The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Me turning on the PC I got for Christmas in 2012 and seeing that it still works

    Me logging into my new PC.

  • Bruner's Star Trek is going to flop. I know it because it's pulling the same, if not worse red flags than Callisto Protocol and GTA Definitive Edition. No new gameplay trailers, no launch trailers, extremely low marketing. What more do you need?

  • They did finally drop a launch trailer, but it still looks pretty rough. Stiff animations and everything looks like plastic. Unfortunately the game probably will not perform very well, they really did take a weird marketing strategy, still really weird how outside those ign interviews last year, it was a year of nothing.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Bruner's Star Trek is going to flop. I know it because it's pulling the same, if not worse red flags than Callisto Protocol and GTA Definitive Edition. No new gameplay trailers, no launch trailers, extremely low marketing. What more do you need?

  • edited May 2023

    Looks like reviews are dropping for Resurgence. Consensus seems to be the story, writing, and voice acting are really solid, but it suffers from poor performance, bugs, and lack of focused gameplay. Seeing a lot of 7s and a few 8s. Hard to say if its actually decent tho since New Tales got a lot of early positive coverage before all the 5s and 6s flooded in.

  • edited May 2023

    Star Trek has had a few reviews come out and average seems to be a generally mixed experience. Apparently there are a lot of minigames like your standard qte segments, but also apparently there are some that are too complex or really poorly made (Apparently there are things like stealth missions and being able to fly a ship freely, but they apparently are not fun because they feel unfinished/buggy and don't feel good to play) Apparently a lack of polish in areas and has some performance issues. Generally it seems reviews say if you like Star Trek you'll probably enjoy the game and its narrative but it also seems that at some point in the story some reviewers felt it was loosing focus but didnt say it was a deal breaker.

    Hopefully there will be some more reviews out soon to get a better picture. Overall opinion so far seems that if you like Star Trek you'll enjoy it, but there are a lot of technical issues. Apparently pausing the game is freezing people's pcs and forcing a hard restart.

    Also I realized I said apparently like 20 times.

  • New Tales reviews will also be so weird to me. Half of the review read as "This game is a piece of shit and I hate it, 7/10 a little something for everyone."

    Looks like reviews are dropping for Resurgence. Consensus seems to be the story, writing, and voice acting are really solid, but it suffers

  • ok, gonna try and stop posting not so good things about star trek but according to ign the pc version has 0 graphical settings outside resolution and is locked at 30 fps and still has frame drops

  • edited May 2023

    On a more positive news. The Expanse is looking like its going to be cool. Its really pretty, has unique environment exploration with the zero gravity, and it has proper choreography and fight scenes. Previews should start dropping June 1st with preorders (according to press/influencers who were there). A majority of people played the entire first episode, which shows some confidence.

  • But you're missing so many other opportunities to expand real estate for humanity in the galaxy. If you would open your heart to your opposition and do these, you will make the galaxy good for the environment:

    Kill the rachni queen in ME1 and the breeder in ME3, wiping out the rachni

    Destroy the Collector base, wiping out the Collectors, which are technically a species.

    Allow Javik to tough the memory shard to set in motion the extinction of the Protheans

    Let Kasumi die in ME2, and in ME3, then save the Spectre in that Hanar diplomat mission to allow the hanar and drell species to die.

    Oh, and don't use the paragon interrupt on Samara in ME3, and then kill her daughter afterward.

    I…I just can’t do that man. I just don’t see how doing a genocide run is fun. The only thing I can do is… (Spoiler)

  • Well actually, I already usually do two of those things

    Destroying the Collector base isn’t really a choice, you wipe out the Collectors regardless, it’s just whether or not you spare the data for the Illusive Man. And I do actually let Javik touch the shard. Despite what it prompts him to do, I still think it’s the right choice to have those memories and to remember the past.

    You’re not really wiping out the asari by letting Samara kill herself, you’re just wiping out the ardat-yakshi. And even then, there’s still a chance for that to come back due to someone having the gene that causes it.

    The quickest way to kill everyone though is to just not make a choice or shoot the Starchild. You lose, everyone dies, and the next cycle ultimately stops the Reapers.

    But you're missing so many other opportunities to expand real estate for humanity in the galaxy. If you would open your heart to your opposition and do these, you will make the galaxy good for the environment: (Spoiler)

  • Metal Gear Solid is coming back


  • So I hear, a remaster of the third game and the first three MGS games being available for next gen consoles. I might finally get a chance to play the series (excluding the fourth one).

