The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Was an interesting night, but was also cathartic to get that off my chest, being stood up was a stinger.

    Love that you posted about it soon after it happened. You're an Even Steven!

  • Domthebomb be like


  • He is soo annoying

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Domthebomb be like

  • Played TFBL for the third time,
    God it's such a good humorous game,
    Never gets old or boring

  • It makes me kinda glad that Gameover Ent quit, considering his main source for making vids on his channel is pretty much gone. Hope DomtheBomb can stay on the float but then again unlike Gameover Ent, he does cover and play other games that aren't Telltale based.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Domthebomb be like

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    I agree with you. It's my favorite choices and consequences game that Telltale made and is high up on my list among all of Telltale's games. That includes the adventures, cinematic adventures (or easy adventures as Dan Connors called them), puzzle games, and poker games.

    That's especially true for the Pilot Program games (the Puzzle Agent games and Poker Night games). They were fun but were specifically made to be short and more casual-friendly.

    Played TFBL for the third time, God it's such a good humorous game, Never gets old or boring

  • Why are we still here?

    Just to suffer...?

  • You're delulu. You might think we're cheugy,

    Oh fuck, words I don't recognize! I'm losing the zeitgeist!

    Jennifer posted: »

    That's sus. You're delulu. You might think we're cheugy, but no cap, we're the original rizzlers. ... after that I'm shook, fam. I'm low key going back to adulting.

  • That's some big yikes fam. Not very mother of you. You gotta get in on the tea.

    AChicken posted: »

    You're delulu. You might think we're cheugy, Oh fuck, words I don't recognize! I'm losing the zeitgeist!

  • edited March 2024

    me telling myself that telltale suddenly posting a lot more means its because they are finally going to drop news soon knowing they will go radio silent again and we still wont hear anything in months

  • I now know what metal dubstep sounds like.

    I want to go back to when I never asked the question, nor cared about the answer

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    me telling myself that telltale suddenly posting a lot more means its because they are finally going to drop news soon knowing they will go radio silent again and we still wont hear anything in months

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Always good to see a Noah Caldwell-Gervais video, and it's a nice Easter treat.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    I just realized my account here will be 17 years old in sixteen days. Since Telltale was founded three years before that, that means Telltale will be 20 years old in June.

  • I really hope GTA 6 will have a longer story then Witcher 3 and RDR2. I'm sorry Rockstar but if it really is 12 long years or more it should be the longest story ever for a Rockstar game. To be honest I'm surprised I'm still alive and hopefully will still be alive if the PC release happens.

  • edited April 2024

    Hope they tell us sth about a release date or big update on wolf 2 as a matter of 20 years telling magnificent stories
    Dear God it's too hard to wait :/

    Jennifer posted: »

    I just realized my account here will be 17 years old in sixteen days. Since Telltale was founded three years before that, that means Telltale will be 20 years old in June.

  • I'd rather it should only take me like 2 or 3 days to finish the story cause I'm not a fan of games that drag on for too long.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I really hope GTA 6 will have a longer story then Witcher 3 and RDR2. I'm sorry Rockstar but if it really is 12 long years or more it should

  • Understandable. Alot of people tend to like short games (though I feel like GTA will have alot of activities to do). But my worry is once GTA 6 is over then I'll have to wait even more years for GTA 7. There won't be any other Rockstar Game to play for a while plus I don't play their online modes.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'd rather it should only take me like 2 or 3 days to finish the story cause I'm not a fan of games that drag on for too long.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2024

    April Fools Day is officially over where I live.

    I got a clown avatar decoration on Discord. And it's not even permanent apparently. That's the real trick.

    There's an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says: fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me, you can't get fooled again.

  • Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League had no reason to exist. They should just cancel Season 2 and the rest because what is the point exactly?

  • They won't because WB Games wants to double down on live service.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League had no reason to exist. They should just cancel Season 2 and the rest because what is the point exactly?

  • edited April 2024

    I guess those 5 players matter more than millions. I don't even know what side are they on.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    They won't because WB Games wants to double down on live service.

  • edited April 2024

    Albert Kim, the second show runner for the live action Avatar remake after the original creators left, has now also left the project. Replacing him will be Jabbar Raisani (a VFX leader and director of episodes 3 and 4) and Christine Boylan (writer of episode 3).

