I dunno if I should laugh or feel bad.
I knew it was going to be bad news since the first teaser of the movie, especially when they announced the return of Palpatine which is something no one asked for, it wasn't even planned.
Then again, the tomatometer for last jedi is 91%. I'm not one to trust critics. Anyways I'll let you know my opinion in about 10 hours if I'm not too heartbroken.
I dunno if I should laugh or feel bad.
I knew it was going to be bad news since the first teaser of the movie, especially when they announced the return of Palpatine which is something no one asked for, it wasn't even planned.
I'm not one of those people who trusts Rotten Tomatoes, they are full of shit sometimes. I'm so surprised they gave Terminator Dark Fate a high score, even if it was a HUGE middle finger to every true terminator fan (Ones that love T1 and T2 only). Even T2 had a deleted ending which was meant to conclude the whole story once and for all.
I'm going to see Rise of Skywalker only when it hits the digital release to make my whole opinion. Not gonna do the same mistake that I did with The Last Jedi.
Then again, the tomatometer for last jedi is 91%. I'm not one to trust critics. Anyways I'll let you know my opinion in about 10 hours if I'm not too heartbroken.
I dunno if I should laugh or feel bad.
I knew it was going to be bad news since the first teaser of the movie, especially when they announced the return of Palpatine which is something no one asked for, it wasn't even planned.
That's my one of my least of my problems. The main problem with the sequel trilogy is that it had no idea what it was trying to be. Katheleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson were full of shits and ruined the Skywalker saga.
I dunno if I should laugh or feel bad.
I knew it was going to be bad news since the first teaser of the movie, especially when they announced the return of Palpatine which is something no one asked for, it wasn't even planned.
PS4 is coming very soon, don’t worry. It’s actually not as simple as a filter, we had artists go through every texture, every bit of color … moreyou see was carefully chosen and all the lighting and effects as well. It was awesome to watch them work, they did a really amazing job!
... Did I say something? I was blackout drunk the other night and did alot of stupid shit I don't remember. Didn't see anything out of ordinary in my comment history though.
I can't say ruined because the ST feels like fan fiction. It doesn't even seem like canon
Palpatine was not foreshadowed in any way. They just killed off Snoke too soon. They should've just left Palpatine dead and had a Skywalker as the only villain for once. That would've been cool and clearly what The Last Jedi was setting up (no they did not plan Palpatine from the beginning)
That's my one of my least of my problems. The main problem with the sequel trilogy is that it had no idea what it was trying to be. Katheleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson were full of shits and ruined the Skywalker saga.
since I can't mute the word "star wars" on the forms and like I can on other sites, for obvious reasons I'm going to be absent from the forums for a few months. I've had my fill of obnoxious and tiring star wars discourse, and I don't think I wanna deal with it for 2 more years. see ya later gamers, hope there's more wolf info come May
It's a sad state when the person with the most interesting and tragic character arc over the course of the Disney SW movies was...movie reviewer Jeremy Jahns. This guy is a die hard Star Wars fan, he loves the series to death. When the trailer for The Force Awakens dropped, he had a SW blanket tied around him like a cape, a face of elation and joy.
Now, with his review of Rise of Skywalker, he just looks beaten down and defeated. If you watched his reviews, from TFA, to Rogue One, to TLJ, to Solo, and now RoS, it just becomes more evident.
I dunno if I should laugh or feel bad.
I knew it was going to be bad news since the first teaser of the movie, especially when they announced the return of Palpatine which is something no one asked for, it wasn't even planned.
Oh how I wish we could. The discourse surrounding this series has gotten me so mentally exhausted in the same way political discourse mentally exhausts me.
since I can't mute the word "star wars" on the forms and like I can on other sites, for obvious reasons I'm going to be absent from the foru… morems for a few months. I've had my fill of obnoxious and tiring star wars discourse, and I don't think I wanna deal with it for 2 more years. see ya later gamers, hope there's more wolf info come May
Yeah, he feels betrayed just as much as I do. I'm glad he wasn't like one of the critics who seemed to be paid by the studio to praise their movies. I wish Chris Stuckmann did the same. Not saying that he should have the same opinion but he should have been honest about The Last Jedi. He gave it an A- and TLJ is such a flawed film that isn't even close to being very good. I thought I trusted him when I went to theater to see the movie and I felt someone stabbed me in the back.