    Though I’ve heard the timeline and story jumps around a lot.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Metal Gear Solid is coming back

  • Remake**. And yeah, they are also porting the original trilogy on PS5. I am actually more excited for this collection more than MGS3 remake because I do not trust Konami to do justice with it, especially if Silent Hill 2 Remake ends up sucking. MGS5 is the only game in the franchise that I finished.

    Oh yeah, why the fuck isn't MGS4 getting ported? That's one of the games that are stuck forever on PS3.

    So I hear, a remaster of the third game and the first three MGS games being available for next gen consoles. I might finally get a chance to play the series (excluding the fourth one). Though I’ve heard the timeline and story jumps around a lot.

  • RE4 VR when RE4 VR walks into the function

  • A reminder to everyone that the 1,2,3 MGS games were labled as "Volume 1" of a collection.

    So it might be safe to say that a port of Peace Walker, 4 and Revengeance might be coming as Volume 2, or Volume 3, whatever (as those are also main-line/previous gen titles that aren't on current gen).

    AronDracula posted: »

    Remake**. And yeah, they are also porting the original trilogy on PS5. I am actually more excited for this collection more than MGS3 remake

  • Pumping the brakes on Alan Wake 2 hype for a sec... there won't be a physical release at all for this game. At least not planned at this stage at all...

    Incredibly disappointing, IMO. I kid you not I was genuinely excited to be able to have a physical Alan Wake 2 sit next to my Alan Wake 1 Remaster disc this coming fall. Now that kind of puts a dampener on things... :(

    Why is Alan Wake 2 a digital-only release?

    There are many reasons for this. For one, a large number of have shifted to digital only. You can buy a Sony PlayStation 5 without a disc drive and Microsoft’s Xbox Series S is a digital only console. It is not uncommon to release modern games as digital-only.

    Secondly, not releasing a disc helps keep the price of the game at $59.99 / €59.99 and the PC version at $49.99 / €49.99.

    Finally, we did not want to ship a disc product and have it require a download for the game — we do not think this would make for a great experience either.

    They cite keeping it at the old-gen 60$ Standard as one reason for no disc (But for some reason Console editions will be priced 10$ higher than PC)
    And also cite that they didn't want people to require an additional download for the disc...

    But they've also got post-launch DLC planned with some free updates and paid Expansion content... that's some extra download content there...

    What is it with this Dev/Publisher/Series and terrible anti-consumer moves?
    Control had the whole "Ultimate Edition Bundle" fiasco with it being the only way to get Control on next-gen and offering no upgrade path, and now there's this... I dunno if it's Remedy or 505 or Epic, but I don't like it.
    At least I can see social media dragging them through the mud for this, but if Control's backlash didn't work I don't think this will either.

  • edited May 2023

    Their reasonings are honestly pretty silly. I don't think anyone loves having to download the rest of the game because the full game isnt ready from go, but at this point its basically expected. But the idea of "download only is a better experience than inserting a disc and then downloading" is just such a weird statement. End of the day, you're going to be downloading something during this time when the game releases.

    The 70 dollar jump still feels slimey, the jump from last gen to this gen is possibly the shortest jump there's ever been. 3 years into new gen and last gen still gets plenty of the new releases. Next Gen versions of these games charge an extra 10 dollars despite the only change being it simply running better. (usually 60fps and 4k options, most of which cant do 4k and 60fps at once instead opting for 2k). Basically think if you upgraded your PC and for some reason you need to also pay 10 dollars to upgrade the game too for whatever reason. There still has yet to be something that came out this gen that I think anyone can truly say "Oh yeah, PS4/XboxOne could not handle that." Really just feels like an excuse to make more money which doesn't even translate to more money to the devs, its just more money to the execs. That said, their prices are really weirdly placed. If I had to guess it probably has to do with epic deals for why pc is cheaper, but then argument can simply be if its all download only then it should really all be the same price.

    AChicken posted: »

    Pumping the brakes on Alan Wake 2 hype for a sec... there won't be a physical release at all for this game. At least not planned at this sta

  • Yeah, I'm thinking PC gets a better price since Epic is gonna keep it exclusive to their storefront for a while right from the get-go.

    And the reasoning really is silly (they also had silly reasoning for the Control Ultimate Edition non-upgrade back in the day so this shouldn't surprise me.

    They don't want an extra download for people who buy the disc version, so... they make it a download-only game... ugh.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Their reasonings are honestly pretty silly. I don't think anyone loves having to download the rest of the game because the full game isnt re

  • This PlayStation showcase was very disappointing for me idk

  • edited May 2023

    Oh shit, it's Remedy's legally distinct character Largest Agony!

