The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • It definitely would have. Honestly though, it's embarrassing that they didn't have the game on a 5-second tape delay - I bet Nickelodeon is going to get some angry emails.

    I suppose it isn't as bad as what happened at the 2004 Super Bowl with Janet Jackson though.

    Would have been hilarious if they did the dolphin noises from the Sailor Mouth episode from Spongebob during the game, that would have made it better.

  • edited January 2021

    I thought it was a requirement for broadcasts to have a 5-7 second delay per FCC guidelines for this exact reason. So either someone was sleeping on the job, or it was live up to the second.

    Not sure of the validity of this, might not be completely true, but one of the reasons why there is such a delay in place for love broadcasts is thanks to...Metallica. In 1996, Metallica was playing at the MTV European Music Awards. They were originally scheduled to play a song called King Nothing and have a bunch of pyro and flames for the show. However, shortly before the show began, the producers told them they will not be allowed to have pyro, and told them to keep the performance PG. Metallica was not thrilled, so instead of King Nothing, they played 2 punk songs: Last Caress by The Misfits, and So What by The Anti-Nowhere League. And those two songs have, well, let’s say not the cleanest lyrics in the world.

    The entire thing, expletives and call, was broadcasted live, no interruption, no cuts, no anything. It got Metallica temporarily banned from MTV and all encore showings of the event had Metallica’s performance removed.

    It definitely would have. Honestly though, it's embarrassing that they didn't have the game on a 5-second tape delay - I bet Nickelodeon is

  • edited January 2021

    Almost got into a fight with someone at the gym this morning. I wasn't even doing anything, I was just doing my exercise and this big guy, probably 300-350 pounds of muscle, is getting pissed for practically no reason. For reference, I was doing wood choppers

    It requires me to take a couple of steps away from the machine to build resistance as I return the weights to their starting position. Where I'm standing is in a neutral area. There's no other equipment in the area, I'm not interfering with someone else's workout, and it's very easy to walk around the area I'm working in.

    This guy had a huge problem for some reason. He wasn't doing anything in my area, but he bumps into me as I'm right in the middle of the exercise. I stop and he walks on by, I'm a little annoyed but I go right back to working out and ignore him. I finish my rep and he comes up to me and, quite aggressively, tells me I'm hogging the space. Again, there's nothing I'm interfering with in the area, I'm not blocking anyone, and I'm doing the workout how it's supposed to be done. I calmly tell him he can just walk around and I'm not doing anything wrong, and he starts yelling and cursing at me. Starts accusing me of acting like I'm the only one at the gym, throws a bunch of insults, and starts getting in my face. I'm only about 170 pounds and he's 350 of pure muscle, and I don't give a dam, so I start shouting back at him in defense. We're going at it for almost a minute before he walks away. Everyone around that saw it said he was in the wrong and I wasn't doing anything wrong.

    Later, I finish my set, him giving me the stink eye the entire time. I try to move on, and I can hear him talking behind my back to someone else about me. I walk up to him this time, and this is where someone had to come between us. He physically threatened to beat me up ("I'll make sure you can't workout for a fucking year.") and he calls me a gay slur that starts with "f" and rhymes with baguette. I tell him if he does, he'll see me in court. At that point, I didn't care of he was twice my size, I wasn't going to be treated this way and I'm ready to defend myself. Thankfully, the guy keeping us apart was able to get him to back off and that's where it ended, again, no one saying I was in the wrong.

    Needless to say, I'm pissed that this happened, but I'm not going to let this coward who probably was going through roid rage scare me. He probably thinks he's bigger and treat those smaller however he wants, well too bad, I'm not going to take that shit.

  • Damn, it must have been hard to deal with this situation. What a fucking bully. Who does he think he is? Abby from TLOU2? I always hated people who are picking on someone who never did anything to them for no reason.

    Almost got into a fight with someone at the gym this morning. I wasn't even doing anything, I was just doing my exercise and this big guy, p

  • I'm trying. Having a strong core, back, and lower body is great for golf.

  • Telltale really out here advertising Texas Hold 'Em unironically

  • Obviously trying to capitalize on everyone's nostalgia factor for that poker game.

    ...Is there even a nostalgia factor for this title?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Telltale really out here advertising Texas Hold 'Em unironically

  • Telltale advertising Texas Hold Em after they realized they bought the rights to the wrong Telltale Poker Series

    AChicken posted: »

    Obviously trying to capitalize on everyone's nostalgia factor for that poker game. ...Is there even a nostalgia factor for this title?

