Damn you work for making me miss this. Alright, time to play some catch up and see what was revealed at the showcase.
So we have a Wolverine game coming. I don't know, Avengers bombed hard and I don't have high hopes from what I've seen from Guardians of the Galaxy. But, it is Insomniac making it, which did great with Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales. So I'll be cautiously optimistic here.
Speaking of Insomniac, Spider-Man 2, with a 2023 release date (God that feels so far away). Seems like we'll be tag teaming as Peter and Miles in this one. Not sure who the character is narrating, but we got fucking Venom. The first game implied Harry Osbourne was going to be Venom at the end, and Morales ended with Norman releasing Harry from the cage, so I guess we'll see where that's going. Needless to say, I'm hyped.
A Knights of the Old Republic remake. Got to say, I'm actually excited for this, mainly because I never played the original KOTOR game (not sure why, just never really got around to it). No idea on a release here, not much shown in the trailer other than it being a remake, but definitely something to keep my eyes on. Now all I need to do is actually play Jedi Fallen Order. All I can say is, this is where the fun begins.
God of War Ragnarok, holy fucking shit balls! This is what I was hoping to see, and by God did they deliver. Boy is now Teenage Boy, Ragnarok is here, some returning characters like Mimir and Freya, Tyr will be a major player it seems, and we'll be facing off against Thor. And to answer his question, no, I am not a calm and reasonable person.
Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection, which by the looks of it, is just Uncharted 4 and The Lost Legacy upgraded for the PS5 and becoming available for PC. Watching the trailer, didn't really see much in terms of graphical improvement, but then again, I'm not a big expert on that. Kind of seems weird to release those games for PC, but not the whole Nathan Drake Collection as well.
A new trailer for Deathloop coming out...NEXT WEEK?! Oh shit when did that happen?! Damn, almost missed that.
Finally get a first look at Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, featuring...Babymetal? Ooooookay, I'll admit, not something I would have expected for the trailer, but I'll roll with it. But hey, we got Butt Stallion and Mr. Torgue on the Lute, I'm sold. Still same old gunplay, but looks like we'll also be getting some melee and magic to work with. I imagine it's going to be a lot of the same old Borderlands formula, but with some cool additions to make it a bit more unique. Hoping we get a bit more customization for our characters, like an actual RPG. If it can even capture half of the charm of the Assault on Dragon Keep DLC from BL2, I'll be happy.
Project Eve: a new title. My feelings are, meh. Enemies look pretty cool with some unique designs, but something about it is just not "wowing" me, I can't explain it. Main character looks hot though.
So they actually released a Guardians trailer. Again, not a lot of high hopes, trailer did nothing to change it. And for most things, I actually would have found the music choice for the trailer pretty good, but for Guardians of the Galaxy, it feels a bit out of place.
Forspoken from...Square Enix (calm down Metallica, this isn't Dontnod and it's not Life is Strange related, so it might not actually suck huge fucking balls like usual). Right off the bat, really like the traversal system, it looks really promising. Some of the dialogue from the main character is cliche and generic (it's not LiS, it's not LiS, it's not LiS...), but I'm already in love with the personality of the arm cuff thing (that's a weird sentence out of context but it makes sense if you watch the trailer). I'm actually pretty interested in this based on the gameplay alone, hopefully the story can be a bit more fleshed out later.
EA SI LY the best event so far this year. Nothing comes CLOSE. Only 2 or 3 things I wasnt at all interested in. I have despised Deathloop every time it has popped up, similar to Godfall, but it's kinda sad that this was the last time it pops up. The trailers have just kept dropping at events like this and they've been so fucking long. It feels like I grew up with trailers of this game. Ah well, there can always be a sequel
As for the rest of the event, They definitely saved the biggest surprises for the 3-4 last reveals. That was sick and I'm interested in almost all of it.
