What is your fav (STAR WARS) video game?
Ok, so you guys in the forulms might be sick of star wars topics in the forulms but I have another one for you. There is a lot of star wars video games out there I want to ask you what ones are your fav and why? Is it becaouse of the story plot, characters in the game, the voice acting, graphics and the powers
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The kind I had to put quarters in.

Jedi Outcast/Academy for gameplay, Knights of the Old Republic for story
I love those threads because i can express my love once again for what i consider to be the best SW RPG ever made : Kotor 2 (with the restored content mod only) so thank you stranger.
Now before i start i want to say that i also like the first game, it's a classic Star Wars adventure with a fantastic twist (it also has some very cringe-worthy dialog lol) but it's a game everyone should play at least once in their lives.
So anyway K2's my favourite SW game because it's really special something never seen and done before,it takes Star Wars and deconstructs it,it shows another perspective of what SW is and of what everyone's used to see in the movies.
It creates all different questions about morality,justice,manipulation,charity,that's why i love it,that and all the excellent well written characters that are in the game.
I used to like lego star wars as a kid lol
Lego Star Wars: The complete saga
Probably force unleashed for the gameplay and the old republic for the stories and role playing
Lego Star Wars is still good as an adult
Best star wars game for me lol.
It once was Knights of the Old Republic. But Fallen Order was, quite frankly, better.
The Force Unleashed.
Star Wars: Battlefront 2 2005
This game is old, but gold!
Honestly, I think this game is better than its predecessor! While it doesn't have the best graphics, the gameplay and animations feel so real! I love being able to shoot down an AT-AT fighter, and to raid an rebel base. To me, this is just the only star wars game that feels like star wars.
Well said.
Hell, that game still holds up to this damn day!
Goddamn right
Oh right i totally forgot that one it's really fun with some mods
The mods only make the game better!
star wars galaxies fucking owns and makes all other star wars games feel microscopic in comparison even with the emu being the only way to play it.
that being said the Wii version of The Force Unleashed is also great
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
Except that pod racing part. Me and my friend died like 50 times before we finally managed to finish it.
as a kid, didn't we all die like 100 times?
Is it just me or was chapter 5 for episode 1 the worst part? Honestly did not like that mission one bit...actually that one as well as I think it was either chapter 4 or 5 for episode 3? The disguised clone mission.
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy is a nostalgic favourite of mine. Some of the best lightsaber combat I've ever experienced.
Have you downloaded the movie battles 2 mod for JA?
It should be still active, it's seriously amazing way better than the actual game.
JA doesn't run particularly well on my computer as it is, so I haven't really delved into modding. The base game is enough for me.
Force Unleashed was my shit when I was in middle school.
Well, honestly, most of the Star Wars video games are kind of trash. Sure thing, there are some great games, like star wars Jedi knight Jedi academy or Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. I think these two games are the best Star Wars game that we have. The latest game Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, is also pretty good, but I cannot call it great. Actually, I am not that much into video games. The only games that I am playing very often are FIFA, NBA, and MADDEN. Out of these three, my favorite has to be MADDEN. I am playing it on pc, and I do not understand why it is that tough to get MADDEN COINS PC. I mean, is it the same on the consoles?