Was I the only one that got an ad for fucking Scientology, during the Super Bowl? Who the hell is the genius that allowed this cult to advertise during one of the most watched events of the year?
You know that moment when you show someone something you think is pretty cool and enjoyable, but it totally backfires and they express no reaction to it whatsoever... then it gets awkward... then it's just... [sigh]
oh man
I bought a game collectors item 5 years ago for 200$. I still have it so I checked how much it's worth now and believe it or not, people are selling it from a range of 4,000$ to 10,000$ (USD). So I might keep it for more time just to see if the price will go up.
You know that moment when you show someone something you think is pretty cool and enjoyable, but it totally backfires and they express no reaction to it whatsoever... then it gets awkward... then it's just... [sigh]
oh man
I hate bingeing. I like being able to reflect on individual episodes a lot, rather than a full season, because it gives more credit to guest stars, individual directors, and performances. It's part of the reason why I like Telltale's episodic format - I like being able to appreciate the smaller bits.
That's fair, but at the same time there have been many popular shows with weekly 20 minute runtimes so I think it's weird that there are some people treating this like some new thing. The binge format has definitely spoiled some people.
T'was this. The gif was unrelated.
My own fault for showing it to someone who has no knowledge or understanding of Zelda, so they didn't really 'get' this and were confused most of it.
ahhh well. that reminds me though: Kaguya-sama was a darn good show. Can't wait for season 3.
A new trailer for Little Nightmares 2 released recently. Narrated by famous UK mentalist Derren Brown (idk, apparently he's famous), it gives a really nice look at the horrors eager to chase you around the game. (Still super freaky af. Long neck lady is one big nope)
Man I really hope that tv show they announced in 2017 ends up being made. It was being worked on by the Russo Brothers and being directed by Henry Selick. Imagine, a Little Nightmares stop motion animated tv show in the style of Coraline but with the freaky ass designs from the game.
Not to say that the creature designs in Coraline weren't freaky, but Little Nightmares gives me the heebie jeebies in a very gross visceral way rather than just being straight up terrifying.
A new trailer for Little Nightmares 2 released recently. Narrated by famous UK mentalist Derren Brown (idk, apparently he's famous), it give… mores a really nice look at the horrors eager to chase you around the game. (Still super freaky af. Long neck lady is one big nope)
I'm fine with binging, but yeah weekly releases hit different. Plus weekly releases keep the discussion going for much longer and it's really fun seeing people theorising about what on Earth could possibly be going on, and like you said, it let's people appreciate the smaller moments instead of solely focusing on the big ones.
I hate bingeing. I like being able to reflect on individual episodes a lot, rather than a full season, because it gives more credit to guest… more stars, individual directors, and performances. It's part of the reason why I like Telltale's episodic format - I like being able to appreciate the smaller bits.
Weekly releases are agony after experiencing the convenience of a full-drop season, but it's so fun to be watching a show alongside someone else for once rather than being in this weird limbo-state of some people having completed the marathon before others.
Binge formats are nice though for when you want to start a show and watch at your own pace. Is there a massive cliffhanger that just happened? Feel free to get that next episode rolling.
But really, it's pretty dissapointing in the long-term. Discussion most likely fades after a few weeks, it's hard to get a lot of discussion going surrounding episodes in the middle (most of the comments are going to be about the beginning, ending and overall arc) and "ending" the show within the first week of release just makes waiting for a continuation even longer.
(Weekly releases are pretty sucky in the age of subscription streaming though, especially with how Disney is gonna release their Marvel shows. One week break between WV and TF&WS, most likely gonna be the same for Loki, What If, and maybe other films coming this year. Gonna be hard to decide when to skip a month or not, since it's looking like a constant stream of content for months on end now.)
I'm fine with binging, but yeah weekly releases hit different. Plus weekly releases keep the discussion going for much longer and it's reall… morey fun seeing people theorising about what on Earth could possibly be going on, and like you said, it let's people appreciate the smaller moments instead of solely focusing on the big ones.
