The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I hope we get some more Wolf 2 epic leaks that are 100% legit. Cant wait to see S1 Bigby model leak doing something in 2-3 months on gamingleaksandrumors where the 100% legit real leaks are!

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Hey at least you're saying it's just a prediction and not presenting a messy list as a fake leak

  • You know what this means, right? Time for more Winter Wolf DLC leaks :sunglasses:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I hope we get some more Wolf 2 epic leaks that are 100% legit. Cant wait to see S1 Bigby model leak doing something in 2-3 months on gamingleaksandrumors where the 100% legit real leaks are!

  • You know if you really think about it - Winter Wolf really do be real doh

    You know what this means, right? Time for more Winter Wolf DLC leaks

  • No one:


  • smh telltale stealing fans ideas now
    100% shady, no trust, new telltale is worse :fearful:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You know if you really think about it - Winter Wolf really do be real doh

  • edited February 2022

    So here’s my question then, why do we only see this get claimed on the basis of ethnicity and race? If we want this under a broad spectrum, why do we not argue this on all grounds, such as sex, age, sexuality, handicap status, etc.? Bobs Burgers, outside of Louise, the entire main cast is voiced by men, that includes Tina and Linda. How many Japanese anime dubs utilize white voice actors like Laura Bailey and Matt Mercer? We’ve seen non-LGBT actors and actresses play LGBT characters, and vice versa. I do believe Neil Patrick Harris, a very prominent gay actor, was asked about this, and his response made the most sense to me. “In our world that we live in you can’t really as a director demand that [an actor be a given sexual orientation]…Who’s to determine how gay someone is?… I played a character for nine years who was nothing like me, I would definitely want to hire the best actor.” The whole point of acting is playing someone that is not entirely yourself, and voice acting especially lends into this as one doesn’t need to be of the same sex, ethnicity, race, sexuality, age, or anything of the character they are playing. We’ve had black actors play white characters (Kimberly Brooks plays Ashley Williams in Mass Effect), and white actors play black characters (Laura Bailey plays Nadine Ross in Uncharted). We’ve gone years of women playing young male characters, this one is especially strategic due to the fact that, if you cast male actors who match those ages in these roles, they will eventually grow out of the voice. Voice acting enables a bit more freedom in hiring practices as it’s not bound by some of the same limitations as live action, you are more free to cast who you believe is the best fit for the role.

    That’s not to say you can’t, if you want to hire people that match the character, then you certainly can. But now, the issue is replacing the already established VA’s that know these characters and removing the iconic voices behind them. Chances are a lot of fans understandably aren’t going to be happy with that.

    I also just find it kind of insulting to the actors in general. There’s a reason why these characters are iconic. It’s a mixture of the writing, design, and yes, the voice actors that brought them to life. Just saying you’re going to go ahead and recast them, it devalues the work of the voice actor by implying that you can just get anyone to do it and they will bring exactly what you need to the role. No, they can’t. A large reason why these characters are so beloved is the person that played the character, they brought a uniqueness to the role that someone else might not have brought. Sokka was originally more serious and down to earth, but Jack De Sena made the character more sarcastic and humorous by improvising some of his lines, and the creators changed the character into what we now know and love. By going about and saying the actors are interchangeable and going after imitations, whether for monetary reasons or progressive reasons, it is devaluing the original work of the people that played them.

    Considering he's an advocate of this himself, I'm sure he doesn't mind at all? That would be quite hypocritical of him.

    So you wouldn’t mind if the job you were in for years that you’re passionate about and love doing just decided to fire you in an effort to increase diversity. Especially when you argue for representation and greater opportunities, only to still lose out on an opportunity because it’s not the representation they’re looking for.

    @dylanwoods777 So let me pose this question to you. You love Clementine, probably as much, if not more, than I do. Hypothetical, Skybound says they’re going to make a Season 5 with Clementine returning as the main character. You would support her being recast with someone else? After all, she is an African American character, but voiced by Melissa Hutchison, a white woman. As far as I know, Melissa is Clementine. She understands the character, voiced her for several years, and captured the essence of the character flawlessly. Sure, recasting her with someone else that can nail the impression of her might mask the change, but that’s not Clementine, it’s just an imitation.

    Sounds like an admirable decision by the development team to me. Of course the voices are "iconic" but the original series was made in a ver

  • So here’s my question then, why do we only see this get claimed on the basis of ethnicity and race?

    Quite simply because white actors come from an inherent place of privilege which makes getting ahead in any industry easier for them, plus factor in that there's way more white characters to go around than diverse roles in the first place, and giving those to white people too makes it really hard for anyone who isn't white to get ahead. The thought process of "anyone can play anything" will always inevitably lead to white actors getting cast for pretty much everything, at least in the current society we live in, that's what the animation industry has been like for decades.

