Not gonna lie I saw the trailer through mkiceandfire's video that used weird old leaked Bigly design as thumbnail and legit almost yelled at the screen
Anyone played Disco Elysium? I've been hearing a lot of good buzz about it for a while. Just wanted to know if a filthy casual, someone who isn't into super deep RPG's, like me would be able to get into it.
For a while I couldn't log in at all so I assumed that the forums were gone for good. I'm pretty sure I checked after hearing that Telltale was back and still couldn't get in. Either way, I'm glad the old forums got salvaged. A lot of history on here to look back on.
It never went down. Or at least, it never stayed down for long. One/two days at a time max.
It happened a few months ago when we were exp… moreecting the whole place to keel over at any moment. Everyone was saying their goodbyes. It was all pretty emotional. Then one day we noticed the websites license got renewed for another year, a new moderator (Nikolah) was suddenly on the site (who we assumed saved the site for some reason), and a few days later Telltale's resurrection happened.
It was pretty magical.
Eyyy a friend asked me to help them with a potential product containing art that I would draw! I've been given some specifics about what they want drawn along with some references to the style they want. It's relatively minimalist so it wouldn't be a huge issue to do.
Realistically I doubt anything will really come of it and it might not even go past the initial design phases, but the potential for some cash from something I drew is a pretty sweet idea.
The hyper aggression from the side of the fandom who either doesn't know about AdHoc's involvement with Wolf 2 or doesn't care and still thinks it's grounds to boycot them is getting to be exhausting. Like I get it, it sucks that the original dev team doesn't seem to be involved with the new project, but I've been seeing some downright hateful tweets and tumblr posts by people who are spreading misinformation around that no one from the original Telltale is even involved with the game. I've spoken to a few people (one of whom claims to be friends with the previous Wolf 2 team of devs) who outright don't care, and for me, that takes it to kind of a shitty level because it feels like they're punishing Pierre Shorette, Nick Herman and all the other og devs who worked on the first game and acting like their involvement means nothing or that they're traitors or whatever.
It's a shitty situation to be sure, but I hate how people think it's a black and white one and that the devs working on this are randos pulled in off the street who don't matter. They need this game to succeed, and they deserve it to, but I'm afraid it won't because of this general attitude that's been going around and picking up steam.
Some good news is Ive seen way more people lately correcting all this false info about Telltale and Wolf 2 but sadly theres still a lot of it mostly on twitter. Hopefully by release people figure out the actual situation.
The same people who say all this havent played a Telltale game since 2014 and arnt even aware by the time Telltale shut down most of the people who made Telltale what it was were already gone. This is already looking way more promising than what we ever would have gotten if Telltale didnt die because we now actually have the people who are largely responsible for Telltale original success working on the game again.
The hyper aggression from the side of the fandom who either doesn't know about AdHoc's involvement with Wolf 2 or doesn't care and still thi… morenks it's grounds to boycot them is getting to be exhausting. Like I get it, it sucks that the original dev team doesn't seem to be involved with the new project, but I've been seeing some downright hateful tweets and tumblr posts by people who are spreading misinformation around that no one from the original Telltale is even involved with the game. I've spoken to a few people (one of whom claims to be friends with the previous Wolf 2 team of devs) who outright don't care, and for me, that takes it to kind of a shitty level because it feels like they're punishing Pierre Shorette, Nick Herman and all the other og devs who worked on the first game and acting like their involvement means nothing or that they're traitors or whatever.
It's a shitty situation to be sure, but I hate how people think it's a bla… [view original content]
I know, but to some people it doesn't matter because this isn't the pre-cancellation dev team. They want justice for them which pretty much amounts to Telltale rehiring them or giving them some kind of compensation regardless of how realistic that is.
The same people who say all this havent played a Telltale game since 2014 and arnt even aware by the time Telltale shut down most of the peo… moreple who made Telltale what it was were already gone. This is already looking way more promising than what we ever would have gotten if Telltale didnt die because we now actually have the people who are largely responsible for Telltale original success working on the game again.
