"Squeeze" Episode Discussion
in General Chat
Yeah, I'm still doing these. The Walking Dead! It's good!
Last time we saw our beloved show on some people got stuck in a cave while Negan joined the Whisperers, Michonne left, and other things happened that I've forgotten. And this week, we'll see some resolution to that. Yay!
As always comment before, or while, or maybe even after you watch.
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What will they be squeezing?
umm ok
InGen, I am hijacking your thread. This is now a Better Call Saul Thread.
Ahem. Walking Dead's run time went 4 minutes over in an attempt to boost ratings for people tuning in at 10 thinking BCS would be on only to see Walking Dead thus giving a rating, further more, BCS will now only be on Mondays, thus mark my words when the ratings are revealed for this episode to suddenly jump back up a few thousand views. This is fact!
That is all, your thread has been released and is no longer hostage.
When you think the episode is called Squeeze because of how narrow the tunnels of the cave are but then you see Negan and Alpha naked in the woods.
Overall I liked the episode quite a bit!
The cave scenes, especially with the walkers going after Jerry were legitimately terrifying and may have unlocked a little bit of claustrophobia inside of me. The pre-intercourse scene with Negan and Alpha was pretty hilarious and I honestly thought that it was going to a completely different direction, but I assume that moment will be coming sometime soon.
Soo, I guess I predicted the episode?
I liked the score resembling 28 Weeks Later as well as Jerry's 'Big John' moment. I was worried that the plot armor was creeping back into the show when Jerry survived, but the cave-in subverted my expectations. I also enjoyed Negan breaking the 4th wall with Alpha and pretty much told the audience what exactly is going to happen.
Walking Dead's ratings for some crazy reason rose up about 300k views... Im sure that wasnt 300k people tuning in at 10 thinking BCS was going to be on and instead gave a rating to Walking Dead because it went over by 4 minutes... surely it wasnt some strange attempt to boost ratings...
anyway, excited for it to drop about 400k next week for some strange unexplainable reason
Remember, people don't watch on cable anymore.