The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I’m a terrible cook

    Call 'Chef Omar' to help you out with the cooking, like he says "Can't rush perfection."

    Finally got the internet to start working in my new apartment. Just finished unpacking everything and setting it all up. My first ever apartment, a little nervous, not going to lie, especially since I’m a terrible cook. But I’m also excited.

  • If you're looking to try and cook for relatively cheap I'd recommend Budget Bytes. It has a ton of different recipes that usually have meals that can sustain you for a good couple days. They're also pretty simple to make for the most part.

    Finally got the internet to start working in my new apartment. Just finished unpacking everything and setting it all up. My first ever apartment, a little nervous, not going to lie, especially since I’m a terrible cook. But I’m also excited.

  • edited December 2019

    I’m a terrible cook

    A toaster, bread, a pot, instant noodles, microwave and microwavable foods are all you'll ever need. Bon appétit

    All jokes aside, I wish you the best of luck with your new apartment and work, you'll do good

    Finally got the internet to start working in my new apartment. Just finished unpacking everything and setting it all up. My first ever apartment, a little nervous, not going to lie, especially since I’m a terrible cook. But I’m also excited.

  • Do you have a means of contacting him, I don't think they have working phones at Ericson's.

    I’m a terrible cook Call 'Chef Omar' to help you out with the cooking, like he says "Can't rush perfection."

  • edited December 2019

    I've seen stuff like this before, whether it was Budget Bytes or meal kits like Blue Apron or HelloFresh. Thanks for the recommendation, I might just check it out.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    If you're looking to try and cook for relatively cheap I'd recommend Budget Bytes. It has a ton of different recipes that usually have meals that can sustain you for a good couple days. They're also pretty simple to make for the most part.

  • Thank you. I can tell you that a lot of my early meals will either just be frozen stuff, or Hamburger Helper.

    I’m a terrible cook A toaster, bread, a pot, instant noodles, microwave and microwavable foods are all you'll ever need. Bon appétit All jokes aside, I wish you the best of luck with your new apartment and work, you'll do good

  • So uhh Telltale y'all got that uhhh Wolf Season 2 Trailer reveal music like uhhh up for uploading haha ha...

  • edited December 2019

    Oh shoot, you're right.

    Do you have a means of contacting him, I don't think they have working phones at Ericson's.

  • I have never been more thirsty for GTA6 than I am right now.

    Also, GTA V’s ending(s) really sucks. What an anticlimactic finale, whatever option you choose.

  • Yeah, I never liked GTA 5 story. GTA 4 had a much better plot and characters. There is no one in GTA 5 that I like. Not Trevor, Not Michael, not even Franklin.

    hemfbg posted: »

    I have never been more thirsty for GTA6 than I am right now. Also, GTA V’s ending(s) really sucks. What an anticlimactic finale, whatever option you choose.

  • How the heck is he back?
    And what is she up against?
    Looks like they may be combining her with Hawk girl.

    AChicken posted: »

    Can we talk about how badass and hype-inducing the trailer for the next Wonder Woman movie looks? Just... Wow. Fantastic 80s tune by New Order, amazing action cuts, a great sense of wonder.

  • One or two months ago I finished my third playthrough of the game. As I watched the credits I thought to myself, “God, I never want to play this game again.”

    There is no one in GTA 5 that I like. Not Trevor, Not Michael, not even Franklin.

    Yeah, that’s another problem. None of the characters are likeable, they’re all just assholes. I never played GTA IV so I can’t really comment on it (from what I’ve seen of the game Niko Bellic seems like an interesting character) though I definitely feel like I’ve been spoiled by Arthur Morgan in RDR2.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, I never liked GTA 5 story. GTA 4 had a much better plot and characters. There is no one in GTA 5 that I like. Not Trevor, Not Michael, not even Franklin.

  • You beat me.

    There it is

  • Not the most interesting thing but at least its price makes sense. A bit confused why this wasnt shown at the Game Awards as well during the pre-show or something though, kinda strange for it to be dropped a few days after.

    Also whats with the platforms at the end, just Steam and Xbox? No PS4?