Well actually, I was happy when I exited the theater but when people pointed out the flaws of the film, it made me feel like an idiot.
It's a sad state when the person with the most interesting and tragic character arc over the course of the Disney SW movies was...movie revi… moreewer Jeremy Jahns. This guy is a die hard Star Wars fan, he loves the series to death. When the trailer for The Force Awakens dropped, he had a SW blanket tied around him like a cape, a face of elation and joy.
Now, with his review of Rise of Skywalker, he just looks beaten down and defeated. If you watched his reviews, from TFA, to Rogue One, to TLJ, to Solo, and now RoS, it just becomes more evident.
Just came back from watching The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie in the Skywalker Saga!
Overall I thought it was alright. I don't think it's horrible, but I don't think it's the amazing finale the the series that it should have been, which is disappointing since I'm a big fan of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I like some stuff about it and I don't like some stuff about it. I won't spend too much time on my thoughts.
It's fun seeing the gang (Rey, Finn and Poe) together for once. They play off each other really well and overall have good chemistry with one another. My opinion on Rey and Kylo Ren hasn't really changed. Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver are fantastic and, again, have a great connection with each other. I do legitimately love the new characters and I'm excited to see what the extended universe has in store for these characters. Their journey is what makes this movie for me. The movie also managed to hit me in the feels a couple times as well, though not quite as hard as the previous two movies in the saga.
Now my problem with the movie is that it plays it too safe which is a hard swerve from what the previous movie had been doing. The pacing for the first half was also as fast as hyperspace, with not much room for rest or time being given to the audience to really take things in, but once it hits the halfway point, (I think it was halfway anyway) is when things finally slow down to let things build up. There are also a few other problems I had with the movie, but I'd say the ones I just mentioned would be the biggest issues for me. There's also one other one that goes into spoiler territory so I won't mention it.
Again, overall I'd say it's an alright movie. It's not the big epic send off I was hoping for but I don't think it's the horrible failure of a movie that people on here will almost certainly say it is. It has it's pros and cons. I'll probably end up watching it a couple more times though like I've done with every Star Wars movie lol.
Now that that's done with, I'll probably be taking a break from the forums/social media for a while. Star Wars sadly brings out the absolute worst in some people on here, turning this into a place that's saltier than Crait. I just in general find it hard to enjoy being on here anymore whenever the conversation turns towards this space wizard franchise. I don't want to and shouldn't have to give multi-paragraphed essays just for saying I liked a movie. The fact that I've had to even do it in the past is pretty depressing. I'll probably pop back in for a bit after New Years, if not then whenever we get more Telltale news.
Just saying, but critics aren't paid to give praise to a film, they can simply like a film for what it is, giving praise to a film, a game, or any piece of media that is disliked by vocal groups, doesn't mean they were secretly paid to talk good about it.
If Chris Stuckmann gave The Last Jedi an A-, then that is what he thought it was, that doesn't make him a liar, it is what he personally thought it deserved in his eyes. You and Chris aren't going to agree on everything, so him giving a film an A-, a film which happens to be one you seemingly enjoyed as you left the cinema in a happy state until others named their issues with it, isn't really betrayal. You were influenced by what they felt was wrong with it, and that in turn left you feeling "betrayed".
All media, music, TV, games, books, all of it is subjective, there's no definitive "bad" piece of media, you could like Red Dead Redemption II, a game that has amassed many awards, but I may not, I could like E.T. on the Atari 2600, but you might not. These may not be realistic examples, but the point is it's subjective. If you don't like TLJ, then you don't like it, but just because Chris likes it and gave it a high rating, doesn't make him dishonest. He doesn't have to follow the crowd.
