Nice vid. Can someone fire Sony's executives into the sun? I can't believe that there is a significant chance this won't even be the worst SPUMM movie this year: Kraven the Hunter is due in August. Seriously, only deluded moronic executives could think these were good ideas after Morbius. They got high on the success of Venom, a movie that I stupidly enjoy. Man, I just hate obvious bad ideas. I hope they lose all their money and we can kill off these dumb movies once and for all.
Sony, do yourself a favor and just cancel Kraven now so you can save on marketing and get a tax-write off like Warner Brothers did with the Coyote movie (damn you Warner Brothers). The world and your wallet will be better off because of it.
Also EDIT: the worst part is that this outcome isn't even surprising. Did anyone think there was a chance this was going to be anything other than a bad movie? Did they see Morbius? Hell I'm pretty sure they tricked Dakota Johnson into doing this the same way they tricked Matt Smith to do Morbius; tricking them to think they were doing a MCU movie only to give a SPUMM movie. At least between this and the upcoming disaster that will be Kraven the Hunter I will have plenty of material to attack Sony Pictures.
EDIT 2: WAIT. Venom 3 is coming out this year? Holy shit Sony what were you on?!?
Good, because I fucking don't. Sony dares to consider even an F tier Spider-Man character to have their own movie. I refuse to think he is actually D tier because I never heard anything about him until Sony announced their movie for it. Is that movie cancelled or what? Last I heard was the main actor leaving the production, they still want to make that?
These Sony shitheads need a therapy session for thinking this will actually make money.
Nice vid. Can someone fire Sony's executives into the sun? I can't believe that there is a significant chance this won't even be the worst S… morePUMM movie this year: Kraven the Hunter is due in August. Seriously, only deluded moronic executives could think these were good ideas after Morbius. They got high on the success of Venom, a movie that I stupidly enjoy. Man, I just hate obvious bad ideas. I hope they lose all their money and we can kill off these dumb movies once and for all.
Sony, do yourself a favor and just cancel Kraven now so you can save on marketing and get a tax-write off like Warner Brothers did with the Coyote movie (damn you Warner Brothers). The world and your wallet will be better off because of it.
Also EDIT: the worst part is that this outcome isn't even surprising. Did anyone think there was a chance this was going to be anything other than a bad movie? Did they see Morbius? Hell I'm pretty sure they tricked Dakota J… [view original content]
Netflix is trying out a beta of their Games service through a PC Browser... So with a select few games, you can try them out for free online.
You can now play Oxenfree on Netflix through your browser now. What a time we live in huh
Oh yeah and Pentiment comes out tomorrow, Grounded comes out on April 16, and Sea of Thieves comes out on April 30
Positives: The sets, costumes, and props certainly look very Borderlands like. It doesn't look like the actors aren't trying (Blanchett looks like she doesn't give a damn, but everyone else seemed okay).
But yeah, this is what I expected. An unfunny, pretty boring, GOTG ripoff with the Borderlands name attached to it
You know the movie is bad when the best thing they got is "From the producer of 3 really bad movies" and ends with the extended Claptrap shitting himself joke.
Positives: The sets, costumes, and props certainly look very Borderlands like. It doesn't look like the actors aren't trying… more (Blanchett looks like she doesn't give a damn, but everyone else seemed okay).
But yeah, this is what I expected. An unfunny, pretty boring, GOTG ripoff with the Borderlands name attached to it
Well, today is the day the Avatar returns to save the world.
Not sure if I'm gonna binge the entire thing in just one day but I will give my thoughts for each episode after finishing them.
Positives: The sets, costumes, and props certainly look very Borderlands like. It doesn't look like the actors aren't trying… more (Blanchett looks like she doesn't give a damn, but everyone else seemed okay).
But yeah, this is what I expected. An unfunny, pretty boring, GOTG ripoff with the Borderlands name attached to it
You know the movie is bad when the best thing they got is "From the producer of 3 really bad movies" and ends with the extended Claptrap shitting himself joke.
He was a producer for every Spider-Man (except the original where he was an executive producer so in a very technical way the trailer is inaccurate) but he is notorious for being terrible and the reason why Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 were messes. Guy is probably the most well known "bad" producer there is.
"From the producer of 3 really bad movies"
Hey don't hate my man Spider-Man like that smh
(Also, do they mean like original 2002 Spider-Man? Because that's uhh... really old.)
I finished the entire season of Netflix Avatar. Let me start with the positives:
The show does have the feel and tone of the Avatar. The characters have actual emotions and they all have their own moments to shine and serve a purpose to the plot.
The major landmarks of the Avatar world are very accurate. Omashu looks great, the Southern Water Tribe is more extended and they added more lore to the said landmarks.
I love the extended lore that we never saw in the cartoon. Monk Gyatso plays a bigger role than just a flashback, Zuko has more chemistry with his ship crew, Fire Lord Ozai does more than just sitting and hiding in the shadows, Aang talking with his 3 previous incarnations (Roku, Kyioshi and Kuruk) and Azula is actually having training moments than just being a villain teaser for the next book.
But my favorite of the bunch is easily seeing
Aang and Iroh meeting and talking with each other. They only had one converstation in Book 2 of the cartoon which I feel like was too little for Iroh to say he was great friends with him in Legend of Korra (I know they did off-screen between shows, blah blah blah, we just haven't seen it with our eyes).
The mature tone is on-point, seeing people actually dying. It does still have some humor moments. Iroh still does make tea jokes and my favorite one is a Sokka moment from the first episode