You know that thing about checking how good something is by putting it down for a while and coming back to it? Well, I technically did that with A New Frontier's story and it's a little worse than I remember.
Infinity Train has all but officially been cancelled, Cartoon Network will now be focusing on younger audiences, Blue Sky Studios has been shut down putting 450 people out of a job and the Nimona animated film has been cancelled despite only being 10 months away from completion.
On the bright side, Netflix has announced that Patrick McHale (creator of Over the Garden Wall) will be writing a movie adaption of the Redwall book series as well as announcing a miniseries set in the same universe.
Netflix really do be saving the animation industry.
Infinity Train has all but officially been cancelled, Cartoon Network will now be focusing on younger audiences, Blue Sky Studios has been shut down putting 450 people out of a job and the Nimona animated film has been cancelled despite only being 10 months away from completion.
what the fuck that sounds awful. Especially for that Nimona film.
Cartoon Network will now be focusing on younger audiences
Wait wait nooo
Netflix really do be saving the animation industry.
I can't seem to find it at the moment, but I read an article reporting on Netflix's claims that they're working on releasing 6 animated films by 2021/22 or something to that effect. Not to mention that they keep coming out with new animated series... god, they're really hiring the right people.
In their preview showcase of the 57-something movies they're releasing in 2021, I only seemed to see one animated film in the reel, which is unfortunate, but I doubt that's the only thing coming this year.
Up next on their animated series slate is Pacific Rim: The Black. A CGI, anime-styled series based on the big-budget films. It looks pretty good! (unfortunately the MCs have the same issue as Dragon Prince with the low-framerate made to mimic hand-drawn animation. Never really conveys that well, IMO.)
Never heard of Redwall, but after a little Google search, it sounds like a cool series to adapt. Seems like a mix of Narnia, Watership Down and Lord of the Rings.
(Ah, and btw the making of Burrow is out now in its extras section and it's still so dang cute.)
Infinity Train has all but officially been cancelled, Cartoon Network will now be focusing on younger audiences, Blue Sky Studios has been s… morehut down putting 450 people out of a job and the Nimona animated film has been cancelled despite only being 10 months away from completion.
On the bright side, Netflix has announced that Patrick McHale (creator of Over the Garden Wall) will be writing a movie adaption of the Redwall book series as well as announcing a miniseries set in the same universe.
Netflix really do be saving the animation industry.
What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing trip to visit my parents in South Carolina turned into a more somber affair as I’ve possibly said goodbye to our family dog for the final time.
She’s been with us since 2007, when I was 9, so this hurts. She still has days when she is so full of life and energy, where she grabs a toy and wants you to chase her around the house and play with her. And then, she has days where she’s puking and loosing control of her bowels, and does nothing but lay down and sleep. A recent CAT scan showed it’s an issue with her gallbladder, it’s grown to a massive size. Surgery can be done, but she’s 14 years old and the surgery is not only thousands of dollars, but is very risky and may not even guarantee she’ll be around for long (vet said his dog ended up having the same surgery and he only lived for another 6 months). None of us want her to be in any pain, and while no decision has been made as we look for other options, I’ve said my goodbyes, knowing that this was probably the last time I get to tell her what a good girl she is.
I send my huge condolences to your dog, man. Since you brought up this animal tragic event, I also have to say that my cat is starting to worry me these days. Because 2 weeks ago, after my sister left with her own cat (Which is 8 months old) from me and parents' house, my old cat (Which is 10+ years old) decided to not use her toilet basin to take a crap as often as she used to for some reason. She is now just doing it wherever she wants to every time I sleep. Either on a carpet, stairs or just on the plain floor.
