The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Psychonauts 2 reviews are out, and they're looking good.

  • edited August 2021

    I'm looking forward for the new Saints Row game coming out. It's supposed to be a reboot of the series (at least from what Volition said). I'm hyped.

    AChicken posted: »

    The Geoff-com Opening stream is happening this Wednesday night. We'll finally get some new footage for the Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga game, along with some others and a bunch new announcements Keighley could secure.

  • So Gamescom happened. There's some stand-out stuff in there that caught my attention.

    Don't really care much for Saints Row, but the animated reveal trailer looked really well-made!

    Cult of the Lamb started with this adorable animated trailer, then showcased some blursed, cute gameplay. Become a demonic vessel and build a demonic cult.

    Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga comes out spring 2022. Looks like the most HD Lego game yet. Some of the ripped movie dialogue still feels a bit iffy.

    DokéV is a game made by a South Korea studio. Their take on the collect-em and battle-em Pokemon genre... and it was surprisingly eye-catching! Frame rate looks like it'll die at the drop of a hat on consoles, but man, that lighting is spot-on!

    Geoff's ultimate waifu Hideo Kojima was shown off at the end, or at least Death Stranding was. Lots of new features, definitely interested in the upgrade if ever I get a PS5.

    As two honorable mentions: Hand-to-hand combat games seems to be a burgeoning genre. Two shown here, Sifu and Midnight Fight Express look visceral and awesome!!

  • Me: Now that I’m an adult, I should be careful with how I spend my money. Conservative spending, proper budgeting, smart saving, and allocating money to paying off any outstanding debts or putting away into long term investments for a financially sound future.

    Also me: Fuck that shit! You know what sounds fun, spending up to $6k to go to a fancy golf resort for vacation and play one of your bucket list courses. Fucking do it you pussy!

    Please note I have not actively gone ahead and done this, but I desperately kind of want to. I already save a lot, but looks like I should do some more in order to do even a handful of the trips I want to take. My advice to all of you, if you haven’t done so, is to take care of and be responsible with your money, and start investing it.

  • Don't really care much for Saints Row, but the animated reveal trailer looked really well-made!

    I actually lost my hype and now I'm worried because this trailer made me skeptical. It doesn't really capture my attention with the characters. The gameplay was short too but I'll judge after I've seen more but it doesn't look promising. Seems more generic (if you get what I mean).

    AChicken posted: »

    So Gamescom happened. There's some stand-out stuff in there that caught my attention. Don't really care much for Saints Row, but the anim

  • edited August 2021

    Sorry to post another comment about Saints Row, but the Community Developer IdolNinja (who I mentioned before had cancer) has passed away. I'm very sad and hope that he spent his last moments with his family. But now I'm also annoyed because people have been posting hate comments about the new SR game coming out on the tweet that confirmed his passing (which the tweet btw is now private). And now you have guys saying that the reveal of the new SR game literally killed him. Like what the heck? I know he died right before the reveal but jeez...

  • I have no words to say. This just makes me more glad that I didn't jump in the hype train. Didn't want another Amazing Spider-man 2 game experience. I thought they said it would be ready.

  • Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga comes out spring 2022. Looks like the most HD Lego game yet. Some of the ripped movie dialogue still feels a bit iffy.

    They redid all the lines which is probably why. I’m surprised they didn’t get James Arnold Taylor, who did Obi Wans voice in Clone Wars considering he’s done it for a bunch of other Star Wars games.

    AChicken posted: »

    So Gamescom happened. There's some stand-out stuff in there that caught my attention. Don't really care much for Saints Row, but the anim

  • Trailer for Marvel’s Midnight Suns by Firaxis Games!

    Interested to see how this game will play since the devs talked about the game having some Persona-like mechanics such as a having a homebase and building relationships with the characters by hanging out with them (no romance though). Also this game features some characters that made me go “WHOOO?????” which is always a neat thing.

  • I was just thinking about whether they'd do that the other day.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It seems that GTA Remastered Collection, featuring GTA 3, Vice City and San Andreas, is confirmed. I am actually hyped for this because I ne

  • edited August 2021

    Aardman Animation is making a stop-motion short film for Netflix, called Robin Robin. It looks so adorable even from the teaser image. Absolutely love the felt-work here (I think it's felt?). Can't wait.

