Can't believe I almost forgot the obligatory Sabaton. Thankfully, I got it added, and not only that, but just in time, exactly at 11:11 on November 11th.
I'm curious as to why you believe it's better than The Walking Dead: Season One, I think it is, but I'd like to hear your reasoning for that… more.
for me i think its a mixture between s4 having a far stronger art direction and s4 also telling a far better story imo. to me each season has a theme to it.
season one's theme is sacrifice.
season two's is paranoia.
michonne's is guilt/trauma.
a new frontier's is family.
season 4 however, is a coming of age story about humanity persevering.
so much of the series, both the game and the comic book, are dedicated to showing how far human kind has fallen and how they're all inherently prone to bloodshed, yet season 4 challenges this narrative idea with kindness. instead of resenting AJ for stealing her youth and making it harder to survive, clementine treats AJ as if he were her own son. she loves him like a mother would, adores him, even. and when he does something morally wrong, she … [view original content]
So Disney actually dared to make that Home Alone reboot that I mentioned last year, called "Home Sweet Home Alone". I didn't even know it got released recently on Disney+. You know why? Because it was doomed to fail, due to Disney being such a moron to buy Fox and ruin its properties. I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with Disney's involvement.
I haven't seen it for myself, though judging by the trailer it doesn't look like it's all that good. Just another strange "let's recreate this holiday classic without changing or adding to it in any meaningful way".
Archie Yates -- the guy who played the sidekick character in Jojo Rabbit -- is the lead role of this new film, but I can't help but feel bad for the kid. I'm glad he's getting more roles, but this project looks doomed to fail critically or financially.
So Disney actually dared to make that Home Alone reboot that I mentioned last year, called "Home Sweet Home Alone". I didn't even know it go… moret released recently on Disney+. You know why? Because it was doomed to fail, due to Disney being such a moron to buy Fox and ruin its properties. I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with Disney's involvement.
Yes because Home Alone, Alien and Predator were thriving so well under Fox.
I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with Disney's involvement.
Whatever they do has to just be marginally better than 2018's The Predator when Shane Black snorted six pounds of cocaine in order to write that script. As long as they can top that I'd call that a success.
So Disney actually dared to make that Home Alone reboot that I mentioned last year, called "Home Sweet Home Alone". I didn't even know it go… moret released recently on Disney+. You know why? Because it was doomed to fail, due to Disney being such a moron to buy Fox and ruin its properties. I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with Disney's involvement.
In comparison to the ones Fox has put out these past 10-15 years? Promethius I guess was alright but Covenant was a disaster. Same with the predator, complete disaster. Predators was ok.
O look at that Lupin got there before me. Kept this page open for too long without refreshing I guess
So Disney actually dared to make that Home Alone reboot that I mentioned last year, called "Home Sweet Home Alone". I didn't even know it go… moret released recently on Disney+. You know why? Because it was doomed to fail, due to Disney being such a moron to buy Fox and ruin its properties. I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with Disney's involvement.
a new frontier's is family.
As far as I'm concerned, Resident Evil 7 is the only thing that didn't suffer the "Family" concept and deserved the award for that.
Ok, maybe not all of them. I didn't say Fox did it better but Disney, instead of trying to Fox's mistakes, they somehow make them just as bad or even worse than what they did.
Whatever they do has to just be marginally better than 2018's The Predator when Shane Black snorted six pounds of cocaine in order to write that script. As long as they can top that I'd call that a success.
From what I can recall, The Predator was ruined due to its reshoots and I believe they were done because of Disney's aquirement. I haven't seen Shane's whole filmography but that is the same guy who directed Iron Man 3 and that was one of MCU's weakest entries.
In comparison to the ones Fox has put out these past 10-15 years? Promethius I guess was alright but Covenant was a disaster. Same with the predator, complete disaster. Predators was ok.