This whole thing may sound ridiculous but why do I feel like it's a hint to her fate? The vet didn't help either because all they said was just give her some pills every week (Which she refuses to swallow no matter how hard we try) and they said my cat's recent actions is a normal thing for cats in general. That's complete bullshit in my point of view. My cat is over 10 years old and something must have triggered her to make those recent decisions. She is just annoying me right now but I'm worried that her time will come, sooner or later. I am not ready at all for that.
What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing trip to visit my parents in South Carolina turned into a more somber affair as I’ve possibly said… more goodbye to our family dog for the final time.
She’s been with us since 2007, when I was 9, so this hurts. She still has days when she is so full of life and energy, where she grabs a toy and wants you to chase her around the house and play with her. And then, she has days where she’s puking and loosing control of her bowels, and does nothing but lay down and sleep. A recent CAT scan showed it’s an issue with her gallbladder, it’s grown to a massive size. Surgery can be done, but she’s 14 years old and the surgery is not only thousands of dollars, but is very risky and may not even guarantee she’ll be around for long (vet said his dog ended up having the same surgery and he only lived for another 6 months). None of us want her to be in any pain, and while no decision has been made as we look for other … [view original content]
My deepest condolences to you, @MetallicaRules. That sounds really awful to go through, both for you and your dog. If her time is to come soon, I hope she goes peacefully. I'm sure she knows how much you all care for her, even if the vet bills are crazy high.
For now, I hope she gets through this painful phase.
Sending love and support, and virtual cuddles to your pet.
Hope your cat is doing alright and gets better soon. Sending love and cuddles to her too.
What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing trip to visit my parents in South Carolina turned into a more somber affair as I’ve possibly said… more goodbye to our family dog for the final time.
She’s been with us since 2007, when I was 9, so this hurts. She still has days when she is so full of life and energy, where she grabs a toy and wants you to chase her around the house and play with her. And then, she has days where she’s puking and loosing control of her bowels, and does nothing but lay down and sleep. A recent CAT scan showed it’s an issue with her gallbladder, it’s grown to a massive size. Surgery can be done, but she’s 14 years old and the surgery is not only thousands of dollars, but is very risky and may not even guarantee she’ll be around for long (vet said his dog ended up having the same surgery and he only lived for another 6 months). None of us want her to be in any pain, and while no decision has been made as we look for other … [view original content]
What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing trip to visit my parents in South Carolina turned into a more somber affair as I’ve possibly said… more goodbye to our family dog for the final time.
She’s been with us since 2007, when I was 9, so this hurts. She still has days when she is so full of life and energy, where she grabs a toy and wants you to chase her around the house and play with her. And then, she has days where she’s puking and loosing control of her bowels, and does nothing but lay down and sleep. A recent CAT scan showed it’s an issue with her gallbladder, it’s grown to a massive size. Surgery can be done, but she’s 14 years old and the surgery is not only thousands of dollars, but is very risky and may not even guarantee she’ll be around for long (vet said his dog ended up having the same surgery and he only lived for another 6 months). None of us want her to be in any pain, and while no decision has been made as we look for other … [view original content]
[Gina Carano is no longer a part of Star Wars]
wow I was wondering if that'd ever get any traction. cool.
I'm gonna miss her character but... ehhhh she does not deserve that platform any more, no sir.
So it's been leaked that Fortnite is going to have a TRON collab which is great because this means Disney didn't forget about it or lose it at the back of a filing cabinet or something.
Man, I'm in love with these Troy Baker info teases...
Can someone please fire Kathleen Kennedy? All she did with Star Wars was screw up the sequel trilogy, cancel so many SW projects and fire a lot of actors/directors. I'll give her credit for letting Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni do their work on Clone Wars Season 7 and Mandalorian but that doesn't mean she is redeemed.
[Gina Carano is no longer a part of Star Wars]
wow I was wondering if that'd ever get any traction. cool.
I'm gonna miss her character bu… moret... ehhhh she does not deserve that platform any more, no sir.
So it's been leaked that Fortnite is going to have a TRON collab which is great because this means Disney didn't forget about it or lose it at the back of a filing cabinet or something.