    Regardless of your feelings towards the live action remake, or the reasoning behind the switch, the fact that the show has gone through numerous creative leads is a terrible sign.

  • I missed out on it smh

    Jennifer posted: »

    April Fools Day is officially over where I live. I got a clown avatar decoration on Discord. And it's not even permanent apparently. Tha

  • edited April 2024


    Incredibly rare big W for IGN with this exposé...

    According to over a dozen current and former employees across several departments, most of whom spoke to me on condition of anonymity for fear of reprisal, Deck Nine’s management has long let a toxic work culture fester at the studio. They claim the C-suite has protected multiple abusive leaders, encouraged crunch, and allowed bullying of individuals advocating internally for more authentic representation in Life Is Strange.

    But while these broader issues pervaded the day-to-day of the team’s work, sources say narrative faced internal conflict as well largely centered on its leader: narrative director and eventual Deck Nine CCO Zak Garriss.

    But elsewhere in the studio, Garriss cultivated a different reputation. As Deck Nine began work on True Colors, sources say Garriss began forming close relationships with a number of younger women, often in situations where he had some sort of mentorship or other power over them, including at least one of the women on his team. Multiple women described him as “love bombing” them when they first met, showering them with compliments and convincing them he could get them promotions or raises. Sources say he frequently stayed late at the studio talking to these women – inviting them to lunch, dinner, drinks, movies, or even to his house after work. While in all these situations, sources say he would instigate personal conversations, and would even text some of them after work hours about personal topics.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Some incredibly mild telltale news party people

  • TIL life is strange before the storm devs made that ps2 neopets game I played when I was 6

    Also big yikes to all the other stuff in the article too

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Some incredibly mild telltale news party people

  • I wish this article was written better because it is not focused very well. It hops back and forth a lot. Also weird that Expanse is not even mentioned once.

    I'm only going to focus on the Telltale stuff rather than whatever other insane drama is going on there, it honestly makes me really worried about Wolf 2. Unless the article is worded poorly or just incorrect, why would Deck Nine be talked to at all about a pre production script for Wolf 2 if this was happening after they were already confirmed to be working with AdHoc? Doesn't help the article is combing True Colors crunch time with the 2023 layoffs making it really difficult to figure out what time they were working on Wolf 2.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Some incredibly mild telltale news party people

  • Unfortunately a very similar story to many other game studios. Publishers and upper management with stone age mentalities, and someone with too much power taking advantage of those under them. Though the secret Hitler is... new. How are they unable to find out who keeps sneaking the nazi stuff in?

    Skybound Entertainment canceled a deal with the studio to work on a sequel to Telltale’s The Walking Dead (Skybound declined to comment for this piece).

    Oh weird.

    Deck Nine had been working on a pre-production script for The Wolf Among Us 2.

    Less weird but more concerning as this happened just last year. What do they mean they were still writing scripts in 2023???

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Some incredibly mild telltale news party people

  • why would Deck Nine be talked to at all about a pre production script for Wolf 2 if this was happening after they were already confirmed to be working with AdHoc?

    That's what I'm worried about. Deck Nine shouldn't have anything to do with TWAU2. Honestly, I'm pretty worried what this means about AdHoc. There's no mention of TWAU2 on their social media accounts or their website. As far as I knew, the story was finished and all that was left was to actually develop the fucking game, so if this article is half correct, either Telltale's financial troubles have delayed development or they've decided to replace AdHoc with Deck Nine for some unknown reason and start from scratch. Either option sucks, but I'd rather see it delayed into infinity over someone that isn't AdHoc taking the reins, especially Deck Nine of all people.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I wish this article was written better because it is not focused very well. It hops back and forth a lot. Also weird that Expanse is not eve

  • Like I was saying I wish the article wasn't written the way it is. The Walking Dead thing sounds like it was canceled around the same time Telltale delayed Wolf 2 and got that funding. But the Wolf 2 thing is so poorly worded and does not paint a clear picture of when that was. I can't imagine AdHoc isn't involved anymore because I think they wouldn't be able to spin it positively at all if this was the case. It sounds really mean to say but hearing Deck Nine is not going to have any involvement on Wolf 2 was kind of a relief because I honestly think after all 3 of their games they are kind of bad at story telling, although I guess now we need to wonder what is happening with Wolf 2 at all if there is talks of different studios coming in with pre production plans this late.