Yeah, I didn't say Fox did any better. I was just hoping those properties would be left alone once and for all. I haven't seen all the Alien sequels, I stopped after Alien 3 because I hated that film so much and I'm not interested in the other entries. I liked Predators, it was my introduction to the franchise. The Predator? I can thank Dead Meat for covering that film so I don't have to watch it myself.
Yes because Home Alone, Alien and Predator were thriving so well under Fox.
I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with D… moreisney's involvement.
Whatever they do has to just be marginally better than 2018's The Predator when Shane Black snorted six pounds of cocaine in order to write that script. As long as they can top that I'd call that a success.
From what I can recall, The Predator was ruined due to its reshoots and I believe they were done because of Disney's aquirement.
I might be wrong but I think the reshoots mainly involved the third act. They removed stuff like more friendly Predators, changed the deaths, locations and time of day. The weaponised autism was still in the movie beforehand, so I don't think the reshoots really changed much of the overall quality story if that's any indication.
I haven't seen Shane's whole filmography but that is the same guy who directed Iron Man 3 and that was one of MCU's weakest entries.
He went on to do The Nice Guys after that, and that one's actually a pretty good movie. He also starred in the original Predator as one of the main cast (the dude with the huge glasses).
Ok, maybe not all of them. I didn't say Fox did it better but Disney, instead of trying to Fox's mistakes, they somehow make … morethem just as bad or even worse than what they did.
Whatever they do has to just be marginally better than 2018's The Predator when Shane Black snorted six pounds of cocaine in order to write that script. As long as they can top that I'd call that a success.
From what I can recall, The Predator was ruined due to its reshoots and I believe they were done because of Disney's aquirement. I haven't seen Shane's whole filmography but that is the same guy who directed Iron Man 3 and that was one of MCU's weakest entries.
In comparison to the ones Fox has put out these past 10-15 years? Promethius I guess was alright but Covenant was a disaster. Same with the predator, complete disaster. Predators was ok.
Yeah, I didn't say Fox did any better. I was just hoping those properties would b… [view original content]
I think Ridley Scott is at fault for where the Alien franchise is.
He didn't write the original. His lore additions have been... questionable and now here we're stuck.
I loved Blade Runner and I hated Alien: Resurrection... but he shouldn't have come back.
I think I'm done with Rockstar and I mean officially this time. They couldn't even get an actual remastered collection done right. It's obvious they hired a mobile developer studio to remaster the GTA Trilogy instead of actually hiring one who actually makes qualified remastered games (Like Bluepoint Games, although they were aquired by Sony) or you know, developing those versions THEMSELVES. I am not excited for GTA 6 at all, I wouldn't even be surprised if it's just like GTA 5 storywise. I cannot even trust them to re-release their other beloved properties like Max Payne, Bully, Red Dead Redemption 1 and everything in between no more.
They pulled a Konami on this, big time. They won't even let us download the original versions of the trilogy anymore. Rockstar is no longer the best developer in existence, Sam Houser and Lazlow Jones leaving Rockstar should have been a dead giveaway. YOU PICKED THE WRONG CHOICE, FOOL!!
The fact that they've removed the originals is very sus, if you'll excuse my hip language.
Erasure of legacy content like that, making it unable to be purchased (and to that extent modded), making your own "Definitive Edition" the sole way to experience it is dissapointing. I've heard the added modern controls are nice, and the remaster is... passable, but it's clearly some very minimum effort on the team's part. One could even argue some aspects are worse, such as the Sims-looking artstyle and weird shinyness of every texture, making it look like a plastic toy.
I think I'm done with Rockstar and I mean officially this time. They couldn't even get an actual remastered collection done right. It's obvi… moreous they hired a mobile developer studio to remaster the GTA Trilogy instead of actually hiring one who actually makes qualified remastered games (Like Bluepoint Games, although they were aquired by Sony) or you know, developing those versions THEMSELVES. I am not excited for GTA 6 at all, I wouldn't even be surprised if it's just like GTA 5 storywise. I cannot even trust them to re-release their other beloved properties like Max Payne, Bully, Red Dead Redemption 1 and everything in between no more.
