A trailer for the final season of What If...? is out, with a pretty neat surprise at the end.
I still think it's really weird to end an anthology series that could theoretically go on forever, especially since I don't really think it's fully lived up to its potential despite me having enjoyed the series overall, but oh well.. Hopefully they have another long term animated series in the works to take its place.
Nice! I'm liking the look of that wild western style episode, and I'm not usually into Wild West stuff.
Neat to see characters like Agatha appear here, and also apparently Ironheart according to fans on reddit. Though she still hasn't been fully solidified/introduced with her series yet.
I agree it's weird to be ending the show now. They should just be able to put it on hiatus or something.
But then again, every season always needed to have some sort of overarching connection by the end, so I guess there's some uber-ultra final ending they have planned - to fully link to the Main MCU, perhaps? (Unlikely but idk)
Also Deadpool and Wolverine, and Assembled: The Making Of, is now on Disney Plus! Cool.
A trailer for the final season of What If...? is out, with a pretty neat surprise at the end.
I still think it's really weird to end … morean anthology series that could theoretically go on forever, especially since I don't really think it's fully lived up to its potential despite me having enjoyed the series overall, but oh well.. Hopefully they have another long term animated series in the works to take its place.
Recently saw Agatha episodes 6 & 7 -- oh my gooooosh these were STELLAR.
Episode 6 focusing on a flashback of Teen's life before the Road and how that came to fruition was pretty cool and engaging. Unfortunately, due to Disney/Marvel's stupidity, I learned of his true identity before the show even came out, since they accidentally released the wrong synopsis to news outlets, where they called his character Billy, before having it changed to "Teen" since oops we aren't supposed to know that! Cue all the fan theorizing and the name Billy Maximoff comes up.
I was worried my parents would need more explaining after this episode once I figured out where it was going, but they seemed to get it alright! He's the possessed body of William, but Billy. I did have to explain why the return of Ralph Bohner made me laugh, but still, wow, that was a great way to throw some shade on his character and tie up the loose end he became at the end of the WV. (All that Pietro teasing all for a boner joke, a misdirect, and... he just vanishes lol huh)
Episode 7 was absolutely FANTASTIC.
Holy shit, the episode started off fun and nice with lots of good witch references with the costumes and a pretty brutal sword ceiling trap, but once it shifted into Lillia's perspective, HOLY SHIT, 10/10 episode!!
Finally getting explanations for her spiritual outbursts in the show, as they're all connected to her time-hopping visions out-of-order. And the transitions between each scene was really cool to see.
Now I see why they got Patti Lupone on this show and MAN her fans must have been really happy with this one because SHE ATE IT UPPPP. Stellar performance, really cool.
And wowowow, what a brutal death for the Salem Seven. Ouch...
Oh yeah, and Rio was revealed as Death. I actually kinda picked up on some of those references early on, where I thought her power came from death-magic or she was some disciple of death, but ohhh okay, she's the actual "Death" that Thanos is in love with in the comics lmao.
I particularly love that I caught how Rio says "Well, I was in the neighbourhood" After they do a Green Witch summoning after Mrs. Hart, and are unsure if it had worked or not. That was a good non-answer.
My parents enjoyed ep7 quite a bit less and found themselves getting confused with all the quick time jumps and needing to piece those together with events from earlier in the season... But ehh, I enjoyed it and I explained this one as best I could!
Still 2 episodes left! Ooh!
I think I read in a thread of the previous episode that some fan had a wild theory that The Road is all an illusion conjured by Billy for whatever reason, since he seems to really like pop culture and witch lore --- and also yknow his mom illusioned an entire town. Especially since the Door the Road appears on, is surrounded by blue magic, very similar to what his magic looks like...
I guess time will tell if that theory is right, I don't know why it would/should be right, since I thought this was all real magic witch stuff, but uhhh okay... I wouldn't mind it being right though because GOD, Jac Schaffer really knows how to write a twisty, interconnected puzzle-box script! So good!!
