The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited September 2020

    This just reminds me how black cartoon characters are stupidly criticized for being portrayed by white voice actors. There was never need to have the characters look like the voice actors. It also reminds me how Ubisoft changed Desmond Miles' face in Assassin's Creed 3, after the Ezio trilogy where his face was consistent in each game.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well they did answer it, like I said, they said it was because they think the new face works better with the facial capture. Its just weird because I dont think a single person thought Peter's facial capture was bad.

  • edited September 2020

    About the Spider-Man remaster though, it sounds like a pretty good remaster.

    • full next-gen remaster
    • overhauled environments, models & materials
    • ray-traced reflections & ambient shadows
    • new skies & weather
    • new Peter face model (Ben Jordan)
    • 3D Audio
    • instant-loading
    • new photo mode

    Instant loading though... RIP subway vignettes. They were fun to watch.

    Doesn't sound like anything negative on parting ways with John... Rumors are that maybe there could have been a contract dispute or scheduling issues, meaning they had to opt for such a drastic recasting...

    This does bring us to one of the bigger changes. In order to bring the best performances to players with our next-generation Marvel’s Spider-Man games, we have recast the face of Peter Parker. We loved working with John Bubniak on the original game; however, to get a better match to Peter Parker/Spider-Man actor Yuri Lowenthal’s facial capture, we have cast Ben Jordan to be the face model for Peter Parker on the PS5 console. He looks incredible in-game, and Yuri’s moving performances take on a new life.

    GASP Amazing Suit!!!

    And here's some 60fps gameplay too.

  • Did I get some dirt in my eye, what the hell is that? First of all, the original game still looks incredible and detailed, so much so that this actually feels like a downgrade. Secondly, what did they do to my boy Peter? There was no reason to make him look younger, the game was going for an older, more experienced Parker/Spider-Man, one who’s been doing this for years. But now, and I know I’m repeating what others are saying, he just looks like Tom Holland. Which would be fine, especially since I like Holland’s Spider-Man, but that’s not what they were going for, he looks too young for the character they were portraying. That, coupled with it being a jarring and confusing change since no one complained for years how Peter looked, makes no sense.

    AronDracula posted: »

    EXCUSE MEEE!!!!!???????

  • edited September 2020

    Not really sure the situations are completely comparable. Obviously it doesn’t look good because CD came out before and said no mandatory crunch, but even reading the article, how CD is treating employees is still far better than other developers and companies.

    For starters, all the overtime opportunities that came before this was optional. They had been offering OT for over a year as an option for those willing to work it, those that were interested took it up and those that didn’t chose not to sign up. Lots of companies offer this.

    Secondly, while the new one is mandatory, they are not only acting in compliance with all Polish and EU regulations and laws concerning OT, their employees are being well compensated for their time. Schreier notes “The extra work would be paid, as required by Polish labor laws. Many other video game studios don’t pay for overtime.” Polish labor laws forbid people from working more than 48 hours in a week, which is a lot better than other parts of the world. For example, at Amazon, where I work here in the US, where OT is always offered as an option for people to sign up for, our limit is 60 hours in a week. A typical work week is 4 days at 10 hours, with a 3 day weekend. There have been times where we have mandated for either employees to work an additional 11th hour, or to work 5 days at 10 hours.

    Thirdly, they’re owning up to their false promise and taking responsibility for it, being open and transparent in the process. Studio head Adam Badowski wrote “I take it upon myself to receive the full backlash for the decision. I know this is in direct opposition to what we’ve said about crunch. It’s also in direct opposition to what I personally grew to believe a while back -- that crunch should never be the answer. But we’ve extended all other possible means of navigating the situation.” The only option would be to delay the game again, which would cost a lot more money and cause other types of problems. And for those that are saying to just hire more people, that requires training and onboarding, which could take days or weeks to finish, along with wasting numerous resources and time, and then you have to deal with the real possibility that you have a bunch of employees you brought on and nothing for them to do when it’s over.

    Fourthly, along with OT compensation, the employees will also still receive their bonus payouts, that can be up to 10% of CD’s profits. And considering the massive projections of Cyberpunk, that’s going to be a lot of money coming in.

