The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited November 2022

    Why the fuck is Twitter recommending so much racist ass shit on my feed. It keeps saying it's based on my likes but I only ever like art and memes.

  • ...

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    How did you get this picture of me I got it from lupinm0m 😎

  • Your concepts are always super cool, so if you make another one, I'll definitely check it out.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hey guys so I was just wondering what general engagement of this would be, but if you remember those concept things I made, I was thinking o

  • That's OK, it recommended I follow "Vagina Museum" and "William Shatner", and I thought that was hilarious for some reason.

    I have the feeling Twitter isn't going to last much longer.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Why the fuck is Twitter recommending so much racist ass shit on my feed. It keeps saying it's based on my likes but I only ever like art and memes.

  • Good

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That's OK, it recommended I follow "Vagina Museum" and "William Shatner", and I thought that was hilarious for some reason. I have the feeling Twitter isn't going to last much longer.

  • Forget that, so many of the artists I follow rely on Twitter as a source of income. I'd rather not see them suffer because of absurd circumstances they can't control.


  • Twitter is not the only place they can post things. If Twitter were to disappear (big if, realistically it won’t, and if it does, something else will just take its place and people will flock to that), those artists still have other websites, and their own Patreon’s, to share their work and make money off of it.

    But again, it’s not going to happen. People making a big deal out of nothing because nothing largely is going to change. All this hysteria is just the latest craze for people to get worked up about, and in a couple weeks, something else will happen that causes everyone to get mad at that and forget about whatever it was they were mad at before. Twitter was a cancerous hellhole before, it will be a cancerous hellhole tomorrow, and a cancerous hellhole in the future. Same goes for most if not all of social media which has incapacitated us and made it easier to vilify/bully/demean/censor/target others and stir more hatred and division.

    But watching the chaos is certainly enjoyable.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Forget that, so many of the artists I follow rely on Twitter as a source of income. I'd rather not see them suffer because of absurd circumstances they can't control.

  • edited November 2022

    Twitter is not the only place they can post things. If Twitter were to disappear (big if, realistically it won’t, and if it does, something else will just take its place and people will flock to that), those artists still have other websites, and their own Patreon’s, to share their work and make money off of it.

    The thing is, if there were a better alternative, many of them would more than happily jump ship, however there currently isn't any other website that works quite like Twitter or has anywhere near the same number of users. It doesn't help that Twitter is how many of them (especially smaller artists) get their work known, regardless if they use other websites like Tumblr or Instagram, and having a Patreon isn't going to provide them an income if they are unable to get the word out.

    Now I also don't believe Twitter will actually go away, but to say nothing will change is pretty untrue. For one thing it's way more racist now.

    Twitter is not the only place they can post things. If Twitter were to disappear (big if, realistically it won’t, and if it does, something

  • It sounds like Twitter thought you were The Man With No Name: Zapp Brannigan.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    That's OK, it recommended I follow "Vagina Museum" and "William Shatner", and I thought that was hilarious for some reason. I have the feeling Twitter isn't going to last much longer.

  • People said the same about Napster, and the same about MySpace, and the same about Facebook, and the same about YouTube. Other services like Spotify, Pandora, TikTok, Instagram, and others have all either replaced or go head to head with these other websites. We've seen it before, a new alternative will always come about when one of them starts slipping/failing (though in Twitter's case they've been failing for years and haven't turned a profit in forever). Netflix used to be the king of streaming, now it's just one of the plethora of services provided. It will never go away, it just won't be as dominant as before and will have to find new ways to compete, whether it be through providing better content or a cheaper alternative.

    Last I checked they didn't take away the mute button. See something you don't like, it's a simple click, and boom, you never see it again. Let people with racist viewpoints, fascist viewpoints, communist/socialist viewpoints, capitalist viewpoints, conservative viewpoints, liberal viewpoints, and whatever other viewpoints there are have at it and have their idiotic beliefs challenged and ridiculed, rather than just deleting and giving them some sort of validity/rally cry. And if you don't want to see it, then just click it away, it costs nothing and is better for your mental sanity in the long run. I do it all the time on YouTube and Reddit, it's real easy to just let idiots be idiots and not get involved. It's not your problem. Follow and like who you want, and leave others to their interests.