    In this stop-motion short film, a bird raised by mice begins to question where she belongs and sets off on a daring journey of self-discovery.

    big image

  • This year has been such a lackluster.

  • edited August 2021

    So while most in the US are focused on Hurricane Ida ravaging Louisiana, or the complete shit show that has been unfolding in Afghanistan over the last couple of weeks, I’ve been focusing on another unbelievable story. One that started off hilarious, and then turned outright heinous. Allow me to give you the story, on Bishop Sycamore High School of Ohio and how ESPN just got massively trolled.

    This past weekend, ESPN televises a high school football matchup between IMG Academy, one of the top high school football programs in the country, and Bishop Sycamore High School. This matchup is not even close, and IMG ends up winning the game by a score of 58-0. However, about halfway through the game, the announcers notice something odd about Sycamore, that BS High School might actually be, BS.

    BS, in order to get onto ESPN, claimed that a bunch of their players were signed on as recruits to top Division I schools (for those unfamiliar with the NCAA and college athletics, D1 schools are the best of the best and the most competitive, featuring a lot of college athletes looking to go pro). However, the announcers and scouts reporting in the game could not actually verify any of these players and where they had signed. Upon further review of the team’s roster, it appeared that some of the names or players had been falsified. In the middle of the game, you had ESPN broadcasters and commentators actively calling out what looks to be a fake high school playing against one of the best football teams in high school athletics. Fear for player safety started to take full attention as they were actively worried someone could get hurt.

    After the game, more people started looking into it, and what was found out is quite unsettling. BS’ head coach has an active arrest warrant for fraud charges. Many of the players on BS are 20 year old adults, some of which junior college dropouts. Little to no actual information on this school exists. The address attached to the school belongs to a residential home. For claiming to be a top high school program with numerous DI recruits, they went 0-6 last season and were out scored by almost 300 points. The school’s website looks like an average blog where it’s Staff and About Us pages are completely blank. This same team played another game on Friday before playing on Sunday, meaning they played two full games in the span of 3 days, which is against high school rules (anyone who knows anything about American football knows that playing that quickly is hugely detrimental to player safety and health). The Ohio Department of Education has no record of a school with that name existing, nor is it a member of the Ohio High School Athletic Association. Many schools who had played BS have pointed out numerous red flags in regards to them and have also called into question their legitimacy. Some of them even cancelled games against them because they felt they were being deceived. Apparently, the same group running BS tried similar tactics under a different name, Christians of Faith, years ago, but when people started raising suspicions and they failed to pay off loans to vendors, they disbanded and changed their name. I believe under both names, they’ve attached themselves to actual charities and churches without their consent to make themselves appear legitimate and get these high profile matchups and receive loans. Basically, they used them to grift.

    There’s a shit ton of other damning things out there (sports Youtuber UrinatingTree has a very long and currently ongoing Twitter thread uncovering a lot of this stuff that he and others have uncovered), but basically, this whole thing is a scam. It’s designed to dupe gullible parents, their children, as well as companies into giving them money, promising good education and a chance to get picked up by top colleges. In reality, it’s a farce, and they just got exposed on ESPN, but ESPN also got exposed by not doing any proper vetting and research into the teams they’re promoting. Seriously, a lot of this stuff could be found out through quick Google searches, and yet they completely missed it. Apparently the job of vetting was given to a third party marketing agency, who was responsible for assembling the matchups. But even then, some people at both companies are about to lose their jobs over this.

  • Well, if anything, a high-profile ESPN fail is going to show up even more prominently in search results, so maybe fewer gullible people will give them money in the future (so I guess they'll have to change their name again, in which case the ESPN show didn't help them). In terms of injuries, while American football always has some danger to it, when the score starts reaching blowout levels, the winning team usually starts running safer plays, mostly to get the clock to run out so everyone can go home. Fortunately, that lowers the chances of injuries as well.

    So while most in the US are focused on Hurricane Ida ravaging Louisiana, or the complete shit show that has been unfolding in Afghanistan ov

  • That is true, but that’s only the winning team. Again, BS is filled with a bunch of 20 somethings and desperate teenagers mainly from low opportunity areas that are grasping and holding on to any hope of getting noticed or picked up. They might do anything in their power to go all out, and someone gets seriously injured because of it. Just watching some of the clips of BS, they have no discipline, no structure, no planning, it’s just a chaotic mess. In a physical sport like football, that risk is still there, even if one team has started playing safe.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Well, if anything, a high-profile ESPN fail is going to show up even more prominently in search results, so maybe fewer gullible people will

  • Finally became eligible for a vaccine and got my appointment booked in.

