The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Bye man, best of luck!

    Hey, guys. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I am leaving the forums and many other platforms. This is for my own safety

  • Good luck, mate. You'll need it.

    Hey, guys. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I am leaving the forums and many other platforms. This is for my own safety

  • Goodbye Deku,

    May your next years be better than this one. And never come anywhere close. And good luck in finding some calmness in the rest of this year.

    Hey, guys. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I am leaving the forums and many other platforms. This is for my own safety

  • edited August 2020

    Oh, it's a final double post to you. Well, peace.

    Hey, guys. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I am leaving the forums and many other platforms. This is for my own safety

  • Sad to see you go but your own health should be your number one priority.

    May your future be brighter than the present.

    Hey, guys. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I am leaving the forums and many other platforms. This is for my own safety

  • A couple of years ago, Shelly Shenoy mentioned in an interview that she had taken a picture of herself and Jeff Schine recording a scene from ANF involving looks at early versions of their characters. She mentioned having it on Instagram and eventually putting it on Twitter--has anyone seen those image or know how to find it?

  • edited August 2020

    I am working on a special rant compilation video but the topic will be a movie that everyone in the entire earth agrees it's completely garbage.

    EDIT: You wanna guess? Be my guest.

  • Dang I was thinking of creating a telltale meme with this same format. Good job tho

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Take care of yourself Deku and I hope the best for you

    Hey, guys. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you all that I am leaving the forums and many other platforms. This is for my own safety

  • A neat behind the scenes look at Twelve Minutes. It's shaping up to be a very ambitious game, I really hope they manage to pull it off. Also it feels weird hearing Daisy Ridley with an American accent after being so used to her English accent lol.

  • edited August 2020

    Aw, that's looking better and better the more I see it! It's pretty neat to have such big actors be the voices behind this project.
    It's great that they showed off a bit of Dafoe's dialogue differences for... whatever that bit is for. (Dialogue maybe? Choosing different actions?) It's always great whenever a time-loop film or game adds small differences like that, just to make each loop sound a bit new.

    EW wrote an article/interview recently about this new cast reveal.

    I saw it on the developer's twitter a few months ago, showing off all the possible positions in the room your character can get thrown to the ground in some scene, it was pretty cool. Lemme see if I can find it...

    EDIT: Haven't found it yet. But here's an amazing picture from a blog post of their huge "script flowchart" they had to cut down and figure out how to best organize when getting to record it.

    EDIT 2: got it!!

    also fluid simulations (probably stab wound?)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A neat behind the scenes look at Twelve Minutes. It's shaping up to be a very ambitious game, I really hope they manage to pull it off. Also it feels weird hearing Daisy Ridley with an American accent after being so used to her English accent lol.

  • I'm thinking of buying fall guys. Would you guys recommend I get it on the PS4 or Steam? Do I need PS+ to play online on the PS4? Thanks in advance :smile:

  • You would need PlayStation plus to play it on Ps4. But If you have it you will be able to get Fall Guys for free.

    If you start it I would recommend that you move slowly though the game. So many players try to knock you down or bump you that you need to move at a steady place to move through a crowd. And any exploits that you can think of, do them. Everyone else is doing the same thing so you shouldn't feel bad for doing it.

    I'm thinking of buying fall guys. Would you guys recommend I get it on the PS4 or Steam? Do I need PS+ to play online on the PS4? Thanks in advance

  • What webcams do you guys use? Need to buy a new one for school. :(

    Looking for something a bit more premium than the Logitech C920 that everyone has. The Razer Kiyo looked good with its built in light ring but the reviews were rough.

  • edited August 2020

    Lol I just use the one built into my laptop. What can I say? It just works.
    So I don't think I can help ya with finding a good external camera. Good luck though.

    Also, I don't think I've mentioned it yet, but my next school year doesn't start in September, it starts in January 2021.
    Back in May the program decided that while the school itself might open in September with online/hybrid classes, we in the Theatre program would not. (and we all liked that decision, because those last few weeks of school in quarantine just sucked. So many projects had to be postponed until we return in the Fall, since it's not ideal or even possible in some situations through a video chat.)

    Unfortunately this means our Year 2 and Year 3 are essentially going to be one big marathon. We're going to start again in January, hopefully, go all the way through the summer to then get back on track for Year 3 in September '21.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    What webcams do you guys use? Need to buy a new one for school. Looking for something a bit more premium than the Logitech C920 that everyone has. The Razer Kiyo looked good with its built in light ring but the reviews were rough.