Tonight, Spider-Verse is trending online.
People have spotted this neon spider logo being set up in Chelsea, New York.
Beyond the Spider-Verse Marketing is starting???
Hope this pushes them to either actually make a good movie that has legs that will earn respect and franchise loyalty, or partner with the MCU more often for some guaranteed hits.
I'm really surprised Sony haven't cashed in on a live-action Miles or SpiderGwen movie yet. That would easily print money (despite the quality, again...)
Also I just learned that the Kraven movie is coming out this week WTF??? I haven't been following any news of the film, but I also haven't seen any trailers for it on TV or at the theatres lately. I feel like it still had many more months to go...
So it looks like Kraven will be the last movie in Sony's Spider-Man Universe. At least, for now as they focus on the next Spider-Man movie.
Morbheads we lost
I'm really surprised Sony haven't cashed in on a live-action Miles or SpiderGwen movie yet.
They've pretty consistently talked about wanting to bring Miles into the MCU, so I guess that'll happen eventually probably after Secret Wars. There was also gonna be a Silk tv show called Silk: Spider Society which makes it sound like she would have at least had a cameo in that, but that got canned.
All they've got left is that Spider-Man: Noir show, which I can't say I'm too excited about since apparently that show caused disagreements between Sony and Lord and Miller to the point Sony no longer wanted to renew their contracts with them.
...to shreds you say?
...like a turd, in the wind, you say?
Hope this pushes them to either actually make a good movie that has le… moregs that will earn respect and franchise loyalty, or partner with the MCU more often for some guaranteed hits.
I'm really surprised Sony haven't cashed in on a live-action Miles or SpiderGwen movie yet. That would easily print money (despite the quality, again...)
Also I just learned that the Kraven movie is coming out this week WTF??? I haven't been following any news of the film, but I also haven't seen any trailers for it on TV or at the theatres lately. I feel like it still had many more months to go...
Coming out at the end of January, the first trailer for Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man is here!
And please note that this is gonna be some non-MCU related Spider-Man unfortunately, or fortunately. We'll see depending on the roster.
I'm getting a pretty big Hi-Fi Rush vibe from the animation style, pretty cool.
And the way those night time scenes are lit, reminds me of MTV's TNAS show.
The official trailer for Daredevil: Born Again is finally out!
Looks fuckin' great, like a direct continuation of the Netflix series! Also very violent from the looks of things and so much CRONCH too. Very much looking forward to this, especially after the production reboot that lit a fire under Marvel's ass.
I watched the first two episodes of Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man and I think it's pretty solid so far. It's kind of a weird remix of the MCU with a vintage comic dressing over it. Voice acting's good so far, as well as the writing. It does a good job with Peter's characterisation without making him nervous or anxious like Tom Holland's take on the character. He's a little awkward but overall fairly confident as a person. The animation is also solid though at times it definitely looks kind of floaty or a little off. I do find it a bit strange that Marvel Studios is so afraid of using any of Peter's already established cast of supporting characters outside of Harry and Norman.
Overall I'm liking what I've seen so far. Nothing groundbreaking but it's certainly entertaining and I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out. Disney seems fairly confident in the series since it's already been renewed for up to 3 seasons.
Episode 3, 4, and 5 of Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man are out and I've gotta say, they're really good! It's very much doing it's own thing, but it's the closest any Spidey series has gotten to the general feel and vibe of Spectacular Spider-Man. Characters are likeable and have got their own agency outside Peter Parker, the show deals with some fairly serious topics, the animation and voice acting is super solid, and overall I'm really loving the lower stakes. Lonnie Lincoln is the standout character of the series in my opinion, I'm really enjoying what they're doing with him.
Really digging the series so far! Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
It looks really good! Marvel Studios has been doing really well with their past few trailers.
Only issue I have is...
