The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Just found out nearly a week later that ex Telltale members Jason Topolski and a Brian [Collard?] are now members of Steel Wool Studios. It'd certainly shows in the former's sense of humor, which is from someone who worked on Tales of the Borderlands and The Minecraft Series.

  • Just learned that Dave Fennoy was in the 1993 game _Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! _. Truly fascinating fun fact, 10/10.

  • Finished playing my alternate playthrough of Life is Strange 1 and well , most of my choices are alternate I did side with David against Chloe …”Sorry Chloe.” I’d did be a total a***hole with Victoria Chase I took a picture of her when I pranked by sabotaging the paint can later told her her art work sucks in the Halloween party .

    I still kissed Chloe then reversed then kissed her back just to see what happens .

    I did killer her when she requested me to tamer with the iv which was painful for me to do.

    I snitched on Mr. Jefferson instead of Nathan this time and killed Frank and his dog but of all that I sacrificed Chloe to save Arcadia bay which was good but at the same time watching Chloe die again was just a heart stop feeling.

    But at the end with Chloe‘s funeral when the butterfly landed on her casket it made me wonder if she can still revive Chloe and not have another cataclysmic event happen?

    But right now I’ll play before the storm later in the evening ?

    What I can say is the soundtrack really hits you deep.

    My favorite is The obstacle and Something Good.

  • edited December 2021

    (Certainly explains that one comment about Carley)

    Just learned that Dave Fennoy was in the 1993 game _Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! _. Truly fascinating fun fact, 10/10.

  • Maybe

    I got a question for everyone? Would Robert Downing Jr make a great Mr. Jefferson? Or do you have someone else in mind ?

  • Actually, you know what, no--this is a thread all about random, spur of the moment thoughts.
    That means they can either be taken up for actual conversation or left alone as basic comments. The only question is whether that's right or if that's a mistake, non?

  • Whatever's on your mind.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Actually, you know what, no--this is a thread all about random, spur of the moment thoughts. That means they can either be taken up for act

  • Okay, just checking

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Whatever's on your mind.

  • Telltale community manager having to reply to every post with "Please, please I fucking beg you to read the blog post" because they didn't bother doing a 10 second Wolf 2 teaser saying more info in less than a month at the game awards

  • It's funny but sad.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Telltale community manager having to reply to every post with "Please, please I fucking beg you to read the blog post" because they didn't bother doing a 10 second Wolf 2 teaser saying more info in less than a month at the game awards

  • Watching Metallica's 40th anniversary Livestream concert on Amazon (God I work for an amazing company) and I already love this setlist. Only 5 songs in and 3 are deep cuts they haven't played in years. I fucking love this band.

  • This just came into mind, Would it have worked if Max traveled in a picture where Rachel Amber and Chloe where still friends and warn Rachel in 3 years that her life is in danger?

    Or is it only when Max is only present in the photo?

  • Fellow fans of The Dragon Prince, Wonderstorm just released an end of the year update in regards to the show. Here are the big pieces of info dropped:

    Opens with them addressing the concerns in regards to lack of info and understanding the frustration by some people (Season 3 came out in 2019, full saga confirmed in 2020, and now it's almost 2022 with no info, so it's not like the concerns weren't unwarranted).

    To deliver against this vision, we’re currently planning to tell the story of The Dragon Prince over the course of seven seasons, with each season consisting of nine episodes. These 63 episodes are what we consider to be the series’ core narrative journey—and what we now refer to as “The Dragon Prince saga.”

    So confirmation season formats will stick to 9 episodes per season, do not expect any more and that there will be a total of 63 episodes.

    They also updated their saga plan. Originally, Books 1-3 were entitled Phase 1: The Dragon Prince. Phase 2 would be Books 4-5 entitled The Dragon Prince: ???, and Phase 3 was Books 6-7, and just labeled with ???. A new roadmap has now been presented, major change is that Phase 2 now encompasses Books 4-6, and Book 7 is the sole part of Phase 3.

    Each “phase” is effectively its own arc, telling a very specific part of the larger story...Phase 1 of the saga is officially known as “The Dragon Prince,” and follows the discovery, birth, and eventual return of the storm dragon, Azymondias, to his home in Xadia. Phases 2 and 3 will each explore different arcs, which we can’t wait for you to discover.

    So with each phase being a new arc, and the arc progression updating to now just one season for the last chapter, expect Phase 2's arc to be similar in scale to the first phase. They chose a phase progression like this to add to story and character cohesion.

    They went into the development process as an explanation for why it's taking so long.

    That feeling of cohesion within a specific phase is incredibly important to us, so rather than develop each season of The Dragon Prince independently and consecutively (which is pretty common), we instead work on multiple seasons simultaneously. We’ve found this process helps us craft compelling storytelling arcs that are deeper, better connected, and more complex—something our fans have not only come to expect at this point from the series, but also deserve.

    The trade-off, however, is time.

    While all animation takes a long time to do well, our particular process redistributes a lot of the work needed to script, record, concept, storyboard, and animate three entire seasons to the beginning of each phase’s development. This, in turn, creates longer gaps between the end of one phase and the start of another (i.e. between season 3 and 4) than one might initially expect.

