Best Games of The Decade DISCUSSION
Now that Game Awards is finally and thinking there aren't going to be some more important games coming out this month, it's time to talk about our favorite games because this is the end of the decade 2010's.
Name some of your favorite games that came out in this decade and ONLY count the ones that were released from 2010 to 2019. I'll start with my list:
Also I'm gonna ask, what is your game of the decade? Mine is, without a doubt:
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You forgot something...
Where's The Wolf Among Us?! 👀
Holy shit, you're right. I'll be back
EDIT: Done
Perfect. 👌
Mass Effect 2 came out this decade.
I haven't played it, yet
You should. A friend introduced it to me a few months back. It's definitely one of the best games this decade.
Honestly, I feel like 'Undertale' is a good contender for the best game of this decade
I know, I know, its a good game, but, it has a bad fanbase. But, did it say 'Best videogames and fanbases of the decade? No, I don't think so.
I feel undertale is a gem, mainly because of the creator. Toby fox worked hard on it for years, and he isn't a dickhead like..... D-Dickhead bruner!
And, its graphics are amazing! Oh, and don't get me started on the music.
So, instead of celebrating the newer AA games, lets recognize the people who had nothing, but turned it into something.
I'm too lazy to post pictures so get ready this is going to be a long list.
So,ME2 from 2010,Fallout New Vegas,COD Black Ops
From 2011 : Portal 2,Batman Arkham City,Skyrim,Dark Souls,Deus Ex Human Revolution.
From 2012,ME3,TWD S1 as well,Far Cry 3,Hotline Miami,Journey,Sleeping Dogs and Dishonored.
2013 also had some damn good games like TLOU,AC Black Flag
The 2013 Tomb Raider Reboot (the only Tomb Raider game i REALLY liked),and also Gta5.
From 2014 : Wolf Among Us,Dragon Age Inquisition,Dark Souls 2,Wolfeinstein The New Order,Alien Isolation,Bayonetta 2,South Park The Stick of Truth,Shovel Knight,The Evil Within.
From 2015 : The Witcher 3,Bloodborne,Batman Arkham Knight,Ori and the Blind Forest,Hotline Miami 2 and Tales of course.
From 2016 : Dark Souls 3,Dishonored 2,Doom,SuperHot,and Oxenfree.
From 2017 : The Legend of Zelda : Breath Of The Wild,Cuphead,Divinity Original Sin 2,RE7.
From 2018 : Marvel's Spider Man,AC Odyssey,Hitman 2,and The Remastered Spyro Trilogy.
From 2019 : A Plague Tale Innocence,The Outer Worlds,Jedi Fallen Order and Greedfall.
I'm sure there's more but that's all i can think of right now,also keep in mind that these are the games I have played i didn't want to put a game on my list i haven't played even if it's a game everyone loved.
That last one is hard to answer mine would be either ME2 or TWAU.
I still haven't finished Mass Effect 1. I got bored after the first hour. I dunno when I'll recover.
You got a good list going on there. You missed Skyrim tho. Might add my own later on
Mfw Dragon Age: Origins missed 2010 by 2 months. But apparently ultimate edition was released that year, so I'm gonna use a loophole, because it's my favourite game ever.
Anyway, with that out of the way, here goes:
2010: Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed 2 (PC version was released in 2010, aha another loophole), Mafia 2, Dragon Age: Origins
2011: Dragon Age 2, Batman: Arkham City, Portal 2, Skyrim
2012: The Walking Dead, Borderlands 2
2013: Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, The Wolf Among Us
2014: The Banner Saga, Shadowrun: Dragonfall, Hearthstone, Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Tales from the Borderlands, The Talos Principle
2015: Pillars of Eternity, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, Shadowrun: Hong Kong, Undertale, Soma
2016: Stardew Valley, Overwatch
2017: Pyre, Batman: The Enemy Within, Assassin's Creed: Origins
2018: Celeste, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, A Way Out, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey, Thronebreaker
2019: According to Steam I only purchased one 2019 game, that is Slay the Spire, so I guess that is my GotY, lel
I definitely missed something, so maybe I'll edit it later.
I'm not sure about Skyrim. I haven't played it.
It's true, the first game was pretty dry. If my friend wasn't walking me through the game I probably wouldn't have finished the game either. But it's good to beat so you know how your choices make a difference in the next game. Plus know the character history. Almost everything get's better in the next game.
2010: Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops.
2011: Portal 2, Battefield 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Minecraft and Skyrim.
2012: The Walking Dead: Season One, Dishonored, Far Cry 3, Borderlands 2, Max Payne 3, Rune Factory 4, Sleeping Dogs and The Darkness 2.
2013: Metro: Last Light, Grand Theft Auto 5, Battlefield 4, Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell: Blacklist and Call of Juarez: Gunslinger.
2014: Far Cry 4, Alien: Isolation, This War of Mine, Metro 2033: Redux, Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire, The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead: Season Two.
2015: Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Dying Light and Tales from the Borderlands.
2016: Dishonored 2, Battlefield 1, Firewatch, Inside, Stardew Valley, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, Mirror;s Edge: Catalyst and Oxenfree.
2017: Prey, Resident Evil 7, Assassin's Creed: Origins, West of Loathing and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.
2018: Subnautica, Far Cry 5, Battlefield 5, Batman: Enemy Within and Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
2019: Resident Evil 2, Jedi: Fallen Order, Metro Exodus, Pokemon Shield, A Plague Tale: Innocence, and The Walking Dead: Final Season.
If I had to choose a game of the decade it'd either be, The Walking Dead: Season One for changing how I viewed storytelling in video games or Minecraft.