The hyper aggression from the side of the fandom who either doesn't know about AdHoc's involvement with Wolf 2 or doesn't care and still thi… morenks it's grounds to boycot them is getting to be exhausting. Like I get it, it sucks that the original dev team doesn't seem to be involved with the new project, but I've been seeing some downright hateful tweets and tumblr posts by people who are spreading misinformation around that no one from the original Telltale is even involved with the game. I've spoken to a few people (one of whom claims to be friends with the previous Wolf 2 team of devs) who outright don't care, and for me, that takes it to kind of a shitty level because it feels like they're punishing Pierre Shorette, Nick Herman and all the other og devs who worked on the first game and acting like their involvement means nothing or that they're traitors or whatever.
It's a shitty situation to be sure, but I hate how people think it's a bla… [view original content]
I wonder if the reason why they asked the original dev team back is because they didn't feel comfortable using the story/work the new team had completed before the closure. The head writer and a lot of the staff on that game have new jobs now; the likelihood of the most important of them coming back is probably slim, and it would have been kind of scummy if they used their work without hiring them back, so maybe starting fresh with the season 1 team was the more feasible option.
You know what's funny?
Provided it lives up to the hype this might actually be the best possible timeline for The Wolf Among Us 2.
Got… more rid of the Telltale Engine, OG developers coming back, reportedly all episodes will be released at the same time.
It's like Telltale had to close so the stars could align for this game
(rip telltale and best wishes to the team behind the original vision)
In all fairness almost nothing was even done on Wolf 2. I know a lot of those ex-members will say other wise but reports give way more context then the ex-staff ever has. We've gotten full on reports talking about how little was done, and then theres ex-telltale saying it was going to be this huge new thing but never saying what that even meant in the slightest way.
I wonder if the reason why they asked the original dev team back is because they didn't feel comfortable using the story/work the new team h… moread completed before the closure. The head writer and a lot of the staff on that game have new jobs now; the likelihood of the most important of them coming back is probably slim, and it would have been kind of scummy if they used their work without hiring them back, so maybe starting fresh with the season 1 team was the more feasible option.
I've read some of those reports but not all of them, so if you can post some of them for clarity, that'd be cool. I have heard that they finished an outline and they might have finished part of the script for thefirst episode, which would make sense because Bill Willingham and Adam Harrington know what it was going to be about.
I don't think we'll ever know for certain until the game is out and those ex devs break their silence and tell us what the differences are, and I doubt that'll ever happen. Maybe they're bound by a NDA, no clue.
In all fairness almost nothing was even done on Wolf 2. I know a lot of those ex-members will say other wise but reports give way more conte… morext then the ex-staff ever has. We've gotten full on reports talking about how little was done, and then theres ex-telltale saying it was going to be this huge new thing but never saying what that even meant in the slightest way.
Twau is currently free on the epic games store, haven't played this game in years (played it originally on My ipad mini years ago) but now since it's free I'll relive the events of this game knowing there's going to be a sequel 🔜👍
my best anythings of 2019. there's some stuff worthy of mention but those are all my favorites imo. also igor is kino and if you don't like it you have a very small brain
my best anythings of 2019. there's some stuff worthy of mention but those are all my favorites imo. also igor is kino and if you don't like it you have a very small brain
Looks good, even if it’s unoriginal. There’s only so many plot points you can follow after all, sooner or later they’re all bound to repeat and originality will sound like a fantasy
Trailer for the film Free Guy just came out. It looks like it does what it sets out to do. Just be a fun action flick. (Truman show+Action m… moreovie+"We're in a video game" plot). Not totally original, but still, I'm pretty excited. Some of that trailer editing was nice too.
yea i basically use it to post shitposts or opinions. im a super libtard tho so if you don't lean that way prolly dont follow me because i can assure you some days all i will do is talk about how evil capitalism is
This is pretty much a repeat of what I said in the Vent/Help Thread, but I am sorry to anyone who I have freaked out or scared with how I was acting back in October. Life wasn't treating me very well, and I hit my breaking point at the time. I hope everyone has been doing alright
In all fairness almost nothing was even done on Wolf 2. I know a lot of those ex-members will say other wise but reports give way more conte… morext then the ex-staff ever has. We've gotten full on reports talking about how little was done, and then theres ex-telltale saying it was going to be this huge new thing but never saying what that even meant in the slightest way.