They pulled a Konami on this, big time. They won't even let us download the original versions of the trilogy anymore. Rockstar is no longer the best developer in existence, Sam Houser and Lazlow Jones leaving Rockstar should have been a dead giveaway. YOU PICKED THE WRONG CHOICE, FOOL!!
The fact that they've removed the originals is very sus, if you'll excuse my hip language.
There is literally no excuse for this. Even 2K didn't choose to remove the original Mafia game when they released the remastered version.
Erasure of legacy content like that, making it unable to be purchased (and to that extent modded), making your own "Definitive Edition" the sole way to experience it is dissapointing.
And they put a DMCA on the modders with their graphical mod so they can make their own "Definitive Edition", yet they somehow managed to make it even worse than people who were literally making no money out of their mod work.
I've heard the added modern controls are nice, and the remaster is... passable, but it's clearly some very minimum effort on the team's part. One could even argue some aspects are worse, such as the Sims-looking artstyle and weird shinyness of every texture, making it look like a plastic toy.
Once I heard they would modify the controls for this version, I was putting faith on it. I did want this game to be good, I totally didn't expect it to have the RDR2 graphics (If a lot of people did, then sucks to be them) and I would have been ok with some cartoony look in some aspects. But they somehow managed to create more issues than fixing some of them. I mean, look at this:
I was gonna buy this game at small price anyway but if it is THAT bad, then I guess I'll pass. It's a shame though because I wanted to finish GTA 3 for the first time and re-experience Vice City and San Andreas. The only credit they get from me is that it's not as bad as Cyberpunk 2077.
The fact that they've removed the originals is very sus, if you'll excuse my hip language.
Erasure of legacy content like that, making it… more unable to be purchased (and to that extent modded), making your own "Definitive Edition" the sole way to experience it is dissapointing. I've heard the added modern controls are nice, and the remaster is... passable, but it's clearly some very minimum effort on the team's part. One could even argue some aspects are worse, such as the Sims-looking artstyle and weird shinyness of every texture, making it look like a plastic toy.
Plenty of new content on Disnry Plus today and I'm excited to get into some of it.
There's the big movie releases like Shang-Chi, Jungle Cruise, that new Home Alone film (eugh).
Plus some specials like Assembled: The Making of Shang-Chi, a Legends episode for Hawkeye, a Boba Fett retrospective, and totally unexpected content like a Marvel Studios and a Pixar '2021 Disney+ Day Special', going over content released for the service already and a glimpse at what's upcoming for it too.
Honestly I'm surprised and happy there's some old Disney Animation Shorts added today too, like Paperman, Feast and the Little Matchgirl. I thought those were already on the service...
Eyyyy Pixar is making an original animated series called Win or Lose for Disney Plus with a release set for 2023! It'll follow a middle school softball team and their coach in the lead up o their first big championship game with each episode being told from the perspective of a different character.
On the other side of the Disney coin today... They murdered Blue Sky then took their IP for themselves.
I'm getting lots of bad vibes from this trailer alone. Those voices aren't convincing replacements, and that animation... yikes. It's so choppy and flat-looking.
The show sounds really interesting with the way they'll change perspectives and styles according to the concept art.
Dream-like world for a bored kid in the stands. Larger-than life coach who thinks the game is a huge deal. Melting kid who crumbles under the pressure. Ooh I can't wait already!
The concept reminds me a bit of this old short, about a kid unable to stay awake in class
Eyyyy Pixar is making an original animated series called Win or Lose for Disney Plus with a release set for 2023! It'll follow a middle scho… moreol softball team and their coach in the lead up o their first big championship game with each episode being told from the perspective of a different character.
a new frontier's is family.
As far as I'm concerned, Resident Evil 7 is the only thing that didn't suffer the "Family" concept and deserved the award for that.
The fact that they've removed the originals is very sus, if you'll excuse my hip language.
There is literally no excuse for this. Ev… moreen 2K didn't choose to remove the original Mafia game when they released the remastered version.