Sandbox: Minecraft
Puzzle: Portal 2
RPG: Deus Ex: Human Revolution/Mankind Divided
Horror: Resident Evil 7/Inside
Action: Uncharted 4
Best indie: Undertale
Best story: Undertale/The Wolf Among Us/The Walking Dead
Most satisfying gameplay: The Last of Us/ Batman Arkham City
Best Wii game: Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Best PS3 game: Uncharted 3
Best Xbox 360 game: Portal 2
Best Xbox One game: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
Best PS4 game: The Last of Us
Best Switch Game: Mario Odyssey
Best 3DS game: Luigi's Mansion 2
Best PC game: Minecraft/Undertale
Best Multiplayer: The Last of Us/Minecraft/Titanfall
Personal favorites that did not make a category: Bastion, Superhot, Mirror's edge, Tales from the Borderlands, sleeping dogs
There were many more games that I loved, but because it seems like not enough people are playing these games I feel the need to mention the Yakuza series. I've been obsessed with them since I've (to my shame only fairly recently) discovered them.

Okay, 3 is a remaster of a game from 2009 and the remaster of 5 won't be out until next year, so they don't count.
You... You've played it, too?
OMG did we just become best friends?
There are dozens of us! DOZENS!
stardew valley is definitely up there as a game of the decade contender for me personally, but if i were being completely objective, breath of the wild is the definitive game of the decade. a lot of franchises completely reinvent themselves and it comes out as things like DmC: Devil May Cry, but breath of the wild not only completely changed a 40 year old formula, but it came out perfect, set a new standard for open world games, has fantastic and challenging gameplay that isn't too harsh to new players, a fantastic story, an excellent score and from the sheer size alone is absolutely what video games have been leading up to since the 70s. there will likely be more games that are better, and there are even some this decade i VASTLY prefer to botw (stardew valley, dark souls, RE7, bloodborne), but nothing is as game changing imo as botw is.
...which is why my game of the decade is PEGGLE 2 BABY WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK YEAH PEGGLE TWO: 2 FAST 2 PEGGLE.
Can you also do, Worst Games of the Decade?
I haven't played a lot of bad games in all these years.
Oh but I know one that you dislike, a little birdy told me... 😁
Best heart wrenching story of the decade for me goes to: twd s1
Best action/rpg game of the decade for me : rdr2, Witcher 3
Best horrer games of the decade: re2 remake, re7, outlast 1&2, PT.
Best multi-player games: Battlefield 1, Pubg, fortnite.
Can't think of more but those who came to my mind atm.
Sandbox: Minecraft
Puzzle: Undertale
Horror: Resident Evil, and, FNAF VR: HELP WANTED
Action: RDR2
Best indie: Undertale
Best story: The walking dead (Season one, specifically)
Most satisfying gameplay: Animal Crossing
Best Wii game: New! Super Mario Bros. WII!!!
Best PS3 game: GTA 5
Best Xbox 360 game: Left 4 Dead
Best Xbox One game: Crash Bandicoot!
Best PS4 game: God Of War
Best Switch Game: Mario Odyssey
Best 3DS game: Pokemon Sun & Moon
Best PC game: Minecraft
Best Multiplayer: Star Wars Battlefront II, Minecraft, Roblox, and, PUBG
Hottest releases of this decade: Mario Odyssey, borderlands 3, Fortnite, and, Sonic Mania.
i'm actually really surprised considering how varied your opinions on films are. i would have expected you to at least play a few stinkers here and there and have some strong thoughts on em.
Of course I played some garbage, I can name a few of like:
1. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
It was way worse than the movie. Story is forgettable, the character designs are ugly, the open world is empty as shit and there was no redeeming quality. Thank God it failed and had Activision sell their license to Sony which gave us Spider-Man PS4
2. The Walking Dead A New Frontier
I don't think you need explanation cause you would already know. It's just like Alien 3 and Terminator Dark Fate.
3. Outlast 2
This isn't the worst game ever made but as a huge fan of the first game (Which changed my life on horror gaming forever) and the Whistleblower DLC, the sequel was a huge disappointment. It was a running simulator, story was confusing as hell, the characters were forgettable, the level design was repetitive and it ended with a lot of questions unanswered. What was Red Barrels thinking? Not to mention the whole franchise was written by J.T. Petty who also wrote The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 which was terrible. I hate that guy.
4. Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days
Out of all the games that I mentioned, I think this was the worst for me. I cannot stand this piece of shit. It's shit from start to finish. Short story, terrible characters, broken gunplay and trash ending.
5. Evolve
I feel bad for my step-father, he bought a game for me and he made a wrong choice buying Evolve. After playing the first 20 minutes of the game, I already decided to stop and never play it ever again.
atta boy, i knew you could come up with a few if you thought about it. and honestly? i agree with all of these. yeah none of them are very good and 4 of the ones you mentioned in fact are very much unbearable. i'm personally a fan of outlast 2 but it's flaws aren't lost on me. and that amazing spider-man 2 game whooo boy what a nightmare.
There you go! This is what I meant by 'Oh but I know one that you dislike, a little birdy told me... 😁'
Goodness gracious! You reminded me of how I wasted $40 for this garbage back in 2014, thank Sony and Insomniac for Spider-Man PS4!
Even the first Amazing Spider-Man game that came out in 2012 was 10x times better
My Best Games of the Decade are:
Uncharted 3 & 4
inFamous 2 (Bad karma best ending)
The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja STORM 2, 3 & 4
Horizon Zero Dawn
King's Quest
Persona 5
Persona 4 Golden
Disney Infinity (don't judge me, I loved this game when it came out in 2013)
The Wolf Among Us
Tales from the Borderlands (Best Telltale game ever played)
Batman Arkham City and Origins including Telltale's
Life is Strange
The Last of Us
Detroit Become Human
Someone who hasn't posted their favorites, yet?
My favorites are dumb, so I won't be posting it.