The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I've been playing Battlefront 2 since launch and it really has become a great game. Great new maps, heroes, reinforcements, and game modes. The second year of content (November 2018-December 2019) really outdid the first year. It's a shame that they have to end it, but it came nearly 2 and a half years ago so, I can't complain.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah they're so nice they pulled the plug on Battlefront 2 when the game still needed way more updates I haven't been following the

  • I will be posting cringe later today

    Im sorry.


  • edited May 2020

    Well, kids. The moral of today's story is obey rule #5 of the internet.

    See a troll? Walk around that bridge.

    This message brought to you by the letter C. Bye bye!

  • Wait, whu happen?

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, kids. The moral of today's story is obey rule #5 of the internet. See a troll? Walk around that bridge. This message brought to you by the letter C. Bye bye!

  • Possible TLOU spoiler was posted.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wait, whu happen?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wait, whu happen?

  • Well the Gym has officially re-opened, but I’ll tell you what I’m not going until this mess stops I’m disheartened that this mess has ruined everyone’s New Decade resolution .

  • Dex came back, posted a TLOU spoiler in order to convince us not to buy the game.

    @dojo32161 we thank you for your sacrifice.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wait, whu happen?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Don't thank me, you can thank @InGen_Nate_Kenny he took the brunt, I was only able to suss out the idea of what the spoiler was from some context clues, but not the specifics.

    AChicken posted: »

    Dex came back, posted a TLOU spoiler in order to convince us not to buy the game. @dojo32161 we thank you for your sacrifice.

  • edited May 2020

    Damn that sucks, hopefully not too many people saw it.

    I feel like whenever someone actively tries to spoil something they deem bad in order to 'save' people, it just makes them look like a huge doofus instead of the saviour they imagine themselves to be.

    AChicken posted: »

    Dex came back, posted a TLOU spoiler in order to convince us not to buy the game. @dojo32161 we thank you for your sacrifice.

  • dojo32161 posted: »

    Don't thank me, you can thank @InGen_Nate_Kenny he took the brunt, I was only able to suss out the idea of what the spoiler was from some context clues, but not the specifics.

  • When birthday boy becomes best boy

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Praise @InGen_Nate_Kenny

  • I saw it but spoilers don't bother me anymore he's been banned more Sheldon Cooper getting shelled at by Penny.

    AChicken posted: »

    When birthday boy becomes best boy

  • Hopefully he's banned until June 19th lol

  • Well it was good kitty, so maybe looks weren't necessary

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Damn that sucks, hopefully not too many people saw it. I feel like whenever someone actively tries to spoil something they deem bad in or

  • I wish the spoilers would’ve saved me from the new Star Wars movies though

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Damn that sucks, hopefully not too many people saw it. I feel like whenever someone actively tries to spoil something they deem bad in or

  • If you want to get yourself spoiled on something that's fine, but when you go out of your way to post somewhere publicly where there are people who don't want to be spoiled then you're just being a dingus.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I wish the spoilers would’ve saved me from the new Star Wars movies though

  • I was one of the people who saw the spoiler so I get what you mean. Yeah it sounded dumb but maybe I could’ve looked for spoilers myself if I wanted to know how bad it was, or just refund the game if it really is as bad as it sounds (Dex seriously?)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    If you want to get yourself spoiled on something that's fine, but when you go out of your way to post somewhere publicly where there are people who don't want to be spoiled then you're just being a dingus.

  • edited May 2020

    or just refund the game if it really is as bad as it sounds

    Yeah that's the thing, unlike a movie at the very least in most places you can refund a game if you don't like it. So him going out of his way to spoil stuff to "save" people just makes him out to be a bit of a dangus.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I was one of the people who saw the spoiler so I get what you mean. Yeah it sounded dumb but maybe I could’ve looked for spoilers myself if I wanted to know how bad it was, or just refund the game if it really is as bad as it sounds (Dex seriously?)

  • edited May 2020

    Lmao who knew the Count was such an addict.

  • Gonna be pretty cool when this is all just symbolizing for "vaults" and "vault keys" with the reveal being Tales from the Borderlands finally returning and to celebrate its free on the Epic Games Store amirit fellas?

  • And then they announce TftB 2, haha. Now that would be indeed epic.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Gonna be pretty cool when this is all just symbolizing for "vaults" and "vault keys" with the reveal being Tales from the Borderlands finally returning and to celebrate its free on the Epic Games Store amirit fellas?

  • Don't we all. Cause dear god those Disney Star Wars are pure crap. I mean. Disney has become less about story driven and not to piss off the fans to becoming the company of hell. Like I can't watch anymore Marvel with the same typical thread "Hey,guys? Guess what? There's a new Marvel movie about so and so and you have to watch it?.

