The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Fall Guys really gonna go "error giving awards" and not give me my crown again huh

  • After completing the season it does get boring to progress at a moderate rate only by getting crowns. I'm on my sister's account to help her level up. It's hard for her to get to the final round and likes the clothes in the game and I need my progression fix

    Poogers555 posted: »

    My Fall Ball win rate is literally 2 out of I dont even know how many times I've played Fall Ball now. Maybe I dont wanna be a Fall Guy anymore... Edit: Sorry for accidentally replying to you chicken lol

  • edited August 2020

    Yeah I do wish progression wasnt just over so easily. About a month until a new season and now all I can get to progress is crowns.

    Also holy fuck after I just posted about winning and not getting a crown i got a second win in a row now and again OOPS ERROR.

    imma boutta fall of a building irl bois

    After completing the season it does get boring to progress at a moderate rate only by getting crowns. I'm on my sister's account to help her

  • When you guys say "progression is over / I can only progress with crowns" do you guys mean that you've already gotten all the Season Rewards?

    I'm only at level 25 -- still haven't gotten a piece of that darned Chicken costume -- so I'm either not playing enough or I'm getting some really terrible games.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah I do wish progression wasnt just over so easily. About a month until a new season and now all I can get to progress is crowns. Also

  • Mark is always so positive about everything man, even when Telltale shut down he was sharing stuff he made. Hope he recovers well.

  • edited August 2020

    Oh man. Hope they're able to preempt any potential ones in the future.

  • I reached level 40 a few days ago so the only awards I get now are kudos and crowns if I win.

    I have no idea how long you have to actually play to level up to the max but it does scale the higher you get in rounds so. For example its pretty rare for me not to get to round 4, so I was pretty consistently getting the amount of XP youd get by getting that far every round.

    AChicken posted: »

    When you guys say "progression is over / I can only progress with crowns" do you guys mean that you've already gotten all the Season Rewards

  • So I know a guy who is very good at analysing music, specifically classical. He can deconstruct elements like the rhythm, notes, performances and the meanings behind certain songs. All that fancy stuff. He is also a good musician in general and has composed a number of well written pieces, a couple of which we've used in short films we produced together.

    But my God he is absolutely awful at analysing storytelling in film, tv and games. The way he manages to glaze over very important details in a story that are very clearly displayed to him is extraordinary.

    So there's this game where the main character dismisses the idea of being in a relationship with one of her male friends who is asian. So to the guy, this clearly meant that the character is a racist against asian people, so he got pretty mad and publicly denounced the game and the devs online because of this one small moment in the game.

    He somehow missed the part where the main character is explicitly gay as fuck. I don't know what kind of mend melding drugs you need in order to somehow believe that the reason this lesbian doesn't want to be in a relationship with a guy is because she's a racist, but I want some of it.

  • Ellie?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So I know a guy who is very good at analysing music, specifically classical. He can deconstruct elements like the rhythm, notes, performance

  • Yep.

    Ghetsis posted: »


  • edited August 2020

    God fucking dammit. 2020, can you just stop for like 5 fucking minutes without throwing more gasoline onto the goddamn fire. Power Trip are an amazing band, this sucks. No idea what's going to happen with them now. RIP Riley, my thoughts and prayers go out to his family and loved ones.

  • If this year keeps giving us more misery its going to cause people to start a world riot over how bullshit it has been.

    It has to stop sometime... Right? I hope we don't have to start taking things like this in stride. God fucking dammit. 2020, can you just stop for like 5 fucking minutes witho

  • its going to cause people to start a world riot

    Hell, we're already doing that here in the US.

    If this year keeps giving us more misery its going to cause people to start a world riot over how bullshit it has been. It has to stop sometime... Right? I hope we don't have to start taking things like this in stride.

  • For a second there, I thought you were saying Jesse finds Ellie racist.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    So I know a guy who is very good at analysing music, specifically classical. He can deconstruct elements like the rhythm, notes, performance

  • Started investing recently and NASDAQ closed at a record high today, Really pumped up right now! I'm glad I started early, but man I wish I started earlier in like 2016.

    Is anyone else here interested in this? Honestly, I suggest you find a broker and get started soon even if you only have a few thousand.

  • My parents invested in Disney for me shortly after I was born, and I myself have cash assets set aside as well as stock with JP Morgan that I took out shortly after Covid started when everything was tanking.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Started investing recently and NASDAQ closed at a record high today, Really pumped up right now! I'm glad I started early, but man I wish I

  • According to Owen Dennis, the creator of Infinity Train, most of the IF crew have moved on to other projects and the series is in serious risk of being cancelled due to low ratings.

    If the show does continue, he has story and character outlines for five more seasons, stopping at season 8 because it looks like the infinite symbol.

    I hurt myself today. To see if I still feel...

  • Ah yeah, I read that too.

    He says the chance of a renewal are dépendant entirely on the viewership numbers on HBO MAX, which I think is a really stupid decision on the part of HBO since their service is only accessible in the USA.
    I'd gladly support and add to those official viewer numbers, but because of my location, it's a no-go.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    According to Owen Dennis, the creator of Infinity Train, most of the IF crew have moved on to other projects and the series is in serious ri

  • edited August 2020

    Yep, he's been pushing HBO Max even before the reveal of season 3 because of how important it is for the future of the series. Unfortunately like you said, it's not available outside of the US at the moment so it's hard for international fans to support the show.