Reviewers are more scared of what the general public thinks than what a company thinks in regards to a review, because the public can destroy the reviewer completely, all a company can do is hope for a good review. The Reviewer themselves hope that their review doesn't lead to a barrage of hate sent their way. All they are doing is their job, and when the majority agrees, then they are heaped with praise, but when the majority disagrees, then there's a problem.
This comment has dragged on for quite a bit, but I suppose to summarise, don't let others influence what you think, if there is a "flaw" in a film or something, so what, very few things are perfect, look at what you like about something rather than always seek what issue others take with it, because then you aren't forming your own opinion, you are adapting the opinion of someone else
Yeah, he feels betrayed just as much as I do. I'm glad he wasn't like one of the critics who seemed to be paid by the studio to praise their… more movies. I wish Chris Stuckmann did the same. Not saying that he should have the same opinion but he should have been honest about The Last Jedi. He gave it an A- and TLJ is such a flawed film that isn't even close to being very good. I thought I trusted him when I went to theater to see the movie and I felt someone stabbed me in the back.
Well actually, I was happy when I exited the theater but when people pointed out the flaws of the film, it made me feel like an idiot.
I had a job interview for part time work in a bookmaker earlier today. I feel like I did very well and may have sealed the deal. If all goes well, I could begin training next week.
I am pretty excited for Christmas this year, there are a bunch of games I will be getting via Christmas Deals. I'll list them below:
Afterparty: I've played a little bit through Game Pass, I quite like it, it is funny and I like Milo and Lola so far, I will be purchasing it so I will always have access, beyond my subscription.
Life is Strange 2: I have only played the first couple of Episodes, which I really liked. I was surprised at how much I like Life is Strange, as I thought it was "bad" because I had heard from others that it is, glad I gave the Series a try, a decision I do not regret
Back To The Future 30th Anniversary Edition: I missed out on buying it digitally back in 2017, as I wasn't familiar with Back To The Future, but two years later, I thought fuck it, buy it physically. I have to get around to watching the films, which I may begin doing tomorrow, just so I get to know the universe and characters before I play. It was delivered earlier this month, but I won't be getting it until Christmas Day as it is a present for me.
Borderlands 3: I have the other games, but I only recently completed Borderlands: Game of The Year Edition, so it'll be a while before I get to playing Borderlands 3, but at least I can jump in straight after I complete the Pre-Sequel.
State of Decay 2: Loved the first one, played a small amount of this one but other games I have caught my eye, so I abandoned this. But once I get it, I should be playing it frequently. I heard it is glitchy, which I am not too fussed about to be honest, but I heard it is quite fun, so I look forward to playing.
I'd highly recommended Borderlands 3, Im fairly certain all the big sales are going to start tomorrow as well as the first DLC releasing for BL3. Low key hoping the season pass will get a bit cut off.
I am pretty excited for Christmas this year, there are a bunch of games I will be getting via Christmas Deals. I'll list them below:
Afte… morerparty: I've played a little bit through Game Pass, I quite like it, it is funny and I like Milo and Lola so far, I will be purchasing it so I will always have access, beyond my subscription.
Life is Strange 2: I have only played the first couple of Episodes, which I really liked. I was surprised at how much I like Life is Strange, as I thought it was "bad" because I had heard from others that it is, glad I gave the Series a try, a decision I do not regret
Back To The Future 30th Anniversary Edition: I missed out on buying it digitally back in 2017, as I wasn't familiar with Back To The Future, but two years later, I thought fuck it, buy it physically. I have to get around to watching the films, which I may begin doing tomorrow, just so I get to know the universe and characters before I play. It wa… [view original content]
Oh cool, thanks for the heads up and the recommendation I intend to pick up the Super Deluxe Edition, which includes the Season Pass. It's 35% off for me, so it'll cost €77.99. What are your thoughts on Borderlands 3 overall? Just so I know what to expect when I begin playing it
I'd highly recommended Borderlands 3, Im fairly certain all the big sales are going to start tomorrow as well as the first DLC releasing for BL3. Low key hoping the season pass will get a bit cut off.
My dude, you're not gonna find a single critic on the planet that you agree with 100% on everything. "Feeling stabbed in the back" just because your opinion differs on one movie is pretty silly imo.