Man, I'm in love with these Troy Baker info teases...
Can someone please fire Kathleen Kennedy? All she did with Star Wars was screw up the sequel trilogy, cancel so many SW projects and fire a … morelot of actors/directors. I'll give her credit for letting Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni do their work on Clone Wars Season 7 and Mandalorian but that doesn't mean she is redeemed.
It's not even a matter of whether or not you agree with some of the things she said or posted, I personally don't. What grinds me is the complete double standard. The final straw here was a post comparing the modern day political landscape of the US to Nazi Germany. She gets fired for doing that, fine, that's the standard you want to set, okay then. So why is Pedro Pascal still employed for doing literally the exact same thing, comparing the US political landscape to Nazi Germany, doing so for years, both before and during the show's existence, while being even more factually wrong in doing so? She gets fired, but he's fine. And if the issue here is that she didn't apologize, to my knowledge, neither has he.
Besides, I'm really going to take ethics lessons from the same company that thanked the government agency in China responsible for imprisoning millions of people in concentration camps for being Muslim. Or from the company that rehired James Gunn after some of the vile things he said. That's a big no from me.
Yes because making terrible political comparisons totally makes you a complete terrible actress. Jesus Christ, do I always have to remind everyone that there is difference between acting and personality? Not saying Gina Carano didn't do nothing wrong but firing her over an opinion on political stuff is just plain stupid if you ask me. They didn't even bother to give her a second chance by telling her to either shut up or get fired.
As Metallica said, Pedro Pascal did the same thing but he is still hired for the future of Mandalorian.
I don't think it was entirely about her political comments, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back, it seems. I remember a bunch of controversy surrounding her this past fall, mostly related to spreading misinformation about masks, vaccines and other pandemic-related hot topics.
Not much more to say other than if the company doesn't want to associate themselves with her or agree with their beliefs (i.e.: looks like they're "supporting" them), then that's a valid if unfortunate decision that the actor gets laid off.
[Edit: her talent agency also dropped her too. yikes ]
(And about the things with Pedro's "double standard", ehhh he was using that comparison in a different manner, and less 'out-there' than Carano's claims.)
I'm gonna stop there before it gets too heated.
Welp gonna be flying back to Australia and then get dumped in quarantine for two weeks. Read ya'll when I land.
You've mentioned this before, but I feel like I've missed it. From where to Australia, and why the move back into the country so soon? (I feel like it's school. I'm sure you've mentioned this before... )
Yes because making terrible political comparisons totally makes you a complete terrible actress. Jesus Christ, do I always have to remind ev… moreeryone that there is difference between acting and personality? Not saying Gina Carano didn't do nothing wrong but firing her over an opinion on political stuff is just plain stupid if you ask me. They didn't even bother to give her a second chance by telling her to either shut up or get fired.
As Metallica said, Pedro Pascal did the same thing but he is still hired for the future of Mandalorian.
I wouldn't say it was "less out there," he made an overwrought comparison in the same exact way that Gina did, at the height of a pretty big "scandal." The only difference was that one was for one political viewpoint, and one was for the other. He's made other similarly disparaging and offensive posts as well that are way more disturbing than Gina said, literally comparing almost half of the US population to Nazi's. I've seen some of the stuff Gina said, they were literally just jokes or trolling, nothing more, and certainly nothing conspiratorial.
And even looking at the post she made that ultimately got her fired, what it ultimately boiled down to, even if it was using an extreme and incorrect example, was that we should treat others fairly, regardless of viewpoint and not demean or devalue others because of differences of viewpoints. Pedro’s posts were, if you disagree with me, you’re evil and you support evil.
I don't think it was entirely about her political comments, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back, it seems. I remember a bunch… more of controversy surrounding her this past fall, mostly related to spreading misinformation about masks, vaccines and other pandemic-related hot topics.
