. However, once he leaves Kamino and chases after Jango to Geonosis, it just becomes really uninteresting to watch. It doesn't help that you'll cut to something else for a long period of time, then cut back to Obi Wan for like a minute before cutting back to something else again. There's a couple neat bits like Dooku collecting the plans for the Death Star but there's nothing much more than that.

    When the two parties finally reunite is when I actually began to like the movie again. Watching Anakin, Obi Wan and Padme going against the monsters in the Colosseum was pretty entertaining and I liked that Anakin, despite his usually angsty behaviour tries to calm the rhino creature down with the force. The Jedi revealing themselves is another great moment. It's just cool to see that many Jedi fighting together, though the battle of Geonosis is marred by really awkward looking choreography as you watch the Jedi awkwardly waving around their lightsabers. Of course the Clones being introduced is another great moment that gives some really great looking action scenes as they fight with the droids. Finally when Obi Wan and Anakin face Dookum, it's actually pretty good for the most part. Except in one moment when Anakin dual wields lightsabers against Dooku and there's just a bunch of really weird looking close ups on their faces.

    While I do like a number of scenes in the movie and the relationship between Anakin and Obi Wan, I still don't think this movie is very good. I don't know if I'd consider it slightly better or worse than Phantom Menace. The acting and dialogue, and the relationship between Anakin and Padme is so bad, yet it takes up a majority of the movies time. I'd say Attack of the Clones is at best mediocre, but at worst, just a really badly written movie with some pretty good moments at times.

  • Ewan McGregor's and Christopher Lee's scenes were the best parts of the movie. Hayden could've done better. Natalie Portman too for that matter. It seemed like both actors were stuck in rehersal and just decided to use that version. At least in the prequels we got Obi-Wan's memes

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I re-watched Attack of the Clones. Which i don't think I've in seen fully in like 10 or so years I think. Oh boy this is going to be a lo

  • Agreed, those prequels are not the best.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I re-watched Attack of the Clones. Which i don't think I've in seen fully in like 10 or so years I think. Oh boy this is going to be a lo

  • I still prefer Revenge of the Sith over The Last Jedi.

    Agreed, those prequels are not the best.

  • "Calm down about a fictional character"

    AronDracula posted: »

    Dark Fate had the best action and acting since T2. Get over the John Connor fate NO ONE SAYS "NO" TO ME I was p

  • Valid, as is everyone else's opinion. Hayden's acting shined the most during that duel at the end of the film.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I still prefer Revenge of the Sith over The Last Jedi.

  • it should not have this much impact on you and your ability to discuss things respectfully and rationally

    man just get over it already. it's just a movie about robots. it should not have this much impact on you and your ability to discuss things respectfully and rationally

  • Apparently George Lucas had Hayden underact for some reason, which explains his lack of expression throughout the movies.

    Ewan McGregor's and Christopher Lee's scenes were the best parts of the movie. Hayden could've done better. Natalie Portman too for that mat

  • George sucks

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Apparently George Lucas had Hayden underact for some reason, which explains his lack of expression throughout the movies.

  • edited December 2019



    And it turns out RE: Resistance is actually the multiplayer mode for the game which is a nice little addition!

  • Changed my mind. IT LOOKS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE ANNOUNCED FOR 3 APRIL 2020!!! And it turns out RE: Resistance is actually the multiplayer mode for the game which is a nice little addition!


  • Coming back to this we call it stupid but the fact that someone can con a man out of 120 grand by duct taping a banana to the wall and calling it art is so brilliant it's almost performance art itself

    It's like something you'd find on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia lol

    I swear, I should become an artist. I don’t have an artistic bone in my body, but if someone can get $120,000 for something as simple as tap

  • I thought it was because the Jedi Code demanded the suppression of emotions which gave a sort of dull effect to the Jedi

    Either that or Anakin was suppose to have some sort of personality disorder

    Either way it just looked like bad acting

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Apparently George Lucas had Hayden underact for some reason, which explains his lack of expression throughout the movies.

  • Multiplayer is always a nice addition to a game.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE ANNOUNCED FOR 3 APRIL 2020!!! And it turns out RE: Resistance is actually the multiplayer mode for the game which is a nice little addition!

  • These art snobs will buy anything so long as you can (flimsily) put some sort of artistic meaning behind it. I read the other day in an article from Forbes about how the author visited an art gallery, and one of the pieces was literally just a scrunched up piece of paper on the floor. Apparently, it symbolized the creative struggle of artists. The author (and myself) just said its a piece of paper thrown onto the floor, but people in the exhibit were contemplating the deeper meaning behind it, and someone paid for it to be featured. I just can't with these people, they're so elitist that it impacts their cognitive functioning.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Coming back to this we call it stupid but the fact that someone can con a man out of 120 grand by duct taping a banana to the wall and calli

  • I can agree with that.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I still prefer Revenge of the Sith over The Last Jedi.

