Man I oughta be hyped with caution on this one. I need to know the actual cast is returning for this one, and I need to know who the writers are before I can be happy or depressed.
Man I oughta be hyped with caution on this one. I need to know the actual cast is returning for this one, and I need to know who the writers are before I can be happy or depressed.
Weird seeing an announcement of a continuation for one of my favorite games of all time and feeling... nothing because it's Gearbox. I'm willing to give it a shot if the eventual reveal trailer indicates a higher writing quality than Borderlands 3 was, but I am sceptical.
Man I oughta be hyped with caution on this one. I need to know the actual cast is returning for this one, and I need to know who the writers are before I can be happy or depressed.
Oof. Got really worried when I saw the news, but fortunately it seems like it'll have entirely new cast. Gearbox can ruin their own new characters, I don't care. Just leave the Telltale ones alone. (Unless they somehow get the original writers on board, but that's wishful thinking lel)
Oof. Got really worried when I saw the news, but fortunately it seems like it'll have entirely new cast. Gearbox can ruin their own new char… moreacters, I don't care. Just leave the Telltale ones alone. (Unless they somehow get the original writers on board, but that's wishful thinking lel)
Tales from the Borderlands 2?
Tales from the Borderlands: Subtitle?
Further Tales from the Borderlands?
I guess we won't know till they fully reveal it, but at the moment it seems like it's own thing.
I wonder how they'll keep the original gameplay or mechanics intact (or, recreate it - since they definitely don't have the Telltale Tool)
Man I oughta be hyped with caution on this one. I need to know the actual cast is returning for this one, and I need to know who the writers are before I can be happy or depressed.
Hyped with caution... I like that.
What do we think they might call this?
Tales from the Borderlands 2?
Tales from the Borderlands: S… moreubtitle?
Further Tales from the Borderlands?
I guess we won't know till they fully reveal it, but at the moment it seems like it's own thing.
I wonder how they'll keep the original gameplay or mechanics intact (or, recreate it - since they definitely don't have the Telltale Tool)
Y'know "NEW Tales from the Borderlands" might be a pretty bad title.
I know it's just Twitter, but already we got people asking in the comments "is this new?" As if it might just be a re-release of the OG TFTB
I have to say, I laughed at the description of one of the playable characters being "a scientist who seeks to harness a crystal with healing powers" and the other being "the owner of a frozen yoghurt shop".
Y'know "NEW Tales from the Borderlands" might be a pretty bad title.
I know it's just Twitter, but already we got people asking in the comments "is this new?" As if it might just be a re-release of the OG TFTB
New Borderlands is probably what they're going for actually.
Doubly so with the Deluxe Edition branding that you don't see on Telltale titles.
So they're appealing to the Borderlands Fans eager for more Borderlands
And Telltale fans eager for more TFTB
And casual fans who don't know any better
Pre-Order for deluxe edition of game
10,000 In-Game currency in narrative game
"Face down a planetary invasion, vicious vault monster, and cold-hearted capitalist"
Guess the true enemy is the game itself
Maybe 10'000 isn't a lot of currency in-game, maybe it's just for cosmetics, but I'm really interested and confused why this narrative-based episodic game might want a pre-order/deluxe bonus other than for money.
Five-part story too... interesting... I wonder if they'll recreate the same gameplay style too (eye roll)
That's probably because he's showing off his history with working with big companies like that. Skybound is there too and they don't have anything going on with Bruner House
I am not excited for this...
Man I oughta be hyped with caution on this one. I need to know the actual cast is returning for this one, and I need to know who the writers are before I can be happy or depressed.
A Tales sequel made by Gearbox
This is the most chaotic timeline of all time
From the sounds of the tweet, it's a brand new cast of characters
Weird seeing an announcement of a continuation for one of my favorite games of all time and feeling... nothing because it's Gearbox. I'm willing to give it a shot if the eventual reveal trailer indicates a higher writing quality than Borderlands 3 was, but I am sceptical.
New cast of characters, no returning ones it looks like, so don't have to worry about that.
Oof. Got really worried when I saw the news, but fortunately it seems like it'll have entirely new cast. Gearbox can ruin their own new characters, I don't care. Just leave the Telltale ones alone. (Unless they somehow get the original writers on board, but that's wishful thinking lel)
Doesn't discount cameos from old characters.
They can't ruin them too much if they are just cameos, right?
God I'm still so pissed at what they did to Cassius and Vaughn.
Tales From The Borderlands is one of my favourite games of all time. I really hope this is good.
If I had a nickel for every unexpected piece of telltale related news this week, I’d have two nickels.
Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice, right?
me after several insane rants for months later
God I hope it's a new cast, the originals have been butchered enough...
I was simply the messenger bearing a warning
Hyped with caution... I like that.
What do we think they might call this?
Tales from the Borderlands 2?
Tales from the Borderlands: Subtitle?
Further Tales from the Borderlands?
I guess we won't know till they fully reveal it, but at the moment it seems like it's own thing.
I wonder how they'll keep the original gameplay or mechanics intact (or, recreate it - since they definitely don't have the Telltale Tool)
Since it'll be a new cast it'll probably be Tales from the Borderlands: [Insert subtitle here].
In the presentation they confirmed that the new game would have the same gameplay style as the original.
It might be good but i think it would be hard to surpass the first game.
Kind of telling that the reaction to this announcement has been the exact same everywhere I look.
Kind of hard to surpass a practically perfect game. If its even half as good I'll be pleasantly surprised.
No need to be disappointed because these news aren't exciting whatsoever.
Well, we're likely gonna to get news for this this month.
Poogers, you shall not disappoint us.
Oh boy
Actual footage from Gearbox headquarters pricing this game:
Y'know "NEW Tales from the Borderlands" might be a pretty bad title.
I know it's just Twitter, but already we got people asking in the comments "is this new?" As if it might just be a re-release of the OG TFTB
I have to say, I laughed at the description of one of the playable characters being "a scientist who seeks to harness a crystal with healing powers" and the other being "the owner of a frozen yoghurt shop".
Not really the best logo either to be honest. NEW ᵗᵃˡᵉˢ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ᵗʰᵉ BORDERLANDS
New Borderlands is probably what they're going for actually.
Doubly so with the Deluxe Edition branding that you don't see on Telltale titles.
So they're appealing to the Borderlands Fans eager for more Borderlands
And Telltale fans eager for more TFTB
And casual fans who don't know any better
Damn it
Some descriptions... "10,000 in-game currency" as a pre-order is... such a weird thing to do for a narrative game, but okay.

Pre-Order for deluxe edition of game
10,000 In-Game currency in narrative game
"Face down a planetary invasion, vicious vault monster, and cold-hearted capitalist"
Guess the true enemy is the game itself
Gamers when they realize that in their quest to destroy capitalism they've become capitalism:
(I'm on a cringey Tales-meme bent today it seems)
well hey thats for the deluxe edition at least ! So surely standard edition is, I dunno 39 mayhaps
Maybe 10'000 isn't a lot of currency in-game, maybe it's just for cosmetics, but I'm really interested and confused why this narrative-based episodic game might want a pre-order/deluxe bonus other than for money.
Five-part story too... interesting... I wonder if they'll recreate the same gameplay style too (eye roll)
InGen post your best TFTBL meme. I want to see it, I need to see it. We all need it.
Could be Kevin Bruner is involved with this?
I see the Gearbox logo on his website:
That's probably because he's showing off his history with working with big companies like that. Skybound is there too and they don't have anything going on with Bruner House