The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited August 2020

    Me looking at other classmates work and then looking back at mine.

  • As you get older, and especially after you hit your last milestone birthday, you kind of just stop paying attention to them. Before it was like “Yay! It’s my birthday!” Now it’s “Oh yeah, it’s my birthday today, I almost forgot.”

  • I'm sure yours is a lot better than you think, we can be our own harshest critics, just have a bit of confidence lad :smile:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me looking at other classmates work and then looking back at mine.

  • That's cool and all, but I much prefer the cover of that Ye Olde song What is Love?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    This is now my new favourite genre of music.

  • Oh my god, I forgot my password for this site and I just now realized I was typing it wrong.

  • Damn dude I was wondering where you went.

    Oh my god, I forgot my password for this site and I just now realized I was typing it wrong.

  • That's kinda how it goes.

    Of course, there can also be "Oh, it's my birthday. ...Great...."

    As you get older, and especially after you hit your last milestone birthday, you kind of just stop paying attention to them. Before it was like “Yay! It’s my birthday!” Now it’s “Oh yeah, it’s my birthday today, I almost forgot.”

  • Imagine rolling in at the kings ball in 1350 in your horse-drawn carriage and hearing this absolute banger :weary:

    AChicken posted: »

    That's cool and all, but I much prefer the cover of that Ye Olde song What is Love?

  • Haha, thanks :grimace:

    I'm sure yours is a lot better than you think, we can be our own harshest critics, just have a bit of confidence lad

  • Love me a good Jojo reference

    AChicken posted: »

    That's cool and all, but I much prefer the cover of that Ye Olde song What is Love?

  • I literally screamed "YES!" when I saw this.

  • edited August 2020

    I'mma say this. I think the best thing about 2020 for me is Avatar getting more attention by the audience in these days.

    While watching some Avatar videos on youtube a few days ago, I noticed how similar Avatar is to Star Wars. Think about it:

    • Aang = Luke Skywalker
    • Katara = Leia Organa (Except she is Sokka's sister instead of Aang)
    • Sokka = Han Solo
    • Appa = Chewbacca
    • Momo = either R2-D2 or C-3PO?
    • Toph = Lando
    • Zuko = Darth Vader
    • Ozai = Darth Sidious
    • Iroh = Obi-Wan (But the evil's companion)

    This is a compliment if you ask me.

    I literally screamed "YES!" when I saw this.

  • Thought I had Deja vú at first, but I had to look it up and it turns out I had read a similar message from you at new years. So I'm just gonna go ahead and say what I said then.

    All "special" days are what you make them, just like anything really. That being said I get what you mean, but for me at least, I will not and can not allow special days (birthday, christmas, new years etc) to become unimportant or forgettable.

    As you get older, and especially after you hit your last milestone birthday, you kind of just stop paying attention to them. Before it was like “Yay! It’s my birthday!” Now it’s “Oh yeah, it’s my birthday today, I almost forgot.”

  • That might just be the greatest hockey game I have ever witnessed. 5 overtime’s between the Lightning and Blue Jackets, an almost 6 hour game, neither team willing to relent, that’s fucking playoff hockey right there. And we were almost denied it because of Covid. Goddamn what a game.

  • I haven't watched Avatar, but there's some fun connections to the Clone Wars and Rebels shows, since Dave Filoni did those too. The Grand Inquisitor from Star Wars Rebels and Admiral Zhao, the season 1 big bads, are both voiced by Jason Isaacs. There's a clone named "Appo" with an arrow on his helmet.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'mma say this. I think the best thing about 2020 for me is Avatar getting more attention by the audience in these days. While watching s

  • Remedy's Control is getting an Ultimate edition (basically just a bundle option to get all dlc and patches at once) and confirms that it will release on Steam on August 27th. Other platforms will get this bundle option on September 10th.

    The big problem is (and this is most likely 505's decision considering all the weird release decisions made during this game's post launch support) anyone who buys the Ultimate Edition on consoles will get a free upgrade to the next-gen version when they release.

    But the ultimate edition is really no different than the Deluxe edition offered at launch, or even just buying the base game and season pass seperately. But somehow it's these same buyers who will need to pay again to get this "free" upgrade.
    This is so going to blow up in their faces (505's, not Remedy's I hope) and I can't wait.

    (And honestly, with the way this game runs so sluggishly on modern consoles, it definitely needs a free upgrade for all to next gen)

  • edited August 2020

    Welp, 2020 strikes again to win the award for the worst year of the century. Some fans have been skeptical about the live action Netflix series adaptation of Avatar but now all the hype is lost for good.

  • edited August 2020

    Now this is one MAJOR (Fire Nation-looking) red flag.

    I'm hoping this is just a small case of creative differences or that maybe working on a live-action series was perhaps a much different task than they had learned from making the animated series.

    Or its a big problem and Netflix is taking it in a direction where these two don't want it to go and are distancing themselves from it. (Such as: what if Netflix pushes for some new plot thread that Bryke are against? Or what if Netflix aren't adding/changing up things enough for the series, and that's what Bryke wants?)
    This definitely has me worried for the show though.

    Edit: at the very least, this can't get as bad as the movie... hehe... right? As a TV series, I'd expect this show to be mediocre at worst rather than a dumpster fire. Even though I really don't want that either.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Welp, 2020 strikes again to win the award for the worst year of the century. Some fans have been skeptical about the live action Netflix series adaptation of Avatar but now all the hype is lost for good.

  • edited August 2020

    The one (or I guess in this case, two since there are two creators) hope I had for this, and it’s gone. So much for Netflix giving their creators high amounts of freedom. It wasn’t bad enough that these two got fucked over by Nickelodeon, but now Netflix had to go and fuck them as well. Avatar is one of the greatest shows of all time, why is it so hard to entrust the damn people who made it, support them, and not screw them over?!