I guess we can trust them as far as anything else, but Im more willingly to trust those reports as they do come from ex-staff but actually give detail about what was going on while ex-staff claiming it wasnt like that give 0 context for what it actually was like. Basically Im more willing to believe the reports with actual info and context than "no not true but I wont elaborate."
Wasn't there one staff member who got defensive about the article (I think it came from Variety) that said that Wolf 2 was only going to be like three episodes or something and tried to defend that choice while at the same time trying not to confirm it? I feel like there was, but I could just be going crazy from lack of sleep.
I guess we can trust them as far as anything else, but Im more willingly to trust those reports as they do come from ex-staff but actually g… moreive detail about what was going on while ex-staff claiming it wasnt like that give 0 context for what it actually was like. Basically Im more willing to believe the reports with actual info and context than "no not true but I wont elaborate."
Yes, I dont want to go linking it as its in the past and overall shouldnt be dwelled upon, but basically the staff member said it was wrong it was 3 episodes but then later in the same thread was saying "Whats wrong with changing the number of episodes anyway?"
Wasn't there one staff member who got defensive about the article (I think it came from Variety) that said that Wolf 2 was only going to be … morelike three episodes or something and tried to defend that choice while at the same time trying not to confirm it? I feel like there was, but I could just be going crazy from lack of sleep.
sad though at this rate stranger things looks more promising than wolf 2. Sad that they announced Wolf 2 so much earlier than when they actually started work on it, and stranger things was announced so much later than that Wolf 2 was announced but it has more work done for it.
I guess we can trust them as far as anything else, but Im more willingly to trust those reports as they do come from ex-staff but actually g… moreive detail about what was going on while ex-staff claiming it wasnt like that give 0 context for what it actually was like. Basically Im more willing to believe the reports with actual info and context than "no not true but I wont elaborate."
Yes, I dont want to go linking it as its in the past and overall shouldnt be dwelled upon, but basically the staff member said it was wrong … moreit was 3 episodes but then later in the same thread was saying "Whats wrong with changing the number of episodes anyway?"
The article(s) I found were from Eurogamer and DigitalTrends, with the latter quoting the former's interview with several anonymous former employees.
There was a tweet made by a member of The Wolf Among Us: Season Two Team from this time last year, they said:
"You will find very little accurate information about what was actually happening on the Wolf Among Us Season 2 project in the recent spate of Telltale post mortem articles. And I don’t care to correct it at this time, only want to point out it is mostly incorrect."
They probably didn't elaborate on what it was going to be like because of NDA, as I don't see any reason why they would keep this information under wraps if Telltale as they knew it was gone, and at the time, there was no chance of The Wolf Among Us getting its well deserved second Season.
Wasn't there one staff member who got defensive about the article (I think it came from Variety) that said that Wolf 2 was only going to be … morelike three episodes or something and tried to defend that choice while at the same time trying not to confirm it? I feel like there was, but I could just be going crazy from lack of sleep.
This movie is set in 1984, right? There’s a scene in the trailer of WW swinging her lasso and riding on the lightning. In 1984, Metallica released their 2nd album, Ride the Lightning. I demand a reference, otherwise the movie is a failure.
Can we talk about how badass and hype-inducing the trailer for the next Wonder Woman movie looks?
Just... Wow. Fantastic 80s tune by New Order, amazing action cuts, a great sense of wonder.
This movie is set in 1984, right? There’s a scene in the trailer of WW swinging her lasso and riding on the lightning. In 1984, Metallica released their 2nd album, Ride the Lightning. I demand a reference, otherwise the movie is a failure.
With the recent announcement of The Wolf Among Us: Season Two, I have begun reading the Fables Comics. I am enjoying what I am reading so far, I just finished Issue #10. I love the artstyle, it is so eye-catching. Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha are seriously talented. I can't wait to delve deeper into the Fables World
Some good news is Ive seen way more people lately correcting all this false info about Telltale and Wolf 2 but sadly theres still a lot of it mostly on twitter. Hopefully by release people figure out the actual situation.