    Also we are now in April which I feel most people would not agree is early 2024. Really this is the last month you could possibly claim that. So maybe that Wolf 2 news will happen assuming the game isn't dead!

    booper posted: »

    why would Deck Nine be talked to at all about a pre production script for Wolf 2 if this was happening after they were already confirmed to

  • edited April 2024

    I know your passionate about Wolf 2, but if I were you I'd give up. I feel like were gonna get bad news about it's development at this point, and even if its not cancelled I wonder if it will even be good. Telltale hasn't been talking about it at all since the Expanse was out, and the Expanse is done now so I feel like if there was no delay then Telltale would post that they are now working on it on Twitter (X).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Like I was saying I wish the article wasn't written the way it is. The Walking Dead thing sounds like it was canceled around the same time T

  • The article mentioned they were having financial trouble, which we already knew thanks to the layoffs. I don't understand how they're even able to continue development at this point. The member of the dev team who broke the news about the layoffs on Twitter posts on /r/TWAU every so often and even he doesn't know what Telltale is planning anymore. They've restarted production at least once which, if the Deck Nine article is true about them being brought on in 2023 to write a pre-production script, would line up with the timeline of Telltale switching from Unreal 4 to 5—which would mean it was a complete restart instead of a revamp to the engine as it was originally assumed. None of this is confirmed of course, but what we do know for sure is that they're out of money and they let most of their developers go.

    Nothing we know about this game's development has been encouraging, and if one of the developers doesn't even know how Telltale is going to finish the game at this point, I really don't see how this is going to have a happy ending.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I know your passionate about Wolf 2, but if I were you I'd give up. I feel like were gonna get bad news about it's development at this point

  • This is making me realize that it was a miracle that TWDG managed to finish with 4 seasons.

    booper posted: »

    The article mentioned they were having financial trouble, which we already knew thanks to the layoffs. I don't understand how they're even a

  • I think we are probably going to get another "delay" again even though that would probably mean it is just having a slow death. It kind of hurts seeing people saying "Wow the game is okay! Telltale said it was still in development!" from this article as if that means literally anything. Did everyone forget Telltale died the same week episode 2 of the final season was coming out?

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I know your passionate about Wolf 2, but if I were you I'd give up. I feel like were gonna get bad news about it's development at this point

  • Someone on Twitter made a very good thread chronociling everything we can gather about the current state of Telltale and TWAU2's development. I highly recommend reading it and the second part which goes into AdHoc's end of development.

    Basically, there's some serious evidence to suggest that not only has AdHoc parted ways with Telltale, but they've been split since December 2022—about a month before the delay was announced. This lines up with what yesterday's IGN article said about D9 being brought in to write a script in 2023, and with what one of the developers said on Reddit about how they could neither confirm nor deny if AdHoc was still working on TWAU2 as it would violate his NDA.

    There also seems to be a lot of mismanagement going on behind the scenes with leadership. Apparently, Telltale is trying to build teams made up of developers from different studios, AdHoc being one of them. From the sound of this Glassdoor review, it's absolute chaos.

  • edited April 2024

    If AdHoc isn't involved anymore I hope they cancel the game. I really have no interest at all if they aren't a part of it and I don't know how they would get anyone on board if they had to tell people they split because they'd basically be admitting to massive failure to have a fallout like that. AdHoc being involved was what gave everyone hope that the game wasn't going to be a bunch of random people taking over. However, if they did split it is weird for AdHoc to not say anything. From my understanding they as their own entity probably wouldn't be under any kind of NDA and something like this would be a pretty major fallout and you'd probably want people to know what is going on at your company if suddenly a partnership just disappeared.

    Also it is really weird to think that as early 2020 there was actual development footage of Wolf 2 with a new Bigby model. It doesn't show anything too crazy but it is weird knowing it was there for that long. Although I wonder if this was actually a work in progress for the announcement trailer because it looks like it is Bigby picking up his apartment phone, which makes me think in one of the original trailer teasers it may have involved the phone ringing.

    booper posted: »

    Someone on Twitter made a very good thread chronociling everything we can gather about the current state of Telltale and TWAU2's development

  • I will never understand why Minecraft got renewed for Season 2 and TWAU didn't. Was the request for it even higher than Wolf's?

    I hate myself for supporting its first season.

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