They are doing a terrible job of not making people think that Taskmaster is gonna eat it within the first 10 minutes of the movie lmao 😭
She's totally gonna be the Slipknot of this movie.
I watched Captain America: Brave New World and I thought it was a pretty solid, albeit messy movie. The movie acts as a follow-up to The Incredible Hulk, The Eternals, and Falcon and The Winter Soldier all at once, and all these storylines don't always mesh well together. Tonally it's very similar to The Winter Soldier, with the movie keeping a fairly grounded tone up until about the last quarter of the movie for obvious reasons if you've seen the trailer.
In terms of action, the hand-to-hand fight scenes unfortunately are more often than not overly edited, shaky, and underlit, which made it difficult to make out who's who and what's going on. However, there is a "dogfight" in the movie with Sam and Torres that is legitimately fantastic. Usually whenever the wings are on is when the action is actually fun to watch as they're usually quite creative with how they work during fights.
As for the characters, Sam is great and probably my favourite part of the movie. Brave New World does a great job of cementing why Sam is the right person to carry on the mantle of Captain America. This might be the best Anthony Mackie has been in the MCU so far. Speaking of carrying on a role, Harrison Ford is very good as Thunderbolt Ross. He's definitely doing his own spin on the character from William Hurt, but one that makes him someone you can both kind of hate and empathise with. The antagonist of the movie is... fine. I do actually really like what his plans are, but ultimately he's another villain to add to the pile of mediocre MCU villains.
Joaquin Torres from Falcon and The Winter Soldier makes his debut as the new Falcon, and while I enjoyed his presence, it honestly felt like he didn't really have much going for him and by the end of the movie we barely know anything about him. Hopefully, that changes in the future, but I do wish he had more going on in this. Isaiah Bradley also makes his return, and I really like what they did with him. I keep on hoping that they'll one day directly adapt Truth: Red, White & Black, but I honestly don't think they have the balls to do so if the politics in Brave New World is anything to go by.
Overall, while the plot and messaging might be on the thin side in comparison to the original Captain America trilogy and even Falcon and The Winter Soldier, it's still got the heart of its predecessors and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Sam Wilson as Captain America.
Also there's a single after credits scene at the very ass end of everything, but it's honestly not that important and I'd advise just looking it up online lol.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man season 1 has ended and it's great, far better than I was expecting. It's easily the best Spider-Man series since Spectacular. Lore-wise it's probably the least accurate adaptation of the character so far (lol), but hot damn do they nail the tone, story, and characters. It kinda makes me wish the MCU had taken this kind of route with Tom Holland's take after Homecoming.
I do have some complaints of course, but they're things that could be improved upon or added later on. I like all the characters, I think the writing and dialogue are super solid, and in my opinion it's an aesthetically pleasing to look at. I still think it's strange that the show isn't using any of Peter's usual cast of characters outside of Harry and Norman, Aunt May is also fairly underutilised this season, and the animations sometimes looks a little wonky or "laggy." But again, these are things that can be improved upon with later seasons.
Overall, it's great! I had a really good time with the show and I'm looking forward to the next couple seasons. Maybe if it does well enough it could even go beyond that, that'd be neat having a Spidey series that continues on past highschool.
A Punisher 'Special Presentation' has been revealed to be in the works with Jon Bernthal set to co-write alongside director Reinaldo Marcus Green, who he previously worked with on the tv series, We Own This City.
”It’s like a shotgun blast of a story but also has all the pathos and emotion that you want out of a Frank Castle story. It’s so exciting,” shared Marvel Television and Marvel Animation head Brad Winderbaum.
”Bernthal is a generational actor. He’s incredible what he brings to all the roles he plays, but particularly Frank Castle. And he’s a great writer. He knows the character inside and out…Also, I love Punisher, but I love Jon’s Punisher in particular. The idea that he’s in the MCU and can bring that to the greater universe, especially the more grounded street-level stuff, is a huge opportunity and, as a fan, the greatest thing ever.”