Not much more to say other than if the company doesn't want to associate themselves with her or agree with their beliefs (i.e.: looks like they're "supporting" them), then that's a valid if unfortunate decision that the actor gets laid off.
[Edit: her talent agency also dropped her too. yikes ]
(And about the things with Pedro's "double standard", ehhh he was using that comparison in a different manner, and less 'out-there' than Carano's claims.)
I'm gonna stop there before it gets too heated.
Welp gonna be flying back to Australia and then get dumped in quarantine for two weeks. Read ya'll when I land.
You've mentioned t… [view original content]
Why talk about politics when we can talk about Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Game Series - Returning to stores February 17th!
Can I get some F17 hype in the chat???
Especially when you go to downtown Clearwater Florida which isn’t go far considering they own 95% of downtown Clearwater .
Oh god yes, it’s the worst.
I bought a game collectors item 5 years ago for 200$. I still have it so I checked how much it's worth now and believe it or not, people are selling it from a range of 4,000$ to 10,000$ (USD). So I might keep it for more time just to see if the price will go up.
What did you show them? Was it Kaguya-sama?
Man, I love owls. This one's eyes are stunning.
I hate bingeing. I like being able to reflect on individual episodes a lot, rather than a full season, because it gives more credit to guest stars, individual directors, and performances. It's part of the reason why I like Telltale's episodic format - I like being able to appreciate the smaller bits.
T'was this. The gif was unrelated.

My own fault for showing it to someone who has no knowledge or understanding of Zelda, so they didn't really 'get' this and were confused most of it.
ahhh well. that reminds me though: Kaguya-sama was a darn good show. Can't wait for season 3.
A new trailer for Little Nightmares 2 released recently. Narrated by famous UK mentalist Derren Brown (idk, apparently he's famous), it gives a really nice look at the horrors eager to chase you around the game. (Still super freaky af. Long neck lady is one big nope)
Yeah naw, fuck that long neck lady.
Man I really hope that tv show they announced in 2017 ends up being made. It was being worked on by the Russo Brothers and being directed by Henry Selick. Imagine, a Little Nightmares stop motion animated tv show in the style of Coraline but with the freaky ass designs from the game.
Not to say that the creature designs in Coraline weren't freaky, but Little Nightmares gives me the heebie jeebies in a very gross visceral way rather than just being straight up terrifying.
I'm fine with binging, but yeah weekly releases hit different. Plus weekly releases keep the discussion going for much longer and it's really fun seeing people theorising about what on Earth could possibly be going on, and like you said, it let's people appreciate the smaller moments instead of solely focusing on the big ones.
The note looks like it was made by a ten year old. I literally typed like that when I was ten.
I'm of both sides as well.
Weekly releases are agony after experiencing the convenience of a full-drop season, but it's so fun to be watching a show alongside someone else for once rather than being in this weird limbo-state of some people having completed the marathon before others.
Binge formats are nice though for when you want to start a show and watch at your own pace. Is there a massive cliffhanger that just happened? Feel free to get that next episode rolling.
But really, it's pretty dissapointing in the long-term. Discussion most likely fades after a few weeks, it's hard to get a lot of discussion going surrounding episodes in the middle (most of the comments are going to be about the beginning, ending and overall arc) and "ending" the show within the first week of release just makes waiting for a continuation even longer.
(Weekly releases are pretty sucky in the age of subscription streaming though, especially with how Disney is gonna release their Marvel shows. One week break between WV and TF&WS, most likely gonna be the same for Loki, What If, and maybe other films coming this year. Gonna be hard to decide when to skip a month or not, since it's looking like a constant stream of content for months on end now.)
You know that thing about checking how good something is by putting it down for a while and coming back to it? Well, I technically did that with A New Frontier's story and it's a little worse than I remember.
dreaming about Tales tonight boys
best of luck for tomorrow’s reveal
Infinity Train has all but officially been cancelled, Cartoon Network will now be focusing on younger audiences, Blue Sky Studios has been shut down putting 450 people out of a job and the Nimona animated film has been cancelled despite only being 10 months away from completion.