    And I highly doubt that, in the span of what, two weeks, it's somehow worse than it was before. Outside of cutting away the fat from the company, Musk hasn't even had a chance to make large scale changes. People on both sides are blowing this way out of proportion and it just isn't worth the time and effort if I'm being honest. The left is worried about "hate" speech being widespread, the right thinks they can say stupid shit at will, and neither of them are correct. There is still content moderation, Twitter still has its fact checking system in place, and a few idiots on both sides isn't going to change much. Like I said before, Twitter is still going to be a cancerous hellhole, but maybe it will be a little less biased.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Twitter is not the only place they can post things. If Twitter were to disappear (big if, realistically it won’t, and if it does, something

  • edited November 2022

    People said the same about Napster, and the same about MySpace, and the same about Facebook, and the same about YouTube. Other services like Spotify, Pandora, TikTok, Instagram, and others have all either replaced or go head to head with these other websites. We've seen it before, a new alternative will always come about when one of them starts slipping/failing (though in Twitter's case they've been failing for years and haven't turned a profit in forever). Netflix used to be the king of streaming, now it's just one of the plethora of services provided. It will never go away, it just won't be as dominant as before and will have to find new ways to compete, whether it be through providing better content or a cheaper alternative.

    Again, I mentioned that there currently isn't a better alternative. One could probably pop up in the future, but at the moment this is what many people are stuck with.

    Last I checked they didn't take away the mute button. See something you don't like, it's a simple click, and boom, you never see it again. Let people with racist viewpoints, fascist viewpoints, communist/socialist viewpoints, capitalist viewpoints, conservative viewpoints, liberal viewpoints, and whatever other viewpoints there are have at it and have their idiotic beliefs challenged and ridiculed, rather than just deleting and giving them some sort of validity/rally cry. And if you don't want to see it, then just click it away, it costs nothing and is better for your mental sanity in the long run. I do it all the time on YouTube and Reddit, it's real easy to just let idiots be idiots and not get involved. It's not your problem. Follow and like who you want, and leave others to their interests.

    I already do mute/block people, the problem is that their algorithm must think I'm a huge bigot or something, because they love introducing me to whole new brands of terrible.

    People said the same about Napster, and the same about MySpace, and the same about Facebook, and the same about YouTube. Other services like

  • edited November 2022

    One of my new favorite pastimes is using art ai to inject superheroes into historic events


  • edited November 2022

    Spider-Man looking a bit like Willem Dafoe there

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    One of my new favorite pastimes is using art ai to inject superheroes into historic events enjoy

  • Finished platinuming A Plague Tale Requiem. The performance issues did NOT stop me from enjoying this freaking amazing game. So far, this year has been good for me in terms of game releases. I played, finished and platinumed Elden Ring, Stray and A Plague Tale Requiem. 2022 was better than the last two years.

  • They’re really going all out with the multiverse arc

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Spider-Man looking a bit like Willem Dafoe there

  • edited November 2022

    My lack of faith in Twitter's longevity includes the fact that Elon partially used a leveraged buyout to finance the deal. For those not familiar with this strategy, here's how it works:

    1. You want to take over a company. You convince people who have a lot of money to help you out by loaning you enough to convince the stockholders to sell. If the stockholders aren't convinced, no big deal, you didn't take out the loan.
    2. If the stockholders are convinced, you make the company assume the loan, which you can do because you now own the company.
    3. The company is now responsible for loans that represent a good chunk of its value, maybe more than its value. The lenders knew there was a risk, so they're charging big interest rates, which the company is now responsible for paying.
    4. If the company survives and pay off the loans, cool, you now own a company that effectively someone else paid for. If the company fails, it usually liquidates in bankruptcy, and the lenders might be victims, but you walk away without losing much yourself.

    Pretty nasty, huh? In this case, Elon only borrowed about $13B of the $44B amount, so it's not as bad as some other examples of leveraged buyouts. However, Twitter is still on the hook for $1B in interest payments each year on the $13B amount.