I thought I heard rumors they were gonna drop the Special Presentation titles, since they weren't panning out..!
But this is great news, whoa yeah!!
(Also, currently rewatching Daredevil in prep for Born Again. Gosh, so dark and actiony but good. Never saw Season 3 so it'll be good to get around to that.)
I still haven't seen What If S3 (I've heard it's quite divisive unfortunately), the new Spider-Man show (had low expectations but heard great things even if non-MCU connected anymore) and haven't checked out Echo (also heard mixed things.)
Gosh there's just so much TV and games out there, I only got so much time in my life! 😆
A Punisher 'Special Presentation' has been revealed to be in the works with Jon Bernthal set to co-write alongside director Reinaldo Marcus … moreGreen, who he previously worked with on the tv series, We Own This City.
”It’s like a shotgun blast of a story but also has all the pathos and emotion that you want out of a Frank Castle story. It’s so exciting,” shared Marvel Television and Marvel Animation head Brad Winderbaum.
”Bernthal is a generational actor. He’s incredible what he brings to all the roles he plays, but particularly Frank Castle. And he’s a great writer. He knows the character inside and out…Also, I love Punisher, but I love Jon’s Punisher in particular. The idea that he’s in the MCU and can bring that to the greater universe, especially the more grounded street-level stuff, is a huge opportunity and, as a fan, the greatest thing ever.”
We've never been more back.
Well I just got back from watching the new Captain America: Brave New World.
It was fun. I had fun.
Was it a good movie? Uhhhm no. It was... pretty messy.
There were good ideas and details and themes in this movie, but yeah from what I've heard the movie was shredded in the editing room. Fully cast, filmed characters/actors not appearing at all. Character design changes in reshoots (for the worst according to fans idk)
Lingering loose ends, inconsistencies, or just strange exposition blunders permeate this film.
Gosh, yeah, I had a good time. I came for the Red Hulk fight and cool Falcon flying fights and Giancarlo Esposito, aaaand... yeah we got that. Those were in the trailers. C'mon, they knew you and I wanted that and I got it and I had fun.
(I think it's hilarious the marketing team had such a "fuck it" energy after the first teaser, just... putting the whole "Harrison-Ford-Red-Hulk" climax teases in every trailer and poster. Like, the IMAX poster is legit just Cap vs. Looming Red Ford-Hulk. No secrecy or anything.)
Ford may have no interest or care for this movie at all given the press interviews. He's just here for the paycheck, that's fair. But I'd say he earned his paycheck! I liked his performance and dialogue, and he was cool!
Was it... good cinema though? Meeehhh no I don't think so.
The beginning had some great camera angles and framing. Cool, cool. Then they didn't really have anything eye-catching in the middle IMO.
However, I thought the Red Hulk climax was very fun in a silly "oh boy The President is a Hulk!" goofy way. The shot of Ford-Hulk standing over the President's Seal Podium and then doing a King Kong rampage across the White House with American Flags behind him was fun to watch.
(...Probably because of IRL America being run currently by an idiotic President with many malicious Right-Hand-Men and it's SO mind-boggling how much they've metaphorically destroyed in just 2 months -- there's some fun I guess in seeing "Hey, at least the MCU now has to deal with a Hulk President Rampage!" Wow!)
...anyway probably wait for streaming/yo-ho-ho-ing. Or if you can save money with gift cards or points or whatever, it's a fun watch for pretty cheap if you have no better plans.
I'm still excited for Thunderbolts* though.
That movie at least looks very fun in a clearly "this is a big action movie with lots of action" kind of film. You aren't here for the interesting narrative. You're here for the stunts.
