The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Roger Craig's Batman deserved much better than this. His performance as the Cape Crusader will be overshadowed once again.

    Cocoa6372 posted: »

    Me and the other 5 Arkham fans with Quest 3 VRs are really gonna enjoy this

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth brought the series full circle.

    Haruka's son Haruto is the same age as Haruka in the original Yakuza and Haruka looks like her mom, even with the same hairstyle.

  • edited August 2024

    If Sasha appears Rhys is 100% going to utter the word rizz. Bro is gonna say "Call me the Rhyzler."

    lupinb0y posted: »

  • I wonder if I should play Yakuza Kiwami 2. I've finished Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 1 but I had to force myself to finish them. I enjoy the gameplay but the story feels slow-paced (for me at least). Since you played all Yakuzas should I continue them? Though idk if I'd want to play 3,4, and 5 since those weren't remastered like 1 and 2.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth brought the series full circle. Haruka's son Haruto is the same age as Haruka in the original Yakuza and Haruka looks like her mom, even with the same hairstyle.

  • Keep offering suggestions like that, you’ll be the next head writer at Gearbox

    Poogers555 posted: »

    If Sasha appears Rhys is 100% going to utter the word rizz. Bro is gonna say "Call me the Rhyzler."

  • The third and final book of the character pretending to be Clementine will come out in June 2025. And here is the summary:

    "Clementine finally has it all–a safe place to live, a girlfriend, and even a cat…but nothing lasts forever. And when Clementine suffers a loss unlike anything she’s ever faced, a new mentor called The Gardener offers her a new family, and a new way of living… but at what cost?"

    Suffers a loss unlike anything she's ever faced. How nice to downplay the deaths of Lee and every character who meant something to her by making whoever is gonna kick it a lot more important than all of them combined, because that isn't highly insulting to the fans who gave a shit Clem's journey. And she pretty much had all of that at the end of the fourth season, minus the cat.
    Also, the Gardener. Yeah, this ain't the Walking Dead, it's a fucking Disney cartoon.

  • Actually unreal having to wait 10 months to see how the third book will further tarnish a beloved character. The summary is brilliant though, way to undermine the Series that the main character of the Books is from, and claim that what will happen in the Books, which has been quite tame thus far, is worse than what has already happened in the Series.

    Preorder your popcorn folks, this is going to be a good one for all of the wrong reasons.

    The third and final book of the character pretending to be Clementine will come out in June 2025. And here is the summary: "Clementine fi

  • We getting Clementine’s character assassination Part 3 before TWAU 2 😔

    The third and final book of the character pretending to be Clementine will come out in June 2025. And here is the summary: "Clementine fi

  • Went to the theater for the Coraline rerelease in 3D. Still a great film.

    Also they showed a lot of Coraline merch before the movie including these Coraline themed sneakers that look pretty sick

  • Just checking in.

  • edited August 2024

    Why hello there

    Just checking in.

  • Thank you for checking in

    Just checking in.


  • I know the forum has been dead.

    Cocoa6372 posted: »

    Thank you for checking in

  • If anyone gets the monthly Forums Log-Out and sees this -- if the profile/account/sign in page sends you to a 404 error, just go to the main Telltale home page, hit the hamburger list button in the corner, then hit "My Account", which will redirect you to the proper sign-in page...

    Because that just happened to me. Oh boy. 😅

  • edited August 2024

    Seems like they're interested in making stuff set in the universe rather than just adaptions, which is definitely the way to go. What're the odds of a Night Springs series? I'd love an FBC series just following some agents finding weird stuff and trying to contain them.

    They also confirmed that Control 2 will be published by themselves which is great news!

    AChicken posted: »


  • Any context on Annapurna? What's their history?

    AChicken posted: »


  • Thanks I was wondering why I couldn't sign in.

    AChicken posted: »

    If anyone gets the monthly Forums Log-Out and sees this -- if the profile/account/sign in page sends you to a 404 error, just go to the main

  • edited August 2024

    If you are a horror game fan and have a GOG account, buy these games immediately before they get delisted.

  • I officially moved into my first apartment last week. Trying to make rent on a freelancer's salary is a bit of a battle, but having your own place is a refreshing fucking feeling.

  • They've published a lot of cozy, cool, and creative indie titles that I really really like. Usually focusing on a unique concept, emotional narrative, or striking art style.

    Just from what I know, they've helped launch hits like: Stray, Sayonara Wild Hearts, What Remains of Edith Finch, Florence, Outer Wilds, Kentucky Route Zero, Donut County, The Pathless, Neon White, among many other games.
    They seem to pick up very creative artists and help them fulfill whatever their crazy concept might be, so I trust that they will let Remedy COOK really hard with Control 2 with their financial or creative help.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Any context on Annapurna? What's their history?

  • gosh I LOVE IT when corporate companies let their artists have fun with their logo.

  • edited September 2024

    Yesterday I've been to my first concert ever. And holy fuck what a concert it was, let me tell you. The whole thing was spectacular, from the performance to the lighting, to the sound. And the sound! Holy hell every time they hit the drums it felt like a fucking nuke hit the ground next to you, the entire body would shake when they would do the throat singing. This whole timeI felt like in a trance. Fucking amazing.
    Heilung for ever!

  • me when Telltale releases new wolf 2 screenshots on the game's anniversary (its a close up of Bigby standing in an empty area at a slightly different angel as the previous screenshots and a "delay" to next year)

  • I have just attended my first concert, Coldplay, and it was life-changing, it was so well done, I don't think it can be topped by any future concerts that I will attend.

