The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • My Amazon warehouse is closed between 12-9 today for Thanksgiving, they asked me if I could pretty much babysit the entire building. So basically, I'm by myself in a 1.5 million square foot warehouse for the next several hours. Not going to lie, it's a bit eerie.

  • edited November 2022

    This should have been your moment to make the ultimate Amazon Box Fort.

    But uh, yeah, that definitely sounds like the premise of a horror movie.
    "Man takes the solo shift at a Million-Square-Foot warehouse for 9 hours. Then... SOMETHING begins to stalk him..." No one man should have all that warehouse.

    My Amazon warehouse is closed between 12-9 today for Thanksgiving, they asked me if I could pretty much babysit the entire building. So basi

  • edited November 2022

    I’m the exact opposite. I was pretty much unaware of the Borderlands franchise before Tales and New Tales has recently renewed my interest in playing the main Borderlands games.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Good that you enjoyed it. I have no interest in it because I pretty much moved on from Telltale stuff. The Wolf Among Us 2 is the only one I'm curious to see how it would turn out unless they end up making the whole wait and delay worthless.

  • Who's to say I didn't?

    AChicken posted: »

    This should have been your moment to make the ultimate Amazon Box Fort. But uh, yeah, that definitely sounds like the premise of a horror

  • Hope you enjoyed your shift. I'm sure it's busy there today!

    It reminds me of one of the "To The Moon" in-between mini-games, where Dr. Neil Watts volunteers to handle the holiday shift, asking why he would want to go back to his teeny little apartment when he could stay in the gigantic mansion of their office building.

    My Amazon warehouse is closed between 12-9 today for Thanksgiving, they asked me if I could pretty much babysit the entire building. So basi

  • I'm trying to be in mood for a game right now but I can't think of any. Finished the first parts of Arkham Origins, lost my mood immediately. Finished the first level of Spec Ops: The Line, lost another mood. Replayed the first chapter of Dead Space on my new PC, immediately didn't feel like completing it again. Tried to replay Splinter Cell: Conviction but it required me to make a Ubisoft account and it doesn't support controllers on Steam. The only thing I did was playing the entire campaign of Portal 1 because it's obviously a very short game. I feel empty right now.

  • idk if anyone remembers that weird Wolf Among Us concept art that had the mice with multiple heads, but I feel dumb because I think I just randomly put together that it was probably the Mouse King from The Nutcracker. There are so many old versions of Wolf, but I am starting to wonder if this was part of some of the original stuff and maybe we will even see it in Wolf 2. Tiny Tim was going to have a larger role, we know Scrooge was suppose to appear, so I dont think it is very far fetched that the Mouse King from another Christmas tale would appear.

  • edited November 2022

    Me earlier: Well, I got physical therapy in 15 minutes, guess I should start getting ready. What's this, Lars Ulrich of Metallica is going to be on Howard Stern this morning? Hm, probably nothing and just going on as a guest.

    2 hours later

    Me: Okay, let's see what I missed in the...HOLY SHIT!!!!


    Edit: New pfp to celebrate. Granted, not really that huge a fan of the album cover (this is the guy who's done there last few album covers, he really needs to be fired), but still pumped boys!

  • edited November 2022

    I love releasing......... trailers!! Live in 22 Hours. Tomorrow the 29th, 5pm ET for me

  • edited November 2022

    Looking back, I love that old Pixar just didn’t give a fuck about traumatizing kids:

    • Toy abominations in Toy Story 1? Eh who cares.

    • Villain gets torn to shreds by birds. They’ll be fine.

    • Buzz Lightyear gets his top half blasted off in the first ten minutes? Can’t be sheltered forever.

    • Literal monsters kidnapping children and stealing their screams? Okay that one might be going too far but we should be able to bend it to be family friendly.

    And that’s just their early films lol

  • me after watching the new wolf 2 trailer at the game awards only for it to be immediately followed up by the New Tales Fiona Story DLC Trailer

  • Just started listening to the audiobook for The Expanse, really good start

  • The official trailer for the Mario movie is out.

    The visuals continue to look really great, and in general it looks like it'll at the very least be a fun movie!

    I can't wait for the end credits scene with Solid Snake asking Mario if he wants to Smash.

  • Literally the only thing I don't like is Mario's voice.

    I don't mind Chris Pratt, but the part where he gets blasted by the bullet sounded like a youtube edit lmao

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The official trailer for the Mario movie is out. The visuals continue to look really great, and in general it looks like it'll at the

  • Umm

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The official trailer for the Mario movie is out. The visuals continue to look really great, and in general it looks like it'll at the

  • edited November 2022

    Man, this movie looks great. It's got awesome character designs (tho Mario and Luigi look a bit wonky), tons of faithful references already featured, plus a pretty damn good voice cast (I Loved Jack Black's Bowser in this trailer. It had so much of the gravelly voice I wanted out of him!)