    Basically, the reason it's taking so long is because they aren't just making Season 4, they're making 4, 5, and 6 at the same time. Once that's done, they can begin work on the next phase. So while Season 4 is taking a long time, we can probably expect shorter wait times for Seasons 5 and 6, and possibly for 7 since it was already renewed.

    They also mention that work started on the first three seasons back in 2015, 3 years before the show was announced, and to pretty much expect a similar length this time around as the series was not renewed until 2020. Which leads into the biggest news drop:

    Season 4 is currently in full production. At this point, the scripts for all nine episodes have been written, we’ve recorded the entire season with our amazing voice actors, storyboards and animatics are complete, and we’re now in the process of fully animating each episode with our partners at Bardel Entertainment.

    This last stage of development often takes the longest since it includes a variety of additional steps like modeling, lighting, rendering, compositing, special effects, sound design, and editing. We’ve still got a lot of work left before season 4 is done—so it’s a little too early to share a release date just yet—but we’re currently looking to wrap some time in late 2022 at the earliest.

    Production will wrap in late 2022 on Season 4, so more than likely, expect the release in 2023, which would fit the timeline of the first phase (3 years between 2015 and 2018).

    Some other stuff was given, such as an update on the multiplayer video game being developed and how their partnerships with other companies for supplemental material is not deriding the production of the TV show.

  • Or is it only when Max is only present in the photo?


    This just came into mind, Would it have worked if Max traveled in a picture where Rachel Amber and Chloe where still friends and warn Rachel in 3 years that her life is in danger? Or is it only when Max is only present in the photo?

  • This is fantastic news. I'm really glad to hear that they've got the scripts and voice-acting down already, it's just the bulk of animation and rendering that needs time.

    Fellow fans of The Dragon Prince, Wonderstorm just released an end of the year update in regards to the show. Here are the big pieces of inf

  • Nice to see an update on how the saga is developing! Also looks like it's going pretty much how I guessed it would lmao.

    Hopefully there'll be a recap of some sort by the time the 4th season releases considering the gap it would be about four years since the previous season. I wonder if there'll be another time skip between phases 2 and 3.

    Fellow fans of The Dragon Prince, Wonderstorm just released an end of the year update in regards to the show. Here are the big pieces of inf

  • edited December 2021

    I can't believe I've only got around to this now considering we are so far into December and Christmas is just around the corner, but Happy Holidays

    Mod Edit: Please avoid jokes that segue to political commentary. Thanks!

  • Does anyone else just get those random bursts of nostalgia for a game, a movie or a book? The past few days I've been at work, I would just suddenly think of the fun and hype with The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series when it was ongoing, like the buildup to The Walking Dead: The Final Season, there was not a day that went by where I didn't think about it, and when the Episodes came out, I was sucked in and always felt the tears coming during each Episode, I'm not exaggerating in any shape or form.

    I'll always appreciate Skybound stepping in to save the Series and give it the conclusion it deserved, how it ended meant so much to me, I just wish that the Ending was respected and upheld. It sounds petty, and it probably is, but I'll not consider these upcoming Books canon to Clementine's Story, I think it causes great harm to the legacy of the Series, that to keep that intact for myself, I'd have to disregard Skybound X and the Books.

  • I think it's only when she's in the photo

    This just came into mind, Would it have worked if Max traveled in a picture where Rachel Amber and Chloe where still friends and warn Rachel in 3 years that her life is in danger? Or is it only when Max is only present in the photo?

  • It sounds petty, and it probably is, but I'll not consider these upcoming Books canon to Clementine's Story, I think it causes great harm to the legacy of the Series, that to keep that intact for myself, I'd have to disregard Skybound X and the Books.

    Plus, Robert Kirkman isn't even involved in making those books. There is absolutely no way for me to support them.

    Does anyone else just get those random bursts of nostalgia for a game, a movie or a book? The past few days I've been at work, I would just

  • Personally, and this is probably an unpopular view for me to have, but I think even if Robert Kirkman was involved, I think the Books would still be received poorly, and perhaps a more vocal outrage if Kirkman was involved. Logically, the only way the Books were going to work was to go the route that is already being taken, Clementine had to be removed from the Boarding School so to avoid issues with choices, having her stick around wouldn't work, so getting her out and getting her moving again was really the only step that could be taken to make a trilogy of Books based on her worthwhile.

    For me, I don't think the Books or Skybound X should've happened, I always felt that continuing her Story once more would result in what happened with Skybound X, because for the Books to work, it had to happen. If Skybound wanted to profit off the Series and the character, simply make merchandise of good quality, because even though the games sold poorly, it has always done well when merchandise based on it was available for purchase. They could've made Marlon jackets, Disco Broccoli and his Chive-Talkin' Friends toys, Javier baseball Jerseys, and I'd wager they would all sell very well, the potential for merchandise based on the Series goes on and on, and it lacks any risk of tarnishing the legacy of the character and the Series in doing so.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It sounds petty, and it probably is, but I'll not consider these upcoming Books canon to Clementine's Story, I think it causes great harm to

  • Pretty much. I knew from the start that they would ruin Clem's story once they announced her continuation.