I'm probably missing some thoughts on stuff in the movie. If lupin or anyone has any questions for me, you can always shoot. 👍
Daredevil: Born Again has released it's first two episodes and I am happy to say that they're good lmao. It's a strong, albeit a little messy start to the series. If anyone's worried about the universe it takes place in or the level of maturity, you can all breathe easy. It very much is a continuation of the Netflix universe in almost every way, while fully merging itself into the MCU. It's a little less grounded cause the show doesn't feel like it's embarrassed of the magic and mysticism of the wider world, but it's still bloody and violent while keeping up with the themes of the original series. Born Again actually goes a little further with its maturity by actually letting characters say "fuck" which is a surprise.
I know Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio have appeared in a handful of projects since their re-introduction but this series really lets them shine. They are fully back in as their respective roles and they are brilliant. Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson also return as Karen and Foggy, and despite not being in it that much at the moment, they continue to be very good. The show also introduces a few new side characters and while we don't know too much about them so far, I'm enjoying what they're bringing in, especially the characters Cherry and BB.
An addition to the show I'm liking a lot so far is the inclusion of these little snippets of vox pop interviews with random citizens in New York and their opinions on the events going on in the city. In general you hear a lot from the people of the city which I think is a nice touch. It helps to keep the world feeling alive and active, rather than just a backdrop.
I of course have some issues. The CGI is pretty bad lmao, but thankfully it's only ever really used in the prologue of episode 1. After that it's all fairly practical. The pacing, especially in episode one is also a little rough especially with the amount of time that passes. You can also kind of tell that the episodes are a bit of a patchwork with the new creative team having to work with the old stuff that was too far ahead in completion to be scrapped, specifically in terms of writing. At least it's nice knowing season 2 won't have these kinds of issues with them knowing ahead of time what they want exactly.
Overall I'm pretty happy so far. It definitely has its issues, but I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things play out!
Episode 3 of Born Again is out and it's fantastic! Straight up felt like an episode of the Netflix series without having that stitched together feeling from the premiere episodes. It's near entirely set within the confines of a courtroom, so action is kept to a minimum, and it's easily some of the best courtroom drama we've had from all of Daredevil. It's in no small part due to the dialogue, characters, and acting, especially from Charlie Cox and Kamar de los Reyes, who unfortunately passed away in late 2023 from a battle with cancer. Not to mention an absolute wallop of an ending that opens the series up to its next story arc.
Really enjoyed the episode. Very excited for next week!
A trailer for the final season of What If...? is out, with a pretty neat surprise at the end.
I still think it's really weird to end an anthology series that could theoretically go on forever, especially since I don't really think it's fully lived up to its potential despite me having enjoyed the series overall, but oh well.. Hopefully they have another long term animated series in the works to take its place.
Nice! I'm liking the look of that wild western style episode, and I'm not usually into Wild West stuff.
Neat to see characters like Agatha appear here, and also apparently Ironheart according to fans on reddit. Though she still hasn't been fully solidified/introduced with her series yet.
I agree it's weird to be ending the show now. They should just be able to put it on hiatus or something.
But then again, every season always needed to have some sort of overarching connection by the end, so I guess there's some uber-ultra final ending they have planned - to fully link to the Main MCU, perhaps? (Unlikely but idk)
Also Deadpool and Wolverine, and Assembled: The Making Of, is now on Disney Plus! Cool.
Recently saw Agatha episodes 6 & 7 -- oh my gooooosh these were STELLAR.
Episode 6 focusing on a flashback of Teen's life before the Road and how that came to fruition was pretty cool and engaging. Unfortunately, due to Disney/Marvel's stupidity, I learned of his true identity before the show even came out, since they accidentally released the wrong synopsis to news outlets, where they called his character Billy, before having it changed to "Teen" since oops we aren't supposed to know that! Cue all the fan theorizing and the name Billy Maximoff comes up.
I was worried my parents would need more explaining after this episode once I figured out where it was going, but they seemed to get it alright! He's the possessed body of William, but Billy. I did have to explain why the return of Ralph Bohner made me laugh, but still, wow, that was a great way to throw some shade on his character and tie up the loose end he became at the end of the WV. (All that Pietro teasing all for a boner joke, a misdirect, and... he just vanishes lol huh)
Episode 7 was absolutely FANTASTIC.