Erasure of legacy content like that, making it unable to be purchased (and to that extent modded), making your own "Definitive Edition" the sole way to experience it is dissapointing.
And they put a DMCA on the modders with their graphical mod so they can make their own "Definitive Edition", yet they somehow managed to make it even worse than people who were literally making no money out of their mod work.
I've heard the added modern controls are nice, and the remaster is... passable, but it's clearly some very minimum effort on the team's part. One could even argue some aspects are worse, such as the Sims-looking artstyle and weird shinyness of every texture, making it look like a plastic … [view original content]
Apparently this was actually supposed to be a tv show animated by a different studio before the closure but it was redeveloped into a movie which is why it looks so rough and sound so off. Honestly, Blue Sky's output was about on the same level as studios like Illumination (sometimes even worse) especially with all the Ice Age sequels, but on the rare occasion they did try something different like with Robots, Peanuts or Spies in Disguise they usually did well for themselves, and if they kept doing stuff like that I think they would have been great contenders against some of Disney's stuff.
RIP Blue Skies. Also RIP the Nimona movie which I will continue to mourn.
On the other side of the Disney coin today... They murdered Blue Sky then took their IP for themselves.
I'm getting lots of bad vibes from… more this trailer alone. Those voices aren't convincing replacements, and that animation... yikes. It's so choppy and flat-looking.
Yeah, I already lost hope for Game Awards. It doesn't even look like my type of game (My poor Resident Evil Village...) It will win more awards while DOOM Eternal sits in the corner with his empty shelves and this is coming from someone who isn't really into DOOM. If someone would ask me, I would take Doom Eternal before Deathloop every day.
I feel the only "real" competition for GOTY is RE8 and Deathloop.
I hope RE8 because one it is easily the better game, but it was also a lot more relevant I guess. RE8 had a lot of discussion before and after released, Deathloop kinda just showed up and most post launch discussion is how the game is sort of bad.
Plus what seems to be a really big disconnect between critics and players. I wouldn't compare this to TLOU2 though for example, but it is a really strange divide. Deathloop I feel pretty safe in saying is objectively Arkane's weakest release with toned down gameplay and level design, and worst of all removal of the immersive sim Arkane was known for. I have never felt so disconnected from a world before in Deathloop, and ironically the game all about the "looping" has one actual path told in an extremely linear order. Plus the narrative nomination is funny to me. Deathloop's story was pretty bad. You barely care or know anything about the visionaries and your only real narrative downtime is Colt and Juliana saying "Fuck you" 10 different ways at the start of a level.
I'm way more surprised that Hitman 3 only got nominated for Best VR/AR title.
I remember tons of reviews from earlier in the year claiming it was the best entry of the trilogy (and I strongly agree), and there was plenty of buzz around it already being a contender for GOTY.
The fact that it got a VR nom is great, since from what I've heard the entire 3-game set of missions is perfectly playable in it, but it didn't even get nom'd for Ongoing Game or even Action/Adventure (it would fit perfectly in a Stealth category, but that's non-existent).
The Blizzard and Bobby Kotick controversy is a horrible trainwreck that keeps getting worse and worse and I can't look away. Burn that whole company to the ground with him in it.
I haven’t paid any attention nor cared about anything Blizzard since they kowtowed to a communist dictatorship in the middle of a free speech movement in Hong Kong and never truly apologized for their actions, so what exactly is happening now?
The Blizzard and Bobby Kotick controversy is a horrible trainwreck that keeps getting worse and worse and I can't look away. Burn that whole company to the ground with him in it.
Figuratively and in a legal way I mean.
The Blizzard and Bobby Kotick controversy is a horrible trainwreck that keeps getting worse and worse and I can't look away. Burn that whole company to the ground with him in it.
Figuratively and in a legal way I mean.
Toxic workplace culture and rampant sexual harassment, with one case ending with the suicide of a female employee.
A female employee was allegedly raped twice by her supervisor.
The board of directors and Bobby Kotick attempting to hide all of it.