    Fifthly, the reason it’s being called is to fix up any remaining bugs, indicating that the game is nearly finished and just needs some extra polishing. It’s not like other times where crunch has persisted for months and months across various stages of production.

    What CD is doing is not really close to what other companies like Naughty Dog, EA, and Gearbox have done. It sucks, and the terms “crunch” and “overtime” have become synonymous with burnout and abuse, especially in the gaming industry, but CD is still handling this infinitely better than other companies. So I don’t think it’s fair to compare what they’re doing to Naughty Dog, it’s honestly a bit disingenuous.

    AChicken posted: »

    CD Projekt Red has ordered employees to work 6-day weeks until the launch of Cyberpunk 2077.

  • This video of mine becomes more consistent.

    Did I get some dirt in my eye, what the hell is that? First of all, the original game still looks incredible and detailed, so much so that t

  • edited September 2020

    Eyyy they cast Ms. Marvel! The actress is Iman Vellani and she's actually a Pakistani/Canadian muslim like the character herself, minus the Canada part. She's also a newcomer actress with zero previous acting roles which is impressive.

    I hope to God she never uses social media.

  • edited October 2020

    Gonna be honest a lot of that still isn't great.

    Rockstar did optional overtime with RDR2 but the way they handled it made it with you being less likely to get your contract renewed or just made to feel like you're not pulling your own weight led to crunch anyway. Not saying that CD Projekt themselves are doing something similar but it's just something to keep in mind. CD Projekt at this point as come out about their overworking their employee's multiple times now. Is it really all that bold of them to keep apologising if they keep doing it anyway?

    The 10% of annual profits is actually pretty good, though I assume what each employee gets would be based on their current salary. Also I think it's a little dangerous to praise them for following the standard labour laws. That's kind of the minimum that you have to do.

    The problem is CD Projekt seem to just be really bad at planning things and bit off more than they could chew with Cyberpunk. They went in with this really ambitious grand idea which is fine, a lot of companies have done the same thing, only for them to have to cut back on a lot of stuff because it just wasn't feasible with the release date they were aiming for.

    CD is still handling this infinitely better than other companies.

    Infinitely better is a little overboard. It's a bit like saying this employer is better because they're only whipping their workers five times a day instead of eight like all the others.

    Not really sure the situations are completely comparable. Obviously it doesn’t look good because CD came out before and said no mandatory cr

  • The actress is Iman Vellani and she's actually a Pakistani/Canadian muslim like the character herself, minus the Canada part.

    Yooo that's awesome news good for her!

    She's also a newcomer actress with zero previous acting roles

    YOOO That's amazing news! HO-LY SHIT, good for her!!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Eyyy they cast Ms. Marvel! The actress is Iman Vellani and she's actually a Pakistani/Canadian muslim like the character herself, minus the

  • Did I get some dirt in my eye, what the hell is that? First of all, the original game still looks incredible and detailed, so much so that this actually feels like a downgrade

    I think the reflections look great, and it's silky smooth in that gameplay clip, but the small bit of the scene they released... yeah something's off, and it goes beyond the new Parker face.
    I bet it's because Peter is the only thing new in the scene. Every major character in the original title looked great, but they always had that "uncanny valley -- virtual human" look to them. This new Peter face looks a lot more real and has better proportions, but then that completely clashes with the old character model of Otto.

    People have been discussing this a lot on reddit -- and I agree -- that they should really have just recasted every major character's face, since with Pete's new young look it'll make MJ look like his older sister, Miles look like a high school friend, and Black Cat like she's had a relationship with a minor. It's just weird to look at when all meshed together. Everyone's going to look so weird compared to Peter, not to mention just getting used to that new face.

    Did I get some dirt in my eye, what the hell is that? First of all, the original game still looks incredible and detailed, so much so that t

  • But like you said, there's no evidence CD's environment or culture is exactly like Rockstar's. But even then, yes, it's more likely that those that signed up for OT are more likely to be the ones getting promoted sooner or have higher job security. That tends to be how jobs work, the more time and effort you put in, the more likely you are to be recognized for it.

    But the issues in the past have resulted from companies either not following standard laws, not being open about it, or not even paying their employees for the OT. CD in this case is doing everything by the book and how it should be done. And again, as I mentioned, laws pertaining to both Poland and the EU are much stricter than other parts of the world, so even being the "minimum" is still not that much to complain about. I mean, I work pretty much 50 hours over the course of 4 days every week, these guys are doing 48 over 6 for the next couple of months.

