The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Unplug the AGP but be sure to power off your pc, next make sure you careful remove the DRAM but not before the PCI, now plug the AGP back in then the DRAM and finally the AGP, boot it up in BIOS and Baby, you got a stew going!

    Melton23 posted: »

    Don’t you just fucking hate it when you run into one major god damn problem on your pc, then when you try to find a solution people either m

  • Or when the OP suddenly says, "Nevermind fixed it!" and then never expands on it.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Don’t you just fucking hate it when you run into one major god damn problem on your pc, then when you try to find a solution people either m

  • I'm dead 😆

    DabigRG posted: »

    Truly Unrivaled by pretty much anything that's come before Credit to u/ChipperClegane

  • edited June 2020

    The number 1 reason on everyone's list to own a PS Vita is no longer relevant. RIP Vita.

    Persona 4 Golden is on Steam.

  • And now the Vita's watch has ended.

    AChicken posted: »

    The number 1 reason on everyone's list to own a PS Vita is no longer relevant. RIP Vita. Persona 4 Golden is on Steam.

  • edited June 2020

    So, we've finally got a proper trailer for the Mafia remake.

    I recognized most, if not all, of the scenes (still have PTSD from the race mission), so I'm not really worried about them changing the story much. However, the fact that the game is planned to come out in to months and they still haven't shown any gameplay is a bit concerning. I think they were supposed to show some on monday, but it got quietly removed from the lineup, so idk what to think, lel. I'm still cautiously optimistic, but you know, less so than before.

    Trailer looks nice though. That theme at the end, pure nostalgia.

  • Ahh, I don't know how I should feel. I don't mind Hangar 13 redesigning characters and re-doing voices, because the voice acting in the original was very poor. But what they did to my man Tommy - I just don't like the change. He looks so generic, and sounds like your average born-and-bred Mafioso. In the 2002 game he always seemed like an outisder to the family, not really fitting in. Also, he seems too badass in the remake, I hope this is only for the purpose of marketing the game.

    And yeah I agree, definitely not optimistic for the gameplay. Honestly though, after the disaster that was Mafia 3, I don't mind if this game doesn't actually look like a 2020 game. As long as it runs smoothly with minimal bugs and glitches, I'm happy. I'm interested to see how they'll change the shooting, will it just become a typical cover-shooter?

    Pipas posted: »

    So, we've finally got a proper trailer for the Mafia remake. I recognized most, if not all, of the scenes (still have PTSD from the r

  • Heh. Any natural disaster-based fiction that releases this year is going to be met with jokes that it could still happen to us in 2020.

    Even better if it takes place in 2020 in the first place, like this upcoming Netflix anime series in July. Japan Sinks: 2020. Yup. That's an odd coincidence for a messed-up year.

  • I get that concern. It's true that it seems like they're making Tommy look like too much of a badass when he's supposed to be more of a likeable nice guy, but it's not such a big deal for me. Honestly, I'm more bothered by the fact that Sam looks too young, hehe.

    As for the gunplay, they'll probably modernize it, so I'm expecting it'll work similarly to Mafia 3. Which I wouldn't mind that much, it was the tedious repetitiveness of taking over the districts that killed the game for me and I understand that they need to make it more approachable to casual audience. Of course, the glitches could sour the experience of any game, so that's what I'm mostly worried about.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Ahh, I don't know how I should feel. I don't mind Hangar 13 redesigning characters and re-doing voices, because the voice acting in the orig

  • I'm more bothered by the fact that Sam looks too young, hehe.

    Lol if Hangar 13 were given the time, I would have told you that it's because the race mission happens early in the game, and because the game takes place from 1930-1938, the characters and Lost Heaven will evolve. That would be cool.

    Pipas posted: »

    I get that concern. It's true that it seems like they're making Tommy look like too much of a badass when he's supposed to be more of a like

  • Anyone have a link to the creative thread where a bunch of users were posting a bunch of their neat stuff (drawings, stories, etc).

  • I got u homie. Bookmarked it a long while ago, but I'm pretty sure this is THE thread you're looking for.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Anyone have a link to the creative thread where a bunch of users were posting a bunch of their neat stuff (drawings, stories, etc).

  • Hey @Nikolah I've been noticing the site is kind of out of whack with regards to keeping your profile signed in when moving between pages. (refreshing almost always gets it logged in again easily)

    Any idea what might be causing this, or if it's because of some behind-the-scenes coding change?

  • Thanks a lot!

    Me looking through the posts.

