The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Dispatch looks like fun! Nice to see it'll be a choice based game and knowing that it's the team behind TWAU and TFTB makes this a day one buy for me.

  • SO uh Wolf 2 is DEAD dead if adhoc is making a game lmao. Damn. Looks cool at least.

  • Dispatch looks very interesting. Looks like a mix of a Telltale game and a strategy game? Looks really cool and pretty high quality! I hope we get an interview with AdHoc talking more about it soon!

    also on steam the trailer is slightly extended and it makes it clear they worked on the first TFTBL 💀

  • It's releasing next year so they were probably working on both at the same time until the separation.

    SO uh Wolf 2 is DEAD dead if adhoc is making a game lmao. Damn. Looks cool at least.

  • I'm excited for Dispatch. It looked like a ton of fun and has a great cast!

    Now for GOTY, I am proud that announce that Half Life: Alyx has won.

  • Thank God they had some fuckin' sense to not give the GOTY award to a DLC lmao

  • So let me get this straight.

    Adhoc Games, ex Telltale devs, who made the original Wolf, manage to create and show off their new IP of a choice-based strategy game(?) slated for 2025.

    And "actual" Telltale, working on the Wolf Among Us 2, has... nothing? We have no idea where or what it is. If it even is alive...

    Welp, time to jump ship to the Adhoc forums... if they had one hehh... XD

  • How Telltale gonna be looking at their social media the next few days

  • I just woke up and I'm so glad to see that I didn't miss much.

    Except for this one. I thought they said they were done with Elden Ring. I swear to God, FromSoftware is a fucking BEAST. I hope to Sweet Mother of God that Sony won't buy its parent company.

    FromSoftware keeps being the best gaming studio of this generation.

  • You know, this could have been exciting if it didn't look as generic as Concord and Star Wars Outlaws.

    This might as well be Naughty Dog's Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League.

    This looks good.

  • That music visualizer sword won me over. That thing looks fuckin' awesome.

    This looks good.

  • Tbh people were on high amount of copium if they were expecting Adhoc to still be working on TWAU 2 after deleting any mention about it from their site. It's pretty clear that it's either never coming out or it's gonna be bad. I already gave up on TWAU 2 a while ago, so Telltale not showing anything at the Game Awards wasn't exactly surprising.

    Anyway, Dispatch looks really cool. Love the straight up from the comic book artstyle. I hope the game itself will look the same and this wasn't made just for the trailer lel.

  • The worst thing about that Wolf 2 trailer was how good it was, kind of like this Dispatch trailer. Like they just wanted everyone to know that it could have been great lmao

    I just want to know what happened for AdHoc and Telltale to split. Getting in the way of creative vision? Money problems?

    Telltale didn't even do the "congrats to our friends!" thing. Whole thing sucks, Telltale is probably just going to die again next year because they just made the same dumb mistakes as the first one did and decided to just not learn from them.

    Pipas posted: »

    Tbh people were on high amount of copium if they were expecting Adhoc to still be working on TWAU 2 after deleting any mention about it from

  • Looks like Poogers was right five years ago 😔

  • I guess the real "New Telltale" was the Old Telltale crew all along... 🥲

    Aaaanyway, Game Awards!

    Overall that was a pretty good Game Awards. Better than last year for sure. Pretty sure we had a returning category to the stage which was Best Music/Score. I'm sure it was a Speedrun Award in previous years... (and it lead to an awkward but cute moment IMO of the composer either not having prepared a speech, or completely forgetting it due to award shock. Lots of pauses (even after a translator) trying to come up with the words to say thanks heheh)

    Also that Sam Lake internal monologue moment was perfect cheesy. God I love that man. So quirky, so himself.

    I usually really like the Muppets appearances and this one was the BEST. The Roast of Geoff Keighley with Stadler and Waldorf. Let's gooooo. Please Wrap It Up!
    Multiple appearances too which is cool!