And games that I'm not really looking forward to, but I will play them at some point:
God of War Ragnarok
KOTOR Remake
Insomniac is REALLY killing it with their future titles. First Spider-Man PS4, then Miles Morales, then Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart and now those new Marvel titles. Giving Insomniac the Marvel license is the best decision Sony has made.
Playstation event was pretty refreshing, seems like its been forever since there has been a large gaming event that didn't have only one main thing to show for one specific audience. This event felt like it had something for everyone and I feel most people leaving the event felt more than satisfied.
I can’t believe Deathloop is finally coming out. It feels like I’ve been waiting fuckin’ years for it to come out. Also eyyy I get to play Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy on PC! Excited for the KOTOR Remake! Haven’t played the original so I’m looking forward to it.
Also as a Marvel fan who only has a PC seeing Spider-Man and Wolverine games being exclusive to Playstation…
I am fucking tired of Rockstar milking the shit out of GTA 5. It's official now, that they don't care about us anymore. They only care about money. I think Dutch Van Der Linde from Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best description of Rockstar's current status. I wouldn't even be surprised if they moved their whole studio in Tahiti.
I can’t believe Deathloop is finally coming out. It feels like I’ve been waiting fuckin’ years for it to come out. Also eyyy I get to play U… morencharted 4 and Lost Legacy on PC! Excited for the KOTOR Remake! Haven’t played the original so I’m looking forward to it.
Also as a Marvel fan who only has a PC seeing Spider-Man and Wolverine games being exclusive to Playstation…
Yeah, it is weird. Just like Red Dead Redemption 1 in which I am sure a lot of RDR2 players, especially the ones who played it on PS4 or PC, haven't played.
I am fucking tired of Rockstar milking the shit out of GTA 5. It's official now, that they don't care about us anymore. They only care about… more money. I think Dutch Van Der Linde from Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best description of Rockstar's current status. I wouldn't even be surprised if they moved their whole studio in Tahiti.
At the very least RDR2 is a prequel so while it can add some stuff for people who have played the first game, you don’t necessarily need to in order to play the second, whereas U4 is straight up the conclusion to Nathan’s story so newer players would end up missing a lot context.
I mean I’ll probably still get it lol, but hopefully they decide to port the rest of the series as well.
Yeah, it is weird. Just like Red Dead Redemption 1 in which I am sure a lot of RDR2 players, especially the ones who played it on PS4 or PC, haven't played.
All those games really need is a 60fps and Dualsense support patch. I doubt much of any remastering or upscale of textures is going to happen to those games at all.
Feels like a really weird way to just get more money from PS5 users.
About the PC ports, I bet this is also a way to potentially drive sales of the console.
Take Horizon Zero Dawn. That came out on PC last year, now there's a sequel coming exclusive to PS4 and 5.
Or Death Stranding. PC last year, now an exclusive re-release Director's Cut with new content not seen on PC.
It's still weird they don't just port the original Nathan Drake collection instead, but... 🤷♂️
Yeah I get it for something like Horizon where they put out the first game on PC to lure potential buyers into getting a Playstation for the sequel, but I think it’s strange to do that for the last mainline game in the series.
Me but for the new Uncharted collection...
All those games really need is a 60fps and Dualsense support patch. I doubt much of any remast… moreering or upscale of textures is going to happen to those games at all.
Feels like a really weird way to just get more money from PS5 users.
About the PC ports, I bet this is also a way to potentially drive sales of the console.
Take Horizon Zero Dawn. That came out on PC last year, now there's a sequel coming exclusive to PS4 and 5.
Or Death Stranding. PC last year, now an exclusive re-release Director's Cut with new content not seen on PC.
It's still weird they don't just port the original Nathan Drake collection instead, but... 🤷♂️
Yeah, Uncharted for PS5 really has no upgrades other than 60 FPS. I feel the main focus of that trailer is 100% that its coming to PC rather than PS5. Sucks Sony is being crummy and charging for it rather than just giving a 60 fps patch. And I agree, you'd think for PC they'd also do the Collection, but I wont be surprised if they do at a later time assuming it sells well on PC (which I feel it obviously will.) Either way, pretty crazy to see a big time Playstation series now on PC.