    If we want this under a broad spectrum, why do we not argue this on all grounds, such as sex, age, sexuality, handicap status, etc.?

    For authentic representation yeah we should consider all of these factors too, I agree. The reason they're not being discussed as much as race and ethnicity atm are because a big change in the industry has started due to events in america that should still be fresh in your mind.

    How many Japanese anime dubs utilize white voice actors like Laura Bailey and Matt Mercer?

    This is the same issue, they should stop doing that unless the characters are meant to be white.

    The whole point of acting is playing someone that is not entirely yourself, and voice acting especially lends into this as one doesn’t need to be of the same sex, ethnicity, race, sexuality, age, or anything of the character they are playing.

    They do in theater, they do in movies. Acting is pretending to be a different person, not a different sex, ethnicity, race, sexuality, age etc. in my opinion. Voice acting isn't exempt from this at all.

    We’ve had black actors play white characters (Kimberly Brooks plays Ashley Williams in Mass Effect), and white actors play black characters (Laura Bailey plays Nadine Ross in Uncharted).

    The latter much more often than the former of course. I don't think black actors should play white characters either fyi.

    We’ve gone years of women playing young male characters, this one is especially strategic due to the fact that, if you cast male actors who match those ages in these roles, they will eventually grow out of the voice.

    Honestly this is the only exception to the rule I can think of where it's really not that harmful and makes sense.

    I also just find it kind of insulting to the actors in general. There’s a reason why these characters are iconic. It’s a mixture of the writing, design, and yes, the voice actors that brought them to life. Just saying you’re going to go ahead and recast them, it devalues the work of the voice actor by implying that you can just get anyone to do it and they will bring exactly what you need to the role.

    It's just not about the actors or how skilled they are at all though. Whether it devalues their work or not that's not the intent. This isn't about finding someone better, it's about something much bigger.

    So here’s my question then, why do we only see this get claimed on the basis of ethnicity and race? If we want this under a broad spectrum,

  • Hey, just going to nip this current voice actor debate in the bud right now. Okay?

  • Dojo posted this reminder like two weeks back; please avoid political/controversial discussions.
    Games are supposed to be about fun and escapism. Whenever we previously tried allowing these kinds of discussions in the past, it wasn't very healthy for the forum's culture.

    Going off of what Dojo's previous warning said, the voice actor discussion is getting kinda close to the point of warning bans being handed out. Let's please move on, okay?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I would like to remind everyone that we've talked about how political posts aren't allowed. This has been mentioned several times in the pas

  • edited February 2022

    So let me pose this question to you. You love Clementine, probably as much, if not more, than I do. Hypothetical, Skybound says they’re going to make a Season 5 with Clementine returning as the main character. You would support her being recast with someone else? After all, she is an African American character, but voiced by Melissa Hutchison, a white woman. As far as I know, Melissa is Clementine. She understands the character, voiced her for several years, and captured the essence of the character flawlessly. Sure, recasting her with someone else that can nail the impression of her might mask the change, but that’s not Clementine, it’s just an imitation.

    Heya, good question, I kind of saw this coming to be honest, I'll address the part of your comment towards me because in reading CrazedRabbit's response, they've addressed the rest of your comment much better than I ever could.

    Honestly it was something I thought about when I typed my initial comment to CrazedRabbit, because I do associate Melissa with Clementine because she's been the only one to voice Clementine, because based on everything we've got of the Series, Melissa has been there every step of the way. So if Clementine was recast, I would struggle to come to terms with it, I'm not great with change, but I know myself well enough to know that I'd be fine with it after a bit, from the get go I'd understand why and it's appropriate but coming to grips with it would affect me for a period of time.

    If a person of colour understood the character, and does an absolutely spot on voice of Clementine if it picked up from where the Series left off, then I genuinely don't have an issue with it, in my initial comment, I mentioned that the VA for Chloe from Life Is Strange: Before The Storm was a different actress from the first, I had no idea it was a different actress until I saw an interview with the original actress talking about the recasting. I think the ethnicity of both actresses is white, so it may not exactly be the same, but the point I'm trying to make is with voice acting, where it's just a voice that we associate with a character, recasting isn't a dramatic change so long as the newly casted VO can breathe life into the character just like who came before them.

    if a person of colour were to replicate Melissa's performance as Clementine, then it solves the problem of finding someone that's a person of colour that can voice Clementine in a believable manner, but there's not a Season Five, so I can continue to associate Melissa with Clementine.