  • I still prefer Star Wars Holiday Special over The Last Jedi

    At least they got the canon right

    AronDracula posted: »

    I still prefer Revenge of the Sith over The Last Jedi.

  • edited December 2019

    Imagine a Robin Hood-esque story except instead of stealing from the rich the main character just makes crappy modern art and fakes some higher meaning on the spot, using the millions of dollars he's earned on duct-taped bananas and crumpled paper to end poverty and cancer.

    These art snobs will buy anything so long as you can (flimsily) put some sort of artistic meaning behind it. I read the other day in an arti

  • Oh it's Javier FUCKIN Garcia!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE ANNOUNCED FOR 3 APRIL 2020!!! And it turns out RE: Resistance is actually the multiplayer mode for the game which is a nice little addition!

  • 2020 is guna fuck my wallet to death 😂😂😂😂

    lupinb0y posted: »

    YEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! RESIDENT EVIL 3 REMAKE ANNOUNCED FOR 3 APRIL 2020!!! And it turns out RE: Resistance is actually the multiplayer mode for the game which is a nice little addition!

  • hello everyone :)

  • Animation bruhs, you ever seen Hilda on Netflix? Great show, you should watch.
    Well, not only are we getting a Season 2, but we're also getting a freakin' 1-hr "movie" special!

    Currently in Production: Season 2 and a 70-minute movie special of Hilda;

  • Aw yeeeee. More Hilda is always good :grimace:

    AChicken posted: »

    Animation bruhs, you ever seen Hilda on Netflix? Great show, you should watch. Well, not only are we getting a Season 2, but we're also ge

  • edited December 2019

    Game Awards Hype.

    Reggie is gonna be a presenter (remember last year how Shawn Layden, Reggie, and Phil Spencer presented the opening speech for the show? Good times...)

    Early Concept Art of this year's stage. (Concept created in May)

    The Muppets are going to be at the show?!

    Also hype trailerrrrrr

    Ghost of Tsushima is getting a new trailer at the TGAs, longest trailer of the night, most likely a gameplay reveal and a (at the very least release Year) date announcement.

  • edited December 2019

    Inb4 'Bunsen & Beaker: A Telltale Games Series'.

    AChicken posted: »

    Game Awards Hype. (Spoiler)

  • Honestly, A 'Bunsen & Beaker: A Telltale Series' sounds like a sam and max rip off.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Inb4 'Bunsen & Beaker: A Telltale Games Series'.

  • Welcome to the community

    ComingNever posted: »

    hello everyone

  • edited December 2019

    Well we’ll well, look who the Yankees just signed. Gerrit Cole, one of the best starting pitchers in all of baseball, which easily strengthens the Yanks starting rotation and makes them early favorites as World Series contenders. I’m sure the Yankees organization was very cautious and responsible with the terms of the contract and didn’t sign him to this massive...


    Cashman you absolute fucking madman! You’re paying $36 million a year, over $1 million per start, for a guy that plays every 5 days, until he’s 38 years old. Did we learn nothing from the massive contracts of A-Rod and CC Sabathia?! For this, we better win more than one championship with him, you’re going to need something to justify this massive contract when Cole inevitable starts declining.

    I’m glad we got him, I’m just worried about the long term consequences. But right now, let the baseball world know that The Evil Empire is back. Start spreading the news.

  • dunno if any of you guys use letterboxd, but one of the most popular users on there, lucy, just published this video she edited to vimeo. it's excellent and if you're a fan of film i'd highly recommend it.

    it pretty much covers every important part of cinema for the past 10 years and condenses it into 13 minutes, and it's an absolute joy to watch. would also recommend following her on letterboxd as her reviews are insightful and hilarious.

  • I'm a huge fan of letterboxd. Been using it to create my top 100 films list

    dunno if any of you guys use letterboxd, but one of the most popular users on there, lucy, just published this video she edited to vimeo. it

  • nice. i use it a lot. usually whenever i see a new movie but sometimes i'll just get on there for a bit to write reviews or make lists. never thought about a top 100 tho, that'd be too hard for me lmao

    ComingNever posted: »

    I'm a huge fan of letterboxd. Been using it to create my top 100 films list

  • I started with a top 10, then top 20, then it kept extending because I kept adding so many movies to my watchlist lol. I've got like 85 on the list with nearly 400 more in the watchlist

    nice. i use it a lot. usually whenever i see a new movie but sometimes i'll just get on there for a bit to write reviews or make lists. never thought about a top 100 tho, that'd be too hard for me lmao

  • Oh my fucking shit covered nutsack, the VGA is tomorrow!


    Oh my fucking shit covered nutsack, the VGA is tomorrow!

  • Tomorrow guys haha

  • I have a good feeling we will be pleased :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Tomorrow guys haha

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