Bobby Kotick himself being a right prick and defending a number of the accused as well as apparently at one point in time, threatened to have a female employee killed.
Currently being sued by the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing.
Accused of trying to destroy evidence by said department.
Mike Ybarra and Jennifer O'neal were appointed as the male and female co-leads of Blizzard only for the O'neal to leave the position less than two months after because the company still wasn't addressing any of the issues in a serious manner, and making it apparent that she was put in the position as nothing more than a publicity stunt.
O'neal was also receiving less pay than her male counterpart and was only offered more when she resigned from the position.
Then there's the infamous Cosby Suite, named after Bill Cosby, which was a group made up of Blizzards top male employees which is a whole 'nother can of worms.
This isn't everything but it's most of the major stuff I believe.
I haven’t paid any attention nor cared about anything Blizzard since they kowtowed to a communist dictatorship in the middle of a free speech movement in Hong Kong and never truly apologized for their actions, so what exactly is happening now?
I'm more worried about the employees themselves, considering a good number of them are victims in all this and the list of allegations is getting more and more heinous. Blizzard as a company and Bobby Kotick can go fuck themselves.
Yeah, I also feel bad for the employees. The only thing I can hope for them is finding a better studio to work for. Blizzard on the other one is going to miss them if they go bankrupt.
I'm more worried about the employees themselves, considering a good number of them are victims in all this and the list of allegations is getting more and more heinous. Blizzard as a company and Bobby Kotick can go fuck themselves.
Can't believe I almost forgot the obligatory Sabaton. Thankfully, I got it added, and not only that, but just in time, exactly at 11:11 on November 11th.
Aahhh, the good old days of thinking this was GTA 5. This and the cancelled Eight Days.
As far as I'm concerned, Resident Evil 7 is the only thing that didn't suffer the "Family" concept and deserved the award for that.
I shall wish @AChicken a very belated birthday:
So Disney actually dared to make that Home Alone reboot that I mentioned last year, called "Home Sweet Home Alone". I didn't even know it got released recently on Disney+. You know why? Because it was doomed to fail, due to Disney being such a moron to buy Fox and ruin its properties. I cannot expect a good sequel to Alien and Predator with Disney's involvement.
I haven't seen it for myself, though judging by the trailer it doesn't look like it's all that good. Just another strange "let's recreate this holiday classic without changing or adding to it in any meaningful way".
Archie Yates -- the guy who played the sidekick character in Jojo Rabbit -- is the lead role of this new film, but I can't help but feel bad for the kid. I'm glad he's getting more roles, but this project looks doomed to fail critically or financially.
[Reported for posting dummy thicc content.]
Thanks InGen. Meme approved.
Yes because Home Alone, Alien and Predator were thriving so well under Fox.
Whatever they do has to just be marginally better than 2018's The Predator when Shane Black snorted six pounds of cocaine in order to write that script. As long as they can top that I'd call that a success.
In comparison to the ones Fox has put out these past 10-15 years? Promethius I guess was alright but Covenant was a disaster. Same with the predator, complete disaster. Predators was ok.
O look at that Lupin got there before me. Kept this page open for too long without refreshing I guess
so glad that no matter how far our opinions stray from each other we can always come back to the common ground of re7 being a banger game.
Ok, maybe not all of them. I didn't say Fox did it better but Disney, instead of trying to Fox's mistakes, they somehow make them just as bad or even worse than what they did.
From what I can recall, The Predator was ruined due to its reshoots and I believe they were done because of Disney's aquirement. I haven't seen Shane's whole filmography but that is the same guy who directed Iron Man 3 and that was one of MCU's weakest entries.
Yeah, I didn't say Fox did any better. I was just hoping those properties would be left alone once and for all. I haven't seen all the Alien sequels, I stopped after Alien 3 because I hated that film so much and I'm not interested in the other entries. I liked Predators, it was my introduction to the franchise. The Predator? I can thank Dead Meat for covering that film so I don't have to watch it myself.