    Clementine though, taking away the voice of Melissa, is a blank slate, we could attach any voice to her, and for some, one voice could click with them, another may click with others, if someone came in and nailed the voice most commonly associated with Clementine, that being Melissa's voice, is it an "imitation"? Honest to God man, I don't really care, I just think this whole thing is a bit ridiculous to get irked by, and I don't believe there's too many out there that do get irked by something like this. I just ask that you take the time to think about what has been said, because I don't think this recasting with Avatar is a big deal, I've no attachment to Avatar so it's so easy for me to say that, and I can apply how I'd feel about a Clementine recasting to how you may feel about this Avatar recasting, I get how you feel, but I think the bigger picture needs to be looked at, and in looking at the bigger picture with the hypothetical situation you gave to me, it would take me time to accept it, but I'd like to think that they'd find someone that can perfectly perform the voice for the character and would take the hiring process very seriously.

    So here’s my question then, why do we only see this get claimed on the basis of ethnicity and race? If we want this under a broad spectrum,

  • Let’s please drop the discussion

    So let me pose this question to you. You love Clementine, probably as much, if not more, than I do. Hypothetical, Skybound says they’re goin

  • No worries, I've said all I had to say, with no intention of bringing back up, but I know now to avoid bringing it back up. Thanks Blind :smile:

    Let’s please drop the discussion

  • You just finished the TFTBL2 Trailer and see the list of studios working on the project

  • Poogs, don't summon the wrong thing here... I don't think the universe takes kindly to reverse psychology!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You just finished the TFTBL2 Trailer and see the list of studios working on the project

  • You saw 2K for some random reason reply to Telltale, clearly meaning they have been talking which clearly means TFTBL2 deal was made

    AChicken posted: »

    Poogs, don't summon the wrong thing here... I don't think the universe takes kindly to reverse psychology!

  • Clearly your powers are beyond my mortal understanding. Please continue... :relieved:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You saw 2K for some random reason reply to Telltale, clearly meaning they have been talking which clearly means TFTBL2 deal was made

  • Awesome. Much better than months. Weeks is wayyyy better

    This seems promising for future releases

  • Me because I can't play Forbidden West.

  • I still have yet to finish Zero Dawn. Forbbiden West can wait but from what I have heard, they say it's much better than the first game gameplaywise.

  • How come?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me because I can't play Forbidden West.

  • Because it's not on PC, and if it even does come to PC I'll have to wait a while.

    How come?

  • You know, been watching someone play TFTB and looking at the other games, old Telltale never really got enough credit for how well choreographed and easy to follow their action and fight scenes were.

  • Well apparently, people aren't fans of QTEs in general, even though Telltale did a much better job than Quantic Dream and Capcom (With Resident Evil 4).

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You know, been watching someone play TFTB and looking at the other games, old Telltale never really got enough credit for how well choreographed and easy to follow their action and fight scenes were.

  • Im sorry, have they been releasing stuff that I've missed?

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • where hast this man been?

    Livin thy life in peace or something?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Im sorry, have they been releasing stuff that I've missed?

  • There an inside joke I'm missing out on here?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    where hast this man been? Livin thy life in peace or something?

  • No, but if you'd like Dojo we... we could make one if... you want that is :o

    dojo32161 posted: »

    There an inside joke I'm missing out on here?

  • edited February 2022

    Welcome back to I can't shut up about Wolf 2 and Telltale stuff, but I kind of wonder how The Expanse is going to end up doing? I am honestly pretty shocked Wolf 2 is blowing up as well as it is. After all this time there is still a ton of interest. Ironically I think the fact it is releasing as part of this Telltale resurrection is probably helping it out as it puts a lot more eyes onto it than ever before, plus the fact when it releases it will be 5 years since a "Telltale" game released which is crazy. I think a lot more people are missing Telltale's style more than ever now, that just wasn't the case years ago because every few months a new game was out and it got stale. So I feel this combines into a good combo for Wolf 2 to go over pretty well.

    I do hope Wolf 2 does well and that extends over to The Expanse. The Expanse will end up being just as important as Wolf 2 in all honesty as Wolf 2 could easily turn out to be a smash hit, but that excitement doesn't cross over to Expanse like what happened to Telltale before. Granted New Telltale I am sure is planning this better so even if it doesn't make the same numbers they probably wouldn't take a massive loss. I also hope once it becomes time to really promote it, it goes well and brings interest. I mean honestly I cant help but feel half the reason Telltale lost so much money was because their productions were so poorly planned and put together with the whole "Let's do it live" they basically just went over budget 5 times more than they needed. That seemed to be very true with Tales as it was described as not losing money but not really gaining. So now imagine a Tales with development that wasn't just wasting money on stuff to then be scrapped for months and you may have had a game that wasn't actively throwing money away.

    But I do really wonder what happens after Wolf 2 and The Expanse. I think the dream is Tales 2 with AdHoc (which if happens could potentially be another 10 years later sequel which is also scary to think about) but I would still love an original IP from Telltale. Just in general it gives the company some more value plus it is simply more original. So I do hope an original IP will come at some point. As for other IPs I hope they go for more obscure like Wolf or "unexpected" (I guess?) like Borderlands. You always see so many suggestions like X mega popular show should be a Telltale game, but I think creatively doing lesser known IPs with great potential like Fables or taking an IP you wouldnt think would work well as a Telltale game like Borderlands is a direction I'd much rather see them go, instead of just "MEGA IP YOU ALL KNOW!"