    I now think Chris Pratt is decent at best. Honestly it's way too early to tell somehow, since he can only get like one sentence per trailer lmao maybe it'll stay that way. Anyway that tiny "wahoo" was disappointing
    I will forever lament the fact that Charles Martinet didn't get the job. Dude is a stellar VA, I'm sure he could have done it.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The official trailer for the Mario movie is out. The visuals continue to look really great, and in general it looks like it'll at the

  • Yeah he's still the weakest part of everything we've seen so far which is unfortunate. I can't believe Justin Timberlake was able to pull off a stellar Boo-Boo impression for that terrible Yogi Bear live action movie, but Chris Pratt can barely do a brooklyn accent in what seems to actually be a decent movie.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Literally the only thing I don't like is Mario's voice. I don't mind Chris Pratt, but the part where he gets blasted by the bullet sounded like a youtube edit lmao

  • Received a Comic book storage box in the mail.

  • They also released official character posters and MMM that Bowser one, I love his design!!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The official trailer for the Mario movie is out. The visuals continue to look really great, and in general it looks like it'll at the

  • Looks great but still not sold on Mario's voice. My issue is the motivation for having Chris Pratt instead of Charles as the plumber. As far as I am concerned, they have given no valid reasons. Why fix things that aren't broken?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The official trailer for the Mario movie is out. The visuals continue to look really great, and in general it looks like it'll at the

  • I don't know how to feel. As always, Red is easily the best part of it and was hilarious, but outside of him and Kitty, we didn't see anything from the old cast. They supposedly will be in it, but nothing was shown here, just Eric/Donna's daughter and her friends, who don't even say anything. Can't get a read on the new characters, so will just have to wait and see how they are.

  • Heyo @MetallicaRules and any others, the December free games for Playstation Plus Essential contains Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. We're getting a freakin' high-quality remastered trilogy as one of the freebies this month. Absolutely insane.

    Not sure I'll get to it right away, but I'll definitely add it to my library, for when I'm in the mood for a space RPG epic. I've heard a lot of good things, especially from MetallicaR here, so that's got me hyped.

  • edited November 2022

    So funny, I was about to comment that Mass Effect was free this month and tell anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of playing it to get it NOW!

    It is an amazing trilogy with some of the best character and story writing I have ever seen. Just remember these crucial things:

    • He is the very model of a scientist salarian
    • The answer to the question, is yes
    • The best romances are the ones you least expect
    • Fear the biotic god
    • Always keep on hand your emergency induction port
    • It’s a big, stupid, jellyfish
    • Conrad Verner is the key to all of this

    That’s al, I got, I should go

    AChicken posted: »

    Heyo @MetallicaRules and any others, the December free games for Playstation Plus Essential contains Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. We're g

  • Finished the audiobook for the first book in The Expanse series and man, that is not what I was expecting it to be about from my vague impressions of the series, but it was really good. Gonna have to check out the show at some point since the Telltale game will apparently star a TV original character. But for now, I want to check out more of these books.

  • After months, I finally checked out the Clementine graphic novel.

    Look, I’ll get it out of the way now, it’s bad, but I’ll admit it’s not as bad as I thought it would be. That’s nowhere close to a ringing endorsement because it has some serious problems, but the best thing I can say about it is that, outside of how Clem continues to be handled, it is painlessly inoffensive.

    One of the funniest things to me, and it’s completely unintentional with how awful Clem and the art is in this graphic novel, is there are a couple of times the panel focus on Clementine’s face, and she has what I like to call Tucker Carlson expression. This weird, confused, mouth hanging open, blank stare. Just give her a bow tie and she’s all set. In all seriousness, the art is just not good, and in some panels, really hard to follow along with what’s happening.

    The plot is…I don’t really know what the plot is. I have a feeling that this is going to be like Life is Strange 2 where you have your main cast just going from place to place and dealing with whatever conflict arises, before moving on to the next area. Again though, this isn’t a compliment, since the main characters are not compelling.

    Easily the best characters all get killed off.

    Amos ended up being way more likable and fun than he had any right to be and I actually started to enjoy his character a bit. So of course he’s dead, pushed down into a pit. He had no real time to shine, but I liked Tim, but he’s pretty much killed off as soon as he’s introduced.

    Instead, we have Olivia, who’s fine, again, painlessly inoffensive. Then Ricca, the one some people said was a Tillie self insert. I don’t particularly care for her, which is not good since it’s clear her and Clem will get together at some point and I just do not feel invested considering how Clem just abandons Louis/Violet because of her actions.

    And of course Clem. Tillie starts to show why she had Clementine leave everyone. The reasoning is far more developed than just AJ not making her happy, but it’s not particularly great reasoning still. She says the people at the school quietly viewed her as a liability, and at some point mentions how not fighting is boring, as if Clem liked the constant fighting. There are some decent moments in regards to her, but overall, the motivation is not there and it still feels like she regressed as a character.

    Better than I thought, worse than I hoped. While the rest still aren’t out and full judgment should wait until then, I fail to see the point in making these and upending her conclusion for what appears to be a directionless teenage romance comic in a zombie apocalypse. See you in 2023 for Book 2.