    Overtime is not the same as crunch, despite the two being synonymous at this point. This just sounds like a case of mandatory, but necessary overtime due to upcoming deadlines, which is something that anyone who has worked in an industry with tight deadlines will tell you is quite often.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Gonna be honest a lot of that still isn't great. Rockstar did optional overtime with RDR2 but the way they handled it made it with you be

  • Wither Storm theme in smash when

  • edited October 2020



    In full seriousness, I think he looks like a really cool character! His moveset is super creative looking and very faithful to Minecraft. His Final Smash is great. Just locks you in a room and blows you the fuck up.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Wither Storm theme in smash when

  • Since now 2020 is almost over is everyone doing fine?


  • edited October 2020

    EDIT: I guess i'm late and i didnt even bother to check the previous comments. oops.

    They did it. They actually did it!

    Steve from Minecraft in Smash.
    I'm not a Minecraft fan, but it's so surreal to see these iconic properties collide!

  • edited October 2020

    Hey! You asked how I've been enjoying it. Figured I'd finish the season before talking about how much I've been enjoying it.

    I'm really liking where the series is going!

    As I mentioned before, when I started the show, I think the voice-acting is superb! Something about it just breathes so much life into each character, and it's music to my ears whenever someone's speaking. I guess I'd better give kudos to the Casting director and Voice (Over? Acting?) Director.
    Some VAs (okay, probably all of them) give great performances and just have a unique flair to them that you don't hear in other animated series/movies. Entrapta voiced by Christine Woods has this otherwise really grating voice, but it enriches her character so much with her kooky personality and bit of social ineptitude, I love it! Bow's Marcus Scribner is interesting to watch not only because he pulls out so much wholesome energy, but is really doing well in a VA gig, since he's probably more popularly known (to me) as Junior from the sitcom Black-ish. Scorpia is a hoot and really plays her comedic lines well. That's probably because she's voiced by Lauren Ash, a pretty prominent comedian. Everyone has their great moments and I love all the VA's, those were just the interesting ones I felt I should note.
    Oh, and Antony Del Rio as Kyle is fun to hear, but damn I just keep thinking of Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising! All dialogue in that game is beautifully Voiced, and that will always be his most recognizable role for me. So any other character he plays (yes, even in Twelve Forever) just feels... wrong and weird to hear, lol. Always.

    Next, oh, Entrapta. She's such an interesting character. Or should I say -- Deuteragonist? (If I'm using that correctly?) I've never seen such a neutral character in a series before. One who isn't sure where her place is in a group, is capable of good, but under the pretense that her best friends left her to die, she eagerly joins the bad guy's team! (Mostly due to their technological prowess and resources) And even though she's on the bad guy's side (and yes, making experiements that help thwart the good side) she's not inherently "evil" herself... just misguided? Or too reckless with her mad scientist experiments? Both?
    Love her, love the small relationship building they finally did between her and Hordak at the end of Season 3 (finally he recognizes her worth!!) though that seems to be short-lived and Entrapta is probably going to re-join the good guys, since Hordak now believes she's a traitor. (frickin why Catraaaa!!!)

    The season itself so far -- oh. boy. wow. Those last 3 episodes (so half the season) were mmm yum -- my kind of jam. They're really turning up the sci-fi influenecs this season with big new revelations of Eternia being trapped in this empty pocket universe, cut off from the rest of the galaxy. Adoria is actually a First One herself, sent through a mysterious portal to Eternia. And wow wow wow the portal mechanics itself! As usual with bad guy plans, something goes wrong, and oooh the show gets so much better for it! Time loops, alternate realities, paradoxes, the end of the universe as we know it, man I love all of that! So the back half being about time and space collapsing in on itself, creating this weird alternate world that Adora has to break out of -- while also avoiding the universe breaking itself -- so fun and so cool.
    Okay I typed this all out pretty fast, and my wrist is starting to hurt. Feel free to ask me some questions on other things that happened so far (if you can remember what went on in Season 1-3. You kinda binged it all so it must be one big blur.)

