The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • E3 is dead. And I mean dead dead. It was inevitable.

  • Hilda Season 3 came out last week and I totally missed it! OOH!

    While I wanna get to watching it, (and I checked out the first episode briefly -- David got PUBERTY OMG) considering it's the last one and the whole show is just so, so good, I'm gonna give it a wonderful send-off.
    (The series finale says it's nearly an hour and a half too! Damn!!)

    I'll rewatch Hilda from S1E1, and catch up again from there. Hopefully I'll get to the third and final season by the new year. <3

  • E3's been dead for a while. But it has essentially turned into a semiannual event now with Summer Game Fest in the summer and Game Awards in the winter...

    Can't spell Geoff Keighley without 3 E's!

    AronDracula posted: »

    E3 is dead. And I mean dead dead. It was inevitable.

  • My yearly giveaway is back!

    If anyone's interested, just pop in and ask.

  • me seeing that New Tales on Steam needs just one more review to finally say mostly negative and the only reason it hasn't already been is because everyone refunds it instead of keeping it

  • Steamboat Willie's Mickey Mouse is entering the public domain soon. I can't wait for some studio to make a low budget horror movie called Murderboat Willie or Mickey Mouse Murder House instead of something interesting.

  • The more I thought about the Game Awards, the more I feel demotivated to watch it ever again. TGA 2023 was garbage.

    Not because of any games winning or losing but Geoff rushing all the speeches from the winners, fanboying over Kojima who barely even demonstrated his upcoming horror game, bringing Hollywood stars to present the awards (Are they even gamers themselves?) and pressing more ads in a ceremony called "Game Awards". There weren't even any new game announcements that wowed me a lot. I feel like this is gonna share the same fate with E3.

  • edited December 2023

    James McCaffrey, the voice of Max Payne and most recently Alex Casey, has unfortunately passed away :(

    After some confusion, TMZ has confirmed that McCaffrey has passed away at age 65 from cancer. TMZ is scarily accurate when it comes to deaths, so sadly it's more than likely true.

  • Fuck this fucking cancer in particular, man.

    Why did they have to take him away from us like this? This made me very devastated and less excited for Max Payne remakes. Not Remedy's fault though.

    I haven't seen his whole Max Payne performance myself but he sure was so great as Alex Casey in Alan Wake 2. Just fuck that this happened.

    Rest in Peace, James.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    James McCaffrey, the voice of Max Payne and most recently Alex Casey, has unfortunately passed away EDIT After some confusio

  • RIP to a legend.

    Remedy struck gold with that guy in their games, and his presence and gravelly voice is always an awesome treat to see.

    I'm so glad he was give a fun performance as Alex Casey in the bonkers wild Alan Wake 2.

    I wonder what they'll be doing for the remakes of the original Max Paynes?
    Recast? Possibly. If it comes down to that, I have faith they'll find someone equally great.
    David Harewood was awesome portraying the same kind of character as Lance Reddick.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    James McCaffrey, the voice of Max Payne and most recently Alex Casey, has unfortunately passed away EDIT After some confusio

  • Or maybe a 1 to 1 rebuild versions with great fidelity and leaving everything else untouched, same with MGS3 remake.

    AChicken posted: »

    RIP to a legend. Remedy struck gold with that guy in their games, and his presence and gravelly voice is always an awesome treat to see.

  • The Arkham Origins Online Servers still work in 2023! Takes some time, but there's a trick to it! :D

    ...But, the Servers stopped working sometime on/after August 1st, 2023... :disappointed:

  • Got my gamer gloves for dealing with sweaty matches on Dead by daylight Mobile.

  • edited December 2023

    Welp, seems like Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League does live up to its name after all.

  • I appreciate this person's effort 😆

  • Factions 2 is dead. All I have now is Helldivers 2 :disappointed:

  • Happy winter solstice, everyone.

  • The difference between game of thrones and Vikings is that the former had better adult scenes. If the latter also had actual rated r scenes they would be equals in my eyes

  • New Tales finally says mostly negative

  • I'm more concerned that it wasn't already. Look, to each their own, and perhaps I shouldn't say anything since I haven't even completed the game, but from everything I've read and watched, who thinks that this is a good game, let alone a worthy successor to the original Tales.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    New Tales finally says mostly negative

  • Well like I was saying earlier, the main reason it wasn't is because if you refund a game that review no longer calculated with the percentage.