    Others: Is the hero going to win as always!"

    Disney-Yes they are and you are going to like it cause Marvel can't do no wrong. The Heroes and we will do this again and again.

    Like ugh Omg

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I wish the spoilers would’ve saved me from the new Star Wars movies though

  • So him going out of his way to spoil stuff to "save" people just makes him out to be a bit of a dangus.

    Obviously that's why ppl on online are saying about the (ppl or person) leaking the game of Last Of Us 2. There's a reason why. Cause Naughty Dog treats it's staff like garbage and how much the staff and devs got crunched over making the game without good pay for it.

    Ppl like calling them "Heroes" or something like like "they saved me $60 and I look forward to s better game than this crap". I have seen other ppl looking forward to seeing Cyberpunk 2077 and comparing it more better and more anticipated game than TLOU 2 and not mention the gifs and memes over this leak. Like wow and the TLOU Subreddit (like Holy shit they are really really homophobic on there. I just checked it a couple days ago and Jesus Christ).

    It is sad to see that happen to a franchise (or any other franchises tbh)and how much love and fun went to hard work and saddness and anger and depression and harassment and hatred. Really starting this year with some chaos in the gaming community.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    or just refund the game if it really is as bad as it sounds Yeah that's the thing, unlike a movie at the very least in most places y

  • Psh- why are we even stressing? In just a few more days it will all come true haha- ha

    Pipas posted: »

    And then they announce TftB 2, haha. Now that would be indeed epic.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Absolutely, fellow gamer.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Gonna be pretty cool when this is all just symbolizing for "vaults" and "vault keys" with the reveal being Tales from the Borderlands finally returning and to celebrate its free on the Epic Games Store amirit fellas?

  • Cause Naughty Dog treats it's staff like garbage and how much the staff and devs got crunched over making the game without good pay for it.

    There's some irony there with you bringing up Cyberpunk 2077, considering CD Projekt has been proven to doing the exact same thing multiple times to the point that even they confessed their work culture was "inhumane". Their reports of crunch go back to even before Witcher 3 to as recent as February this year where they straight up admitted they have to crunch even after delaying it an additional five months, and this was after they said they'd be working on improving their work environment just a few months prior.

    strwar3 posted: »

    So him going out of his way to spoil stuff to "save" people just makes him out to be a bit of a dangus. Obviously that's why ppl on

  • This year's been chaotic in general.

  • Their reports of crunch go back to even before Witcher 3 to as recent as February this year where they straight up admitted they have to crunch even after delaying it an additional five months, and this was after they said they'd be working on improving their work environment just a few months prior.

    That is true. I am not denying that happen and they are at least with what they are trying to get better at not being that. CD project is doing what many other companies failed to do. Acknowledge their own faults and want to do better in the future. They do a good job listening to their fans. Trying is something I respect and I heard from reviewers and gamers say that they are doing better than most gaming companies. Listening to your community and never be like EA.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Cause Naughty Dog treats it's staff like garbage and how much the staff and devs got crunched over making the game without good pay for it.

  • Yupppp chaotic than most

    DabigRG posted: »

    This year's been chaotic in general.

  • Anyone here cook?

  • Wanna Grilled Cheese?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone here cook?

  • Occasionally.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone here cook?

  • Cook? Sure!
    Cook well? Ummm...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone here cook?

  • I think other countries EGS clients leaked it already according to Twitter

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Gonna be pretty cool when this is all just symbolizing for "vaults" and "vault keys" with the reveal being Tales from the Borderlands finally returning and to celebrate its free on the Epic Games Store amirit fellas?

  • Grilled cheese with some pepper jack cheese and meat along with lettuce and bacon. BLT are my weakness. Mayo along with bacon and Tomatoes with little bit of pepper and with toasted bread.

    Wanna Grilled Cheese?

  • When a mofo trys to spoil a game for you but you've seen the leaks already.

  • just makes him out to be a bit of a dangus.

    Yeah, I know I'm not one to talk about other people's mistakes. But, dex and I haven't really been nice to each other on discord. I've got a few issues dex and I have. Like, once he was mad at me for being friends with a trans person. Anyway, spoiling something to people without a warning isn't good.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    or just refund the game if it really is as bad as it sounds Yeah that's the thing, unlike a movie at the very least in most places y

  • Okay, now that maybe beyond my expertise. Sounds amazing though

    strwar3 posted: »

    Grilled cheese with some pepper jack cheese and meat along with lettuce and bacon. BLT are my weakness. Mayo along with bacon and Tomatoes with little bit of pepper and with toasted bread.

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