    About Naughty Dog's sci-fi game:
    Welp, it's not Savage Starlight like I thought, but...
    like, the retro futurism style looks cool. All the branding is WEIRD but I guess trying to be corpo-dystopian in a way. (But cmon doesn't Sony have the money likeeee)
    But ehh, I guess it's still mid-development so we won't see the actual game for another year or two.

    Dispatch. From the Writers of TWAU and TFTB is the perfect hook that I hope catch eyes.

    (It seems the Furries are starting to take notice of the humanoid animals, so... that might bode well for sales lmao) 😂

    Lmao it's wild, it looks great, and I'm having an existential crisis.

    • Ex-telltale devs who made Wolf Among Us, makes their own studio, and now reveals their new IP of a choice-based, strategy game(?) hybrid? Coming next year.
    • "Real Telltale 2024" is... still working on Wolf 2? Maybe? Is AdHoc not collabing with them anymore? Is it dead? Are THEY dead? Uhhhhhh lmao probably goddamnit
      (They should not have partnered with Deck Nine and made The fucking Expanse as their first title. It was a mess. It was a bad look. They had layoffs. Uuuuuuuuugh.)

    Oh! And IDK why but it felt like Geoff wanted to cry a few times in the show. Like, wow??? He's legit passionate about this industry and the privilege he has to present and reveal these highly anticipated games that mean a lot to people. I think.

    Despite all the sponsors and ads and speedrun awards and all that -- the show DOES need to pay for itself somehow... But honestly it also needs to pay for sidelining devs spotlight and key awards lately too. ugh.
    But BEST INDIE??? AS A SPEEDRUN AWARD??? WTFFF?! Geoff that is incredibly insulting to the passion and perspective of the industry and what's going on. This is a studio's first title. Their breakout hit. And a jury of peers in their industry select THEM to be celebrated! That's really cool!

    Like, man, I think it was really good that Geoff finally spoke out about the layoffs in the industry and took time away from the "real ad-show" to address the crisis and also literally give an award to someone who's been helping and re-hiring devs after they've been laid off.

    But... gosh, the show still feels like a tsunami of ads and sponsors and trailers, the smaller of which will go completely forgotten after the 3-hour show is done. I know there's a few clips I remember, but completely forget what their names are and who made them until I just look up a list of everything from the show itself.

    I AM very happy that ASTRO BOT SWEEEEEEPPPP
    Okay, maybe not sweep, but it DID win GOTY!! YAY!
    And apparently Team Asobi is only like 65 People? That's pretty damn tiny for games companies, especially one funded first-party by Sony.
    I'm sure this means Astro Bot 2025 DLC confirmed and probably Astro Bot 2 eventually. Sony is gonna shoot that robot to the moon. :rocket: :money_with_wings:


    A co-op game friend and I watched the stream together on a VC and we're pretty impressed and interested in.....
    Hazelight's next co-op game. It comes out in freaking MARCH!! Looks really fun too. I love the swapping genres/themes angle of this. Feels like we can REALLY get some cool sequence of levels in this one.

    It Takes Two is GOTY so hard. Amazing co-op game too. Great platformer that constantly has new and interesting powers each level. (And a bonkers (dark) story of two parents in a fractured relationship trying to escape a nightmarish transformation into dolls, and... ah yeah the plot is weird. Feels like it's supposed to be approachable to kids, but suddenly has dark morbid turns (in cartoonish fashion) or some language I definitely don't think should be tossed around kids.

    I hope Split Fiction is good (and well-priced!)

