Coronavirus MEGATHREAD
You know the drill. Share your thoughts, some interesting stories, theories, anything related to the coronavirus.
Mod Edit: As a reminder, no Political discussion is allowed. Please keep discussion focused on other aspects of Corona. Thanks.
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I'm alright. I was sick 2 weeks ago but I gotta ask, are there like 2 viruses? Like one is corona and the other is normal flu?
I've been sick 3 different times since December. One I had for about 3 weeks. I don't think any of them were the Coronavirus though, but I could be wrong. I barely leave my house anyway.
Once we’re all stuck at home, us forum users are all going to play Battleship. We’re just going to have to scream really loud.
Funny detail about this clip: “Bizum” is like Venmo or PayPal. These guys are playing with cash stakes.
Damn it. It jumped from 17 cases in our state to 32 cases in a single day.
Currents Status:
7000+ infected in U.S
100+ dead in U.S
40,000+ recovered worldwiwe
Wisconsin Status:
Bars, Restaurants, Bakerys, certain Dentists closed. Kwik Trip Gas Station enforces coffee refill restrictions. Schools/colleges are closed or closing. Work places can't have more than 10 people in a confined space. Unsure if employees in closing companies get off-time pay or if they need to apply for Unemployment/Welfare.
All the dine-in restaurants around here are now being ordered closed. I hope they survive.
So I hate to be that guy but...
When do you think that things will be “back to normal” in your own country?
My Country
I’m from the United States. Our president and our Coronavirus taskforce are saying that this will likely be over in August, July if they get lucky with vaccine developments. We’ve had great communication and you can tell the federal government is working hard on this. (Doctor Fauci; the head of the Corona taskforce, has no fucking voice since he’s been talking so much in meetings and conferences) I just wish that we were testing more...
Current effects
Pretty much every movie release, concert, public event, etc is being cancelled through June. All restaurants across, bars, gyms, etc are closed throughout the west and east coast, with the center of the country to soon be shutting down once cases skyrocket like they did in the more Urban areas of the U.S.)
Numbers and dates
Wuhan, China locked down on January 23rd, and is just starting to get back to normal now...
On the linear regression curve of case growth: the United States is 10 days behind Italy, meaning that in 10 days we will have 30,000 cases.
New York governor Cuomo said that there are only around 300 ventilators available in New York. Doctors are likely going to have to chose who lives and dies soon like Italy and China had to...
The United States are currently at almost 6,000 cases.
I’ve been following this for a while and it’s REALLY not looking good... I really just want to be back in my regular routine and I’ve only been out of it for like a week. I miss the gym
Knowing me I'll say (conspiratorial) stuff on this and for that I'll stick with that on YouTube or Facebook.
All I can say is that it feels like I'm dealing (Raccon City atrocity) but as I said before I'm not going to give full detail on how I think on the coronavirus n especially community.
[Inner crab rave commences]

Trump's Stimulus package is set to cost 1 trillion dollars. Stock market is crashing. Rumored Auto-Plants are next to be closed. 500 people in Italy died in one day.
I’ll give it 3-4 months...more or less.
Italy got hit hard by Covid-19 and China the ground zero of the outbreak got the most deaths but at least they got it under control as for Iran 13,000 cases but Iran’s got it under control.
I hear August... Yeah right
Hey all, just want to leave a reminder here that politics still aren't allowed here, posting statistical and important information is fine, but please don't get into why you agree/disagree with X political figure or things of that nature
I'm a fan of cars, some big well name car factories have cancelled producing. Kia, GMC, WW, this really sucks.
Ngl it’s the best thing ever being locked in a house, binge watching the walking dead starting from the pilot, avoiding 10-12 hours of work, just because of a little cough
So my dad and I are watching the first game of the AFL this year and it's being played in an empty stadium. Weird.
And haven’t gone to the gym , Everytime I walk past it looks like a ghost town I see people in the gym not keeping their six feet distance and well that’s just disappointing... I’ll wait until this ends but in the mean time at least I don’t have to deal with people everytime I leave my apartment asking me for a cigarette or money.
Nah gyms are overrated. It’s better to source your own equipment, stash it all in a room, and work out on your own rather than with a bunch of sweating strangers. In other words I have low self esteem.
A city 20 min from where I live just got their first case of covid
I was soooo close to have my very first real date with a girl, who lives a few miles away from my town. I planned to invite her to a restaurant and get to know each other, then this shit virus hit the country and closed all the restaurants. Just fucking great.
I don't think I mentioned this yet... but here's something cool someone did.
About a week and a half ago, my dad brought the family to a local burger joint called Fearless Meats for a special get a free burger promotion.
Now, the story behind this promotion is actually about a nearby flower shop. Whether it's due to casual discrimination or simply due to general panic about catching the Coronavirus, this flower shop -- run by a Chinese couple -- has seen a significant drop in business lately. This prompted Fearless Meats to do a "buy a flower from the flower shop = get a free burger from us" for a day.
Apparently the owner of the restaurant said they had given away close to 400 burgers by the time we got there for dinner.
So, that's 4 flowers for my 4 family members and I, and we each get a free burger out of the deal. I'd say that's pretty nice of them.
Did ask her for her number or your social media to keep in touch with her?
2319! We have a 2319!!!
I met her on a dating site.
Nope, Badoo
Gta 4 reference lol
I figured that sounded way too familiar
come again?

Hillary Duff isn't wrong
Not all Millennials are partying that’s something I don’t really care about at all and doesn’t describe me at all.
Woah dude...

So I walked into work today only to find out there was a confirmed case there. Lucky me. I dont have the highest exposure with the actual person who has it, but the problem is the place I work at is pretty high risk when it comes to spreading the virus- the chances of it not spreading a fuck ton is pretty much 0, and I've already interacted plenty with people who have come in contact with the other person in some form this week. Really only a matter of time until the next one pops up there then the next etc.
So basically I have no income and now may being caring corona virus.
Someone I work with has an infected family member. The next closest case I know of is 15 min from where I live abd work
A week ago or 2 some guy was cpughing near my mom in a mom described it as a waterhose considering the way he was moving around.
I'm like for the Fuck sake cover your damn mouth... if only we had a security guard like Peter Griffen points a gun at you and tells.
"Take it outside."
All units be advised we got a coughing hazard at the neighborhood Wal-Mart approach with caution

I know it’s not a good time, but can we get more details? Location, industry, etc?
Also hypothetically if you got corona now, that wouldn’t be TERRIBLE. Obviously the job thing sucks (maybe file for unemployment) but if you get corona now, then you get it while the hospitals still have ventilators and beds open, and the healthcare system isn’t overrun to the point where doctors have to choose who lives and who dies. On the off chance you get it really bad, you will 100% live.