    It certainly doesn't help that the show is so poorly marketed. I'm constantly seeing people surprised that the pilot they saw four years ago has been turned into a full length series.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ah yeah, I read that too. He says the chance of a renewal are dépendant entirely on the viewership numbers on HBO MAX, which I think is a

  • Well, I think I heard each season was released within a full day or two, or in really quick succession.

    And looking at its history, Season 1 only came out mid-2019, Season 2 came out early 2020, and now Season 3 is already out on HBO. Holy moly these guys must work fast (or they had a bunch of the series already pre-planned out, making it one-after-the-other)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yep, he's been pushing HBO Max even before the reveal of season 3 because of how important it is for the future of the series. Unfortunately

  • edited August 2020

    Well, I think I heard each season was released within a full day or two, or in really quick succession.

    Yep. Seasons 1 and 2 were each released in under a week. It really should have been a weekly series instead of being released in batches.

    Season 3 is weekly but with a very weird release schedule. First week was the first five episodes, next week was three episodes, and then followed by the final two episodes.

    Holy moly these guys must work fast (or they had a bunch of the series already pre-planned out, making it one-after-the-other)

    If I'm right, seasons 1, 2 and 3 were all being made at the same time which is why the gap between seasons is so short.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, I think I heard each season was released within a full day or two, or in really quick succession. And looking at its history, Seaso

  • edited August 2020

    I just looked it up out of curiosity, and the series was probably made all so close together because it was originally supposed to be an HBO-Max-exclusive show -- probably releasing seasons close together in a similar short-timeframe like it is now -- but after HBO delayed the release of their service last year, the first 2 seasons were moved to air on Cartoon Network instead.

    Season 3 is weekly but with a very weird release schedule. First week was the first five episodes, next week was three episodes, and then followed by the final two episodes.

    kind of unrelated, and it doesn't really concern me since I haven't seen the show, but I've heard Amazon is doing a similar weird release for their show The Boys Season 2. On the season premiere date on September 4, there are going to be 3 episodes released, then the rest will be added weekly until it ends sometime in October.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Well, I think I heard each season was released within a full day or two, or in really quick succession. Yep. Seasons 1 and 2 were ea

  • edited August 2020

    Just spent all my crowns and Kudos on cool stuff and now the matchmaking servers are down for maintenance.

    Dude I'm dying here

    @AChicken I had no clue what you were talking about until a golden egg came out of completely nowhere in fall ball yesterday. Luckily, no one got to score with it before the time ran out.

  • edited August 2020

    I finished Infinity Train Book 3. Absolutely incredible and by far my favourite season of the show so far.

    It really pushes its rating to its very limit, I cannot believe the stuff they got away with, even to the point where I felt my stomach churn. But obviously that's not why it's incredible. What does make it incredible is how well written the characters are. Hazel, Grace, Simon and Tuba are wonderfully realised characters, each affected by their own set of problems and tragedies. You can't help but feel for each of them regardless of the questionable to horrifying choices some of them may make. Also the voice acting is top notch, especially Hazel and Simon, who are played by Isabella Abiera (an actual kid!) and Kyle McCarley. Legitimately some of the best voice acting I've heard in recent animation.

    If this is the last season of the show (which it unfortunately seems like it is) then I'm glad it ended on a high note, but I hope to whatever deity or deities are floating up in the sky that it gets renewed for however many seasons Dennis Owens wants to go for, because I don't want to leave the train just yet.

  • That Infinity Train season was top notch. Y'all need to see the show.

  • I haven't heard any good things about the movies, so this announcement probably isn't good either... @AronDracula Netflix has picked up Resident Evil to make a live-action TV Series. The production company will be the same one behind the six films.

    ‘Resident Evil’ Live-Action Series Ordered at Netflix

  • Whos ready for that TWAU2 trailer in a couple hours? :#

  • hell yeah! Also ready for that official TFTB Redux announcement! ;)

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Whos ready for that TWAU2 trailer in a couple hours?


  • A surprise to be sure but a welcome one

    captainivy1 posted: »



    captainivy1 posted: »


  • edited August 2020

    SAM & MAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I been waiting 10 YEARS! I don't care if its VR. THEY GOT THE TELLTALE CAST BACK TO! HOLY FUCK!

  • Ok so clearly I shouldve been watching Gamescom - anyone got a trailer for the new Sam and Max? Whos making it? Dan Connors?

  • edited August 2020

    Gamescom stream.

    Just tuning in now. I gotta see what this Sam and max thing is about wtf yall.

    Edit: OK I thought the stream started at 3pm, not 2pm. Guess I'll watch it live from now on, then go back and watch the first hour.

  • Poogers555 posted: »

    Ok so clearly I shouldve been watching Gamescom - anyone got a trailer for the new Sam and Max? Whos making it? Dan Connors?

  • I have no expectations whatsoever. The curse of video game movies still isn't broken. But given the fact that this Andrew Dabb guy mentions that Resident Evil is his favorite game of all time, it gives a small hope but I'mma keep my expectations low. I'm only looking forward to Resident Evil 8.

    AChicken posted: »

    I haven't heard any good things about the movies, so this announcement probably isn't good either... @AronDracula Netflix has picked up Resi

  • Fall Guys Season 2 looks pretty interesting! I like the obstacle-course platforming thing.

    Gahhh it's still like 30 days away though.

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