Me but for the new Uncharted collection...
All those games really need is a 60fps and Dualsense support patch. I doubt much of any remast… moreering or upscale of textures is going to happen to those games at all.
Feels like a really weird way to just get more money from PS5 users.
About the PC ports, I bet this is also a way to potentially drive sales of the console.
Take Horizon Zero Dawn. That came out on PC last year, now there's a sequel coming exclusive to PS4 and 5.
Or Death Stranding. PC last year, now an exclusive re-release Director's Cut with new content not seen on PC.
It's still weird they don't just port the original Nathan Drake collection instead, but... 🤷♂️
I was only 4 on September 11th, 2001, so I don't remember much of what happened that tragic day. All I really have are what each of my parents told me. I was in pre-K at a school in New Jersey, and my mother came to pick me up after the towers were hit. There was so much fear and unknown in the aftermath that no one felt safe, hence why she came to get me and bring me home. What I can remember was that I was happy to be getting out of school, but had no idea that the entire world had changed. My dad, however, did work in New York City at the time. He worked in the Bronx, thankfully, no where near the towers, but the chaos extended to all parts of the city, just getting out was difficult.
To all those who lost someone on this day 20 years ago, I can't fathom the pain and grief you must feel every year, but that will not stop me from mourning along side you. I pray for all of the lives lost, that they find peace in the kingdom of Heaven. I pray for all the courageous first responders and all of the men and women that put their lives on the line on September 11th and the days that followed, trying to save the lives of others. I pray for the families and loved ones of the deceased, that one day, you will get to see them again. May God continue to watch over them and give them strength and comfort. And of course, may God Bless the United States of America.
KOTOR remake has me interested... I always keep hearing people talk about how the original was one of the best Star Wars games ever, so experiencing it in a modern format would be nice.
Project EVE looked cool. Then looked scary. Then I realised I once saw footage of this series when I was young and, yep, I remembered freakish mutant monsters with lots of teeth freak me out.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands looks like fun to those who enjoy Borderlands. I've seen gameplay of the Fantasy expansion of BL2 and this looks like more of that. Cool.
Forspoken looks like if Life Is Strange was an Isekai, sure. The Art style is this similar cartoonishly-realist looking thing, dialogues weird, but the gameplay is unique! Cool twist.
Alan Wake on a PlayStation woooooo!! This really doesn't look like much has been remastered other than the framerate, but honestly I'm glad I'll finally be able to play it on console. (It's up for pre-order already and... It's only 40 dollars??!40$ CANADIAN??! I am shocked. Lower than I thought.)
Honestly, I've warmed up to the Guardians game shown off. It's still got some awkward-looking comedy like with the 'heart attack gag' in this, but I'm gonna chalk that up to the trailer editing. It looks detailed, something with focus and polish (a single-player adventure, rather than live-service co-op).
Deathloop is finally, after like 3 delays, coming out. Wasn't really a fan of Dishonored's gameplay (that's just me -- I don't like stealth missions in first-person) but this looks fun. I'll keep it on my radar. The over-abundance of promotion for this does have me a bit worried.
I was sure the music behind Kid A Mnesia was the electronic group Weval, but it's not! It's Radiohead. I didn't know they had that sound in their repertoire... maybe I should check them out.
Tchia looks adorable and could be a culturally educational game. I'm very interested in that!
Wolverine is surprising. Insomniac has a great creating team that seems to know superheroes well, so that's promising. I hope it's a linear action game. I can't see it being open-world.
Spider-Man 2, hype! Love the updates to the costume. Kraven and Venom as big bads is cool, haven't had a game with Kraven in a while. I haven't got Miles Morales yet, so I should probably get to that. I've got 2 years at least.
God of War, cool, but I haven't played the first yet, so I don't have attachment to it.