  • edited February 2022

    I mean honestly I cant help but feel half the reason Telltale lost so much money was because their productions were so poorly planned and put together with the whole "Let's do it live" they basically just went over budget 5 times more than they needed.

    Not to mention the micro managing from Bruner and the executives that caused productions to restart over and over again or forcing the devs to make insane/menial changes to the story and characters. Never forget when one of the ex-devs revealed that they were told to make Sam's chest bigger in the Michonne game.

    I would still love an original IP from Telltale. Just in general it gives the company some more value plus it is simply more original. So I do hope an original IP will come at some point.

    I know they literally just started but honestly I hope after The Expanse they take a bit of a break from making licensed based games and go straight into making an original IP. It'll give them a chance to really get creative without being forced to stick to a canon. Unless they plan to do Batman Season 3, then gimme that.

    As for other IPs I hope they go for more obscure like Wolf or "unexpected" (I guess?) like Borderlands.

    Minecraft Season 3 LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Welcome back to I can't shut up about Wolf 2 and Telltale stuff, but I kind of wonder how The Expanse is going to end up doing? I am honestl

  • give those poor people their minecraft game...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean honestly I cant help but feel half the reason Telltale lost so much money was because their productions were so poorly planned and pu

  • How many days have they been posting about Minecraft in that thread now? 380? They deserve better.

    give those poor people their minecraft game...

  • Minecraft Season 3 LET'S GOOO

    hehehe speaking of...

    that one MCSM thread that's doing a good job staying afloat, it's funny how disconnected from the wider Telltale catalog some of the fans there are.

    "The are releasing some kind of a new game which I saw (Wolf among us 2 or something like that)...", says one user.

    Lmao. I'm not knocking their opinion of TWAU, they don't have to like it.
    It's just funny to see such a successful property from TTG -- one that's trying to revive them -- be referenced as "something like that"

  • POV: You spent almost 400 days asking Telltale for more Minecraft Story Mode while at this point you should really be asking Mojang

    How many days have they been posting about Minecraft in that thread now? 380? They deserve better.

  • Not to mention the micro managing from Bruner and the executives that caused productions to restart over and over again or forcing the devs to make insane/menial changes to the story and characters. Never forget when one of the ex-devs revealed that they were told to make Sam's chest bigger in the Michonne game.

    It does make me wonder what exactly were the execs changing. Some stuff I can see how it went down. One design change I remember said to be changed from higher ups was Catwoman being changed to look more attractive. That one always kind of bothered me because I didn't like at all how they changed her but everyone seemed to be ok with it because now she looked "hotter." Bringing up the old days, but honestly I think having the Rhys and Sasha romance in Tales was also heavily pushed to get away from any idea of a Rhys and Fiona romance (or any romance for that matter). Tales was really strange about the romance option as the game really acted like you were for Rhys and Sasha all the way until the very last second which stuck out a lot considering the rest of the game was not like that at all, plus knowing the team behind it seems even stranger there was such a die hard attitude about it, plus considering at the end there is that option that is hidden away, so they cared enough to throw something in. I almost feel like the creative team wanted to let that happen for more choices but it was shot down by execs who probably were unable to understand because "How can you do that, you are both Rhys and Fiona already, you cant do that!!!" I think Rhys and Sasha was always the original plan, but we know Tales changed a lot about itself a lot and I feel it could've been different.

    Anyone else know deep Telltale lore we can pretend and be detectives about?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I mean honestly I cant help but feel half the reason Telltale lost so much money was because their productions were so poorly planned and pu

  • Remember when they had wanted Minecraft: Story Mode to be M-Rated? Also, rewritting GOTG to be less funny.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Not to mention the micro managing from Bruner and the executives that caused productions to restart over and over again or forcing the devs

  • I re-platinumed Assassin's Creed 2 recently and I did it on 22/02/2022, no kidding.

  • Also, rewritting GOTG to be less funny

    honestly I think the comedy improved over the course of the episodes. But this is subjective so I'll try not to hold it against you...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Remember when they had wanted Minecraft: Story Mode to be M-Rated? Also, rewritting GOTG to be less funny.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited February 2022

    No, it did get funnier as it went, problem is writing it to be less funny for one of the rewrites was a thing. I assume it only got funnier because higher ups stopped trying to stop the humor.

    AChicken posted: »

    Also, rewritting GOTG to be less funny honestly I think the comedy improved over the course of the episodes. But this is subjective so I'll try not to hold it against you...

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