When Sokka insists he wouldn't wanna ride on Appa and the scene quickly cuts to him being on Appa flying and screaming like a little girl.
The benders are ACTUALLY bending using martial arts. Not a fucking dance party to move one rock. They also feel fast-paced.
Unfortunately, I do have some negatives/mixed feelings to say:
Katara doesn't act motherly. IMO, that's much worse than lack of Sokka's sexism. I didn't hate her characterization but I just didn't feel as attached as to her character as the cartoon did. I will always call out the bullshit from Katara's haters who despise her for being motherly and naturally angry. Fuck every single one of them because they don't know shit about character development.
Speaking of character development, they cut the entire episode of Haru and Firebenders imprisoning earthbenders on a metal ship. This HAD no reason to be cut because it served a huge purpose to Katara's character. Jet wasn't enough.
Some firebending moves are weird. Like instead of doing fist bumps to shoot fire, they make fireballs and shoot with their palms.
Bumi just didn't do it for me development wise.
Because Aang quickly realizes that it's his best friend right at the beginning of the episode and their reunion didn't feel as emotional.
This show actually contains stuff that were introduced in Book 2 of the cartoon.
Mai and Ty Lee are actually introduced in Book 1 of this show. Not like in the cartoon, they just happen to be present during Azula's training. They don't really do anything other than encouraging Azula.
The musicians do make an appearance as well and they do sing Secret Tunnel, although dialogue takes over the focus for a few secs. And Sokka is really into their thing, even though he wasn't in the cartoon. It seems like we won't see them in Book 2.
There is some inverted roles
Instead of Sokka and Iroh flirting with their love interests (Suki and June), the girls are the ones flirting this time around. Suki seemed more attached to Sokka than vice-versa and guess what? Suki actually kissed Sokka in that episode instead of waiting for Book 2. And June is now the one who calls Iroh cute and touches his face.
I have more things to say but I already wrote too much. So overall, this show was...fine? I would say it's like a 7/10 experience. I already knew it wasn't gonna outshine the cartoon but to say it's such a bad show or better yet, worse than M. Night's movie is nothing but overexagerration. At least I can see the cast and the crew actually caring about the source material. It's just the script that was the hardest part, to make a very faithful live-action remake of a story that originated as a cartoon. It has a lot of changes that I like and some that I just didn't like. I hope they actually take the feedback and erase some of the mistakes they made.
Didn't get to see the first episode of the Rick and Michonne series last night, but did have one thing spoiled for me.
HOLY SHIT!!! THEY ACTUALLY DID IT! THEY FUCKING CUT OFF RICK'S HAND AND GAVE HIM THE KNIFE/HOOK THING!I never thought they would do it, Kirkman always said he regretted it.
Dreamworks released a trailer for a new animated movie and it looks pretty damn good!
Really nice visuals similar to The Last Wish, a surprisingly serious and dramatic tone for the trailer, and very very minimal dialogue. Unfortunately this is the last Dreamworks movie that will be made in-house, as their following offers will be outsourced to Sony Imageworks, which certainly marks this movie as an end of an era.
Gutted to hear that Akira Toriyama is no longer with us. Guy created some of my favourite characters like Piccolo and Cell in Dragonball and Chrono Trigger is easily one of the greatest games of all time.
So Fables has now ended for the second time now. Now both times it has ended extremely anticlimactically! Not a great revival but honestly I don't think the story was being written with this being the end and instead had to become an ending because of the whole drama. Just a really mess. So many plotlines that are dethatched from the main plot. Bigby and Snow are once again sidelined to focus on less interesting characters. Really just a lot more of the same problems I really do not like about Willingham's writing but now this functions as an ending that I don't think was planned to be an ending. Didn't add anything worthwhile to the Fables world at all and incredibly skippable.
Save your money, watch Australians (while drunk) talk about it instead:
I prefer a drunk Scotsman.
Nice vid. Can someone fire Sony's executives into the sun? I can't believe that there is a significant chance this won't even be the worst SPUMM movie this year: Kraven the Hunter is due in August. Seriously, only deluded moronic executives could think these were good ideas after Morbius. They got high on the success of Venom, a movie that I stupidly enjoy. Man, I just hate obvious bad ideas. I hope they lose all their money and we can kill off these dumb movies once and for all.
Sony, do yourself a favor and just cancel Kraven now so you can save on marketing and get a tax-write off like Warner Brothers did with the Coyote movie (damn you Warner Brothers). The world and your wallet will be better off because of it.
Also EDIT: the worst part is that this outcome isn't even surprising. Did anyone think there was a chance this was going to be anything other than a bad movie? Did they see Morbius? Hell I'm pretty sure they tricked Dakota Johnson into doing this the same way they tricked Matt Smith to do Morbius; tricking them to think they were doing a MCU movie only to give a SPUMM movie. At least between this and the upcoming disaster that will be Kraven the Hunter I will have plenty of material to attack Sony Pictures.
EDIT 2: WAIT. Venom 3 is coming out this year? Holy shit Sony what were you on?!?
Remember, El Muerto?
Good, because I fucking don't. Sony dares to consider even an F tier Spider-Man character to have their own movie. I refuse to think he is actually D tier because I never heard anything about him until Sony announced their movie for it. Is that movie cancelled or what? Last I heard was the main actor leaving the production, they still want to make that?
These Sony shitheads need a therapy session for thinking this will actually make money.