    Jesus, it's been two years since the last post there. I might try and revive it and post my little doodles there instead of on here.

    Hey @Nikolah I've been noticing the site is kind of out of whack with regards to keeping your profile signed in when moving between pages. (refreshing almost always gets it logged in again easily)

    Cool, I'm not the only one having to constantly log in and out. Hopefully that gets fixed soon.

    AChicken posted: »

    I got u homie. Bookmarked it a long while ago, but I'm pretty sure this is THE thread you're looking for.

  • R.I.P. to TWAU S2 again, I guess...

    Unless we actually get official word that TWAU Season 2's production is canceled, I really doubt this will happen.

    booper posted: »

    Now I feel stupid for making my last post. tl;dr: AT&T is selling off WB'

  • This week on things that made me laugh for some reason


  • Lilith is looking pimp in that apocalypse swag. I think Max or Joan could possibly pull it off better

    DabigRG posted: »

    This week on things that made me laugh for some reason Hooah!

  • edited June 2020

    Anyone know how long it's been since we've been able to download Tales From The Borderlands, because I know Episode 1 (the main menu download) has been taken off of stores, but only today, after browsing through my PS4 purchase history, did I find I was unable to re-download Episode 1.

    It's in my purchases list, and it knows I have the DLC available to download for free... But it's no use without EP1.

    So... It's like with P.T.
    2K have taken it off the PSN servers, so there's no way to re-download it even if you own it digitally. That's pretty scummy.

  • Epic : Spinosaurus and indominus Rex fight.

  • Holy fuck you guys :)

  • hey if anyone is depressed about the absolute state of this year and anxious that the rest of the decade will also be awful just remember that 2020 is just some number and numbers have literally zero significance other than the arbitrary meaning we assign to them so the likelyhood that the rest of this decade is going to be bad is very slim since the numbering of the year doesnt actually dictate anything regarding it's contents.

    it's far more likely statistically that the following years will be far more pleasant, and if you don't believe me just remember the y2k and december 21st 2012 stuff. 2016 was a far worse year than either of those things combined and yet due to what some nutcase conspiracy theorists said the aforementioned two dates were blown way out of proportion and everybody panicked despite (other than a certain terrorist event) the early 2000s being pretty aight for the world and 2012 absolutely not marking the end of humanity

    anyway if you're reading this and you're depressed about the state of the world or literally anything else, please seek emotional support and learn alternative methods to self treating yourself because your problems are valid, feeling sad about things is valid and you are valid and deserve to feel happy. and if you don't like the state of things, look into local charities and scheduled protests and ask how you can help make the world a better place, which you absolutely have the power to do because you're a human and human's can do incredible things.

    things can and will only improve from here, it'll all be a-ok. stay cool, have a great summer, black lives matter, and play dark souls 2 on the ps3 it's pretty good. my dms are always open if y'all ever need to vent about stuff goin on. love y'all, stay safe

  • If anyone's interested, Humble Bundle has a 'Fight for Racial Justice' bundle featuring 49 games and 1 DLC, and 24 books and graphic novels, for $30 (USD).

  • Fuck's sake at this point we'll never play it

    It's still coming out this year so there's that i guess,damn.

    strwar3 posted: » Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh...oh come on damn it

  • Every new delay is like a new stake through my heart.

    strwar3 posted: » Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh...oh come on damn it

  • Petition to get this forum fixed.

  • Youtube recommended a Special episode of Primal that released on April 1st called Plague of Madness and It's just absolutely insane. It had to do with an infection that is spreading around that causes the dinosaurs to turn into these necrotic monsters bent on killing everything in sight. It showed in detail the sickly transformation, the sheer panic of the other characters/dinosaurs that had never seen this thing before, and the gory carnage that is left behind. Just the way it was animated and given sound makes my skin crawl. It was all done too good..

  • As a someone who loves KFC more than McDonald's, this is just ridiculous. People are running out of ideas for our future.

  • edited June 2020

    Peter Jackson's VFX company, Weta Digital is opening up an animation studio called Weta Animated. More animated stuff is always good in my book so I'm looking forward to what they'll be working on in the future.

    Hopefully they'll finally get around to making that Tintin sequel.

    Please, it's been 9 years.

  • Y'know, I think I'll play God of War (4) after I finish the Last of Us 2.

    Now there's a title everyone's been comparing TLOU2 too, and saying how it executes a nice story about parental relationship and has some open-ended gameplay.
    Never played a God of War game, either, so I don't quite even know what I'm getting myself into. A really violent game about killing Gods though, for sure.