  • Car shopping, is there a worse type of shopping?

    As if student loans weren't bad enough, I get to add car payments on top of it now. So this is what being an adult is like? I want to go back.

  • edited August 2020

    Be sure to by a reliable car. Regardless of if some cars are American made or not, many brands have terrible reliability and break down often costing you more in the long run.

    Ex: A $12,000 Honda Accord is a better buy than a $10,000 Ford Fusion.

    Car shopping, is there a worse type of shopping? As if student loans weren't bad enough, I get to add car payments on top of it now. So this is what being an adult is like? I want to go back.

  • edited September 2020

    So I've been playing Control for the past few days and I've been really enjoying it. The gameplay feels good, the telepathy is very fun to use and the levitating adds a really nice vertical aspect to combat and movement, the writing and tone has this constant underlying weirdness to it that I really like, almost every single character is a huge weirdo and the atmosphere in general is just incredible. It really wears its heavy SCP inspirations on its sleeve and I love it for that.


    This game has some of the worst boss fights I've played in a long while. The problem isn't that they're hard, in fact their patterns are quite easy to learn. The problem is that they're absolute bullshit. Even with all the health upgrades available, every single one of them has the ability to two/three shot you. It doesn't help that to raise the stakes they spawn a fuck ton of enemies to distract you, so not only are you dodging the bosses hard ass hitting attacks, but you also now have to dodge 20 enemies, most of whom will explode upon death, so you also have to avoid that. The boss fights are just not fun to me, which is an absolute shame since I've been enjoying pretty much every other aspect of the game.

  • PC has a hacker problem, so I'd say PS4. But if you're using a base model, then playing on PC is worth considering, as the input lag and framerate are atrocious.

    I'm thinking of buying fall guys. Would you guys recommend I get it on the PS4 or Steam? Do I need PS+ to play online on the PS4? Thanks in advance

  • I’m sticking with Hyundai. I’ve owned 2 Hyundai’s (a Tucson and an Elantra GT), and both have been reliable, dependable, and well built. The Tucson protected me when I was in an accident around the time I first got my license, and the Elantra GT, my current car, is 7 years at 150,000 miles, but still rides well and doesn’t have any huge problems, but it’s age is starting to show and I don’t want to put $2000-$3000 into a car that won’t last another year. I like Ford, but the Fusion looks like crap, and you will never catch me in a Chevy. I did look at some Honda’s, some Nissan’s, and even a couple Mazda’s, but I just like the Hyundai’s. Found a nice, 2017 Elantra SE with 12,000 miles, no accidents, one owner, most of the features I want (blind spot detectors, rear camera, etc.) at about $14,500. Now I just got to figure out how that will impact my insurance payments.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Be sure to by a reliable car. Regardless of if some cars are American made or not, many brands have terrible reliability and break down often costing you more in the long run. Ex: A $12,000 Honda Accord is a better buy than a $10,000 Ford Fusion.

  • 150,000 miles+ is for sure how you do it. The people who buy new cars every 3 years really aren’t financially smart. $14,500 sounds like a great price for that, maybe try and bring your dad to haggle it down more lmao, no shame if you ask me.

    I’m sticking with Hyundai. I’ve owned 2 Hyundai’s (a Tucson and an Elantra GT), and both have been reliable, dependable, and well built. The

  • Ended up getting it on PC since I don't subscribe to PS+ all year round! Kinda regret it... this is a great game to bring to a party.

    Also yeah, I've already found a couple of hackers in some finals :/. Otherwise, loving the game!

    Ghetsis posted: »

    PC has a hacker problem, so I'd say PS4. But if you're using a base model, then playing on PC is worth considering, as the input lag and framerate are atrocious.

  • It's a used car from CarMax, there is no haggling unfortunately.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    150,000 miles+ is for sure how you do it. The people who buy new cars every 3 years really aren’t financially smart. $14,500 sounds like a great price for that, maybe try and bring your dad to haggle it down more lmao, no shame if you ask me.

  • more Fall Guys stuff
    The right joystick is very important when it comes to getting the right angle on things. It can act like a second camera movement tool. It can help to make tight corners when a character is in persuit and help you slip past difficult obstacles.

    Your stability cone is actually pretty stable when hit from the back and the front, and does help with fall recovery. Your character can deliver the most force from forward motion when partnered with stable motion. Very useful in Fall Ball and can be used on Hoarders but is best used in combo succession.

    Flicking your left joystick before a jump and before landing is another technique to quickly recover from a fall. This can also help you set your stability momentarily to move an obstacle or to break out of someones grip.