  • edited August 2021

    Yeahhh get shot, bro! Maybe even twice! :p

    Uhhh... "the shot", I mean.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Finally became eligible for a vaccine and got my appointment booked in.

  • edited August 2021

    I just saw M Night's Glass and it is infuriatingly ridiculous. Uuuugh.

    As usual, it's a nice concept, the crossing over of James McAvoy's awesome character of Kevin (and 20-odd other personalities) plus the Superhero-infused elements of Unbreakable. But it really doesn't work.

    The pacing is pretty slow, the editing is so strange, often swapping between characters with no rhyme or reason.
    And it uses some of the worst subversion of expectations. Ugh that ending is awful, and don't get me started on the obligatory twists, yes, plural.
    Also, the movie is full of people that are terrible at their jobs. I won't spoil, but the leaps of logic to get some convenient character moments is not fun.

    The movie just doesn't know whether to take itself seriously as a semi-realist superhero story or a grandiose tale of superhuman people unleashed on the modern world.
    There's a few scenes that are fun to watch, but otherwise, it's not a satisfying culmination to Unbreakable and Split.

  • I finally found my time to play and finish Red Dead Redemption 2 for the third time. This game is sooo much better than I remember two years ago. I know it's a cliche thing to say but this game is the definition of masterpiece. While Bloodborne is my personal favorite game of the last gen, I consider Red Dead Redemption 2 the best game I have played in that period. I loved the characters, the story, the open world, the cast and the amount of details added to it. I am impressed that there are a lot of quests, dialogues and random that I missed in my first playthroughs. It just shows that Rockstar put a lot of effort on this game compared to the others. Although I still hate the crunch which they caused during development. There was never a good crunch in gaming development, even if it means for the game to have a great launch.

    My only problems with the game is that the story was way too long than it should have been. Chapter 5 was a filler chapter compared to the rest because nothing about it affects the main storyline, despite having great gunplay sequences. Also, looting and carrying bodies is boring. I get it. The way Arthur searches the bodies and other stuff looks realistic but those type of animations get old very fast and it makes the pacing slower. This is still a video game, mind you. I used to complain about the lack of fast travel back in the day. Sometimes I don't feel like button-mashing my horse to go faster because I just want to either do a mission, buy stuff from stores and do other side activities right away. However, I did find out of how to fast travel properly which is a feature I missed completely. Not perfect but much better than before.

    I know it's an unfair thing to say, considering I never played it myself but Cyberpunk 2077 will never reach this level of ambition. CD Project Red had no reason to advertise it as a next generation of open world games when it lacks not just a lot of polish (No pun intended) but also a lot of details and content. You don't make your whole studio to work on just one game, only to fail miserably at the end. There was nothing "ready" about that game. Not to mention, no one talks about it that much these days. So much for hiring the mighty Keanu Revees and creating the "Breathtaking" meme.

  • Nice stuff man, I'm getting my second jab tomorrow, fair play to you for doing your part to combat this pandemic :smile:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Finally became eligible for a vaccine and got my appointment booked in.

  • I watched Glass last week and honestly I sat and laughed at it throughout, not that I laughed at the quality of the film, when I'm with friends we just commentate over films and poke fun at everything that happens, did the same with Fear Street and it was a class trilogy to watch

    AChicken posted: »

    I just saw M Night's Glass and it is infuriatingly ridiculous. Uuuugh. As usual, it's a nice concept, the crossing over of James McAvoy's

  • The Playstation PS5 Showcase happens next Thursday, the 9th, at 1pm PDT/4pm EDT


    No new VR news will be announced, but it'll be 40 minutes of new announcements for the Holiday season and beyond.

  • The future Avatar The Last Airbender movies will be made with CGI animation

    Brian Robbins (CEO of Nickelodeon): "And one of the other big projects that we're working on, on the theatrical front is Avatar. We signed a deal to bring the original creators of Avatar back into the studios. They started Avatar Studios, and they're well on their way in development on a series of CG films and a new Avatar series."

    I am happy and worried at same time regarding these news. Happy because it's better than making them live-action and worried because I'm not sure how making the 3D animation is going to work for the Avatar IP. I mean, yeah it worked for Star Wars The Clone Wars but come on, why is everyone going on the same route with Disney who ditched the support of 2D animated films?