    How have you enjoyed Control?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I'm just gonna finish She-Ra first. And I'm in the middle of S3. Eyyy. What do you think of it so far?

  • Thank you for showing us this 8-second horror movie, Poogs. How the hell did I miss this :lol:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Drops three 10 second videos into Premiere: Premiere:

  • edited October 2020

    Since we have the Minecraft Zombie and a fried porkchop in smash, there are now technically Telltale Games reps in Smash Bros.

    AChicken posted: »

    EDIT: I guess i'm late and i didnt even bother to check the previous comments. oops. They did it. They actually did it! (Spoiler)

  • So I decided to drop Shingeki no Kyojin from my Reddit community list and decided to add FNAF while I was at the Owl House. Clearly, that was a mistake.

  • edited October 2020

    By The Owl House do you mean the Disney show? lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    So I decided to drop Shingeki no Kyojin from my Reddit community list and decided to add FNAF while I was at the Owl House. Clearly, that was a mistake.

  • edited October 2020

    Yeah all the VA's are really great in the show, with pretty much all of them having the ability to be pretty emotionally charged when it comes to it. AJ Michalka as Catra is a particular favourite of mine just because of the amount of hurt and anger she can add into her voice. She is incredibly talented and it's a shame she doesn't really get a chance to flex her VA skills outside of She-Ra and the little she's in Steven Universe.

    Entrapta is great. When I first started watching it I was afraid she'd get kind of annoying with her being all mad scienc-y, but the direction they took her is so interesting and endearing that I couldn't help but grow to love her as a character.

    I'm surprised how dark the season ended up being, especially with its finale, along with how far Catra has fallen at this point and the things she is willing to do just to be the one to say "I win." Of course, all the alternate reality and time paradox stuff was a lot of fun and surprisingly freaky.

    As for questions. What did you think of the sacrifice at the end of the season?

    How have you enjoyed Control?

    I finished the game and its DLC a few weeks ago and I really enjoyed it! The characters are a lot of fun in their own strange and quirky ways. I really like how all the major characters are massive weirdos including Jesse. The world and lore of the game wears its heavy SCP inspirations on its sleeve and it's all very interesting, terrifying and very tongue-in-cheek. Jesse's powers are incredibly fun to play around with and the amount of objects that can be thrown around is pretty nuts. Story was entertaining, but unfortunately not all that memorable in my opinion, and a majority of the boss fights weren't particularly fun to play, with the Tomassi boss fight specifically being a real pain in the ass.

    I'd really like a sequel to it and with the way the games story and DLC went, it's likely that there'll be one down the line eventually, but at the moment, for the exact same reason, Remedy's next project is probably gonna be a sequel to Alan Wake which in and of itself is great.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hey! You asked how I've been enjoying it. Figured I'd finish the season before talking about how much I've been enjoying it. I'm really liking where the series is going! (Spoiler) How have you enjoyed Control?

  • BichPleaseBichPlease Banned
    edited October 2020

    I'm not sure if anyone is interested but there are videos of Ps5 graphics vs original graphics for playstation games out on youtube. There is one for the coming Demon's Souls Remaster if you are interested. I never played of the games so it isn't much of a big deal for me to see it before release.

    They also have one out for Spider-Man ps4 remaster and damn did they massacre our boy

  • Can't really complain

    Since now 2020 is almost over is everyone doing fine? ...Considering?

  • Welp.

    The Covid-19 cases back in Malaysia are getting slightly worse every day now. I might not be able to go back home at the end of the year like I originally planned to.

  • Yes. A number of weeks ago, I thought about doing an overall talk about the characters of the show and it would obviously go on Reddit, so I saved the community for when I eventually get to it.

    @AChicken As I mentioned before, when I started the show, I think the voice-acting is superb! Something about it just breathes so much life into each character, and it's music to my ears whenever someone's speaking. I guess I'd better give kudos to the Casting director and Voice (Over? Acting?) Director.
    Some VAs (okay, probably all of them) give great performances and just have a unique flair to them that you don't hear in other animated series/movies.
    Everyone has their great moments and I love all the VA's, those were just the interesting ones I felt I should note.

    You what, that's pretty apt take. A lot of the charm with most of these characters comes more from their voice acting rather than the characterization itself.