    There is even a move you can do around this that I like to call 'stability swipe' where the sticks both swing side to side rapidly while still maintaining slow movement that allows you to break up tight groups of people, as well as knock off the occasional person. Almost like swinging an invisible bat.

    I feel so bad. My team got the golden egg and beat a game of fall ball 21-0. I mean at least they got to see it can be done, but that has got to hurt you on the inside for a while.

  • How many crowns y'all have.

    Show Em.

    more Fall Guys stuff The right joystick is very important when it comes to getting the right angle on things. It can act like a second ca

  • edited September 2020

    I actually don't really have that many. Enough to get every item from the store that is Epic rating or lower on the daily, but not enough to where getting every item would be worth my time investment. I could splurge but I would rather save up for something more unique that could come out the next day. I never got the Bullethead or P-body suits. They weren't cheep and everyone who wore them acted like a douchebag. ( I can see now why they are so aggressive) At one point, I had a total of 17 crowns saved up, but that was back when things were more simple.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    How many crowns y'all have. Show Em.

  • I feel that, I currently have 20 saved but Im too scared to actually spend them because I dont want to miss out on something I would really like. Was bummed I missed out on Scout and only got the top half because I spent my crowns on something else the day before.

    I actually don't really have that many. Enough to get every item from the store that is Epic rating or lower on the daily, but not enough to

  • Scout it coming back October 3rd: I have 10 crowns saved up for it, it was datamined somewhere accurately but I cant find it anymore

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel that, I currently have 20 saved but Im too scared to actually spend them because I dont want to miss out on something I would really

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited September 2020

    Poogs: I have 20 crowns saved
    4k60fps: I only have 10 saved :(
    Me, having only gotten two crowns from the Season Pass and 0 through victories:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I feel that, I currently have 20 saved but Im too scared to actually spend them because I dont want to miss out on something I would really

  • You are blind, Blind. That may be a reason buddy :(

    (also the prodigal son returns)

    Poogs: I have 20 crowns saved 4k60fps: I only have 10 saved Me, having only gotten two crowns from the Season Pass and 0 through victories:

  • same

    Poogs: I have 20 crowns saved 4k60fps: I only have 10 saved Me, having only gotten two crowns from the Season Pass and 0 through victories:

  • we spent dozens of hours of our lives playing a game about jellybeans running away from fruit if anyone won here it's blind for wasting less time

    Poogs: I have 20 crowns saved 4k60fps: I only have 10 saved Me, having only gotten two crowns from the Season Pass and 0 through victories:

  • "You do not live in our company's state, are you willing to move there for the job?"


    "Okay cool so you met all our requirements but you don't live in the state so we gotta pass on ya, don't ask why we asked if you could move for the job 2 seconds ago tho"

    Corporations and nonsense job applications. Name a more iconic duo.

  • I didn't even know Fall Guys wasn't on Xbox until like 2 weeks ago.

    Poogs: I have 20 crowns saved 4k60fps: I only have 10 saved Me, having only gotten two crowns from the Season Pass and 0 through victories:

  • Kind of sudden and a bit confusing, considering I said I was quitting the forums and other platforms a few days ago, but...

    I will be returning.

    I had some realizations and they led me to being very upset. And in response to that, I felt quitting social media might have been a good idea. I decided to just leave that as a break, because some of my closest friends are within social media.

    So, I am coming back to the forums. Just gonna be a lot more calmer and may be less active... Who knows.

  • Hey, that's fine. And cool.

    Sorry that I kinda... forgot to message you earlier that I'd miss ya around here? Glad to hear you won't be totally gone at least.

    Kind of sudden and a bit confusing, considering I said I was quitting the forums and other platforms a few days ago, but... I will be ret

  • edited September 2020

    Corporations and nonsense job applications. Name a more iconic duo.

    [Old] Telltale and poor working conditions. Now try naming a more iconic duo.
    (Too soon? Too soon. At least it seems the new version is doing well.)

  • edited September 2020

    I am such an idiot for not realizing that I could buy a code for funds for my PS4 store. I live in Netherlands and the card that I used to pay with in my homecountry was running low and couldn't deposit more of my money. The one from Netherlands doesn't work. Now I found a perfect site for me to get funds and buy digital PS4 games.

  • No problem, there are levels to this between "every minute" and "never." Just do whatever seems sanest at the moment.

    Kind of sudden and a bit confusing, considering I said I was quitting the forums and other platforms a few days ago, but... I will be ret

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