    Personally, and this is probably an unpopular view for me to have, but I think even if Robert Kirkman was involved, I think the Books would

  • Ok so her powers haven't mutated that far.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I think it's only when she's in the photo

  • The download size for Horizon Forbidden West was just announced. So let's see how big the game is...HOLY SHIT!

  • Community Manager really did get tired of replying to every tweet to read the blog post and just tweeted the blog post I see

  • And they still gotta reply to some of these replies to wait for the Game Informer article, lmao

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Community Manager really did get tired of replying to every tweet to read the blog post and just tweeted the blog post I see

  • CM actually thought people would read the update before replying (CRAZY) and having to go right back to replying

    dojo32161 posted: »

    And they still gotta reply to some of these replies to wait for the Game Informer article, lmao

  • Not gonna lie, I've been having thoughts on other games and books that made certain choices canon. Warning below contains spoilers for TWAU comics, Witcher comics, and Dishonored books.

    In Borderlands 3 they made Rhysha canon when I would prefer Rhyiona. In Wolf Among Us comics they had Bigby burn Aunty Greenleaf's tree (among other choices that were made). In the latest Witcher comics, Ciri is a witcher and Geralt picked Yennefer. Then there's Dishonored books and comics where many choices were made canon (like Jindosh being dead, Paolo becomming the Duke).

    I'm torn between whether to accept these as canon or if I should just believe my choices are canon. It feels like I'm lying to myself when I know the real truth.

    Does anyone else just get those random bursts of nostalgia for a game, a movie or a book? The past few days I've been at work, I would just

  • Been drained from school the past few weeks, barely any motivation to draw.
    At least I finally dragged myself to my tablet today and at least got my winter 2021 profile pic out of my head. Baby steps, that's how I'll get back on the art wagon I guess.

  • Have a great Christmas everyone! 🎄

  • edited December 2021

    Poster for the upcoming Hilda Movie is out! Looks tense. @lupinb0y
    (and long-legs Hilda is cursed)

    Also the Annie Awards 2021 nominations have been announced! Lots of Disney noms and Sony noms (for The Mitchells Vs. The Machines.)

    Very interestingly, Hilda and the Mountain King was nominated for 2 awards -- Best Direction and Best Music. But it's not even out yet!!

  • Game Informer posted an article talking about what you'll see Telltale wise for the next issue and they only mentioned The Expanse

  • edited December 2021

    I'm more annoyed that they said the digital issue would be up this afternoon and it still isn't. It's almost midnight where I'm at and I still haven't been able to find a way to read it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Game Informer posted an article talking about what you'll see Telltale wise for the next issue and they only mentioned The Expanse

  • If that's the case I'm expecting 90% discussion on the new Expanse partnership, and a small announcement near the end of "On F17 or whatever, check Telltale's Blog Post for new details on Wolf 2!"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Game Informer posted an article talking about what you'll see Telltale wise for the next issue and they only mentioned The Expanse

  • Yeah seems best we can maybe get is a better time frame of when that Wolf 2 news will drop.

    AChicken posted: »

    If that's the case I'm expecting 90% discussion on the new Expanse partnership, and a small announcement near the end of "On F17 or whatever, check Telltale's Blog Post for new details on Wolf 2!"

  • Yeahh.. Considering it's been mentioned we'll have "something juicy to sink our teeth into" early next year, I doubt that will come alongside the GameInformer article. Telltale probably wants to release the trailer or concept showcase or whatever they've got in the oven on their own terms, when it's ready

    ...Is my basic understanding of the situation thus far.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Yeah seems best we can maybe get is a better time frame of when that Wolf 2 news will drop.

  • bro wtf why did they write it like that in the blog post on this website :neutral: they really said "that’s why we’re going to be in issue 342 of Game Informer". Oh well at least they said they really got to work during the 2020 lockdowns.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Game Informer posted an article talking about what you'll see Telltale wise for the next issue and they only mentioned The Expanse

  • That's a nice lookin' poster right there.

    Also the Annie Awards 2021 nominations have been announced! Lots of Disney noms and Sony noms (for The Mitchells Vs. The Machines.)

    The Mitchells Vs. The Machines for Best Feature please. Also looks like there's some animated stuff in there that I should keep an eye out for!

    AChicken posted: »

    Poster for the upcoming Hilda Movie is out! Looks tense. @lupinb0y (and long-legs Hilda is cursed) (Spoiler) Also the Annie Awards

  • edited December 2021

    Trailer for Netflix's upcoming stop motion animated horror comedy series, The House. It's a shame that there hasn't been more horror stop motion stuff. There's tons of examples of stop motion animation, even stuff that's aimed for kids, where things looks either really unsettling or downright terrifying. I mean, just look at Henry Selick's and Tim Burton's work, or even some of Laika Studios. Even Pingu had some pretty nightmare inducing scenes.

    The trailer looks really creepy. Not a fan of the really large man at the end there lol. It seems that all three episodes take place in the house during different eras, which is pretty interesting considering two episodes follow anthropomorphic animals and it looks like the one with the humans is the furthest in the past.

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