    Twitter hasn't got $1B/year in profits right now. It operates at a loss. If there was an easy way to change that, it would already have been done under the former owners.

    One change he wants to make is charging verified users $8/month. There are 400,000 verified users. If every single one paid it, that would only be $38.4M/year, a drop in the bucket compared to the interest payment due. Even if he triples the number of verified users, that's not enough. And if too many people are verified, then it doesn't really mean much to be verified.

    Elon also cut half the workforce, 3700 jobs. Let's assume the loaded cost of the average job cut was $200K/year, which would save $740M/year. That's still not enough. And these people weren't just sitting around doing nothing. The company is likely to suffer from their absence.

    There are additional challenges from advertisers getting hesitant to have their ads shown next to potential hate tweets. Fewer advertisers means less revenue.

    If you start to charge users for things they used to get for free, they tend to get mad and go away.

    So Elon needs something bigger than what he's done for Twitter to survive. My bet is that it won't.

    People said the same about Napster, and the same about MySpace, and the same about Facebook, and the same about YouTube. Other services like

  • edited November 2022

    If you start to charge users for things they used to get for free, they tend to get mad and go away.

    It certainly doesn't help that the new verification system will introduce a priority ranking when it comes to replies, mentions, and searches. You won't even see what your friends have posted, even in your own replies, if they don't pay for verification.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    My lack of faith in Twitter's longevity includes the fact that Elon partially used a leveraged buyout to finance the deal. For those not fa

  • edited November 2022

    Images that fill you with a strange yet raw and confusing aura you are unable to explain

  • I’m afraid ai and some editing does in fact have you beat

    yes I know Bigby’s proportions are off do you know how hard it is to get proportions in an ai program geez

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Images that fill you with a strange yet raw and confusing aura you are unable to explain (Spoiler)

  • That second picture: "I have special eyes!"

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Images that fill you with a strange yet raw and confusing aura you are unable to explain (Spoiler)

  • edited November 2022

    Me: We probably won't get much for N7 day today. Probably just some merch deals and the VA's doing something online.

    Reality: New concept art, a video with hidden messages littered throughout, a decoded message from Liara talking to a geth, a possible Mass Relay being built, quasi-confirmation the game is set shortly after Mass Effect 3, the possible return of Cerberus, and informing the fanbase that the game is still in pre-production but features old and new locations/characters.

    Me: This will be my hyper-fixation for the next several months!

    How much longer until Dragon Age is out? Another year at the earliest, fuck. Hurry up with that so we can get to the good shit!

  • It was interesting, that's for sure, although I think the next Mass Effect game is still years (3+) away. Still, this is an exciting N7 Day, and I do hope the next one we get another teaser (also my 8th anniversary on these forums, yay...).

    Oh yeah, I would take the over on the over/under for when Dragon Age comes out. Sorry dude...

    Me: We probably won't get much for N7 day today. Probably just some merch deals and the VA's doing something online. Reality: New concept

  • edited November 2022

    BioWare did say that Dragon Age is now in Alpha staging a few weeks ago, so at least that means the game is in a somewhat playable state. I unfortunately do not know enough about this part of development and my research is not giving me a clear cut answer as to how long it lasts and how much more time might be needed before it’s ready for release. But it is a significant milestone that at least tells me the game is getting closer.

    But yeah, I don’t think ME will be out until 2025 at the earliest, especially if they still consider the game to be in pre-production.

    And congrats on 8 years

    It was interesting, that's for sure, although I think the next Mass Effect game is still years (3+) away. Still, this is an exciting N7 Day,

  • Well, what did I just say two years ago? I knew this show felt like it should have ended with Season 3. Oh well, glad I was able to enjoy the first three seasons. Have no interest in continuing any further.

    Soooooo, The Dragon Prince Season 4. After 3 years of hiatus with little to nothing outside of a couple of comics, it finally released today

  • Don't forget about the mods coming out for the Legendary Edition always love seeing what the community has been cooking on N7 Day and the teaser for the next game was a good surprise as well.