Yeah, he feels betrayed just as much as I do. I'm glad he wasn't like one of the critics who seemed to be paid by the studio to praise their… more movies. I wish Chris Stuckmann did the same. Not saying that he should have the same opinion but he should have been honest about The Last Jedi. He gave it an A- and TLJ is such a flawed film that isn't even close to being very good. I thought I trusted him when I went to theater to see the movie and I felt someone stabbed me in the back.
Well actually, I was happy when I exited the theater but when people pointed out the flaws of the film, it made me feel like an idiot.
Oh cool, thanks for the heads up and the recommendation I intend to pick up the Super Deluxe Edition, which includes the Season Pass. It's … more35% off for me, so it'll cost €77.99. What are your thoughts on Borderlands 3 overall? Just so I know what to expect when I begin playing it
Gameplay is the best in the entire series, hands down
The loot is absolutely insane, and the drop rates are really good.
Endgame content is plentiful, it allows players to further challenge themselves through harder enemies, challenges, trials, and the promise of even better loot and rewards.
New planets other than Pandora
Villains suck
Some great new characters, mixed in with some awful new characters
Story is meh, mainly because of the weak villains.
Humor during the main story is hit and miss, but a lot of the side content is pretty hilarious.
Visually the best BL game
Zane, while the weakest character to play as, is an absolute blast, every single line of dialogue from him is brilliant.
Oh cool, thanks for the heads up and the recommendation I intend to pick up the Super Deluxe Edition, which includes the Season Pass. It's … more35% off for me, so it'll cost €77.99. What are your thoughts on Borderlands 3 overall? Just so I know what to expect when I begin playing it
* Gameplay is the best in the entire series, hands down
* The loot is absolutely insane, and the drop rates are really good.
* Endgame con… moretent is plentiful, it allows players to further challenge themselves through harder enemies, challenges, trials, and the promise of even better loot and rewards.
* New planets other than Pandora
* Villains suck
* Some great new characters, mixed in with some awful new characters
* Story is meh, mainly because of the weak villains.
* Humor during the main story is hit and miss, but a lot of the side content is pretty hilarious.
* Visually the best BL game
* Zane, while the weakest character to play as, is an absolute blast, every single line of dialogue from him is brilliant.
So I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. School nightmares.
I'm in a theatre program at a college. At the mid and end-points of the semester we have interviews with all our teachers to discuss our progress, what we did good and what we need to improve.
Everyone mentioned I was doing fine and would see me in the next semester.
However, tonight out of nowhere I get an email from my school's grading system that I can't continue with the program and have been put on academic hold. What. The. Absolute Fuck.
No one mentioned I was at risk. Checking my Progress Report Card doesn't show anything abnormal or mentioning that I've/am failing a course.
I've got a worsening cold, I just got back from seeing a Musical (Anastasia - very good), and I want to sleep.
Whyyyyyy do you do this to me universe?
Sent an email to the program heads. Hopefully I get an explanation tomorrow.
So I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. School nightmares.
I'm in a theatre program at a college. At the mid and end-points of the semester… more we have interviews with all our teachers to discuss our progress, what we did good and what we need to improve.
Everyone mentioned I was doing fine and would see me in the next semester.
However, tonight out of nowhere I get an email from my school's grading system that I can't continue with the program and have been put on academic hold. What. The. Absolute Fuck.
No one mentioned I was at risk. Checking my Progress Report Card doesn't show anything abnormal or mentioning that I've/am failing a course.
I've got a worsening cold, I just got back from seeing a Musical (Anastasia - very good), and I want to sleep.
Whyyyyyy do you do this to me universe?
Sent an email to the program heads. Hopefully I get an explanation tomorrow.
I know I already said something to you, but I'll say it again, that is awful. I remember you were so happy when you got into this program, so if everything was good, I'm baffled as to why your school would do this to you, especially with how much work you've put in. I'm really hoping you'll be able to get this resolved and get the hold lifted. What happens though if you can't, would you be able to resume where you left off in another semester? Could you transfer into another program somewhere else?
So I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. School nightmares.