On the bright side, Netflix has announced that Patrick McHale (creator of Over the Garden Wall) will be writing a movie adaption of the Redwall book series as well as announcing a miniseries set in the same universe.
Netflix really do be saving the animation industry.
sorry boys, dreamed about meeting Dave Ramsey at my gym and visiting a Sprint store
No TFTB today only fever dreams
I am.
what the fuck that sounds awful. Especially for that Nimona film.
Wait wait nooo
I can't seem to find it at the moment, but I read an article reporting on Netflix's claims that they're working on releasing 6 animated films by 2021/22 or something to that effect. Not to mention that they keep coming out with new animated series... god, they're really hiring the right people.
In their preview showcase of the 57-something movies they're releasing in 2021, I only seemed to see one animated film in the reel, which is unfortunate, but I doubt that's the only thing coming this year.

Up next on their animated series slate is Pacific Rim: The Black. A CGI, anime-styled series based on the big-budget films. It looks pretty good! (unfortunately the MCs have the same issue as Dragon Prince with the low-framerate made to mimic hand-drawn animation. Never really conveys that well, IMO.)
Never heard of Redwall, but after a little Google search, it sounds like a cool series to adapt. Seems like a mix of Narnia, Watership Down and Lord of the Rings.
(Ah, and btw the making of Burrow is out now in its extras section and it's still so dang cute.)
What was supposed to be a fun and relaxing trip to visit my parents in South Carolina turned into a more somber affair as I’ve possibly said goodbye to our family dog for the final time.
She’s been with us since 2007, when I was 9, so this hurts. She still has days when she is so full of life and energy, where she grabs a toy and wants you to chase her around the house and play with her. And then, she has days where she’s puking and loosing control of her bowels, and does nothing but lay down and sleep. A recent CAT scan showed it’s an issue with her gallbladder, it’s grown to a massive size. Surgery can be done, but she’s 14 years old and the surgery is not only thousands of dollars, but is very risky and may not even guarantee she’ll be around for long (vet said his dog ended up having the same surgery and he only lived for another 6 months). None of us want her to be in any pain, and while no decision has been made as we look for other options, I’ve said my goodbyes, knowing that this was probably the last time I get to tell her what a good girl she is.
I send my huge condolences to your dog, man. Since you brought up this animal tragic event, I also have to say that my cat is starting to worry me these days. Because 2 weeks ago, after my sister left with her own cat (Which is 8 months old) from me and parents' house, my old cat (Which is 10+ years old) decided to not use her toilet basin to take a crap as often as she used to for some reason. She is now just doing it wherever she wants to every time I sleep. Either on a carpet, stairs or just on the plain floor.
This whole thing may sound ridiculous but why do I feel like it's a hint to her fate? The vet didn't help either because all they said was just give her some pills every week (Which she refuses to swallow no matter how hard we try) and they said my cat's recent actions is a normal thing for cats in general. That's complete bullshit in my point of view. My cat is over 10 years old and something must have triggered her to make those recent decisions. She is just annoying me right now but I'm worried that her time will come, sooner or later. I am not ready at all for that.
My deepest condolences to you, @MetallicaRules. That sounds really awful to go through, both for you and your dog. If her time is to come soon, I hope she goes peacefully. I'm sure she knows how much you all care for her, even if the vet bills are crazy high.
For now, I hope she gets through this painful phase.
Sending love and support, and virtual cuddles to your pet.
Hope your cat is doing alright and gets better soon. Sending love and cuddles to her too.
Hang it up
Okay this is pretty incredible.
I can't wait to see what horrifying homunculus flesh monster people are gonna create with this.
This might give modders a good field day after it's release.
so sad to hear this man, sending my support
Today has been pretty neat.
