The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Maya is cute. I already miss her being my partner.

  • I replayed LIS2 again. I actually enjoyed it quiet a bit when I first played it while a lot of people are pretty mixed on it. After replaying, I still liked it but not as much as the first time I played. Not going to write that much, but I do think this game is a bit harder to play on the replay. I didn't find myself changing many choices and if I did it was because I forgot what it did and wanted to find out. Pacing is a bit too slow and Episode 4 is still pretty bad and worse on the replay.

    I also do think the original LIS setting does work better than LIS2's road trip. But I also don't want to fault it for that either. I actually think the road trip storytelling works really well and I like the change of pace, but I do think back to back the focus on a single setting and consistent side characters I overall preferred. But again, I wouldn't say this is a negative just a preference, because I do think LIS2 does a good job with at expressing the tone it wants with how characters come and go as you travel.

    I may replay TC or BTS but I did play both of them the most recently so it may be too fresh. I also can't say I really want to either as I didn't really like either of them when I played. But I may check them out again later to give them a fair chance.

  • Classic:

    AronDracula posted: »

  • Holy shit, Otis in this remake is being played by the legend, Dave Fennoy. Now I can no longer be pissed at him calling me during risky situations.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    I'm watching Across the Spider-Verse for the first time right now.

    How can Sony hit it out of the park with their animated Spider-Verse but stink so hard with their live action one?

  • I just came out of Deadpool & Wolverine. It was a fun time, felt longer than it was. Hugh Jackman was great, although there some bits where it was confusing when some backstory was being explained. I was happy that they played some things serious too. Great cameos though and a fun soundtrack! I also think it was a great send-off to the Fox X-Men movies in general, and any jokes about Fox were really funny.

  • edited August 2024

    I just realized that Kenny from The Walking Dead Game and Dutch from Red Dead Redemption 2 have some similarities.

    • They both had mustaches and beards
    • They both lost loved ones
    • They were both leaders of groups
    • People left them because they believed they were going crazy (for Kenny's case it was Mike,Bonnie, and Arvo,
      for Dutch it was pretty much half of his gang)

    • They have plans

    • Their plans involve getting a boat
    • Some believe they went crazy after losing too much
    • Their plans never work out that great
    • They have black hair
  • One thing that totally separates Dutch from Kenny is that:

    He left both Arthur and John to die in different occasions for stupid reasons. Arthur at the Oil Factory and John during the last train robbery.

    That's where he lost all my respect as a person.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I just realized that Kenny from The Walking Dead Game and Dutch from Red Dead Redemption 2 have some similarities. * They both had must

  • The first case in Ace Attorney Justice For All is by far my least favorite case thus far in this franchise. Because of one single thing:

    Why the hell did I not have an option to tell everyone that Dustin could NOT have written the Maggie word on sand? According to the autopsy, he fell and BROKE his fucking neck. Not an anatomy expert myself but when you break your neck, you are instantly paralyzed and you die. You wouldn't have any time or control to think and do thing after that injury. That should have been enough evidence to prove Dustin didn't write on sand AND Maggey didn't kill him. Like WTF???? Also, even though I understand his purpose, Winston Payne is such a boring prosecution attorney.

  • He didn't bother listening to Hosea who was really good with advise. Hosea didn't want Dutch to cause more trouble and just lie low for the safety of the rest of the gang. Yet Dutch still wanted to rob from powerful people and kill them (like Cornwall and Bronte).

    AronDracula posted: »

    One thing that totally separates Dutch from Kenny is that: (Spoiler) That's where he lost all my respect as a person.

  • Huh, this type of good news was not on my bingo card for this year.

  • edited August 2024

    Tango Gameworks has officially been picked up by Krafton Inc, the owners of PUBG, with Hi-Fi Rush being included in their deal with Microsoft! John Johanas, the creative director at Tango confirmed it and employees at the studio will be returning to resume their work with their new company. Krafton also intends to support Tango in further developing the series!

  • Anyone else think it is really cool that the time in-between the Wolf 2 reannouncement trailer and the event was actually less time since the event to now! Isn't that neat! Haha!

  • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse remastered is out!

  • edited August 2024

    Peak's back on the menu!

    I remember seeing the creators behind Wildwood describing it as a pseudo-sequel to Coraline, and the plot summary of it being about kids finding their way into a parallel world certainly rings a few bells. Too bad it's going to make negative money. Thank God Laika is owned by a nepobaby with talent.

  • I Worked For Kevin Bruner, He's a Fraud.

  • Speaking of Coraline, it’s been back in theaters in the US for its 15th anniversary. Been planning to see it sometime

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Peak's back on the menu! I remember seeing the creators behind Wildwood describing it as a pseudo-sequel to Coraline, and the plot su

  • me playing Borderlands 4ever when Rhys from the original Tales universe gets his head blown off by Handsomest Jack of Borderverse 7 as he proclaims "Welcome to the multiverse, kiddo!"

  • Gearbox justifying this:

    Poogers555 posted: »

    me playing Borderlands 4ever when Rhys from the original Tales universe gets his head blown off by Handsomest Jack of Borderverse 7 as he proclaims "Welcome to the multiverse, kiddo!"

  • edited August 2024

    Handsomest Jack says if you want to play the quest where Rhys doesn't actually die in your universe you'll need to grind the Skateboard Pass and pay 10 Border-bucks, kiddo!