    So for it to say negative you need to buy it (pain) and then keep it (more pain)

    I'm more concerned that it wasn't already. Look, to each their own, and perhaps I shouldn't say anything since I haven't even completed the

  • No more swag to collect

    AronDracula posted: »

    E3 is dead. And I mean dead dead. It was inevitable.

  • edited December 2023

    Canada is the best Christmas country.

    We specifically are the ones who accept letters to Santa -- internationally, mind you -- to give to the big guy, and send back to the kids. All in their source language too!
    We own the postal code H0H 0H0 B)

    How to Send Letters Around the World - Canada Post

  • Merry Chrismas.

  • That’s pretty neat. Though the last time I ordered something from Canada it took awhile to arrive that I had almost forgot I ordered it

  • I always loved that H0H 0H0 code! Merry Christmas!

    AChicken posted: »

    Canada is the best Christmas country. We specifically are the ones who accept letters to Santa -- internationally, mind you -- to give to

  • Merry Christmas to you all!

  • Merry Christmas

  • Judging by the quality of The Expanse, how much hope do you guys have in The Wolf Among Us 2? Do you think it will be the same quality as the first season, let alone decent, or do you think it will disappointing and bad?

  • Judging by the quality of The Expanse, how much hope do you guys have in The Wolf Among Us 2?

    Not much tbh. Quality I believe won't feel the same. I also do know that some of the people who worked on it were laid off, though I don't know if that includes the writers who worked on the script. But seeing how Expanse did is disappointing. Telltale announces Wolf 2 and while fans are waiting for it, they release Expanse first which wasn't as great as it should've been. For me it kind of feels like when people who finished TWDG S2 and instead of getting Season 3(which was disappointing regardless) first, they got TWDG Michonne + Minecraft Storymode.

    Do you think it will be the same quality as the first season, let alone decent, or do you think it will disappointing and bad?

    I'll be surprised if Wolf 2 manages to have a better story then season 1.

    I'm just gonna assume or pretend that Wolf 2 has been cancelled. For me I don't really care that much about Wolf 2 or Fables as much as I used to since I've grown alot and moved interests toward other series, which I'm sure alot of us did. Now to think of it, I did originally want a Season 2 way back when Wolf 1 finished, but now I feel like it doesn't really need a S2, since it just continues in the comics. I'd rather want a Telltale Game of Thrones Season 2 (which I hate to admit it's never going to happen) since it was clear it was supposed to continue the storyline of the Forresters.

    Judging by the quality of The Expanse, how much hope do you guys have in The Wolf Among Us 2? Do you think it will be the same quality as the first season, let alone decent, or do you think it will disappointing and bad?

  • I too hope they give the Game of Thrones series another look. There’s a lot of potential there. I’ve yet to see a well made Game of Thrones game

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Judging by the quality of The Expanse, how much hope do you guys have in The Wolf Among Us 2? Not much tbh. Quality I believe won't

  • I think how I mostly feel is I have a lot of faith in Wolf 2 due to the creative team it has behind it but not so much in Telltale as a whole. Even if Wolf 2 is super successful it may just end up like the first Telltale where they ride on that success until it ends again. If Wolf 2 doesn't do great then I think it is over right then. I just feel like this new Telltale's way of business is not great and has way too many repetitive mistakes as the last one from what we have experienced so far.

    Judging by the quality of The Expanse, how much hope do you guys have in The Wolf Among Us 2? Do you think it will be the same quality as the first season, let alone decent, or do you think it will disappointing and bad?

  • What repetitive mistakes?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I think how I mostly feel is I have a lot of faith in Wolf 2 due to the creative team it has behind it but not so much in Telltale as a whol

  • Mainly working on too many games at the same time. They've now both had layoffs even after having funding deals from other companies.

    What repetitive mistakes?

  • True yeah, though the old Telltale I think was worst at this. Didn't they work at walking dead,guardians, Batman and minecraft at the same time? Still, I think releasing the Expanse first was a big mistake. Whose idea even was that lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Mainly working on too many games at the same time. They've now both had layoffs even after having funding deals from other companies.

  • I finished The Final Draft of Alan Wake 2, which is basically New Game + with a new ending.

    While it doesn't answer all the questions, it does leave the story on a good note without a huge cliffhanger. I would be okay if Alan Wake 3 never happens because The Final Draft seems to be the ending everyone was waiting for for 13 years.

  • entering the year of wolf 2 (again) knowing damn well its getting delayed (indefinitely) again

  • Happy New Years!

  • Happy New Year! :smiley:

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