[Gina Carano is no longer a part of Star Wars]
wow I was wondering if that'd ever get any traction. cool.
I'm gonna miss her character but... ehhhh she does not deserve that platform any more, no sir.
So it's been leaked that Fortnite is going to have a TRON collab which is great because this means Disney didn't forget about it or lose it at the back of a filing cabinet or something.
Man, I'm in love with these Troy Baker info teases...
Can someone please fire Kathleen Kennedy? All she did with Star Wars was screw up the sequel trilogy, cancel so many SW projects and fire a lot of actors/directors. I'll give her credit for letting Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni do their work on Clone Wars Season 7 and Mandalorian but that doesn't mean she is redeemed.
Gina Carano got fired for being a pretty shitty person, a lot of people have been asking for this. If anything this is the most valid firing by far.
Well, just cancelled Disney+.
It's not even a matter of whether or not you agree with some of the things she said or posted, I personally don't. What grinds me is the complete double standard. The final straw here was a post comparing the modern day political landscape of the US to Nazi Germany. She gets fired for doing that, fine, that's the standard you want to set, okay then. So why is Pedro Pascal still employed for doing literally the exact same thing, comparing the US political landscape to Nazi Germany, doing so for years, both before and during the show's existence, while being even more factually wrong in doing so? She gets fired, but he's fine. And if the issue here is that she didn't apologize, to my knowledge, neither has he.
Besides, I'm really going to take ethics lessons from the same company that thanked the government agency in China responsible for imprisoning millions of people in concentration camps for being Muslim. Or from the company that rehired James Gunn after some of the vile things he said. That's a big no from me.
Welp gonna be flying back to Australia and then get dumped in quarantine for two weeks. Read ya'll when I land.
Yes because making terrible political comparisons totally makes you a complete terrible actress. Jesus Christ, do I always have to remind everyone that there is difference between acting and personality? Not saying Gina Carano didn't do nothing wrong but firing her over an opinion on political stuff is just plain stupid if you ask me. They didn't even bother to give her a second chance by telling her to either shut up or get fired.
As Metallica said, Pedro Pascal did the same thing but he is still hired for the future of Mandalorian.
Let's cool it down a bit.
I don't think it was entirely about her political comments, but this was the straw that broke the camel's back, it seems. I remember a bunch of controversy surrounding her this past fall, mostly related to spreading misinformation about masks, vaccines and other pandemic-related hot topics.
Not much more to say other than if the company doesn't want to associate themselves with her or agree with their beliefs (i.e.: looks like they're "supporting" them), then that's a valid if unfortunate decision that the actor gets laid off.
[Edit: her talent agency also dropped her too. yikes
(And about the things with Pedro's "double standard", ehhh he was using that comparison in a different manner, and less 'out-there' than Carano's claims.)
I'm gonna stop there before it gets too heated.
You've mentioned this before, but I feel like I've missed it. From where to Australia, and why the move back into the country so soon? (I feel like it's school. I'm sure you've mentioned this before...
I wouldn't say it was "less out there," he made an overwrought comparison in the same exact way that Gina did, at the height of a pretty big "scandal." The only difference was that one was for one political viewpoint, and one was for the other. He's made other similarly disparaging and offensive posts as well that are way more disturbing than Gina said, literally comparing almost half of the US population to Nazi's. I've seen some of the stuff Gina said, they were literally just jokes or trolling, nothing more, and certainly nothing conspiratorial.
And even looking at the post she made that ultimately got her fired, what it ultimately boiled down to, even if it was using an extreme and incorrect example, was that we should treat others fairly, regardless of viewpoint and not demean or devalue others because of differences of viewpoints. Pedro’s posts were, if you disagree with me, you’re evil and you support evil.
Why talk about politics when we can talk about Tales from the Borderlands: A Telltale Game Series - Returning to stores February 17th!
Can I get some F17 hype in the chat???
Rhys needs a tissue for those eyes.
screw borderlands
i just want jurassic park 2