I'm in a theatre program at a college. At the mid and end-points of the semester… more we have interviews with all our teachers to discuss our progress, what we did good and what we need to improve.
Everyone mentioned I was doing fine and would see me in the next semester.
However, tonight out of nowhere I get an email from my school's grading system that I can't continue with the program and have been put on academic hold. What. The. Absolute Fuck.
No one mentioned I was at risk. Checking my Progress Report Card doesn't show anything abnormal or mentioning that I've/am failing a course.
I've got a worsening cold, I just got back from seeing a Musical (Anastasia - very good), and I want to sleep.
Whyyyyyy do you do this to me universe?
Sent an email to the program heads. Hopefully I get an explanation tomorrow.
So I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. School nightmares.
I'm in a theatre program at a college. At the mid and end-points of the semester… more we have interviews with all our teachers to discuss our progress, what we did good and what we need to improve.
Everyone mentioned I was doing fine and would see me in the next semester.
However, tonight out of nowhere I get an email from my school's grading system that I can't continue with the program and have been put on academic hold. What. The. Absolute Fuck.
No one mentioned I was at risk. Checking my Progress Report Card doesn't show anything abnormal or mentioning that I've/am failing a course.
I've got a worsening cold, I just got back from seeing a Musical (Anastasia - very good), and I want to sleep.
Whyyyyyy do you do this to me universe?
Sent an email to the program heads. Hopefully I get an explanation tomorrow.
Currently replaying it agian, it still looks amazing and stylish.
I dunno if I should laugh or feel bad.

I knew it was going to be bad news since the first teaser of the movie, especially when they announced the return of Palpatine which is something no one asked for, it wasn't even planned.
Then again, the tomatometer for last jedi is 91%. I'm not one to trust critics. Anyways I'll let you know my opinion in about 10 hours if I'm not too heartbroken.
I'm not one of those people who trusts Rotten Tomatoes, they are full of shit sometimes. I'm so surprised they gave Terminator Dark Fate a high score, even if it was a HUGE middle finger to every true terminator fan (Ones that love T1 and T2 only). Even T2 had a deleted ending which was meant to conclude the whole story once and for all.
I'm going to see Rise of Skywalker only when it hits the digital release to make my whole opinion. Not gonna do the same mistake that I did with The Last Jedi.
I had a bad feeling about this after dey fly now and Disney thinking Storm troopers with jetpacks was some amazing new idea.
That's my one of my least of my problems. The main problem with the sequel trilogy is that it had no idea what it was trying to be. Katheleen Kennedy, JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson were full of shits and ruined the Skywalker saga.
It's technically not a new idea, they've been in the comics for years.
When we all heard the line, tho:
So, it seems it was not a good closer for the star wars series.

Clementine is Captain America, CONFIRMED!
Its not wrong.
Did they fix all the lag in the first game?
I was waiting for these movies to justify their existence. And they didn't.
And they didn't, what?
The sequels had no reason to exist. Return of the Jedi was a perfect ending to the Skywalker saga.
Oh. Now I feel like a stupid piece of shit!
... Did I say something? I was blackout drunk the other night and did alot of stupid shit I don't remember. Didn't see anything out of ordinary in my comment history though.
I can't say ruined because the ST feels like fan fiction. It doesn't even seem like canon
Palpatine was not foreshadowed in any way. They just killed off Snoke too soon. They should've just left Palpatine dead and had a Skywalker as the only villain for once. That would've been cool and clearly what The Last Jedi was setting up (no they did not plan Palpatine from the beginning)
since I can't mute the word "star wars" on the forms and like I can on other sites, for obvious reasons I'm going to be absent from the forums for a few months. I've had my fill of obnoxious and tiring star wars discourse, and I don't think I wanna deal with it for 2 more years. see ya later gamers, hope there's more wolf info come May
It's a sad state when the person with the most interesting and tragic character arc over the course of the Disney SW movies was...movie reviewer Jeremy Jahns. This guy is a die hard Star Wars fan, he loves the series to death. When the trailer for The Force Awakens dropped, he had a SW blanket tied around him like a cape, a face of elation and joy.