I am fucking tired of Rockstar milking the shit out of GTA 5. It's official now, that they don't care about us anymore. They only care about… more money. I think Dutch Van Der Linde from Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best description of Rockstar's current status. I wouldn't even be surprised if they moved their whole studio in Tahiti.
I think Dutch Van Der Linde from Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best description of Rockstar's current status.
And Micah Bell is basically Take-Two at this point.
Back in July, the first Oxenfree received a mysterious update on Steam, where developer Night School asked players to “report any unusual radio signals” – along with a link to the sequel. Another patch appeared just a few days ago, with the notes stating that “something is invading the radio waves” of the game – and how the team had “failed” to “stop signals from breaking into the original Oxenfree”.
Players quickly began to discover that these radio signals were teasing the events of Oxenfree II, and were acting as a setup for the villains of the sequel – called the Parentage. Since Oxenfree deals with a lot of time travel shenanigans, this approach makes perfect sense – and suggests the Parentage is so powerful it’s begun invading the events of the original game.
Maybe this leads to a new ARG for the Game. The original apparently had one, it ended up having some people meet at a real-world location to find a clue.
Antimo & Welles have uploaded the Soundtrack for Old Telltale's Stranger Things game to Spotify, YouTube and etc. This link will take you to a page that'll direct you to the Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud and Apple Music apps to listen to the Soundtrack: https://ffm.to/aw-sta
Oh nice! I guess they own the rights to the music, what with old telltale dead, (and them not being paid for the work).
What a damn shame that project fell to pieces.
speaking of old telltale, it's also a shame that nearly all their modern IPs have been removed. Humble Bundle currently has a bundle of Telltale titles, but it only covers the Walking Dead series, Wolf Among Us, and Batman!
I guess it's some consolation that Walking Dead is included, since they don't own it anymore, but no Tales from the Borderlands? Awww Gearbox, c'mon!
Antimo & Welles have uploaded the Soundtrack for Old Telltale's Stranger Things game to Spotify, YouTube and etc. This link will take yo… moreu to a page that'll direct you to the Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud and Apple Music apps to listen to the Soundtrack:
So some early reviews of Deathloop look to be coming in. This will be interesting as I'm seeing this game get some shit after the PS showcase last week, so I'm wondering what people are thinking about...HOLY SHIT
I will certainly judge for myself in regards to the quality as I don't always see eye to eye with professional reviewers (see LiS series and TLOU 2). But this is certainly a good sign, a few perfect scores from sources have been given.
So some early reviews of Deathloop look to be coming in. This will be interesting as I'm seeing this game get some shit after the PS showcas… moree last week, so I'm wondering what people are thinking about...HOLY SHIT
I will certainly judge for myself in regards to the quality as I don't always see eye to eye with professional reviewers (see LiS series and TLOU 2). But this is certainly a good sign, a few perfect scores from sources have been given.
Twenty Something is another great Pixar Sparkshort. Pretty mature yet whimsical at times.
Adulting can be hard. Some days you're nailing it, while other days, you're just a stack of kids hiding in a trench coat hoping no one notices. Such a great concept, and so true at times. Most of the time I really don't feel like I know what I'm doing, and the Me from 4 years ago is still at the wheel... Agh, so fun.
There's that, plus another new Sparkshort out this Friday called Nona. And according to Disney, the following week on the 24th, there'll be a little documentary about the two newest shorts, and how they came to be during the pandemic.
I was one of the people who ran Dishonored 2 with zero issues so I was unaware that people had issues with the Void Engine. For Deathloop I was getting about 80fps (with settings on max) on average at the start then I started getting some annoying stuttering once I got out of the tutorial. Apparently it's because the game has Denuvo on and that's known to absolutely kill your framerate.
I think it is a bit of both. Denuvo seems to be the main culprit right now with PCs not being able to run both. But iirc Dishonored 2 had a similar problem with Denuvo but Void engine was also giving people a lot of optimization issues. I remember mostly because I played DH2 at launch and it was really laggy but they eventually were able to update it before they removed Denuvo so it wasnt horribly optimized on PC.