I might be wrong but I think the reshoots mainly involved the third act. They removed stuff like more friendly Predators, changed the deaths, locations and time of day. The weaponised autism was still in the movie beforehand, so I don't think the reshoots really changed much of the overall quality story if that's any indication.
He went on to do The Nice Guys after that, and that one's actually a pretty good movie. He also starred in the original Predator as one of the main cast (the dude with the huge glasses).
I think Ridley Scott is at fault for where the Alien franchise is.
He didn't write the original. His lore additions have been... questionable and now here we're stuck.
I loved Blade Runner and I hated Alien: Resurrection... but he shouldn't have come back.
Can i wish you a very very belated birthday ?
No ? Too late ? Oh well.
But seriously Happy Birthday @AChicken
I think I'm done with Rockstar and I mean officially this time. They couldn't even get an actual remastered collection done right. It's obvious they hired a mobile developer studio to remaster the GTA Trilogy instead of actually hiring one who actually makes qualified remastered games (Like Bluepoint Games, although they were aquired by Sony) or you know, developing those versions THEMSELVES. I am not excited for GTA 6 at all, I wouldn't even be surprised if it's just like GTA 5 storywise. I cannot even trust them to re-release their other beloved properties like Max Payne, Bully, Red Dead Redemption 1 and everything in between no more.
They pulled a Konami on this, big time. They won't even let us download the original versions of the trilogy anymore. Rockstar is no longer the best developer in existence, Sam Houser and Lazlow Jones leaving Rockstar should have been a dead giveaway. YOU PICKED THE WRONG CHOICE, FOOL!!
The fact that they've removed the originals is very sus, if you'll excuse my hip language.
Erasure of legacy content like that, making it unable to be purchased (and to that extent modded), making your own "Definitive Edition" the sole way to experience it is dissapointing. I've heard the added modern controls are nice, and the remaster is... passable, but it's clearly some very minimum effort on the team's part. One could even argue some aspects are worse, such as the Sims-looking artstyle and weird shinyness of every texture, making it look like a plastic toy.
There is literally no excuse for this. Even 2K didn't choose to remove the original Mafia game when they released the remastered version.
And they put a DMCA on the modders with their graphical mod so they can make their own "Definitive Edition", yet they somehow managed to make it even worse than people who were literally making no money out of their mod work.
Once I heard they would modify the controls for this version, I was putting faith on it. I did want this game to be good, I totally didn't expect it to have the RDR2 graphics (If a lot of people did, then sucks to be them) and I would have been ok with some cartoony look in some aspects. But they somehow managed to create more issues than fixing some of them. I mean, look at this:

I was gonna buy this game at small price anyway but if it is THAT bad, then I guess I'll pass. It's a shame though because I wanted to finish GTA 3 for the first time and re-experience Vice City and San Andreas. The only credit they get from me is that it's not as bad as Cyberpunk 2077.
Plenty of new content on Disnry Plus today and I'm excited to get into some of it.
There's the big movie releases like Shang-Chi, Jungle Cruise, that new Home Alone film (eugh).
Plus some specials like Assembled: The Making of Shang-Chi, a Legends episode for Hawkeye, a Boba Fett retrospective, and totally unexpected content like a Marvel Studios and a Pixar '2021 Disney+ Day Special', going over content released for the service already and a glimpse at what's upcoming for it too.
Honestly I'm surprised and happy there's some old Disney Animation Shorts added today too, like Paperman, Feast and the Little Matchgirl. I thought those were already on the service...
Eyyyy Pixar is making an original animated series called Win or Lose for Disney Plus with a release set for 2023! It'll follow a middle school softball team and their coach in the lead up o their first big championship game with each episode being told from the perspective of a different character.
On the other side of the Disney coin today... They murdered Blue Sky then took their IP for themselves.
I'm getting lots of bad vibes from this trailer alone. Those voices aren't convincing replacements, and that animation... yikes. It's so choppy and flat-looking.
Aw yeah, I just saw the Pixar preview thing!
The show sounds really interesting with the way they'll change perspectives and styles according to the concept art.