Holy shit, the episode started off fun and nice with lots of good witch references with the costumes and a pretty brutal sword ceiling trap, but once it shifted into Lillia's perspective, HOLY SHIT, 10/10 episode!!
Finally getting explanations for her spiritual outbursts in the show, as they're all connected to her time-hopping visions out-of-order. And the transitions between each scene was really cool to see.
Now I see why they got Patti Lupone on this show and MAN her fans must have been really happy with this one because SHE ATE IT UPPPP. Stellar performance, really cool.
And wowowow, what a brutal death for the Salem Seven. Ouch...
Oh yeah, and Rio was revealed as Death. I actually kinda picked up on some of those references early on, where I thought her power came from death-magic or she was some disciple of death, but ohhh okay, she's the actual "Death" that Thanos is in love with in the comics lmao.
I particularly love that I caught how Rio says "Well, I was in the neighbourhood" After they do a Green Witch summoning after Mrs. Hart, and are unsure if it had worked or not. That was a good non-answer.
My parents enjoyed ep7 quite a bit less and found themselves getting confused with all the quick time jumps and needing to piece those together with events from earlier in the season... But ehh, I enjoyed it and I explained this one as best I could!
Still 2 episodes left! Ooh!
I think I read in a thread of the previous episode that some fan had a wild theory that The Road is all an illusion conjured by Billy for whatever reason, since he seems to really like pop culture and witch lore --- and also yknow his mom illusioned an entire town. Especially since the Door the Road appears on, is surrounded by blue magic, very similar to what his magic looks like...
I guess time will tell if that theory is right, I don't know why it would/should be right, since I thought this was all real magic witch stuff, but uhhh okay... I wouldn't mind it being right though because GOD, Jac Schaffer really knows how to write a twisty, interconnected puzzle-box script! So good!!
Tonight, Spider-Verse is trending online.
People have spotted this neon spider logo being set up in Chelsea, New York.
Beyond the Spider-Verse Marketing is starting???
Unfortunately it looks like it might be for some kind of promo for a tv lmao
Goddammit, man...
LMAO TV confirmed
So it looks like Kraven will be the last movie in Sony's Spider-Man Universe. At least, for now as they focus on the next Spider-Man movie.
Morbheads we lost
...to shreds you say?
...like a turd, in the wind, you say?
Hope this pushes them to either actually make a good movie that has legs that will earn respect and franchise loyalty, or partner with the MCU more often for some guaranteed hits.
I'm really surprised Sony haven't cashed in on a live-action Miles or SpiderGwen movie yet. That would easily print money (despite the quality, again...)
Also I just learned that the Kraven movie is coming out this week WTF??? I haven't been following any news of the film, but I also haven't seen any trailers for it on TV or at the theatres lately. I feel like it still had many more months to go...
And so Sony's Spider-Man(less) Universe ends not with a bang, but with a whimper.
They've pretty consistently talked about wanting to bring Miles into the MCU, so I guess that'll happen eventually probably after Secret Wars. There was also gonna be a Silk tv show called Silk: Spider Society which makes it sound like she would have at least had a cameo in that, but that got canned.
All they've got left is that Spider-Man: Noir show, which I can't say I'm too excited about since apparently that show caused disagreements between Sony and Lord and Miller to the point Sony no longer wanted to renew their contracts with them.
I watched Kraven the Hunter.
It's better than Morbius and Madame Web.
I think.
Coming out at the end of January, the first trailer for Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man is here!
And please note that this is gonna be some non-MCU related Spider-Man unfortunately, or fortunately. We'll see depending on the roster.
I'm getting a pretty big Hi-Fi Rush vibe from the animation style, pretty cool.