Rise up, Tarnished. It's time to face the shadow.

Netflix is trying out a beta of their Games service through a PC Browser... So with a select few games, you can try them out for free online.
You can now play Oxenfree on Netflix through your browser now. What a time we live in huh
Oh yeah and Pentiment comes out tomorrow, Grounded comes out on April 16, and Sea of Thieves comes out on April 30
Positives: The sets, costumes, and props certainly look very Borderlands like. It doesn't look like the actors aren't trying (Blanchett looks like she doesn't give a damn, but everyone else seemed okay).
But yeah, this is what I expected. An unfunny, pretty boring, GOTG ripoff with the Borderlands name attached to it
You know the movie is bad when the best thing they got is "From the producer of 3 really bad movies" and ends with the extended Claptrap shitting himself joke.
Found this in the Arzette game:

Bigby's looking different these days
Well, today is the day the Avatar returns to save the world.

Not sure if I'm gonna binge the entire thing in just one day but I will give my thoughts for each episode after finishing them.
This looks like it might have been a successful movie in 2011.
Hey don't hate my man Spider-Man like that smh
(Also, do they mean like original 2002 Spider-Man? Because that's uhh... really old.)
That sounds bad.
It has a 68% on RottenTomatoes. One review isn't enough.
He was a producer for every Spider-Man (except the original where he was an executive producer so in a very technical way the trailer is inaccurate) but he is notorious for being terrible and the reason why Spider-Man 3 and Amazing Spider-Man 2 were messes. Guy is probably the most well known "bad" producer there is.
I finished the entire season of Netflix Avatar. Let me start with the positives:
I love the extended lore that we never saw in the cartoon. Monk Gyatso plays a bigger role than just a flashback, Zuko has more chemistry with his ship crew, Fire Lord Ozai does more than just sitting and hiding in the shadows, Aang talking with his 3 previous incarnations (Roku, Kyioshi and Kuruk) and Azula is actually having training moments than just being a villain teaser for the next book.
But my favorite of the bunch is easily seeing
Aang and Iroh meeting and talking with each other. They only had one converstation in Book 2 of the cartoon which I feel like was too little for Iroh to say he was great friends with him in Legend of Korra (I know they did off-screen between shows, blah blah blah, we just haven't seen it with our eyes).
The mature tone is on-point, seeing people actually dying. It does still have some humor moments. Iroh still does make tea jokes and my favorite one is a Sokka moment from the first episode
When Sokka insists he wouldn't wanna ride on Appa and the scene quickly cuts to him being on Appa flying and screaming like a little girl.
The benders are ACTUALLY bending using martial arts. Not a fucking dance party to move one rock. They also feel fast-paced.
Unfortunately, I do have some negatives/mixed feelings to say:
Bumi just didn't do it for me development wise.
Because Aang quickly realizes that it's his best friend right at the beginning of the episode and their reunion didn't feel as emotional.
This show actually contains stuff that were introduced in Book 2 of the cartoon.
There is some inverted roles
Instead of Sokka and Iroh flirting with their love interests (Suki and June), the girls are the ones flirting this time around. Suki seemed more attached to Sokka than vice-versa and guess what? Suki actually kissed Sokka in that episode instead of waiting for Book 2. And June is now the one who calls Iroh cute and touches his face.