I was one of the people who ran Dishonored 2 with zero issues so I was unaware that people had issues with the Void Engine. For Deathloop I … morewas getting about 80fps (with settings on max) on average at the start then I started getting some annoying stuttering once I got out of the tutorial. Apparently it's because the game has Denuvo on and that's known to absolutely kill your framerate.
Just one more week, one more week, I have to keep telling myself that to get through this work week.
One more week until Metallica.
One more week until my adrenaline starts to flow, I'm thrashing all around, and acting like a maniac. One more week until I'm off to never never land. One more week until the master of puppets is pulling my strings, twisting my mind and smashing my dreams.
Just one more week, one more week, I have to keep telling myself that to get through this work week.
One more week until Metallica.
On… moree more week until my adrenaline starts to flow, I'm thrashing all around, and acting like a maniac. One more week until I'm off to never never land. One more week until the master of puppets is pulling my strings, twisting my mind and smashing my dreams.
I'm riding in a Mercedes. I didn't think that that would ever happen given the provider I usually ride with.
Playstation Showcase is about to begin. This better be good.

I hope KOTOR fans are happy for the remake reveal.
Damn you work for making me miss this. Alright, time to play some catch up and see what was revealed at the showcase.
EA SI LY the best event so far this year. Nothing comes CLOSE. Only 2 or 3 things I wasnt at all interested in. I have despised Deathloop every time it has popped up, similar to Godfall, but it's kinda sad that this was the last time it pops up. The trailers have just kept dropping at events like this and they've been so fucking long. It feels like I grew up with trailers of this game. Ah well, there can always be a sequel
As for the rest of the event, They definitely saved the biggest surprises for the 3-4 last reveals. That was sick and I'm interested in almost all of it.
My winners for this showcase are:
And games that I'm not really looking forward to, but I will play them at some point:
Insomniac is REALLY killing it with their future titles. First Spider-Man PS4, then Miles Morales, then Ratchet and Clank Rift Apart and now those new Marvel titles. Giving Insomniac the Marvel license is the best decision Sony has made.
Playstation event was pretty refreshing, seems like its been forever since there has been a large gaming event that didn't have only one main thing to show for one specific audience. This event felt like it had something for everyone and I feel most people leaving the event felt more than satisfied.
I can’t believe Deathloop is finally coming out. It feels like I’ve been waiting fuckin’ years for it to come out. Also eyyy I get to play Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy on PC! Excited for the KOTOR Remake! Haven’t played the original so I’m looking forward to it.
Also as a Marvel fan who only has a PC seeing Spider-Man and Wolverine games being exclusive to Playstation…
Oh yeah you bet we are
This is where the fun begins.
I am fucking tired of Rockstar milking the shit out of GTA 5. It's official now, that they don't care about us anymore. They only care about money. I think Dutch Van Der Linde from Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best description of Rockstar's current status. I wouldn't even be surprised if they moved their whole studio in Tahiti.
At least you get experience Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy on PC if you haven't already.
It’s really weird that they’re only releasing the two newest games and not anything before them for people to catch up on the story.
Yeah, it is weird. Just like Red Dead Redemption 1 in which I am sure a lot of RDR2 players, especially the ones who played it on PS4 or PC, haven't played.
looking for literally any enhanced graphics in the "Enhanced Edition" of GTAV
At the very least RDR2 is a prequel so while it can add some stuff for people who have played the first game, you don’t necessarily need to in order to play the second, whereas U4 is straight up the conclusion to Nathan’s story so newer players would end up missing a lot context.
I mean I’ll probably still get it lol, but hopefully they decide to port the rest of the series as well.
Me but for the new Uncharted collection...
All those games really need is a 60fps and Dualsense support patch. I doubt much of any remastering or upscale of textures is going to happen to those games at all.
