The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • August 1st, 2024

    We are sadden to say that The Wolf Among Us 2 is ceasing development.

  • The guy who originally told everyone about the layoffs has said he never heard of Deck Nine working on a preproduction script for Wolf 2. However, he does share something seemingly about Faye for Wolf 2 was debated by the guy who was at Deck Nine and then Telltale, seemingly confirming that he had some hand in the narrative. So really it just sounds like a mess.

    Either way, looks like AdHoc doesn't actually have full control of the narrative like it was originally stated but instead this guy had influence. Assuming the game comes out I guess we may have to worry about some semi-Deck Nine influence. High quality!

  • Yeah but I'd be fine if AdHoc parted ways after completing their work, if it's worse than that then I don't have faith in the game.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If AdHoc isn't involved anymore I hope they cancel the game. I really have no interest at all if they aren't a part of it and I don't know h

  • The thing is AdHoc shouldn't just be parting ways if their work was considered done. They are still in charge of narrative and a game like this everything is part of the narrative. It isn't like all they did was write the script. They are still the creative directors and that means they should still be an active part of the game.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Yeah but I'd be fine if AdHoc parted ways after completing their work, if it's worse than that then I don't have faith in the game.

  • Why did Tellale make MCSM Season 2 instead of Wolf Season 2? Are they stupid?

  • ANOTHER negative Glassdoor review? Seriously, what is even going ON at Telltale anyway?

    booper posted: »

    Someone on Twitter made a very good thread chronociling everything we can gather about the current state of Telltale and TWAU2's development

  • Sorry if I haven’t been here for a while then I should been busy reading , I’m so excited to see the Abigail movie in 10 days from now i’ve been avoiding trailers as much as I can so I could preserve my brain imagery from being spoiled.

  • me playing the first part of the 2 part wolf 2 premiere where we spend 90% of the episode playing as Faye and it ends in just 40 minutes after TJ gets shot and killed by the New Fables and the playable Bigby segment is Toad teaching Bigby how to drive but Bigby crashes it and Toad flies out the windshield and fucking dies

  • me on the telltale office tour just to see no one is there

    lattsam posted: »

    ANOTHER negative Glassdoor review? Seriously, what is even going ON at Telltale anyway?

  • edited April 2024

    Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I dunno anything about him.

  • edited April 2024

    Please be good.

    Only Dante Basco is confirmed to reprise the role, while the cast for the other characters is new.

  • Me showing up at the singles' night at the bar.

    That piece was brutal. Telltale will become a hot dog stand at this rate.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    me on the telltale office tour just to see no one is there

  • So apparently there were 8 cancelled singleplayer dlc for GTA V due to GTA Online. This also caused the cancelled the development of Bully 2. I find it weird that Rockstar couldn't make 8 singleplayer dlcs for story while still working on online. This just proves that for GTA 6 we won't get any dlc for singeplayer and instead it will just be GTA Online with live service :(

  • It just shows how empty GTA 5 feels. Everything about it is just a big map with a lot of empty spaces. They say it's the biggest open world game in the world, yet it feels soo small compared to the previous games.

    That's why I'll never play that game ever again.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    So apparently there were 8 cancelled singleplayer dlc for GTA V due to GTA Online. This also caused the cancelled the development of Bully 2

  • I was gonna say this does make GTA 4 have more content, not to mention the Lost and Gay Tony dlc. GTA 5 does have things that GTA 4 doesn't have, but for content and storywise yeah it goes to 4.

    AronDracula posted: »

    It just shows how empty GTA 5 feels. Everything about it is just a big map with a lot of empty spaces. They say it's the biggest open world

  • Saw an interesting video a few weeks ago:

    AronDracula posted: »

    It just shows how empty GTA 5 feels. Everything about it is just a big map with a lot of empty spaces. They say it's the biggest open world

  • Ye boiii, finally!


    The Telltale account posted some new TWAU 2 pictures in that category. Check it out!

  • THE WOLF AMONG US 2 IS REAL? The Telltale account posted some new TWAU 2 pictures in that category. Check it out!

  • Screenshots look really cool! Kind of surprised Telltale didn't tweet it themselves, maybe tomorrow they will. I guess they saw how many people thought the game was never happening and finally decided to show something. Game still looks super cool!

    I think my only concern though is 2 of the screenshots are things we've already seen. Obviously they don't want to spoil things but seeing Snow would be cool for example. That said, if you do look at the file names for the images they are numbered and go up to at least 41 which means they do have some kind of archive of many images and they skipped from 7, 11, 33, 41. So hopefully they will release more. Viewing the images in order actually could reveal the order of episode 1, starting at the motel, Bigby on top of a building, then in anger management, then at a crime scene.

    Also I checked out the profile for the Telltale account that posted the update and there's a link to a google drive and clicking it just brings you to a png file called black lmao. For a second I thought they left a link to all the images.

  • edited April 2024


    I will now stare at these pictures for five hours straight. The Telltale account posted some new TWAU 2 pictures in that category. Check it out!

  • Also one more thing. It looks like the game may actually be point and click instead of over the shoulder based on the last screenshot.

  • edited April 2024

    dom the bomb after making a 20 minute long video talking about how wolf 2 is in trouble and then just like an hour later an update happens

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Always nice to see things being alive.

  • Oh my angsty "telltale is dead" phase is diminishing over 4 pictures. It looks SO GOOD!!! The Telltale account posted some new TWAU 2 pictures in that category. Check it out!