    @AChicken Based on both Mike’s and Bryan’s statements, it seems to be the creative differences and going in a direction they did not agree with. What those issues and direction was, we don’t completely know. We know what the two had in mind based on their original announcement of working on the series (culturally appropriate casting, delving more into the Avatar world/lore, etc.), but what else the series might have had is anyone’s guess. Anything one might here is nothing more than rumor and speculation. You would just think that with the massive success and renaissance of the original animated series since it’s return to Netflix, the platform would have let them do what they want with little intrusion outside of what would be necessary.

    Maybe whoever takes it over in their place will be able to deliver something good, but I’m very skeptical about it. Depends on the team Bryke had brought on and what Netflix decides to do from here. All I can say is that this probably doesn’t bode well for future animated Avatar projects. One of the hopes with the renaissance was that it would inspire Nick or Netflix, preferably Netflix, to green light a new animated show, maybe a direct sequel to the original, or even animated adaptations of the comics. Well kiss that hope goodbye. Nick and Netflix have now both fucked over Bryke, I don’t see any animated series pertaining to Avatar happening in the near future. Best we’ll get are more comics and novels like the Kyoshi series.

    TL,DR: Fuck this, I’m pissed and my day is ruined. Netflix, if you fuck over The Dragon Prince now after giving it 4 more seasons, we are done.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Welp, 2020 strikes again to win the award for the worst year of the century. Some fans have been skeptical about the live action Netflix series adaptation of Avatar but now all the hype is lost for good.

  • Goddamnit, I hope Netflix can pull this off.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Welp, 2020 strikes again to win the award for the worst year of the century. Some fans have been skeptical about the live action Netflix series adaptation of Avatar but now all the hype is lost for good.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited August 2020

    MFW everyone keeps talking about Avatar and I've already exhausted my one post about it:

  • I find it strange that Netflix decided to be anal about creative control with this over anything else in their library. They've done adaptions in the past that have actually had the original creators creatively involved, like A Series of Unfortunate Events (which also had a failed live action movie) that had the series author on board as a writer without any executive meddling.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Welp, 2020 strikes again to win the award for the worst year of the century. Some fans have been skeptical about the live action Netflix series adaptation of Avatar but now all the hype is lost for good.

  • edited August 2020

    Me looking at my uni fees and seeing a AUD150 charge for university facilities and amenities.

  • It's that back to school year again I hope to I don't mind me asking but is anyone that's still in school homeschool or are some schools at your location opened?

  • Fall Guys? More like. Best Guys.

  • Today I learned there is a TV show called "Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese".

    That is all.

  • I know there was a show called Pig Goat Banana Cricket on at some point. Any relation?

    AChicken posted: »

    Today I learned there is a TV show called "Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese". That is all.

  • As far as I can tell after a brief google search, there's nothing about any connection between the two.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I know there was a show called Pig Goat Banana Cricket on at some point. Any relation?

  • edited August 2020

    I found this neato Twitter thread today from someone who pitched a new animated show to Disney, but unfortunately got turned down. So... they published their concept and slides up for the world to see.
    Just click the tweet itself and it'll send you to the whole thread. Cool insight into pitching a well-realized world, characters, etc, and it sounds like it could be a very interesting show.

  • Dang, that does sound intriguing

    AChicken posted: »

    I found this neato Twitter thread today from someone who pitched a new animated show to Disney, but unfortunately got turned down. So... the

  • what if you wanted fall guys scout outfit but god said:

  • edited August 2020

    Wait so is that scout from TF2? Nice, didn't know they already arranged a crossover for that.

    I started playing around the time the Hotline Miami: Jacket costume was released. Really wanted that chicken mask and vest.
    Cut to 3 days later as the costume rotates out and I'm still stuck at 0 wins, no crowns from the battle pass thing.

    I've ammassed 3 crows total now though! (2 wins and 1 free crown) but no Jacket.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    what if you wanted fall guys scout outfit but god said:

  • The first half of Infinity Train Book 3 is out and holy shit, it's off to a start.

  • I feel like a dumb dumb because I spent 3 crowns on the Big League outfit only to find out you can basically get the exact same outfit for 2000 kudos but blue. If I didnt waste them I could have Scout but now I only got 2 stars. Fall Guys is a brutal game.

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait so is that scout from TF2? Nice, didn't know they already arranged a crossover for that. I started playing around the time the Hotli

  • I don't trust Netflix to pull it off. I don't see the point of it if the main creators left. Could be worse than M. Night's movie. Because it did happen to the Fantastic Four movies.

    Goddamnit, I hope Netflix can pull this off.

  • edited August 2020

    Literally me right now while writing another essay that's due in two days.

  • edited August 2020

    Take this with the teeniest tiniest crumb of salt regarding the ATLA stuff.

    Apparently Netflix wanted to separate the live action ATLA series from the animated series by aging up the main cast and give it "a darker, mature tone with more romance, sex and blood." DiMartino and Konietzko disagreed and were adamant that the show remain accessible to kids like the OG series. Netflix also wanted to open up casting to white people which they were also against, not wanting to repeat the same mistakes from the Shyamalan movie. Finally, the creators wanted a bigger budget, though in this case I think it's a bit understandable considering this was to be their first foray into live action media.

  • Agents of SHIELD finale was beautiful and I'm still a wreck over it even a day after. What a journey, I'm gonna miss them agents.

  • Real talk though the lower halves for these skins are so trash. There are only a few that are worth the crowns, like the fish-bowl, but other than that they're underwhelming.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    what if you wanted fall guys scout outfit but god said:

  • How's the game treating you so far? I've heard lots of people are having issues with it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Eyyy, pre-loading for Horizon Zero Dawn for PC is now available.

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