Finally got the internet to start working in my new apartment. Just finished unpacking everything and setting it all up. My first ever apartment, a little nervous, not going to lie, especially since I’m a terrible cook. But I’m also excited.
Changed my avatar from Rhys to Bigby in honor of the announcement of the sequel.
I'll be replaying TWAU later too.
Not gonna lie I saw the trailer through mkiceandfire's video that used weird old leaked Bigly design as thumbnail and legit almost yelled at the screen
Thankfully that thing's still dead hopefully
Anyone played Disco Elysium? I've been hearing a lot of good buzz about it for a while. Just wanted to know if a filthy casual, someone who isn't into super deep RPG's, like me would be able to get into it.
Game Awards 2019:
For a while I couldn't log in at all so I assumed that the forums were gone for good. I'm pretty sure I checked after hearing that Telltale was back and still couldn't get in. Either way, I'm glad the old forums got salvaged. A lot of history on here to look back on.
Hopefully you an wait till 2027
Eyyy a friend asked me to help them with a potential product containing art that I would draw! I've been given some specifics about what they want drawn along with some references to the style they want. It's relatively minimalist so it wouldn't be a huge issue to do.
Realistically I doubt anything will really come of it and it might not even go past the initial design phases, but the potential for some cash from something I drew is a pretty sweet idea.
The Yakuza games have the weirdest minigames.

What? This thread is called whatever's on your mind, right?
Well, this is on my mind.
A lot.
sir this is UNCHRISTIAN
The hyper aggression from the side of the fandom who either doesn't know about AdHoc's involvement with Wolf 2 or doesn't care and still thinks it's grounds to boycot them is getting to be exhausting. Like I get it, it sucks that the original dev team doesn't seem to be involved with the new project, but I've been seeing some downright hateful tweets and tumblr posts by people who are spreading misinformation around that no one from the original Telltale is even involved with the game. I've spoken to a few people (one of whom claims to be friends with the previous Wolf 2 team of devs) who outright don't care, and for me, that takes it to kind of a shitty level because it feels like they're punishing Pierre Shorette, Nick Herman and all the other og devs who worked on the first game and acting like their involvement means nothing or that they're traitors or whatever.
It's a shitty situation to be sure, but I hate how people think it's a black and white one and that the devs working on this are randos pulled in off the street who don't matter. They need this game to succeed, and they deserve it to, but I'm afraid it won't because of this general attitude that's been going around and picking up steam.
Nah, it's Japanese.
If it's from Japan, it's okay. No matter how weird, or unholy it gets.
That's a rule, I think.
Some good news is Ive seen way more people lately correcting all this false info about Telltale and Wolf 2 but sadly theres still a lot of it mostly on twitter. Hopefully by release people figure out the actual situation.
The same people who say all this havent played a Telltale game since 2014 and arnt even aware by the time Telltale shut down most of the people who made Telltale what it was were already gone. This is already looking way more promising than what we ever would have gotten if Telltale didnt die because we now actually have the people who are largely responsible for Telltale original success working on the game again.
I know, but to some people it doesn't matter because this isn't the pre-cancellation dev team. They want justice for them which pretty much amounts to Telltale rehiring them or giving them some kind of compensation regardless of how realistic that is.
You know what's funny?
Provided it lives up to the hype this might actually be the best possible timeline for The Wolf Among Us 2.
Got rid of the Telltale Engine, OG developers coming back, reportedly all episodes will be released at the same time.
It's like Telltale had to close so the stars could align for this game
(rip telltale and best wishes to the team behind the original vision)
I wonder if the reason why they asked the original dev team back is because they didn't feel comfortable using the story/work the new team had completed before the closure. The head writer and a lot of the staff on that game have new jobs now; the likelihood of the most important of them coming back is probably slim, and it would have been kind of scummy if they used their work without hiring them back, so maybe starting fresh with the season 1 team was the more feasible option.
In all fairness almost nothing was even done on Wolf 2. I know a lot of those ex-members will say other wise but reports give way more context then the ex-staff ever has. We've gotten full on reports talking about how little was done, and then theres ex-telltale saying it was going to be this huge new thing but never saying what that even meant in the slightest way.