  • I don't know, fellas. The screens are nice, but I don't have much hope left after the layoffs. :#

  • I do want to try and stay positive but I do hope a larger update does happen soon, hopefully during the Geoff summer event. Looking at the screenshots they shared, what they showed doesn't really strike me in a "progress is being made" kind of way, especially with how so many people were let go, and as stated before, something being actively worked on means nothing when funds run out while it is being actively worked on. So I really hope that when a bigger update happens it actually gives a release date, something that would imply they are near the end, although honestly I think a 2025 delay is happening.

    2 screenshots are from scenes we saw over 2 years ago. The other 2 are new but also show not a lot at all. One of them is Bigby standing on an empty roof looking at the floor. The other says investigate the crime scene but the scene is empty and has no focus on something worth investigating or even looks like a crime scene, which to me makes those 2 screenshots feel a bit odd to be used for promotional use because the more I look at them I kind of feel like I see less and less. Plus I have to say I think the only reason they even released these was because of that article. Had it not come out, I don't think they would have shared these at all.

    Still happy they did finally say something and don't want to sound ungrateful. It is just something I noticed. Sorry for being a downer :(

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited April 2024

    Telltale had a deal with Netflix for Minecraft: Story Mode. Finishing off Netflixing Minecraft: Story Mode season one was the last thing Telltale 1.0 did to satisfy the contract stipulations.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was meant to be like CSI in Telltale's early days. They did four CSI games under contract from Ubisoft. It wasn't because the fans wanted it because they're largely ignored when discussing Telltale Games.

    They did them to keep the company running. They just had better management back then.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I will never understand why Minecraft got renewed for Season 2 and TWAU didn't. Was the request for it even higher than Wolf's? I hate myself for supporting its first season.

  • And now that game no longer exists on Netflix. That seems like a waste of resources to me.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Telltale had a deal with Netflix for Minecraft: Story Mode. Finishing off Netflixing Minecraft: Story Mode season one was the last thing Tel

  • Jesus Christ be praised!

    Pipas posted: »

    Ye boiii, finally!

  • It's been quite some time since I been on the Forum. My last post was before Covid back in 2019. So its been at least 3-4 years since I have posted. Wanted to see if this place was still active and if anyone was still around.

  • Tf they finally released something??? I csnt believe it 🤣

  • I though TellTale stopped making games.

    Tf they finally released something??? I csnt believe it 🤣

  • Extra life

    I though TellTale stopped making games.

  • Going to back to re-playing The Walking Dead series.

  • Yeah it does seem a bit like "haha look this game really exists" I'm sure they've been hard at work the past 4 years, but that last gameplay screenshot wasn't too convincing.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I do want to try and stay positive but I do hope a larger update does happen soon, hopefully during the Geoff summer event. Looking at the s

  • Is anyone else having problems being signed in and out of the forums?

  • I had to reset my password cause its the first time I have logged in since 2019.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Is anyone else having problems being signed in and out of the forums?

  • edited April 2024

    A bit late to the party but thank you for sharing the thread, I read through some of it, it is not looking good at all, that Glassdoor review is horrendous also.

    Honestly it isn't looking good for the game, and in reading that thread, it doesn't inspire an awful lot of confidence in me towards the management at Telltale. Not that my opinion will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, but I'm sure there are others that share a similar sentiment.

    I just don't grasp how it is so dysfunctional, why it is that way, I'm not going to pretend I'm an expert in business, I'm really not, but it just doesn't make sense to me how money was just pissed up the wall in the way it seemingly was. To acquire a studio and then lay off staff soon after, both in your own in-house studio and that acquired studio, surely you'd have people around you that would point out that such an investment would lead to what happened, like it is needlessly kicking people to the curb not just in California, which is known for its shitty housing market, but also in London, which also has a shitty housing market, in a country that is economically in the toilet.

    It's honestly like there's no logic or foresight being applied, it's like banking your every action and choice on a roll of the dice or a magic 8 ball, and the consequences of that are people losing their jobs and having to scramble to find another job to financially support themselves and to even have health insurance because of a shitty system, all that as a result of "market conditions".

    I really don't see how this iteration of Telltale is much different from the last one, as far as we know, on Telltale's side, there hasn't been any reports of crunch, but the dysfunctionality from up top has remained, the pissing away of money has remained, the horrible treatment of staff has remained, it really isn't all that much different to what went on there before.

    My heart does go out to the former and current Devs, like it's a total shit storm to put it mildly, and they're the ones that suffer/suffered for it, like Telltale isn't a big studio, this iteration certainly isn't, not in size, maybe in its stained name, perhaps in the indie scene it can be classed as a big studio, but how do you manage to successfully incorporate issues that plague big companies into a studio that isn't that big? I know that sort of stuff doesn't discriminate, it can show up anywhere, but like, it's ridiculous it is at this stage with Telltale once again.

    I don't have much hope in The Wolf Among Us 2, and I certainly don't have much hope in Telltale, I hope something changes, I really do, I want a great game, but I want a dev team that's well treated and looked after, that's what will provide the opportunity for a great game, not reckless and questionable financial decisions that gambles with the welfare of staff, and hosting an environment that's so chaotic that staff can't actually get truly involved in the process of making something they were assigned to work on.

    I hold a lot of love for Telltale in my heart, they have produced games that have got me through difficult times, and given me memories I will forever cherish, I just hope something changes, that those in positions of authority have some sort of moment of realisation and steer the sinking ship clear from the rocks it is so clearly heading towards.

    booper posted: »

    Someone on Twitter made a very good thread chronociling everything we can gather about the current state of Telltale and TWAU2's development

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