Feels like a really weird way to just get more money from PS5 users.
About the PC ports, I bet this is also a way to potentially drive sales of the console.
Take Horizon Zero Dawn. That came out on PC last year, now there's a sequel coming exclusive to PS4 and 5.
Or Death Stranding. PC last year, now an exclusive re-release Director's Cut with new content not seen on PC.
It's still weird they don't just port the original Nathan Drake collection instead, but... 🤷♂️
Yeah I get it for something like Horizon where they put out the first game on PC to lure potential buyers into getting a Playstation for the sequel, but I think it’s strange to do that for the last mainline game in the series.
Yeah, Uncharted for PS5 really has no upgrades other than 60 FPS. I feel the main focus of that trailer is 100% that its coming to PC rather than PS5. Sucks Sony is being crummy and charging for it rather than just giving a 60 fps patch. And I agree, you'd think for PC they'd also do the Collection, but I wont be surprised if they do at a later time assuming it sells well on PC (which I feel it obviously will.) Either way, pretty crazy to see a big time Playstation series now on PC.
We shall never forget. Been 2 decades since the loss of these souls.

I was only 4 on September 11th, 2001, so I don't remember much of what happened that tragic day. All I really have are what each of my parents told me. I was in pre-K at a school in New Jersey, and my mother came to pick me up after the towers were hit. There was so much fear and unknown in the aftermath that no one felt safe, hence why she came to get me and bring me home. What I can remember was that I was happy to be getting out of school, but had no idea that the entire world had changed. My dad, however, did work in New York City at the time. He worked in the Bronx, thankfully, no where near the towers, but the chaos extended to all parts of the city, just getting out was difficult.
To all those who lost someone on this day 20 years ago, I can't fathom the pain and grief you must feel every year, but that will not stop me from mourning along side you. I pray for all of the lives lost, that they find peace in the kingdom of Heaven. I pray for all the courageous first responders and all of the men and women that put their lives on the line on September 11th and the days that followed, trying to save the lives of others. I pray for the families and loved ones of the deceased, that one day, you will get to see them again. May God continue to watch over them and give them strength and comfort. And of course, may God Bless the United States of America.
You're welcome
Finally got around to watching the presentation.
KOTOR remake has me interested... I always keep hearing people talk about how the original was one of the best Star Wars games ever, so experiencing it in a modern format would be nice.
Project EVE looked cool. Then looked scary. Then I realised I once saw footage of this series when I was young and, yep, I remembered freakish mutant monsters with lots of teeth freak me out.
Tiny Tina's Wonderlands looks like fun to those who enjoy Borderlands. I've seen gameplay of the Fantasy expansion of BL2 and this looks like more of that. Cool.
Forspoken looks like if Life Is Strange was an Isekai, sure. The Art style is this similar cartoonishly-realist looking thing, dialogues weird, but the gameplay is unique! Cool twist.
Alan Wake on a PlayStation woooooo!! This really doesn't look like much has been remastered other than the framerate, but honestly I'm glad I'll finally be able to play it on console. (It's up for pre-order already and... It's only 40 dollars??! 40$ CANADIAN??! I am shocked. Lower than I thought.)
Honestly, I've warmed up to the Guardians game shown off. It's still got some awkward-looking comedy like with the 'heart attack gag' in this, but I'm gonna chalk that up to the trailer editing. It looks detailed, something with focus and polish (a single-player adventure, rather than live-service co-op).
Deathloop is finally, after like 3 delays, coming out. Wasn't really a fan of Dishonored's gameplay (that's just me -- I don't like stealth missions in first-person) but this looks fun. I'll keep it on my radar. The over-abundance of promotion for this does have me a bit worried.
I was sure the music behind Kid A Mnesia was the electronic group Weval, but it's not! It's Radiohead. I didn't know they had that sound in their repertoire... maybe I should check them out.
Tchia looks adorable and could be a culturally educational game. I'm very interested in that!