  • Looking at the number of stupid decisions they've made since reopening, can you blame AdHoc for bailing? Trusting that the director of Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis could deliver a finished product and make good business decisions was an invitation for disappointment.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The worst thing about that Wolf 2 trailer was how good it was, kind of like this Dispatch trailer. Like they just wanted everyone to know th

  • I just want know what happened because they seemingly worked together for like 3 years and then something must have changed. That reveal event they had went incredible for them. Plenty of attention, very positive reception, and then a year later the delay happens, which I am also assuming is when AdHoc split. Like what happened from the extremely positive event to that time a year later? I just really want to know and I think our only insight will be whenever AdHoc does some kind of interview because I'm assuming what about Wolf 2 will be asked. I doubt they can give a complete answer on what happened for a variety of reasons but we sure as hell won't hear a thing from Telltale.

    booper posted: »

    Looking at the number of stupid decisions they've made since reopening, can you blame AdHoc for bailing? Trusting that the director of Aquam

  • I don't think it's as complicated as we think. If you look at the Glassdoor reviews, the reddit comments of the dev who broke the news of the layoffs and the general drama Telltale has been somewhat involved in like the Deck Nine scandal, you can kind of piece together that they're terrible at project management and there wasn't much in the way of strong leadership. You had Telltale, AdHoc and apparently Deck Nine working on this thing together. If things were as disorganized as they sound, that must have been a nightmare even before communication started breaking down.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I just want know what happened because they seemingly worked together for like 3 years and then something must have changed. That reveal eve

  • I don't know why on earth they started that damn expanse when they had to focus on TWAU2, it's like the new telltale manager or something wanted a game about space or this expanse thing a lot that he had to buy a dead game studio to make it! The thing bothers me is that they KNEW all along that the only thing all fans wanted was the second season, they just ignored all that and started their own work.
    They don't even wanna give the news that TWAU2 will probably face a big delay or won't come out at all because they know this will make everyone furious and stop buying games from them.

  • By the time Wolf 2 releases, it will be just as hollow as King Vendrick from Dark Souls 2.

  • Canada has a tax break for the next two months on various goods. It's quite a big list (though vague for suppliers). No HST or GST will be applied in person or online. That's pretty neat.

    Included in the list is "Video Games Consoles and physical video games." Cool, coolcoolcool.

    And thankfully, the Steam Deck is one of these "consoles" exempt from the tax!
    There's been speculation for a few weeks that it might not qualify since in Valve's own words, it's a device that gives you a "console-like experience" for PC gaming. PCs and Laptops aren't included in tax exemptions.

    So! This is really neat. I really want an OLED Steam Deck. Not paying 15% extra would be pretty sweet. Here's hoping I get some cash-money for Christmas that I can then put into that purchase!
    (I don't like sitting at a computer, in a chair, mouse and keyboard usually required. I much prefer console-style TV/couch gaming or handheld devices to bring with me. So this could really help me dig into my Steam backlog... :sweat_smile:)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited December 2024

    I don't know if any of you have played the Sword and Fairy RPGs, also known as Chinese Paladin or PAL, but these games have been a favorite of mine since I was a kid in the 1990s.

    I'm actually not sure how I got into it back then, since it never came to the west officially. I played an unofficial English translation for the DOS version of the first game that was terrible (the translation, not the game), but it was just good enough for the story to hit a chord with me.

    I was big into the early emulation and rom hacking scene, and I know that we got quite a few people from Taiwan on #emu, #emucamp, and #zopharsdomain back when I used to moderate those channels, so it probably stemmed from that. Back then, the internet was much smaller and you had pockets of fandoms, and it wasn't uncommon to jump from one fandom to another. I'd often do a /whois just to see what channels people were in so that I could pop in there if they sounded interesting.

    But, I digress. The Sword and Fairy Series was developed by a company in Taiwan named Softstar Entertainment. I'm not sure if they are doing badly financially, or what, but they sold the rights of the series in both China, Taiwan, and internationally to CMGE (China Mobile Games & Entertainment Group), a huge mobile game developer in mainland China that made a fortune from gacha games.

    The mobile Sword and Fairy games are not very good, so I'm far from excited about this news.