  • edited September 2024

    I finished the second game in the Phoenix Wright trilogy, Justice For All.

    Honestly, I'm not sure if I like it better than the first game or not. There are things that I like and things that I don't appreciate. I already mentioned that I hated the first case, that was the only one that actually pissed me off. I loved Franziska von Karma as the new prosecutor, she is such a hotheaded bitch, whipping everyone in the court but I could not hate her. However, I wouldn't say she was better than Edgeworth.

    I think my favorite case in the game was Case 3. I thought it had the best witnesses and kind-of-a sympathetic killer. However, one thing I didn't like about it is a love triangle. It felt very unnecessary and didn't add any value to the case.

    I have to mention that the length of these games are fucking exhausting. Some cases take longer to finish than a Resident Evil game. The final case especially, I thought it was longer than it needed to be. It took me from 9:00 PM to 4:00 AM to finally reach the end. I did love its twists though.

    Also, when I first heard the new soundtrack, I thought it was a downgrade from the first game. But the more I listened to it, the more it grew on me. The new Trial theme is much better than the last one in my opinion.

    I will say though, this is my favorite wallpaper in the game:

    These games would have been boring had it not been for Maya's character. She is easily my favorite.

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited September 2024

    Sorry for the late reply. I highly recommend Yakuza Kiwami 2. It's a high point in the series. The story is strong and the villain is formidable. He's the high water mark for the series as he's the perfect foil for Kiryu. The Kiwami remake doesn't have all of the minigames and such from the first Kiwami, but it doesn't need them because the story stands on its own. It's the game that will let you know if the series is for you or not.

    If you continue, skip Yakuza 3 because it was made early in the PS3 era and it uses an old engine. Yakuza 5 and 6 use the Dragon Engine, which was used in all of the games in the series and the Judgment spin-offs until they went with Unreal Engine for Ishin! Kiwami and Infinite Wealth. Some of the little bits of the series changes from game to game, such as how much you can hold in your inventory and some of Kiryu's moves having varying attack power (like Tiger Drop), but they perfected the basic gameplay formula in part 4.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I wonder if I should play Yakuza Kiwami 2. I've finished Yakuza 0 and Yakuza Kiwami 1 but I had to force myself to finish them. I enjoy the

  • Alright thanks. I'll play Yakuza Kiwami 2 and skip 3. I might most likely go straight to 6 from Kiwami 2 if that's ok.

    Jennifer posted: »

    Sorry for the late reply. I highly recommend Yakuza Kiwami 2. It's a high point in the series. The story is strong and the villain is formid

  • I'm surprised that case 3 is your favorite. It's one of the most disliked cases in the fanbase that was mostly improved in the anime version.

    I personally found Justice For All okay, it's good in it's own way. Trials and Tribulations is the best one from the trilogy without a doubt, I'm sure you'll love it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I finished the second game in the Phoenix Wright trilogy, Justice For All. Honestly, I'm not sure if I like it better than the first game

  • Maybe because I managed to do objections and prove certain events in one shot. I really want to say the last one is my favorite one but man, the pacing in that case killed me, just like Case 5 in the first one.

    But yeah, now that I think about it, the first game was a lot better.

    I'm surprised that case 3 is your favorite. It's one of the most disliked cases in the fanbase that was mostly improved in the anime version

  • You could skip the remastered games, but bear in mind that Yakuza 6 was originally meant to wrap up Kiryu's story so there's a lot of references to previous games, plus six picks up right after the ending of Yakuza 5.

    If you did just want to do 6 though, it does catch you up on what happened at the end of 5 - you just wouldn't recognize a few of Kiryu's close friends that are playable in part 4 and 5 and return as non-playable characters in 6. You would just have to pick up on their backstories through context clues.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Alright thanks. I'll play Yakuza Kiwami 2 and skip 3. I might most likely go straight to 6 from Kiwami 2 if that's ok.

  • edited September 2024

    petition to throw this movie into the fires of Mount Doom, say 'Aye'!

    So it's like... 90% Animated while a bunch of Real People walk around a green screen set... Jesus, this looks awful why the clUCK do companies think "well if it's Live-Action, then it'll be BETTER?"

    This movie exists.

  • edited September 2024

    Steve in this film is literally just Jack Black with a blue shirt. Fucking WHAT?

    That's like making a Portal movie where GLaDOS is played by a live-action actress who just wears her iconic robotic head, with the rest being a human body wearing white clothes.

    This movie exists.

  • Me to Minecraft: Story Mode

    This movie exists.

  • It's quite funny to see a ton of comments in the video echoing this statement. I honestly didn't realize people still remembered that game.

    But yeah, what the fuck is this abomination?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Me to Minecraft: Story Mode

  • I had no expectations, and I’m still disappointed.

    This movie exists.

  • It's quite funny to see a ton of comments in the video echoing this statement. I honestly didn't realize people still remembered that game.

    To be fair it was Telltale's second best selling game. Plus it's gained a much warmer reception over the years, especially since a lot of the kids who played it are now either in or are out of college lol.

    It's quite funny to see a ton of comments in the video echoing this statement. I honestly didn't realize people still remembered that game. But yeah, what the fuck is this abomination?

  • No, it isn't.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Steve in this film is literally just Jack Black with a blue shirt. Fucking WHAT? That's like making a Portal movie where GLaDOS is played

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