Uncharted let's-not-release-a-patch Collection is... well, that.
Wolverine is surprising. Insomniac has a great creating team that seems to know superheroes well, so that's promising. I hope it's a linear action game. I can't see it being open-world.
Spider-Man 2, hype! Love the updates to the costume. Kraven and Venom as big bads is cool, haven't had a game with Kraven in a while. I haven't got Miles Morales yet, so I should probably get to that. I've got 2 years at least.
God of War, cool, but I haven't played the first yet, so I don't have attachment to it.
And Micah Bell is basically Take-Two at this point.
This too
Night School has patched in a few new Easter Eggs to the original Oxenfree, in preparation for the sequel. Interesting...
Maybe this leads to a new ARG for the Game. The original apparently had one, it ended up having some people meet at a real-world location to find a clue.
I guess the gods of this website have blessed me because I can finally use my account on this place again
Antimo & Welles have uploaded the Soundtrack for Old Telltale's Stranger Things game to Spotify, YouTube and etc. This link will take you to a page that'll direct you to the Spotify, YouTube, SoundCloud and Apple Music apps to listen to the Soundtrack:
Oh nice! I guess they own the rights to the music, what with old telltale dead, (and them not being paid for the work).
What a damn shame that project fell to pieces.
speaking of old telltale, it's also a shame that nearly all their modern IPs have been removed.
Humble Bundle currently has a bundle of Telltale titles, but it only covers the Walking Dead series, Wolf Among Us, and Batman!
I guess it's some consolation that Walking Dead is included, since they don't own it anymore, but no Tales from the Borderlands? Awww Gearbox, c'mon!
So some early reviews of Deathloop look to be coming in. This will be interesting as I'm seeing this game get some shit after the PS showcase last week, so I'm wondering what people are thinking about...HOLY SHIT
I will certainly judge for myself in regards to the quality as I don't always see eye to eye with professional reviewers (see LiS series and TLOU 2). But this is certainly a good sign, a few perfect scores from sources have been given.
Apparently it is a broken mess on PC due to using Void Engine just like Dishonored 2 was at launch.
Twenty Something is another great Pixar Sparkshort. Pretty mature yet whimsical at times.
Adulting can be hard. Some days you're nailing it, while other days, you're just a stack of kids hiding in a trench coat hoping no one notices. Such a great concept, and so true at times. Most of the time I really don't feel like I know what I'm doing, and the Me from 4 years ago is still at the wheel... Agh, so fun.
There's that, plus another new Sparkshort out this Friday called Nona. And according to Disney, the following week on the 24th, there'll be a little documentary about the two newest shorts, and how they came to be during the pandemic.
I was one of the people who ran Dishonored 2 with zero issues so I was unaware that people had issues with the Void Engine. For Deathloop I was getting about 80fps (with settings on max) on average at the start then I started getting some annoying stuttering once I got out of the tutorial. Apparently it's because the game has Denuvo on and that's known to absolutely kill your framerate.
I think it is a bit of both. Denuvo seems to be the main culprit right now with PCs not being able to run both. But iirc Dishonored 2 had a similar problem with Denuvo but Void engine was also giving people a lot of optimization issues. I remember mostly because I played DH2 at launch and it was really laggy but they eventually were able to update it before they removed Denuvo so it wasnt horribly optimized on PC.
...What? It's cool but, damn, why all of a sudden?
Better now than never!
So they can just... patch it in like that?
Where the hell has it been all this time?
In the basement, next to the cure for Joycon drifting.
It comes with some caveats, namely it only works if only two controllers are connected to your device, otherwise it does not.
Just one more week, one more week, I have to keep telling myself that to get through this work week.
One more week until Metallica.
One more week until my adrenaline starts to flow, I'm thrashing all around, and acting like a maniac. One more week until I'm off to never never land. One more week until the master of puppets is pulling my strings, twisting my mind and smashing my dreams.
Enjoy the concert.