  • edited December 2024

    I feel like Borderlands 4 isnt coming out next year. It feels a lot like they announced it a lot earlier because the movie did so bad and that game awards trailer really showed like 3 seconds of gameplay in the "gameplay" trailer lol. For their own sakes it would also help explain why the vault hunters looked so boring. It is also kind of disappointing how much it still looks like BL3 considering if it releases next year that is still just 1 year less between the wait for 2 to 3. I did see some people thinking the vault hunters are customizable because it may go for a live service element which I hope they dont because that really will be the death of Borderlands.

  • So Season 7, and the final confirmed season, of The Dragon Prince is scheduled to release tomorrow. And honestly, I feel very unenthusiastic about it.

    While Season 6 was an improvement, the second half of this show has just been not very good. I feel such little excitement over it, and am honestly just kind of hoping for it to be over. And it honestly feels as though Netflix is as well. The Dragon Prince has always had very little in terms of marketing, and what marketing it did have was that it was being made by the head writer of Avatar. But that well has run very dry, and it feels like there has been no build up, no hype, no anything for this outside of posters and promo art.

    How bad is it? Well, the game they spent years making and producing just got shut down after only 5 months and a days notice. Netflix has already quiet quit the game, and people actually think they're going to greenlight 3 more seasons of this show?

    I still care enough about the world to tune in and watch, but honestly, I don't really have high expectations. I've dedicated this much time, might as well finish it. Hopefully it surprises me, but honestly, this has been a pretty meh show and I wouldn't bat an eye if this is truly the final season.

  • (sigh)

    So yeah, Season wasn't good. Haven't been let down by a finale like this since the HIMYM ending.

    If there are more seasons, I think I might pass if I'm honest.

    So Season 7, and the final confirmed season, of The Dragon Prince is scheduled to release tomorrow. And honestly, I feel very unenthusiastic

  • So I didn't miss much.

    Good. Cause I thought Season 3 wrapped things up decently enough despite the stupid sequel bait.

    Unfortunately, I have no reason to think about this show ever again. I'll just stick with Avatar and Legend of Korra.

    (sigh) So yeah, Season wasn't good. Haven't been let down by a finale like this since the HIMYM ending. If there are more seasons, I think I might pass if I'm honest.

  • You have missed nothing of value, and gained yourself a ton of time.

    And if you didn’t like the sequel bait of Season 3, then oh boy, you would HATE how this last season ended.

    If anything, I hope the failures of this show put to rest that Bryke and Avatar were somehow carried by Aaron Ehasz, that everything great about Avatar was because of him, and Korra “sucked” without his involvement. And listening to some of the stuff coming out and an interview with him, it just confirms my thought that he should not be the one in charge of a show and calling every single shot. The dude can be talented, but I think it’s obvious he works better with a guiding hand.

    AronDracula posted: »

    So I didn't miss much. Good. Cause I thought Season 3 wrapped things up decently enough despite the stupid sequel bait. Unfortunately, I have no reason to think about this show ever again. I'll just stick with Avatar and Legend of Korra.

  • I learned not to worship any big names anymore these days. Nobody is perfect and everyone can have their own fall to grace.

    You have missed nothing of value, and gained yourself a ton of time. And if you didn’t like the sequel bait of Season 3, then oh boy, you

  • I learned earlier today that there is a very real feature-length documentary about two out-of-work actors during 2021 UK Lockdowns putting on a (chaotic) performance of Hamlet in Grand Theft Auto Online, and that sounds so bizarre that I'm suddenly really interested in it...

    and also whatever previews media have gotten so far seems surprisingly good

  • Merry Choice-mas! 🎅🎄 heehee

    Hope everyone got fun times with family or friends and maybe a nice gift or two.

    My highlights include the art book for Into the Spider-Verse and also Arcane Season 1 on disc! Woooo

  • I hope you all had a Merry Christmas!

    I am looking forward to playing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle! Got it for my Xbox and really excited about it.

  • Thanks! Hope your Christmas is going well. I saw that the new Indiana Jones games is getting great review scores. Enjoy!

    I hope you all had a Merry Christmas! I am looking forward to playing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle! Got it for my Xbox and really excited about it.