    Gearbox justifying this:

  • edited August 2024

    I've lost track at how many times I've forgotten that Wolf 2 exists and is still being worked on. Either way I hate to say it but I've lost interest but maybe it will come back once the game actually releases. I might have more fun waiting for GTA 6 to come out on PC, and that's not until 2026 or 2027.

  • Borderlands 4

  • I sooo cannot wait for fans to be underwhelmed by the story again.

  • Interesting. Tarsier Studios said they wanted to move on from Little Nightmares IP but this game might as well be Little Nightmares 3 or 4. Because it give me the exact same vibes.

    Now we are going to have Reanimal and Little Nightmare 3. Please let them both be good, not another Callisto Protocol vs Dead Space Remake.

  • edited August 2024

    Teaser is a dimensional tear

    Please don't actually be a Borderlands multiverse I was just kidding

    Borderlands 4

  • Seems like BL4 will probably be that war finally coming even though by the time BL4 takes place it will likely be like 13 years later lmao

    I just hope whatever the rift thing is isn't suppose to be an actual multiverse and instead something more akin to a wormhole to the eridians. Borderlands writing is pretty much the last series I want to see try a multiverse.

  • edited August 2024

    The site has actually gone through some kind of updating the last few days. I had a slither of hope something would happen at Gamescom. Doesn't seem so though.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I've lost track at how many times I've forgotten that Wolf 2 exists and is still being worked on. Either way I hate to say it but I've lost

  • Very hyped to see how they ruin TFTB characters even further!

  • edited August 2024

    Fiona living in a mansion for weeks when she finally discovers that indentured servitude is actually bad (she didn't know this for some reason, this is very relevant to her character)

    I hope Fiona appears so the rest of the fans can properly learn about her epic adventures!

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Very hyped to see how they ruin TFTB characters even further!

  • Oh wow that is literally just Little Nightmares but with the addition of animals and voice acting. I guess some stuff must have went down with Bandai to the point they were willing to give up Little Nightmares just to make their own successor.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Interesting. Tarsier Studios said they wanted to move on from Little Nightmares IP but this game might as well be Little Nightmares 3 or 4.

  • edited August 2024

    An animated anthology tv show by the people behind Love, Death + Robots has been unveiled and this time it's about video games! Each episode will center around a different game, including Armored Core, Mega Man, God of War, and The Ghost of Tsushima!

    If this is a success, the possibilities are literally endless. I'd love so see Dishonored get some love in this.

    Full list of games being adapted:

    • Armored Core
    • Concord
    • Crossfire
    • Dungeons & Dragons
    • Exodus
    • Honor of Kings
    • Mega Man
    • New World: Aeternum
    • PAC-MAN
    • PlayStation (Highlighting various PlayStation Studios beloved entities including God of War and Ghost of Tsushima)
    • Sifu
    • Spelunky
    • The Outer Worlds
    • Unreal Tournament
    • Warhammer 40,000
  • edited August 2024

    A new Dying Light game has been revealed, featuring the return of Kyle Crane as the protagonist! Looks like he'll be a regular dude during the day, and a super zombie by night.

    The devs confirmed it was originally going to be DLC before being made into a standalone game and will be free to those who got the Ultimate Edition of Dying Light 2.

  • edited August 2024

    God please tell me Roger Craig Smith is back as Kyle Crane. He literally carried this character that made the story in DL1 lack boreness.

    EDIT: NEVERMIND!!! Fucking awesome

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A new Dying Light game has been revealed, featuring the return of Kyle Crane as the protagonist! Looks like he'll be a regular dude during t

  • Randy Pitchford saw your comment, thought you were being serious, and gave it to his writers.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Teaser is a dimensional tear Please don't actually be a Borderlands multiverse I was just kidding

  • After The Following I never thought we'd see Crane again. But holy fuck yes, inject this shit straight into my veins.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A new Dying Light game has been revealed, featuring the return of Kyle Crane as the protagonist! Looks like he'll be a regular dude during t

  • Pretty DAMN excited for this! I LOOOOVE LD&R and I think Blur Studios put out some awesome work in many different styles. I don't know how they managed to wrangle together permission to get all these IP together, but wow that's a big lineup.

    Whenever a video game has some sort of CGI animated reveal trailer, it's sometimes followed up with "the game is great but god damn I just wanna see more episodes of this world"
    And this show might be a great way to get at least one episode into the world of these games as if they were narrative-focused pieces.

    I'm VERY excited to see the Sifu episode. I'm sure that'll look fantastic.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    An animated anthology tv show by the people behind Love, Death + Robots has been unveiled and this time it's about video games! Each episode

  • Also I kind of bounced off of Dying Light 2 for a bit (I'll return to it sometime later), but this is pretty darn cool!

    I think it's a little silly they're bringing back Kyle after his pretty final fate in the original game, but screw it, if they nail this as the next step in his story, (and give us some awesome Roger Craig Smith) then I'm all for it!
    I guess all those updates to DL2 with the parkour system being tweaked to align with the first game's physics, plus adding guns into the game, kinda pushed the team to go... "Hey, what if we make a throwback with Kyle Crane?"

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A new Dying Light game has been revealed, featuring the return of Kyle Crane as the protagonist! Looks like he'll be a regular dude during t

  • Me and the other 5 Arkham fans with Quest 3 VRs are really gonna enjoy this

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