I've read some of those reports but not all of them, so if you can post some of them for clarity, that'd be cool. I have heard that they finished an outline and they might have finished part of the script for thefirst episode, which would make sense because Bill Willingham and Adam Harrington know what it was going to be about.
I don't think we'll ever know for certain until the game is out and those ex devs break their silence and tell us what the differences are, and I doubt that'll ever happen. Maybe they're bound by a NDA, no clue.
Twau is currently free on the epic games store, haven't played this game in years (played it originally on My ipad mini years ago) but now since it's free I'll relive the events of this game knowing there's going to be a sequel 🔜👍
my best anythings of 2019. there's some stuff worthy of mention but those are all my favorites imo. also igor is kino and if you don't like it you have a very small brain
I had no idea you used twitter, i just followed you XD.
Looks good, even if it’s unoriginal. There’s only so many plot points you can follow after all, sooner or later they’re all bound to repeat and originality will sound like a fantasy
yea i basically use it to post shitposts or opinions. im a super libtard tho so if you don't lean that way prolly dont follow me because i can assure you some days all i will do is talk about how evil capitalism is
Can we talk about how badass and hype-inducing the trailer for the next Wonder Woman movie looks?
Just... Wow. Fantastic 80s tune by New Order, amazing action cuts, a great sense of wonder.
finished the (first draft of the) script for my first short film. very excited to get started on it.
This is pretty much a repeat of what I said in the Vent/Help Thread, but I am sorry to anyone who I have freaked out or scared with how I was acting back in October. Life wasn't treating me very well, and I hit my breaking point at the time. I hope everyone has been doing alright
How can you trust those reports? Surely they got further than the concept phase?
I guess we can trust them as far as anything else, but Im more willingly to trust those reports as they do come from ex-staff but actually give detail about what was going on while ex-staff claiming it wasnt like that give 0 context for what it actually was like. Basically Im more willing to believe the reports with actual info and context than "no not true but I wont elaborate."
Wasn't there one staff member who got defensive about the article (I think it came from Variety) that said that Wolf 2 was only going to be like three episodes or something and tried to defend that choice while at the same time trying not to confirm it? I feel like there was, but I could just be going crazy from lack of sleep.
Yes, I dont want to go linking it as its in the past and overall shouldnt be dwelled upon, but basically the staff member said it was wrong it was 3 episodes but then later in the same thread was saying "Whats wrong with changing the number of episodes anyway?"
sad though at this rate stranger things looks more promising than wolf 2. Sad that they announced Wolf 2 so much earlier than when they actually started work on it, and stranger things was announced so much later than that Wolf 2 was announced but it has more work done for it.
inb4 it was only 2 episodes
The article(s) I found were from Eurogamer and DigitalTrends, with the latter quoting the former's interview with several anonymous former employees.
There was a tweet made by a member of The Wolf Among Us: Season Two Team from this time last year, they said:
"You will find very little accurate information about what was actually happening on the Wolf Among Us Season 2 project in the recent spate of Telltale post mortem articles. And I don’t care to correct it at this time, only want to point out it is mostly incorrect."
They probably didn't elaborate on what it was going to be like because of NDA, as I don't see any reason why they would keep this information under wraps if Telltale as they knew it was gone, and at the time, there was no chance of The Wolf Among Us getting its well deserved second Season.
This movie is set in 1984, right? There’s a scene in the trailer of WW swinging her lasso and riding on the lightning. In 1984, Metallica released their 2nd album, Ride the Lightning. I demand a reference, otherwise the movie is a failure.
you really live up to your name bro
I try.
With the recent announcement of The Wolf Among Us: Season Two, I have begun reading the Fables Comics. I am enjoying what I am reading so far, I just finished Issue #10. I love the artstyle, it is so eye-catching. Mark Buckingham and Steve Leialoha are seriously talented. I can't wait to delve deeper into the Fables World
Yeah, hopefully.
Finally got the internet to start working in my new apartment. Just finished unpacking everything and setting it all up. My first ever apartment, a little nervous, not going to lie, especially since I’m a terrible cook. But I’m also excited.