Dream-like world for a bored kid in the stands. Larger-than life coach who thinks the game is a huge deal. Melting kid who crumbles under the pressure. Ooh I can't wait already!
The concept reminds me a bit of this old short, about a kid unable to stay awake in class

I was actually thinking no wonder many consider it average.
What do you mean though?
Oh Denise, honey, what did they do to you?
I was actually referring to ANF, but okay
Apparently this was actually supposed to be a tv show animated by a different studio before the closure but it was redeveloped into a movie which is why it looks so rough and sound so off. Honestly, Blue Sky's output was about on the same level as studios like Illumination (sometimes even worse) especially with all the Ice Age sequels, but on the rare occasion they did try something different like with Robots, Peanuts or Spies in Disguise they usually did well for themselves, and if they kept doing stuff like that I think they would have been great contenders against some of Disney's stuff.
RIP Blue Skies. Also RIP the Nimona movie which I will continue to mourn.
So it looks like Deathloop is this year's The Last of Us Part 2 in that it's just getting nominated for everything at this year's Game Awards.
Yeah, I already lost hope for Game Awards. It doesn't even look like my type of game (My poor Resident Evil Village...) It will win more awards while DOOM Eternal sits in the corner with his empty shelves and this is coming from someone who isn't really into DOOM. If someone would ask me, I would take Doom Eternal before Deathloop every day.
I feel the only "real" competition for GOTY is RE8 and Deathloop.
I hope RE8 because one it is easily the better game, but it was also a lot more relevant I guess. RE8 had a lot of discussion before and after released, Deathloop kinda just showed up and most post launch discussion is how the game is sort of bad.
Plus what seems to be a really big disconnect between critics and players. I wouldn't compare this to TLOU2 though for example, but it is a really strange divide. Deathloop I feel pretty safe in saying is objectively Arkane's weakest release with toned down gameplay and level design, and worst of all removal of the immersive sim Arkane was known for. I have never felt so disconnected from a world before in Deathloop, and ironically the game all about the "looping" has one actual path told in an extremely linear order. Plus the narrative nomination is funny to me. Deathloop's story was pretty bad. You barely care or know anything about the visionaries and your only real narrative downtime is Colt and Juliana saying "Fuck you" 10 different ways at the start of a level.
I'm way more surprised that Hitman 3 only got nominated for Best VR/AR title.
I remember tons of reviews from earlier in the year claiming it was the best entry of the trilogy (and I strongly agree), and there was plenty of buzz around it already being a contender for GOTY.
The fact that it got a VR nom is great, since from what I've heard the entire 3-game set of missions is perfectly playable in it, but it didn't even get nom'd for Ongoing Game or even Action/Adventure (it would fit perfectly in a Stealth category, but that's non-existent).
I’m still nervous about the actual writing and execution, but damn is the live action Avatar series fucking nailing its cast.
In a move that probably surprises no one, the next Elder Scrolls game will be exclusive to Xbox and PC.
YES!! Netflix actually making fantastic casting moves. This is a really promising role.
Ooooh and they're using digital sets like the Mandalorian!

The Blizzard and Bobby Kotick controversy is a horrible trainwreck that keeps getting worse and worse and I can't look away. Burn that whole company to the ground with him in it.
Figuratively and in a legal way I mean.
I haven’t paid any attention nor cared about anything Blizzard since they kowtowed to a communist dictatorship in the middle of a free speech movement in Hong Kong and never truly apologized for their actions, so what exactly is happening now?
How many times do I have to use the "Oh no. Anyways..." meme, my friend?
A lot.
This isn't everything but it's most of the major stuff I believe.
I'm more worried about the employees themselves, considering a good number of them are victims in all this and the list of allegations is getting more and more heinous. Blizzard as a company and Bobby Kotick can go fuck themselves.
Yeah, I also feel bad for the employees. The only thing I can hope for them is finding a better studio to work for. Blizzard on the other one is going to miss them if they go bankrupt.