    Entrapta voiced by Christine Woods has this otherwise really grating voice, but it enriches her character so much with her kooky personality and bit of social ineptitude, I love it!
    Next, oh, Entrapta. She's such an interesting character. Or should I say -- Deuteragonist? (If I'm using that correctly?) I've never seen such a neutral character in a series before. One who isn't sure where her place is in a group, is capable of good, but under the pretense that her best friends left her to die, she eagerly joins the bad guy's team! (Mostly due to their technological prowess and resources) And even though she's on the bad guy's side (and yes, making experiements that help thwart the good side) she's not inherently "evil" herself... just misguided? Or too reckless with her mad scientist experiments? Both?
    Love her, love the small relationship building they finally did between her and Hordak at the end of Season 3 (finally he recognizes her worth!!) though that seems to be short-lived and Entrapta is probably going to re-join the good guys, since Hordak now believes she's a traitor. (frickin why Catraaaa!!!)

    Oh yes, Old Lady Voice is probably the most enjoyable character in the show.

    Oh, and Antony Del Rio as Kyle is fun to hear, but damn I just keep thinking of Pit from Kid Icarus: Uprising! All dialogue in that game is beautifully Voiced, and that will always be his most recognizable role for me. So any other character he plays (yes, even in Twelve Forever) just feels... wrong and weird to hear, lol. Always.

    Oh, that's who that is! I kept thinking the voice was familiar.

    Drizzy-XL posted: »

    By The Owl House do you mean the Disney show? lol

  • This is the best joke in Owl House and you cannot convince me otherwise.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yes. A number of weeks ago, I thought about doing an overall talk about the characters of the show and it would obviously go on Reddit, so I

  • Recently found out that some nutjob tried to attack one of my friends the other day.

    They were walking around with one of their friends when some crazy lady starting yelling at them because they're asian. Something about China, asians causing Covid-19, racist expletives, etc. Then she tried to lunge at them but thank fuckin' God it was in a public area because some people rushed in and quickly held her down. I'm not sure if my friend waited around for the cops to show up though.

  • This one is great. I'm pretty partial to the Golden Snitch joke with how frustrated Luz was.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    This is the best joke in Owl House and you cannot convince me otherwise.

  • Ayyy that simple, interesting archery-platforming game The Pathless is coming November 12th, and it's not totally a next-gen exclusive! It'll be out on PS5, PS4, Epic Games Store and Apple Arcade!

    @lupinb0y I might not be able to go back home at the end of the year like I originally planned to.

    Say it with me, y'all: Fuck you 2020!! Damn, that sucks, Lupin.

    Recently found out that some nutjob tried to attack one of my friends the other day.

    My god, that sounded pretty scary. Glad they're okay. WTF kind of vigilante justice did this person want to do? How would attacking your friend, let alone anyone, solve anything about this pandemic?? Gaaahhhhh dammit. Again, glad they're okay.


    Ooh, yes, forgot to mention how fantastic Catra's character has been, especially in this season where her jealousy of Adora is so fucking negative, and everything is going wrong in her life that she'd rather destroy the world if it means that she can have some control over her own life, to spite Adora, and yeah, to finally succeed at something.
    As for the sacrifice at the end of the season, hmm, I kind of felt it was earned but also felt it came out of nowhere. Like, by this point Angella has accepted her daughter to not be such a sheltered person, and I'm not really sure where they could take that relationship, but... I'd have loved to see more of her on the frontlines, have her overcome that cowardice she says she suffers from But alas, RIP. She will be missed.

  • That algorithm is at it again.

  • WTF kind of vigilante justice did this person want to do? How would attacking your friend, let alone anyone, solve anything about this pandemic??

    If you get rid of the asians you get rid of the virus I guess.

    You could say that sacrificing herself to save the world was her overcoming her cowardice. But yeah I do wish that she had more screentime. I do think it was pretty bold of them to pretty much orphan one of the main characters. It introduced some interesting prospects for the future.

    AChicken posted: »

    Ayyy that simple, interesting archery-platforming game The Pathless is coming November 12th, and it's not totally a next-gen exclusive! It'l

  • Hey everyone! I don’t know if you guys remember me since it’s been eons I’ve visited this site. Came back to see if there were any updates on TWAU 2. I’m so glad that this site is still going strong!