    I also recommend checking this out as well

    And i will not let you slander Dragon age :triumph:
    However seeing as Dragon age is now in Alpha its more likely coming out next year i would imagine.

    Me: We probably won't get much for N7 day today. Probably just some merch deals and the VA's doing something online. Reality: New concept

  • edited November 2022

    Unfortunately, I play ME on console, so I don't really pay too much attention to the mods. Though if I player on PC, I would try checking out the Tali romance mod and, obviously, the happy ending mod.

    I actually watched the stream yesterday, so I already saw everything.

    I was more so joking about Dragon Age. I intend to at least try Inquisition before Dreadwolf is released and see if it's to my liking (again, no PC, can't do Origins or 2, but will try if I can ever afford it). And yeah, they did say the game is out of Alpha, but knowing BioWare, a ton of things can go wrong between now and then, so we'll see if it comes out next year or gets pushed to 2024. But since ME is one of my favorite series, I'm more looking forward to that then DA.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Don't forget about the mods coming out for the Legendary Edition always love seeing what the community has been cooking on N7 Day and the te

  • edited November 2022


  • Don't you love when you have cool ideas for games that you can't make because you don't know anything about game design? fml

  • Now post it on gaming leaks subreddit and claim it's from a game awards trailer. B)

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited November 2022

    Ill be sure to also let everyone know the release date is April 3rd, 2013 B)

    Pipas posted: »

    Now post it on gaming leaks subreddit and claim it's from a game awards trailer.

  • Bit of a warning if you're going to try Inquisition - one of the main complaints is that the game is filled with tons of fetch quests to pad out the content. Of course, that's not a problem if you mostly stick to the main narrative and don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed by them, but my completionist heart couldn't do that. It's one of the reasons why it's my least favourite entry from the series.

    It'd be a shame if that dissuaded you from trying the rest of the series, because Dragon Age: Origins is a masterpiece.

    Unfortunately, I play ME on console, so I don't really pay too much attention to the mods. Though if I player on PC, I would try checking ou

  • edited November 2022

    Got a mythical unicorn, aka a PS5!

    Starbucks may give me loads of stress, but it does also give me some good money! Haven't used much of it since I started so I figured I'd splurge on this as a birthday gift to myself, provided I was lucky enough to get one. (Today's the release of the new bundle so I figured I had a better chance of finding them in stock)
    And I was! Woohoo!

    It's still crazy how rare and fast these sell out, plus how hard they are to find. I dunno if they had any in-store on-the-floor, but I still bought and reserved one beforehand for pickup just to be sure.

  • That's what I keep hearing, both about Inquisition and Origins. It has not dissuaded me, just seems like something I'll have to tolerate. Believe me, once either they announce a Dragon Age remaster or I get an acceptable PC/laptop, I'll be playing Origins, first game on list (after that would be New Vegas, Gears of War, and maybe Halo).

    Pipas posted: »

    Bit of a warning if you're going to try Inquisition - one of the main complaints is that the game is filled with tons of fetch quests to pad

  • Is Dragon Age Origins recommendable for Souls fans like me?

  • Guys, very sad news. Prepare your tissues because it is actually very sad

    Kevin Conroy, who played Batman for 30 years since the animated series, has sadly passed away

  • I just fucking saw. THE voice of Batman, I can't believe it. RIP to a legend.

    Someone check on Hamill and make sure he's okay.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Guys, very sad news. Prepare your tissues because it is actually very sad (Spoiler)

  • Awesome VA. The voice of batman. May he rest in peace.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Guys, very sad news. Prepare your tissues because it is actually very sad (Spoiler)

  • edited November 2022

    Rest in Peace to a voice acting legend. He'll always be Batman to me.

    Earlier this year he actually wrote a comic called Finding Batman that was officially published by DC in June as part of their 2022 Pride anthology special. The comic was about Kevin's struggles as a gay actor and how he came up with the voice for Batman. It's a short but powerful read.

    Link to the comic here if anyone's interested in reading it.

  • edited November 2022

    I just learned: Conroy died just 20 days before his 67th birthday. Just shit.

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