  • I haven't played any other God of War game either, but God of War 4 is fucking great.

    AChicken posted: »

    Y'know, I think I'll play God of War (4) after I finish the Last of Us 2. Now there's a title everyone's been comparing TLOU2 too, and sa

  • God of War 2018 was the first game in the GoW series I played, and it’s truly a fucking masterpiece. I honestly can’t really think of anything the game didn’t do well. The cinematography and direction are great, the acting is great, the writing is incredibly layered and filled with a lot of depth, the score is fantastic, the gameplay is fun and entertaining.

    If someone came up to me, told me they just bought a PS4, and I had to recommend 3 games they need to play, my list would be:
    1. The Last of Us (original)
    2. Horizon Zero Dawn
    3. God of War (2018)

    These 3 are non-negotiables.

    AChicken posted: »

    Y'know, I think I'll play God of War (4) after I finish the Last of Us 2. Now there's a title everyone's been comparing TLOU2 too, and sa

  • edited June 2020


    I love Min Min', probably my favourite character design in Arms, so I'm really glad that she made it into the game. I was honestly expecting Spring Man, Ribbon Girl since they're the cover characters, or even Twintelle, considering how popular she is.

  • Twintelle realizing she couldnt be added to Smash because she has normal arms which wouldnt fly for the "ARMS" rep

    lupinb0y posted: »

    YEEESSSSSSSSSSSS I love Min Min', probably my favourite character design in Arms, so I'm really glad that she made it into the game. I wa

  • Earlier this year, it was announced that Netflix around the world would get the full Studio Ghibli catalog, while the U.S., Canada and Japan were excluded from this promotion. (As HBO MAX got the rights to it for USA. No idea about who has it in Japan.)

    But... this Thursday, Canada is no longer excluded (sorry, US and Japan!)
    On June 25, Netflix Canada will be getting 20 movies from Studio Ghibli -- nearly their entire catalog -- with August 1st completing it by releasing The Wind Rises.

    I'm so freaking psyched for this, since there's been some Ghibli sleeper hits I've been meaning to watch, but never got around to buying them.

    Full list

    On June 25, you can expect to see:

    Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (1984)
    Castle in the Sky (1986)
    My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
    Kiki’s Delivery Service (1989)
    Only Yesterday (1991)
    Porco Rosso (1992)
    Ocean Waves (1993)
    Pom Poko (1994)
    Whisper of the Heart (1995)
    Princess Mononoke (1997)
    My Neighbors the Yamadas (1999)
    Spirited Away (2001)
    The Cat Returns (2002)
    Howl’s Moving Castle (2004)
    Tales of Earthsea (2006)
    Ponyo (2008)
    The Secret World of Arrietty (2010)
    From Up on Poppy Hill (2011)
    The Tale of The Princess Kaguya (2014)
    When Marnie Was There (2014)

    On Aug 1, you'll be able to stream:
    The Wind Rises (2013)

  • edited June 2020

    Joel Schumacher, who is infamous for directing one of the worst superhero movies ever made (Batman and Robin), sadly passed away. Say what you want about that film, but you can't deny the fact that he admitted that what he did with the movie was a mistake and if it wasn't for him, then Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy wouldn't have existed.

    May he rest in peace.

  • He also directed The Lost Boys, one of the best vampire films of all time.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Joel Schumacher, who is infamous for directing one of the worst superhero movies ever made (Batman and Robin), sadly passed away. Say what y

  • edited June 2020

    It hasn't really been that long, about 4 years, but anyone remember that kid who sang that Minecraft song 'Mine Diamonds'? The one that will make your ears bleed from all the yelling? This ear shattering masterpiece?

    Well today I found out since then he's actually been writing a whole bunch of original songs. I listened to a few of them and... they're actually quite good. Not gonna lie this song below is pretty dang catchy. Link to his album if anyone's interested lmao.

    The miracles of puberty.

  • You're kidding me. I can't believe that a few years of puberty can make a kid go from screaming a Minecraft parody with a shrill voice to... this. It's a fun song with a great voice.

    (Also getting a better microphone is a plus)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It hasn't really been that long, about 4 years, but anyone remember that kid who sang that Minecraft song 'Mine Diamonds'? The one that will

  • Eeeep! I got some good news!

    I just formed a band, we're called "Bermuda". I know, it seems like I've been doing random crap cuz of quarantine... Which, yeah. That's sorta how it is, but this is awesome. Feels like I'm actually doing something productive for once. lmfao

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