The "Most Popular Character" competition
Hi. Hope all of you are safe and healthy in these difficult days. 6 years ago, I held a competition between TWD (2 Seasons) and TWAU characters (my former account username was "MMA377") and the Top 4 of that competition were:
1. Lee
2. Clementine
3. Bigby
4. Bloody Mary
Now, if you want and if you like, I can hold a bigger competition to realize who is the true "Most Popular Character" between these Telltale games characters:
"The Walking Dead" Series
"The Wolf Among Us"
and "Tales from the Borderlands"
You can vote and participate in this competition by checking this link:
Thank you. Stay safe.
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Sure, why not? As long as Loader Bot is involved.
Although in the end it's probably gonna end up as more of a "Most popular franchise" than "Most popular character" competition. Like I doubt any of the GoT characters will get far.
I personally think that the most popular Telltale Games character would have to be Handsome Jack from Tales From The Borderlands.

He is a SUPER likable villain, and he gets you to think that he is in the right. (Which he kind of is.)
Oh, and the fanbase finds him SUPER funny.
Might as well if you want to, gotta keep this place alive
but like Pipas said, I dont really see characters like GOT getting very far. Maybe have the poll so its only playable characters seeing how if we are being honest the top 3 are going to be playable characters anyway. Would also be a lot easier for you haha
Definitely! Loader Bot will be involved IF the competition is held. You know, we have only 15 votes in the poll and it makes me to doubt about holding this competition. If we have at least 40 votes, maybe I can hold this competition.
Good luck trying to get 40 votes. These forums don't have more than 20 active members right now. You might have to get in touch with people on reddit to get enough people on board.
thinkin about those glory days of 2015 when this place was active with tons of memebers 24/7 and there was no Telltale drama
Unfortunately you're right bro. I thought the community is more active than before cause of this virus issue, but now I think I was wrong. But still hope we get 40 or more votes. I think this competition will be a lot of fun.
So... never?
Hey, did you end up posting this on reddit? I saw 50+ people have voted now and I'm actually quite impressed so many people seem to be active/lurking still if it's all from this place.
No super intense Telltale drama*
forgive me Dojo
Hi, yeah I posted it on reddit.
Telltale Community. Home
At least it was before they fucked everything up.
"Poogers555, we need to have a talk."
Makes a fake DM between you and me, and calls you a homophobe or some dumb shit like that.
Lee one love