DontNod's Tell Me Why will be doing weekly episodes.
Tell Me Why has finally gotten an extended trailer and with it a release schedule.
I'm genuinely really invested in the idea of doing weekly episodes, and It's just enough time to digest and discuss the episode before the next. I'm a little sad Twin Mirror axed its episodic format but looking forward to what Dontnod has in store in reinventing episodic games. Also the game looks really promising and seems to have a great amount of respect in the subject manner. Big shame this is exclusively a microsoft published joint but gonna at least try to run it on PC.
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Huh. That's cool, at least they built/wrote the whole game before release it seems and will have to stick with what it became. Also isn't this the game touted last year as one of the few games where you play as Transgender person (or has some of that representation in it?) Good to see this thing finally ready for release, it's been a while since I've seen it.
Gotta say, the motion capture and visuals look like the best Dontnod have done yet. Not totally photoreal as other companies, but it certainly looks like their best work. (Lip-synching still needs some work)
I'm still not exactly sure what this game is about though. Two kids have a traumatic childhood experience and return to their hometown years later to reconcile or something?
I had no idea Twin Mirror was going to be an episodic game. I thought it was going to be a full game through-and-through (and I guess it is now). Also, is Twin Mirror out yet? I keep seeing it pop up with previews at various events but last I checked it still wasn't out yet (despite being unveiled over a year ago I'm sure...)
Yup! One of the lead protagonists, Tyler is voiced by a trans male actor, and will explore his past. He's confirmed to have already identified with a name in the flashbacks so there won't even be any dead naming involved which is refreshing to know.
A lot of people actually missed that Twin Mirror was episodic, but it was! I believe it was gamescom 2018 where they showcased a gameplay tour of a section and ended it with saying "Be sure to continue the story when episode 1 drops next year (2019)". Well that sure didn't happen.
Nope! No date besides 2020. I'm hopeful it will be pretty closely after Tell Me Why but I could see winter happening. Journalists seemed to have been provided a off-hand look at the first 20 mins of the game, which a lot of the preview impressions are written about.
Being weekly is def the smarter move to do, Im really glad I waited to play LIS2 because that was like a bit over a year for the whole game to release right? I'll probably check this out upon launch seeing how its a wait that isnt intensively long.
I hope Wolf 2 does this as well seeing how we already know the game will have all episodes finished before ep 1 releases. Releasing everything asap is probably the best move, but I feel like the wait between episodes and theorizing whats next to come is also a highlight of Telltale Games, but its asking a lot for people to wait at least a month between episodes. Weekly episodes is basically just watching a TV show so I think most people would be down for that.
4 months between every episode of LiS2, so a year and four months.
This looks interesting. 10 euros per episode feels kinda expensive. Telltale used to do 5 euros per episode. Granted, a Life is Strange episode was almost 3 times the size of the average Telltale episode so if this follows suit maybe that justifies it... I'll wait for everyone's impressions
Weekly episode is definitely the way to go. As much as implementing live feedback from the fans sounds good in theory, Telltale is living (?) proof as to why it's a very dangerous road with little payoff.
Holy moly was it actually 4 months between each episode? Is that why I haven't heard anything about the second game this whole time?
The benefit of this though was that because this is a USA-road-trip story, each episode had various different environments, and based on what I've seen, in the end there's some pretty diverging endings based on your previous choices.
So, what, is it an 8 hour game?
probably 8-10 hrs. Maybe even shorter 6-8. Depends how much Dontnod crams into these episodes, but going off life is strange 2 I'd lean more towards 8.
$30 for 8 hours is decent, yeah.
This is what the title of the game came to my mind because of the name is "Tell Me Why"