  • ym, so maybe this is a little bit of a lot annoying and idk if its been said and told no to or so does anyone know the game vtmb aka Vampire: The Masquerade? That remake of Bloodlines is still looking like such a smear and i feel like they did it by also flopping some kinda TellTale style spin. I feel like telltale corp themselves could do soso more to make it not so blah and real properly.. even if the 2004 original is not getting constant attention/monitoring (but at the same time it also does?) id call it one that pops into coming to mind to almost everyone that likes games enough to remember some of the time the legacy potential and straight up goodness with flaws remembered fondly like me now this 2 am. there's big crave for it everywhere still even with how flushed no hope of it coming back any way right seems. So many saying they have plans to buy the botched project coming soon just to keep the marketability its name has and hope it gets taken back or restored... And consider trying it if u havenot, there's fanmade hd remasters/smooths graphics that help run it right even though a lot consider the og passing for perfect for its good storyline player choices characters style feeling just everything... I think it could possibly maybe suit telltale so nice actually and maybe easier to get the rights for since it's been floating around for a while scrapped a few times by different companies just by how lazy it ended up being handled, and seems snatch uppable. I wanna know what the talk is for this here*

  • I think the idea what I'm talking about isn't annoying but how i said it, idk i just really wanted to push this out so I kind of runon a lot Sorry to anyone who reads but I swear this could really work. i went to look up what else new came out and even random videos on youtube About how disappointing and how much of the disappointment from so many there is are getting views and gathering in the comment section.. and the opinion on every official release from the developing sequel is basically all boo

    tchmato posted: »

    ym, so maybe this is a little bit of a lot annoying and idk if its been said and told no to or so does anyone know the game vtmb aka Vampir

  • edited December 2024

    I never really had a high opinion of Aaron Ehasz (head writer of Avatar, creator of The Dragon Prince) as a person. As a writer I've always found him very talented, as a person, kind of slimy. Even then, while I thought there was some truth to some of the allegations made against him, I still defended him.

    But there's no way to deny it, the dude is a con-artist, a liar, and a manipulator. His statements and his actions since S7 have shown that. And what's worse, he's doing this to freaking children. Adults falling for his schtick are one thing, but he knows that his audience is largely young people who don't know shit, and he's exploiting them to hold Netflix hostage to get 3 more seasons of a show that wasn't supposed to have 3 more. And then, he has the audacity to try go after his critics, the fans who are calling him out, by gaslighting them with more falsehoods about how Avatar was similar. None of it is true, and I'm so freaking sick of it.

    AARon and AARavos, master manipulators and tellers of half truths. No wonder he was the only consistently written character in the show.

    EDIT: Just after I posted this, the freaking man himself decided to descend from his high horse and argue with even more people on Reddit. Including me. Should I feel honored, or sad that the freaking CEO of this company has his fragile ego hurt so much that he's doing this. Would help if there was a PR person or community manager who could help you here, but that's right, they quit because of your toxic work environment.

  • You wanna know how a game becomes one of my favorites? I replayed the entire thing all over again from start to finish, even completed the collectibles and hard levels again, just after platinum.

  • Haha, aww nice!

    I finished the main campaign back in November, and just before Christmas I finally finished up the rest of the bots I hadn't collected, the 5 speedrun levels, and that pretty fun winter themed level!

    That last one was pretty cool for a free thing, it used like all the powerups in the game which was neat!

    AronDracula posted: »

    You wanna know how a game becomes one of my favorites? I replayed the entire thing all over again from start to finish, even completed the collectibles and hard levels again, just after platinum.

  • And I plan to play Astro's Playroom once we hit the new year.

    I retract what I said earlier this year about the PS5. Stupid how it took Sony 4 years to finally have an actual exclusive worth buying the console for. I haven't played Returnal yet but I heard good things only.

    AChicken posted: »

    Haha, aww nice! I finished the main campaign back in November, and just before Christmas I finally finished up the rest of the bots I had

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