  • Oh yeah, that’s where the power comes from. Having a strong chest or biceps could actually be more detrimental to your game. For golf, it’s hip movement and driving with your legs, and if you don’t have a strong core to support your back, you will have some huge back problems (I can speak from experience). It’s similar to baseball, arms are important, but too big will hurt your game and most of the focus should be in the lower body to help drive forward and maintain balance.

  • edited January 2021

    Telltale PR Team: I’m going to keep it real with you. These old games aren’t worth your time to advertise. Buying the rights is always good since TexasHoldEm likely costed you guys next to nothing and will make you guys passive income but like there’s no point wasting your time and resources marketing Wallace and Gromit or TexasHoldEm.

    I wish New Telltale was focusing on getting the more desired IPs, even if they are pre-TWD games like Back To The Future. If you look at SteamCharts you can tell
    that some of these older games like Hector and TexasHoldEm just aren’t making LCG any passive income. Strong Bad and Monkey Island are a step in the right direction but i really hope that New Telltale can pick up BTTF, Minecraft, Game is Thrones, or just anything that will make them good money.

    They need to develop an income pipeline that gets them money from sources other than their angel investors. Games that run on current hardware with good word of mouth are best for that, even if their rights cost more upfront.

  • They finally made it so that you can search for wallace and gromit on the steam store, it’s no longer hidden. Hope Telltale sells some units and secures the bag to acquire more IPs

  • edited January 2021

    I’d agree it is a bit silly to be advertising Hold Em seeing how it’s a 17 year old, basic, and frankly ugly game that in that time has never moved units and give it a trailer acting as if it is a big deal, because it honestly comes off as really really funny. I really don’t get what they were going for there.

    That said, W&G should be getting a trailer like that. I doubt it would go BOOM hundreds of sales all at once! But I’m sure there’s a much larger interest and actual chance of profit of some kind. Same with strong bad and any other old ip being brought back, so I don’t understand why’d they try and market a game that anyone can tell them “that’s not gonna sell.”

    Seems they do know how to handle their money and investments. It’s a bit boring as nothing really “exciting” is happening but I do think they know what they are doing there. But I do wish their social media and marketing was stronger still. Before it was nonexistent but it seems they are now more active, and if that’s the case I wish a lot of it didn’t feel “cheap.”

    Not super relevant right now but I hope they get better for Wolf 2. But hell they have been a lot better at telling us what is happening even if it takes a while. Some of the updates new Telltale have talked about is stuff old Telltale would never say, and I really respect that.

    Edit: also who knows maybe they are going to re-brand Poker Night as Telltale Poker or something and use the IPs they do own, so Wolf, Batman, Monkey, sure Skunkape would let Sam and Max in. It’s possible PN hasn’t been saved by Telltale because it’s a mix of IPs, so maybe they’ll kinda just reboot it. (Not likely but eh)

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Telltale PR Team: I’m going to keep it real with you. These old games aren’t worth your time to advertise. Buying the rights is always good

  • edited January 2021

    Ah yes Telltale Texas Hold'Em everyone's favourite TT game.

    It's good to know they're re-releasing some old games at least.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Telltale PR Team: I’m going to keep it real with you. These old games aren’t worth your time to advertise. Buying the rights is always good

  • Lol I'm reading the steam reviews for the game and they're so funny.
    "I've played several other Telltale games and they all have a high quality to them that doesn't exist here. It is a single table of Poker with boring competitors. I played three tables just to see if anything changes. It doesn't. There is nothing interesting or fun nor are there achievements that may improve it. Do not buy this. Every other Poker game in the world is better and there is NO tale that is told."

    "I forgive you Telltale, it was your first game. Everything has to start somewhere."

    "It's bad and I love it"

    "this a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ class gam i had lots a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazin nights with this bad lad on my lap.............. once ♥♥♥♥♥♥ a stripper with this games tunes playin.................. unreal vibez"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Telltale really out here advertising Texas Hold 'Em unironically

  • LCG checking their Texas Hold Em checking account after every Steam Sale

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I’d agree it is a bit silly to be advertising Hold Em seeing how it’s a 17 year old, basic, and frankly ugly game that in that time has neve

  • edited January 2021

    Two of those dollars are from Jamie and Brian (CEO bois), the other dollar is from someone confusing it with Poker Night.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    LCG checking their Texas Hold Em checking account after every Steam Sale

  • Not only we got what we all have been waiting for but Jon Bailey came back for the Honest Game Trailers. Awesome

    Sad news is that the man who did those trailers before Jon's return passed away at 33. May he rest in peace.