    There it is

  • edited December 2019

    Whether or not it has other features besides the filter will be the deciding factor for if the recent leaks are true. I'm really interested to see what comes from this; if it was on PS4 I'd buy it myself.

    There it is

  • edited December 2019

    I mean, the trailer alone pretty much confirms the leaks were fake. Why would they only advertise the filter but not any of the extra stuff if they actually existed?

    booper posted: »

    Whether or not it has other features besides the filter will be the deciding factor for if the recent leaks are true. I'm really interested to see what comes from this; if it was on PS4 I'd buy it myself.

  • As a surprise? I can think of a few games that had extra features that weren't advertised in their trailers. All I'm saying is that I'm interested to see if anything comes from this, and if there are any surprises you'll have to play the game to see.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean, the trailer alone pretty much confirms the leaks were fake. Why would they only advertise the filter but not any of the extra stuff if they actually existed?

  • The description in the trailer states:

    The Telltale Batman Shadows Edition, which includes the Batman: The Telltale Series base game and new DLC, is available for players to purchase now on Xbox One and Steam, with Epic Games Store, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch™ available in the near future.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Not the most interesting thing but at least its price makes sense. A bit confused why this wasnt shown at the Game Awards as well during the

  • edited December 2019

    I'm sorry to be blunt, but why on Earth would they drop a trailer out of nowhere announcing DLC for a game that's 4 years old and another game that's 2 years old (both of which did not sell all too well) featuring a simple graphical update with barely any fanfare but secretly have a bunch of hidden features included in the DLC?

    I know the "leaks" had some potentially interesting and exciting things about them but they were fake, plain and simple. It was just a couple of people (or potentially just one dude) with too much time on their hands trying to garner some attention from a niche fanbase clamouring for whatever information they can get.

    booper posted: »

    As a surprise? I can think of a few games that had extra features that weren't advertised in their trailers. All I'm saying is that I'm interested to see if anything comes from this, and if there are any surprises you'll have to play the game to see.

  • I think you may be hanging on too tightly to these leaks. At this point it would deconfirmed them. Not to mention this filter doesnt match up with that Batman picture he posted, at this points its 100% fake without a doubt.

    booper posted: »

    As a surprise? I can think of a few games that had extra features that weren't advertised in their trailers. All I'm saying is that I'm interested to see if anything comes from this, and if there are any surprises you'll have to play the game to see.

  • edited December 2019

    Can’t stop thinking of Baby Yoda

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Can’t stop thinking of Baby Yoda

  • NikolahNikolah ModeratorVerified

    PS4 is coming very soon, don’t worry. :) It’s actually not as simple as a filter, we had artists go through every texture, every bit of color you see was carefully chosen and all the lighting and effects as well. It was awesome to watch them work, they did a really amazing job!

    booper posted: »

    Whether or not it has other features besides the filter will be the deciding factor for if the recent leaks are true. I'm really interested to see what comes from this; if it was on PS4 I'd buy it myself.

  • Hey man I dont suppose we could somehow get that wolf among us reveal trailer music release on its own can we ha ha... ha... ha...

    Nikolah posted: »

    PS4 is coming very soon, don’t worry. It’s actually not as simple as a filter, we had artists go through every texture, every bit of color

  • edited December 2019

    Can’t wait to do a replay. Stuck in bed with a concussion at the moment, but I’ll definitely be trying this out. Happy to buy and support anything LCG/AdHoc.

    Nikolah posted: »

    PS4 is coming very soon, don’t worry. It’s actually not as simple as a filter, we had artists go through every texture, every bit of color

  • Hi there! Sorry to be a nuisance, but in relation to the Batman Shadows Collection (which looks really nice with the black and white style accompanied with little hints of colour), does the collection have a seperate achievement/trophy list to the original, standalone versions of both Seasons of Batman: The Telltale Series?

    Nikolah posted: »

    PS4 is coming very soon, don’t worry. It’s actually not as simple as a filter, we had artists go through every texture, every bit of color

  • edited December 2019

    Batman: crap what's wrong with my tv edition

    it looks neat

    There it is

  • edited December 2019

    A replay is long overdue for me, I haven't touched either Season since early last year. Forgot to wish you a speedy recovery :smile:

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Can’t wait to do a replay. Stuck in bed with a concussion at the moment, but I’ll definitely be trying this out. Happy to buy and support anything LCG/AdHoc.