    Also I can't believe Sony invented the Wii U!

  • Middest Showcase ever, especially for 1 and a half years wait. Only Spider-Man 2, Metal Gear Solid and Alan Wake 2 earned my attention. AC Mirage reminds me of old school Assassin's Creed but this is still Ubisoft.

  • edited May 2023

    There still has yet to be something that came out this gen that I think anyone can truly say "Oh yeah, PS4/XboxOne could not handle that."

    Well, I don't think PS4 could handle something like this.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Their reasonings are honestly pretty silly. I don't think anyone loves having to download the rest of the game because the full game isnt re

  • making a "asking for a wolf 2 update until we get it" thread to ensure a wolf 2 update never happens

  • Hey you ain't special you will actually get the news and the game "eventually" these poor souls here on these forums definitely won't lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    making a "asking for a wolf 2 update until we get it" thread to ensure a wolf 2 update never happens

  • Just you wait until Bruner House revives either got or minecraft. You know what they say, the house always wins. B)

    Hey you ain't special you will actually get the news and the game "eventually" these poor souls here on these forums definitely won't lol

  • If I'm waiting 10 years + for wolf 2 how much on these you charge boss? 20 💀

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Just you wait until Bruner House revives either got or minecraft. You know what they say, the house always wins.

  • In one week, the greatest animated movie ever gets a sequel!! I could not be more hyped!!

  • 2023 is filled with video games that launched in a broken state and the studios put out some of the worst apologies to make us look like idiots. There is no excuse for this. This trend needs to die.

  • Gamers on their way to pre-order the most unfinished and broken looking products known to man (They will complain about how it was broken and unfinished as if it wasn't obvious months ago and how studios need to stop doing this all while still giving them money for doing just that)

    AronDracula posted: »

    2023 is filled with video games that launched in a broken state and the studios put out some of the worst apologies to make us look like idiots. There is no excuse for this. This trend needs to die.

  • Battelfield 2042 takes a cake on this although it was released earlier, never seen a more broken game at launch than that game and its my top 1 most regretful game I've purchased in my entire life.

    AronDracula posted: »

    2023 is filled with video games that launched in a broken state and the studios put out some of the worst apologies to make us look like idiots. There is no excuse for this. This trend needs to die.

  • I don't think I ever had a broken launch experience. That's why I am choosing new titles carefully. Resident Evil 4 Remake is the only one that I pre-ordered this year because I already knew it was gonna live up after playing the previous entries.

    Battelfield 2042 takes a cake on this although it was released earlier, never seen a more broken game at launch than that game and its my top 1 most regretful game I've purchased in my entire life.

  • (If you're talking about Gollum and the recent apology)
    I think the main problem kinda stemmed from choosing, well, Gollum as the playable protagonist, and deciding to go for a stealth-adventure style gameplay.

    Ooh, smack a guy with a rock. Hide. Yell at yourself. Use another rock.
    The concept seems weird and the game, from what I've seen looks about as average as it can be (but horribly unpolished).

    AronDracula posted: »

    2023 is filled with video games that launched in a broken state and the studios put out some of the worst apologies to make us look like idiots. There is no excuse for this. This trend needs to die.

  • People who only played BL3 when Vaughn speaks

    People who played Tales when Vaughn speaks

  • When Bruner's Star Trek ends up flopping and his studio will shut down afterwards.

  • edited May 2023

    I know Bruner House situation is all a bit messy, but I wouldn't say they should shut down due to failure of some kind. Lot of people would lose their jobs and improving of quality would be greatly preferred considering Star Trek's biggest flaw is tech side with most agreeing the "Telltale side" is done well.

    AronDracula posted: »

    When Bruner's Star Trek ends up flopping and his studio will shut down afterwards.

  • This is a good meme.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Gamers on their way to pre-order the most unfinished and broken looking products known to man (They will complain about how it was broken an

  • I had gotten it after launch but because it didn't run well on my Xbox One I had to wait until I got my Series X in January of this year to really play it. I think I dodged a bullet on it being a total disaster but even so it's clear it's a fiasco.

    Still, I'm only one achievement away from getting all the achievements for it, so...

    Battelfield 2042 takes a cake on this although it was released earlier, never seen a more broken game at launch than that game and its my top 1 most regretful game I've purchased in my entire life.

  • Lo-and-beyond, today marks the seventh anniversary of one of my favorite meme-movements ever. Quite possibly the stupidest one too, but that's alright.

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