Now, with his review of Rise of Skywalker, he just looks beaten down and defeated. If you watched his reviews, from TFA, to Rogue One, to TLJ, to Solo, and now RoS, it just becomes more evident.
Oh how I wish we could. The discourse surrounding this series has gotten me so mentally exhausted in the same way political discourse mentally exhausts me.
fellas please make a star wars thread
Yeah, he feels betrayed just as much as I do. I'm glad he wasn't like one of the critics who seemed to be paid by the studio to praise their movies. I wish Chris Stuckmann did the same. Not saying that he should have the same opinion but he should have been honest about The Last Jedi. He gave it an A- and TLJ is such a flawed film that isn't even close to being very good. I thought I trusted him when I went to theater to see the movie and I felt someone stabbed me in the back.
Well actually, I was happy when I exited the theater but when people pointed out the flaws of the film, it made me feel like an idiot.
Just came back from watching The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie in the Skywalker Saga!
Overall I thought it was alright. I don't think it's horrible, but I don't think it's the amazing finale the the series that it should have been, which is disappointing since I'm a big fan of The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. I like some stuff about it and I don't like some stuff about it. I won't spend too much time on my thoughts.
It's fun seeing the gang (Rey, Finn and Poe) together for once. They play off each other really well and overall have good chemistry with one another. My opinion on Rey and Kylo Ren hasn't really changed. Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver are fantastic and, again, have a great connection with each other. I do legitimately love the new characters and I'm excited to see what the extended universe has in store for these characters. Their journey is what makes this movie for me. The movie also managed to hit me in the feels a couple times as well, though not quite as hard as the previous two movies in the saga.
Now my problem with the movie is that it plays it too safe which is a hard swerve from what the previous movie had been doing. The pacing for the first half was also as fast as hyperspace, with not much room for rest or time being given to the audience to really take things in, but once it hits the halfway point, (I think it was halfway anyway) is when things finally slow down to let things build up. There are also a few other problems I had with the movie, but I'd say the ones I just mentioned would be the biggest issues for me. There's also one other one that goes into spoiler territory so I won't mention it.
Again, overall I'd say it's an alright movie. It's not the big epic send off I was hoping for but I don't think it's the horrible failure of a movie that people on here will almost certainly say it is. It has it's pros and cons. I'll probably end up watching it a couple more times though like I've done with every Star Wars movie lol.
Now that that's done with, I'll probably be taking a break from the forums/social media for a while. Star Wars sadly brings out the absolute worst in some people on here, turning this into a place that's saltier than Crait. I just in general find it hard to enjoy being on here anymore whenever the conversation turns towards this space wizard franchise. I don't want to and shouldn't have to give multi-paragraphed essays just for saying I liked a movie. The fact that I've had to even do it in the past is pretty depressing. I'll probably pop back in for a bit after New Years, if not then whenever we get more Telltale news.
Now that that's over with.
The review embargo for Cats is lifting later today.
If Cats ends up getting better reviews than Star Wars, I'm gonna laugh myself into a coma.
I never knew I needed Bigby painted in Picasso but here you go fam

Just saying, but critics aren't paid to give praise to a film, they can simply like a film for what it is, giving praise to a film, a game, or any piece of media that is disliked by vocal groups, doesn't mean they were secretly paid to talk good about it.
If Chris Stuckmann gave The Last Jedi an A-, then that is what he thought it was, that doesn't make him a liar, it is what he personally thought it deserved in his eyes. You and Chris aren't going to agree on everything, so him giving a film an A-, a film which happens to be one you seemingly enjoyed as you left the cinema in a happy state until others named their issues with it, isn't really betrayal. You were influenced by what they felt was wrong with it, and that in turn left you feeling "betrayed".
All media, music, TV, games, books, all of it is subjective, there's no definitive "bad" piece of media, you could like Red Dead Redemption II, a game that has amassed many awards, but I may not, I could like E.T. on the Atari 2600, but you might not. These may not be realistic examples, but the point is it's subjective. If you don't like TLJ, then you don't like it, but just because Chris likes it and gave it a high rating, doesn't make him dishonest. He doesn't have to follow the crowd.