  • The Game Awards will be streamed directly through Steam, & Valve will be giving away one Steam Deck for every minute the stream takes place, drawn from the number of people currently watching the stream through Steam.

  • Did you know that Eugene Harold Krabs' 80th birthday is today?

  • When is it?

    AChicken posted: »

    The Game Awards will be streamed directly through Steam, & Valve will be giving away one Steam Deck for every minute the stream takes pl

  • edited December 2022

    Disney surprise released an all new hand-drawn Oswald the Lucky Rabbit short for the first time in 95 years to celebrate the companies 100 year anniversary! It's very cute and feels authentic to the time period, if I was told that this originally released way back then I'd believe it.

    I remember hearing a couple years ago that they'd wanted to bring back the character in a big way, so maybe this is just a little taste of what's to come. A series of shorts with this kind of classic style would be pretty cool.

  • God, I missed Jojo

  • edited December 2022

    Owen Dennis, the creator of Infinite Train announced that he got a cool new animated television exclusivity deal with CBS! There's even a clause in his contract stating that the only animated tv show he's free to work on while he's under them is Infinite Train if it were ever picked up again. He's in the process of closing deals on six out of seven of the projects he's pitched, and apparently CBS has been very supportive with his ideas. If any of them end up getting produced, it'll all be made under CBS but in terms of distribution it could still end up on platforms like Netflix or Amazon.

    According to his blog post, the projects he's working on for CBS include;

    • Two game adaptions, both wildly different in tone from one another, but both are adult comedies. One has themes about trust and othering, while the other has themes about actualization, abandonment, and how modern capitalism interacts with our sense of self. You know, comedy!
    • One adaption of a book that was already made into a live action movie a long time ago, but I think would be really interesting if it was animated. A cool theme in the book is generational misogyny, how it gets passed down from parents to their children, and how rears its ugly head within us. This would be an adult/YA sort of story I think. Not a comedy, more like a fantasy/suspense?
    • I’m developing a show with Alex Horab, one of the Infinity Train writers, that is an animated anthology series. Very excited about that one.
    • I have a post-apocalyptic animated show that I think would have the same ratio of comedy to “heart stuff” as Infinity Train, but definitely for adults. It reminds me of Tank Girl, Mad Max, and Waterworld. It’s been fun coming up with a visual style for this one.
    • A weirdo surrealist comedy in space (kind of). I’m actually already making this one on my own in the corner of a spare room in my house. CBS is seeing if we can pull together a micro-budget to just make it into a tiny series and have fun with it.
  • I couldn't be more happy to see the horror genre making a comeback in the mainstream gaming market.

  • I bought a Taito Egret II Mini. It includes Jungle Hunt, and your post was the first thing I thought about after I saw the game list. Once I get it up and running, I'll play through the game and post a review of it on my blog. :)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    I have your blog on RSS and noticed it came to life a few days ago. I had some decent memories pop up when you reviewed Mario Bros. (withou

  • edited December 2022

    I am sooo disappointed to hear that The Callisto Protocol didn't live up to the hype. It doesn't have the same content as Dead Space 1 and 2. No exploration, no puzzles and repeating bosses.

  • That post was three years ago, so you have a good memory! Have fun Jungle Hunting!

    Jennifer posted: »

    I bought a Taito Egret II Mini. It includes Jungle Hunt, and your post was the first thing I thought about after I saw the game list. Once I get it up and running, I'll play through the game and post a review of it on my blog.

  • edited December 2022

    A t-shirt company I follow just unveiled this new piece.

    I don't need it, because it's basically winter and it's super cold outside.
    But on the other hand... I. NEEED. IIIITTT.
    Maybe I should just put this on my Xmas list for now?

  • That's a cute shirt. You deserve it - the greatest creature of all and a dinosaur on the same together - that is the grandeur only fitting @AChicken

    AChicken posted: »

    A t-shirt company I follow just unveiled this new piece. I don't need it, because it's basically winter and it's super cold outside. But on the other hand... I. NEEED. IIIITTT. Maybe I should just put this on my Xmas list for now?

  • on my way to watch the 3 hour ad show to complain that its nothing but ads while knowing full well that its nothing but ads as I am only watched to see if the ad I want to see is part of the ad show

    Only 4 more days, do you think we will see a new Wolf 2 trailer?

  • I really shouldn't be asking this since my backlog of games is already pretty big, but has anyone ever tried the Baldur's Gate series? Is it worth playing? Especially if it's the enhanced edition for consoles and not the original?

    Same question, but for Pillars of Eternity? I'm really looking for some good RPG's and those have been ones I've been recommended so far. Pillars because Obsidian, and Baldur's because BioWare.

    Also, please don't recommend Skyrim, I've seen my old college roommate spend hours on that game, never looked all that great.

  • POV: You check Telltale's Twitter the morning of the vga's and see "Telltale fans, we know you are excited but..."

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