  • I had a job interview for part time work in a bookmaker earlier today. I feel like I did very well and may have sealed the deal. If all goes well, I could begin training next week.

  • What’s it about?

    finished the (first draft of the) script for my first short film. very excited to get started on it.

  • edited December 2019

    Wouldn’t really call it anti-climatic considering you get to kill everyone you’d want to be dead, all 3 characters put aside their differences and join forces to defeat what they view to be the greater evil, you all get to retire with a max of 40 mil and a min of 20 in your bank accounts, helicopters are shot down, plus Steve fucking Haines gets a bullet. Though I could just be biased against games that rely solely on its story rather than the fun to get the player by. However I love nostalgia, it’s one of my favourite things, but I enjoyed playing gta 5 more than I did San Andreas, but look back at that game and the story is all over the place. That’s because we went from a time where story was mostly irrelevant when it came to video games and the only thing that mattered was getting in after a long day and putting the controller in your hand, now it’s about all the complex and nit picky things like plot and development and all this shit that can really hurt a game due to under pressure developers (just my theory as to why weak story based games are also boring) but I digress.

    Minor major red dead spoilers I guess?

    Seems pretty climactic to me anyway, especially considering R*’s recent games always have their true endings a mission or so before the final mission itself (red dead 1 and 2 with the assault on Cochinay and Arthur’s final mission, and gta 5 with the UD heist)

    so if I were you I’d view that mission as the final one, cos that’s basically what it is. The final mission itself is mostly an epilogue, and seems to do pretty well for itself with that in mind. Especially compared to games like TW3 anyway, too overrated for its own good, that’s an example of a finale that really is anti-climactic. Makes elder scrolls online PvE battles look like world war 2. I only said that to make witcher 3 fans mad lmao. Still true tho.

    hemfbg posted: »

    I have never been more thirsty for GTA6 than I am right now. Also, GTA V’s ending(s) really sucks. What an anticlimactic finale, whatever option you choose.

  • You have some of the worst opinions i've ever seen.

    That's all i wanted to say,have a good day.

    Melton23 posted: »

    (Spoiler) Minor major red dead spoilers I guess? (Spoiler) so if I were you I’d view that mission as the final one, cos that’s basi

  • about 2 guys going crazy in a snowstorm

    Melton23 posted: »

    What’s it about?

  • Heres a video my dudes

  • edited December 2019

    I’m just saying, if I wanted a story and nothing else I’d read a book. I didn’t ask for video games to be filled with all plot and no fun. Besides, the definition of “game” is, and I quote, “an activity that one engages in for amusement or fun”, video is self explanatory. Sure, story based games can be interesting, but you either need an equal balance of the two things or the game just needs to be overwhelmingly fun. Honestly tho, I work 12 hours a day Monday-Friday, when I come home I want to actually have fun, not invest myself in the intricacies of a decent story, I’d save those for the weekends, which is why red dead 2 is my favourite game of all time: the story is absolutely legendary but the gameplay is almost better.

    Real talk tho, it should just be a fact that witcher 3 is shit, it’s the most boring and uninteresting game I’ve ever touched 😂 would rather watch the birdemic movies and sharknado on repeat for the full day than play that shit again

    iFoRias posted: »

    You have some of the worst opinions i've ever seen. That's all i wanted to say,have a good day.

  • Perfect song for Bigby Wolf

    Also just want to say twau is probably the sexiest looking game I've ever played they better push unreal to the limit with Wolf 2

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Heres a video my dudes

  • Also just want to say twau is probably the sexiest looking game

    For real,that game aged so fucking well it's crazy.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Perfect song for Bigby Wolf Also just want to say twau is probably the sexiest looking game I've ever played they better push unreal to the limit with Wolf 2

  • Agree.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Perfect song for Bigby Wolf Also just want to say twau is probably the sexiest looking game I've ever played they better push unreal to the limit with Wolf 2

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