Reviewers are more scared of what the general public thinks than what a company thinks in regards to a review, because the public can destroy the reviewer completely, all a company can do is hope for a good review. The Reviewer themselves hope that their review doesn't lead to a barrage of hate sent their way. All they are doing is their job, and when the majority agrees, then they are heaped with praise, but when the majority disagrees, then there's a problem.
This comment has dragged on for quite a bit, but I suppose to summarise, don't let others influence what you think, if there is a "flaw" in a film or something, so what, very few things are perfect, look at what you like about something rather than always seek what issue others take with it, because then you aren't forming your own opinion, you are adapting the opinion of someone else
Small update, I got the job, I will begin on Monday
I am pretty excited for Christmas this year, there are a bunch of games I will be getting via Christmas Deals. I'll list them below:
Afterparty: I've played a little bit through Game Pass, I quite like it, it is funny and I like Milo and Lola so far, I will be purchasing it so I will always have access, beyond my subscription.
Life is Strange 2: I have only played the first couple of Episodes, which I really liked. I was surprised at how much I like Life is Strange, as I thought it was "bad" because I had heard from others that it is, glad I gave the Series a try, a decision I do not regret
Back To The Future 30th Anniversary Edition: I missed out on buying it digitally back in 2017, as I wasn't familiar with Back To The Future, but two years later, I thought fuck it, buy it physically. I have to get around to watching the films, which I may begin doing tomorrow, just so I get to know the universe and characters before I play. It was delivered earlier this month, but I won't be getting it until Christmas Day as it is a present for me.
Borderlands 3: I have the other games, but I only recently completed Borderlands: Game of The Year Edition, so it'll be a while before I get to playing Borderlands 3, but at least I can jump in straight after I complete the Pre-Sequel.
State of Decay 2: Loved the first one, played a small amount of this one but other games I have caught my eye, so I abandoned this. But once I get it, I should be playing it frequently. I heard it is glitchy, which I am not too fussed about to be honest, but I heard it is quite fun, so I look forward to playing.
I'd highly recommended Borderlands 3, Im fairly certain all the big sales are going to start tomorrow as well as the first DLC releasing for BL3. Low key hoping the season pass will get a bit cut off.
Oh cool, thanks for the heads up and the recommendation
I intend to pick up the Super Deluxe Edition, which includes the Season Pass. It's 35% off for me, so it'll cost €77.99. What are your thoughts on Borderlands 3 overall? Just so I know what to expect when I begin playing it 
My dude, you're not gonna find a single critic on the planet that you agree with 100% on everything. "Feeling stabbed in the back" just because your opinion differs on one movie is pretty silly imo.
Gameplay is really good but story is by far the weakest part.
It still pains me Zane is the most fun character to listen to when playing but sucks so much to play
So I'm gonna have nightmares tonight. School nightmares.
I'm in a theatre program at a college. At the mid and end-points of the semester we have interviews with all our teachers to discuss our progress, what we did good and what we need to improve.
Everyone mentioned I was doing fine and would see me in the next semester.
However, tonight out of nowhere I get an email from my school's grading system that I can't continue with the program and have been put on academic hold. What. The. Absolute Fuck.
No one mentioned I was at risk. Checking my Progress Report Card doesn't show anything abnormal or mentioning that I've/am failing a course.
I've got a worsening cold, I just got back from seeing a Musical (Anastasia - very good), and I want to sleep.
Whyyyyyy do you do this to me universe?
Sent an email to the program heads. Hopefully I get an explanation tomorrow.
Is it just for the theater class or is it as a whole the college is saying you cant come back?
I know I already said something to you, but I'll say it again, that is awful. I remember you were so happy when you got into this program, so if everything was good, I'm baffled as to why your school would do this to you, especially with how much work you've put in. I'm really hoping you'll be able to get this resolved and get the hold lifted. What happens though if you can't, would you be able to resume where you left off in another semester? Could you transfer into another program somewhere else?
Thats extremely fucked up, let us know any updates on this!
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