  • edited October 2020

    I don't even play Minecraft, but I've got this huge grin in my face just watching this video on how the new characters play!

    The amount of work the devs put into this new DLC looks really impressive, and I kinda feel sorry for them -- what with getting this in the game while working from home.

    • Each smash attack uses an iconic Minecraft tool.
    • Each tool has its own durability, and depleting it leaves that attack "unarmed".
    • You can craft and upgrade tools using a crafting bench.
    • You can place blocks under you, useful to very briefly block off edges.
    • You can mine resources in front of you. What resources you mine (wood, dirt, iron, gold, diamond, etc.) depends on the terrain you're standing on.
      So, in the MInecraft stage, there's a lot of dirt areas, but edges of the map provide rock and iron deposits.

    • These resouce-dependent areas even apply to all currently-released stages for Smash Bros! So if you were to play on a stage with a huge flying ship, you'll get mainly Iron resources. If you play on a stage made mostly of wood, you'll get mostly wood resources. Even miscellaneous resources that don't upgrade weapons like sand appear! If you mine a stage with a beach area, it will get sand blocks!

    This is really impressive news, and it has probably convinced me to get this character, probably even the second fighter's pass too.

  • edited October 2020

    Oh jeez, the Spider-Man Remastered controversy continues, but this time on the topic of extremely toxic fans.
    Like... I get not liking the face, but who the fuck cares this much?

  • edited October 2020

    The forums are no longer hidden away and can be accessed from the home page.

    Are we...back?

  • First there was puddlegate, then the Raimi Spider-Man fans and now this.

    Insomniac cannot catch a break.

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh jeez, the Spider-Man Remastered controversy continues, but this time on the topic of extremely toxic fans. Like... I get not liking the face, but who the fuck cares this much?

  • Finally... we can grow our choice-based cult again.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The forums are no longer hidden away and can be accessed from the home page. Are we...back?

  • Finally it's back!

    Now how about that forum update, eh Telltale?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The forums are no longer hidden away and can be accessed from the home page. Are we...back?

  • Man, fuck those manbabies. They can criticize whatever they want but that doesn't mean they should threaten them just because they did something they didn't like. It's just a fucking game.

    In fact, there are no good fanbases. They are all full of shit.

    AChicken posted: »

    Oh jeez, the Spider-Man Remastered controversy continues, but this time on the topic of extremely toxic fans. Like... I get not liking the face, but who the fuck cares this much?

  • edited October 2020

    M'lady indeed! :lol:

    @lupinb0y This one is great. I'm pretty partial to the Golden Snitch joke with how frustrated Luz was.

    Oh yeah, that was wonderful bullshit.
    I need to [re]watch those movies at some point.

    Recently found out that some nutjob tried to attack one of my friends the other day.
    They were walking around with one of their friends when some crazy lady starting yelling at them because they're asian. Something about China, asians causing Covid-19, racist expletives, etc. Then she tried to lunge at them but thank fuckin' God it was in a public area because some people rushed in and quickly held her down. I'm not sure if my friend waited around for the cops to show up though.

    What was she even hoping to accomplish there?

    @AChicken Oh jeez, the Spider-Man Remastered controversy continues, but this time on the topic of extremely toxic fans.

    Like... I get not liking the face, but who the fuck cares this much?
    I like how succinct and yet professional he is about it. Hopefully, some of them will get the message and use their power responsibly.

    @Poogers555 The forums are no longer hidden away and can be accessed from the home page.

    Truth be told, I didn't know about that.

    @AronDracula Man, fuck those manbabies. They can criticize whatever they want but that doesn't mean they should threaten them just because they did something they didn't like. It's just a fucking game.

    In fact, there are no good fanbases. They are all full of shit.

    Especially the one for Telltale. What a bunch of jokas!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    This is the best joke in Owl House and you cannot convince me otherwise.

  • I think it's just pathetic like the PS4 face looks good, but the PS5 one is undoubtedly better, in the end, it's Insomniac's own creative work, if they felt changing the face was necessary to utilise next-gen enhancements, then that's it, there's no need for "fans" to throw the toys out of the pram and threaten devs, what a complete shitshow...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    First there was puddlegate, then the Raimi Spider-Man fans and now this. Insomniac cannot catch a break.

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