I have more things to say but I already wrote too much. So overall, this show was...fine? I would say it's like a 7/10 experience. I already knew it wasn't gonna outshine the cartoon but to say it's such a bad show or better yet, worse than M. Night's movie is nothing but overexagerration. At least I can see the cast and the crew actually caring about the source material. It's just the script that was the hardest part, to make a very faithful live-action remake of a story that originated as a cartoon. It has a lot of changes that I like and some that I just didn't like. I hope they actually take the feedback and erase some of the mistakes they made.
Randy Bitchford at his best.
how I be prepping for Borderlands 4ever when Randy starts talking about fucking multiverses and "endless" content and shit
You heard it here first, guys! The movie isn't even out yet and we KNOW this is gonna start a HUGE new MOVIE UNIVERSE.
[RIP "Dark Universe" ; May 2017 - May 2017]
Didn't get to see the first episode of the Rick and Michonne series last night, but did have one thing spoiled for me.
HOLY SHIT!!! THEY ACTUALLY DID IT! THEY FUCKING CUT OFF RICK'S HAND AND GAVE HIM THE KNIFE/HOOK THING!I never thought they would do it, Kirkman always said he regretted it.
Why are there sooo many layoffs happening in the gaming industry?

The guy who is asking for the Sam and Max voice dlc everyday
Can't help it if it's true!
its now been a year since the delay.

Let's hope March is still considered early 2024
They've changed the title to "The Wolf MAY Be Among Us" to build hype for a May release you heard it here first people
TFW the station wagon from TWD Season 1 got its own spin-off game released recently and Bigby still has to wait for his story to continue.

May the Wolf Be Among Us.
Dreamworks released a trailer for a new animated movie and it looks pretty damn good!
Really nice visuals similar to The Last Wish, a surprisingly serious and dramatic tone for the trailer, and very very minimal dialogue. Unfortunately this is the last Dreamworks movie that will be made in-house, as their following offers will be outsourced to Sony Imageworks, which certainly marks this movie as an end of an era.
Water. Air. Earth. Fire.
Here's hoping they improve on things going forward!
Telltale after releasing the incredibly exciting Wolf 2 trailer

Also Telltale ever since
Telltale's one employee realizing that, after making an incredibly exciting trailer, they have to create an incredibly exciting game:
Gutted to hear that Akira Toriyama is no longer with us. Guy created some of my favourite characters like Piccolo and Cell in Dragonball and Chrono Trigger is easily one of the greatest games of all time.
The grandfather of modern shonen, Akira Toriyama has passed away at age 68
The stand in community manager when he releases the "Sorry the game has been canceled again" post

The stand-in community manager when they try to buy a license for generic sad piano music for their 'Wolf 2 cancelled video':
The stand-in community manger when he remembers he was suppose to post that the game was canceled 3 weeks ago
So Fables has now ended for the second time now. Now both times it has ended extremely anticlimactically! Not a great revival but honestly I don't think the story was being written with this being the end and instead had to become an ending because of the whole drama. Just a really mess. So many plotlines that are dethatched from the main plot. Bigby and Snow are once again sidelined to focus on less interesting characters. Really just a lot more of the same problems I really do not like about Willingham's writing but now this functions as an ending that I don't think was planned to be an ending. Didn't add anything worthwhile to the Fables world at all and incredibly skippable.