  • edited January 2021

    IO Interactive announces a Bond game in the works. Cool. They know how to make good spy thrillers, and their latest Hitman is basically Bond-lite.

    Bethesda announces an Indiana Jones Game. Todd Howard main producer. uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...

  • Bigby got the drip

  • edited January 2021

    Machine Games has literally only been doing Wolfenstein since their inception so it'll be interesting to see how they go about handling something entirely different. I'm expecting something like Uncharted/Tomb Raider (but with less mass murder) which I wouldn't mind at all.

    AChicken posted: » IO Interactive announces a Bond game in the works. Cool. They know how to make

  • edited January 2021

    Yes, I'm taking my sweet, sweet time with Hilda Season 2, and no you can't blame me for trying to savor this great show. (I'm gonna blame myself for that thank you!)

    The past three episodes were really interesting and unique!

    First, there was an episode about a hidden society of witches and we get more details about the mysterious librarian from Season 1!

    Next, an episode that pretty casually features two Viking clans who just loooove to murder each other (complete with hacking off limbs and decapitations). Yes, this is still supposed to be a kids' show.

    Finally, just now I saw S2E5. Best episode yet. It combines various plot threads from Season 1 to make this fantastic creepy episode. There's great tension, unexpected reveals, and a fantastic soundtrack that complements every scene! A lot of great ominous tracks in this episode I really liked.

    ...I am so going to binge the rest of the season now. It's so damn good.

  • Next, an episode that pretty casually features two Viking clans who just loooove to murder each other (complete with hacking off limbs and decapitations).

    That episode is hilariously dark! I'm surprised they got the okay for it, especially since it legitimately features a bunch of death.

    AChicken posted: »

    Yes, I'm taking my sweet, sweet time with Hilda Season 2, and no you can't blame me for trying to savor this great show. (I'm gonna blame my

  • edited January 2021

    Don't forget the

    Extremely casual decapitation of a child.


    lupinb0y posted: »

    Next, an episode that pretty casually features two Viking clans who just loooove to murder each other (complete with hacking off limbs and d

  • I was fuckin' howling when

    the gang puts David's head on backwards and the swamp dude just decapitates him with no hesitation.

    AChicken posted: »

    Don't forget the (Spoiler)

  • Leaked pre-order bonus right here

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Bigby got the drip

  • Man, I really wonder how this episode got the okay. Then again, it is Netflix.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I was fuckin' howling when (Spoiler)

  • Long Gone Gulch, an animated pilot five years in the making and it was totally worth the wait! I really hope it gets the attention of a network, I'd love to see a full series of this.

  • Big, fat, fantastic Star Wars news! EA will no longer have dominion over the IP!! granted, the next game is going to be made by Ubisoft's studio Massive Entertainment -- so probably expect a big tower or two to climb -- and EA is going to be working with Respawn on Jedi Fallen Order 2, but still! EA is not the be-all-end-all of Star Wars games, and there's greater hope for more Single-Player adventures from other developers in the future.

  • Been thinking about how Anthony Ingruber won't be cast as Indiana Jones in the IJ game because it would be a perfect casting so it would never happen even though it wouldn't be hard.

  • You can get a free Steam code for Little Nightmares, from now till January 17th, courtesy of Bandai Namco.

  • Is it bad that I am not as excited for many future games as I did before? I'm only looking forward to Resident Evil Village and Elden Ring.

  • Also, Jedi Fallen Order got an upgrade for the PS5 version. I really hope it's more playable than before.

    AChicken posted: »

    Big, fat, fantastic Star Wars news! EA will no longer have dominion over the IP!! granted, the next game is going to be made by Ubisoft's st

  • One of my friends got a new job and on the first day of work at the office his boss gave him Covid lmao.

    His symptoms are very mild so there's nothing to worry about luckily. What a fuckin' first day at work gift.

  • edited January 2021

    Hope your friend will be okay.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    One of my friends got a new job and on the first day of work at the office his boss gave him Covid lmao. His symptoms are very mild so there's nothing to worry about luckily. What a fuckin' first day at work gift.

  • Ya boy may have just received some extremely poggers news.

    Wish me luck, fellas.

  • You finally got that coveted Telltale internship?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ya boy may have just received some extremely poggers news. Wish me luck, fellas.

  • ...

    You finally got that coveted Telltale internship?

  • I going to be answering to Telltale Staff Member Pooger555? :flushed:

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • I believe it's pronounced "Poogers news"...


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Ya boy may have just received some extremely poggers news. Wish me luck, fellas.

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