  • Today was a pretty good day. On top of the release of Iron Maiden's new album, I learned I finally received the promotion I've been working towards for the last few months.

  • Not to mention, no one talks about it that much these days

    Well to be fair this happens to a lot of games most people play them and eventually move on,if there's a dlc or a sequel you'd probably hear about it again.

    As someone who has played Cyberpunk i would say the game has more or less as much content and details as The Witcher 3,it's immersive the story and the characters are where the game truly shine so they did deliver on that as expected but they were also way too ambitious.

    Obviously they hyped the game a lot but i do think people put way too much expectations on a studio who had only really made like one AAA game,with all that said it's still a pretty good game/RPG imo.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finally found my time to play and finish Red Dead Redemption 2 for the third time. This game is sooo much better than I remember two years

  • As someone who has played Cyberpunk i would say the game has more or less as much content and details as The Witcher 3,it's immersive

    I don't mean to be offessive or change anyone's view towards the game but I find it unlikely, especially after watching a lot of comparisons between it and other open world games like GTA, Red Dead, Saints Row and even a godammn mobile game called Gangstar Vegas. This is still a AAA game released in 2020, mind you. And for a game like that, it sure lacks a lot of optimization, details and finished aspects.

    Obviously they hyped the game a lot but i do think people put way too much expectations on a studio who had only really made like one AAA game

    Well, it was CD's decision to overwhelmingly advertise the game as a Next-Gen open world. They did make a lot of promises which they broke horribly. If they can't keep a promise, why bother? I sure am happy I didn't buy the hype for the game but I still expected it to turn into a great game for everyone else to enjoy. I don't doubt there are people who like this game and that's fine but to say it was an immersive and overflown with content is something I can barely understand. I am one of the people who enjoyed Resident Evil 6 but I do know it's a very flawed game and I wouldn't aggressively recommend it to anyone who gets into the franchise.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Not to mention, no one talks about it that much these days Well to be fair this happens to a lot of games most people play them and

  • Yeah i wasn't trying to change your mind or anything just offering a different perspective.

    And the misleading Marketing really doesn't surprise me i feel like games do this all the time now it's a risky move that can either pay off or blow up in your face,and when a game doesn't deliver half the things they promised it's even more obvious.

    AronDracula posted: »

    As someone who has played Cyberpunk i would say the game has more or less as much content and details as The Witcher 3,it's immersive

  • Are you Jeff Bezos now?

    Today was a pretty good day. On top of the release of Iron Maiden's new album, I learned I finally received the promotion I've been working towards for the last few months.

  • checks bank account

    Definitely not. Honestly, not a huge loss, not into the whole bald thing.

    AChicken posted: »

    Are you Jeff Bezos now?

  • edited September 2021

    When Horizon: Forbidden West was announced for Preorder, there was no next-gen upgrade included in the package.
    There was a lot of disappointment about that.

    Well, now, Guerilla are including a PS5 upgrade to the game for free...

    But, moving forward, this isn't going to happen anymore! (For First-Party Sony titles...)

    PS Blog announcement

    Players who purchase Horizon Forbidden West on PlayStation 4 will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 version for free.

    I also want to confirm today that moving forward, PlayStation first-party exclusive cross-gen titles (newly releasing on PS4 & PS5)–both digital and physical*–will offer a $10 USD digital upgrade option from PS4 to PS5. This will apply to the next God of War and Gran Turismo 7, and any other exclusive cross-gen PS4 & PS5 title published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.

    (Originally, there was no upgrade at all. The only way to get the PS4 and PS5 versions for cheap was to get the Deluxe or higher editions, that came with both included.
    Why Sony thought not including any kind of upgrade was a smart move, no idea... at least they won't try that again.)

  • edited September 2021

    Alright, Raya and the Last Dragon is good, but to me, it's just that.

    The movie is CGI Disney at its best. The water effects, skin, hair, environment texture, lighting, all of it has a great animated-photorealism style to it and is gorgeous.
    The style of the film's presentation is unique for a mythological fantasy film. There's some smash cuts, split-screen moments, cel-shaded montages, it's very interesting to blend those into the film whose world still feels very ancient.

    But, the rest of it, the story, the dialogue, just doesn't have a good hook or doesn't feel as tight.

    Dragons are portrayed as grand, mythical, regal creatures in the opening exposition, and later when one of the villains solemnly walks through a field of stone-turned dragons, you can tell there's a feeling of power and respect these dragons command.
    Then we get to Sisu, played by Akwafina, who plays her usual chatterbox-slacker persona (which I usually enjoy, and I'm excited to see her role in Shang Chi), throwing out anachronistic banter and conveying the complete opposite of what was established. Okay, yes, I get that it was a moment of subversion, but there's no reason as to why she's like this and that bothers me. She wasn't an outcast from her group -- no "not like the others" and needs to spend the film proving to herself that she's a powerful Dragon -- no, there's none of that. It's just another case of "movie needs quirky sidekick character, let's get a popular celebrity comedian to do their own thing".
    Plus, her humanoid-like face is a bit of a strange design choice, especially since they just give her a human form very early on anyway.

    The story and conflict is all about trust, and the dialogue will convey that to you all the time. I like how in the beginning you had the optimistic, trustworthy dad and the untrustworthy Raya as a foil (rather than the other way around, a very common trope), but the rest of the film is a non-stop fetch quest for magic gems (and btw the pacing definitely needed some slowdown) where Raya consistently says she doesn't trust people, is proven right somehow, and Sisu tells her 'yeah but you really have to try and then everyone will be happy.

    I don't know, much of this movie feels pretty formulaic and full of elements of stuff we've seen before in better ways, along with strange anachronistic dialogue that plenty of characters refer to despite how mystical and ancient the world tries to feel.
    The whole "noble sacrifice, but not really" ending was a bit eye-roll-ish to me. They didn't need to drag out the suspension so much like that.
    It's got great animation, style, the voice acting is pretty good for most of the cast, it's just that the main writing (maybe because there was an army of writers on this?) didn't feel like it had every element clearly laid out.

    I will say, that it's easy to forget this film was made and completed in a stay-at-home pandemic. It's an impressive feat to say the least. There's this nice special thanks near the end of the credits I'd like to share

    The making of this movie from over 400 individual homes was completely unprecedented, and relied entirely on the talent, ingenuity, and dedication of everyone at Walt Disney Animation Studios. The filmmakers would like to thank them for their tireless hard work, good humour, and most of all patience... with our inability to properly use the internet.
    (Dude, you're still on mute.)

    Edit: Ah, I forgot to mention the action! Great swordfighting and combat.

    I just saw the Disney short "Us Again" which came out on the same day as Raya, so I think it was the opening short played before the film in theatres.

    It's fun! A musical short about an old couple seeking to reclaim the joy and energy they once had in their lives. Everyone in the city is dancing, bopping to the beat of the great Jazz score... The animation for this short is also gorgeous. Lighting, rain, and reflection work is amazing to see. Check this out if you haven't, it's good.

  • Got my first jab! Now I gotta wait like six weeks before I can get my second.

  • Nice I got my second jab last Thursday, it was much better than the first jab as with the first one I had an array of side effects, but I took them on the chin. Now if I can get my hands on a booster vaccine, I'd be well pleased.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Got my first jab! Now I gotta wait like six weeks before I can get my second.

  • Haven’t had any side effects so far, but I’ve been told it can hit like a truck after the first day.

    Nice I got my second jab last Thursday, it was much better than the first jab as with the first one I had an array of side effects, but I took them on the chin. Now if I can get my hands on a booster vaccine, I'd be well pleased.

  • edited September 2021

    Fml. Of course on the day I get my vaccine, my apartment gets classified as an exposure site because a resident/visitor got infected. Booked a COVID test appointment for tomorrow.

  • Fucking finally. I spent an entire year passing all the resits I had for my failed assignments to progress further. Now I can finally move on.

  • Remedy Games posted these to their Instagram account today.
    Finally. It's happening.

    I'm willing to bet this is going to be featured in this Thursday's PlayStation Showcase event.
    I'll finally be able to play this game on a PlayStation, and finally have something powerful enough to play it on settings higher than 'Low'.

  • I am also thinking of re-buying it because I wasn't really invested when I played it on PC, thus never finishing it.

    AChicken posted: »

    Remedy Games posted these to their Instagram account today. Finally. It's happening. I'm willing to bet this is going to be featured

  • COVID test came back negative but I’m now feeling the side effects of the vaccine and am running a mild fever.

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