And the way those night time scenes are lit, reminds me of MTV's TNAS show.
The official trailer for Daredevil: Born Again is finally out!
Looks fuckin' great, like a direct continuation of the Netflix series! Also very violent from the looks of things and so much CRONCH too. Very much looking forward to this, especially after the production reboot that lit a fire under Marvel's ass.
I watched the first two episodes of Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man and I think it's pretty solid so far. It's kind of a weird remix of the MCU with a vintage comic dressing over it. Voice acting's good so far, as well as the writing. It does a good job with Peter's characterisation without making him nervous or anxious like Tom Holland's take on the character. He's a little awkward but overall fairly confident as a person. The animation is also solid though at times it definitely looks kind of floaty or a little off. I do find it a bit strange that Marvel Studios is so afraid of using any of Peter's already established cast of supporting characters outside of Harry and Norman.
Overall I'm liking what I've seen so far. Nothing groundbreaking but it's certainly entertaining and I'm looking forward to seeing how things play out. Disney seems fairly confident in the series since it's already been renewed for up to 3 seasons.
The Fantastic Four teaser trailer is out!
Gotta say, it's fantastic!
Episode 3, 4, and 5 of Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man are out and I've gotta say, they're really good! It's very much doing it's own thing, but it's the closest any Spidey series has gotten to the general feel and vibe of Spectacular Spider-Man. Characters are likeable and have got their own agency outside Peter Parker, the show deals with some fairly serious topics, the animation and voice acting is super solid, and overall I'm really loving the lower stakes. Lonnie Lincoln is the standout character of the series in my opinion, I'm really enjoying what they're doing with him.
Really digging the series so far! Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
A new trailer for Thunderbolts has released!
It looks really good! Marvel Studios has been doing really well with their past few trailers.
Only issue I have is...
They are doing a terrible job of not making people think that Taskmaster is gonna eat it within the first 10 minutes of the movie lmao 😭
She's totally gonna be the Slipknot of this movie.
Episodes 6, 7, and 8 of Friendly Neighbourhood are out and this show just keeps getting better and better! Episode 7 especially was a big highlight.
Only two episodes left for this season. Very excited to see how this story arc concludes!
I saw Captain America: Brave New World. It was great.
I watched Captain America: Brave New World and I thought it was a pretty solid, albeit messy movie. The movie acts as a follow-up to The Incredible Hulk, The Eternals, and Falcon and The Winter Soldier all at once, and all these storylines don't always mesh well together. Tonally it's very similar to The Winter Soldier, with the movie keeping a fairly grounded tone up until about the last quarter of the movie for obvious reasons if you've seen the trailer.
In terms of action, the hand-to-hand fight scenes unfortunately are more often than not overly edited, shaky, and underlit, which made it difficult to make out who's who and what's going on. However, there is a "dogfight" in the movie with Sam and Torres that is legitimately fantastic. Usually whenever the wings are on is when the action is actually fun to watch as they're usually quite creative with how they work during fights.
As for the characters, Sam is great and probably my favourite part of the movie. Brave New World does a great job of cementing why Sam is the right person to carry on the mantle of Captain America. This might be the best Anthony Mackie has been in the MCU so far. Speaking of carrying on a role, Harrison Ford is very good as Thunderbolt Ross. He's definitely doing his own spin on the character from William Hurt, but one that makes him someone you can both kind of hate and empathise with. The antagonist of the movie is... fine. I do actually really like what his plans are, but ultimately he's another villain to add to the pile of mediocre MCU villains.
Joaquin Torres from Falcon and The Winter Soldier makes his debut as the new Falcon, and while I enjoyed his presence, it honestly felt like he didn't really have much going for him and by the end of the movie we barely know anything about him. Hopefully, that changes in the future, but I do wish he had more going on in this. Isaiah Bradley also makes his return, and I really like what they did with him. I keep on hoping that they'll one day directly adapt Truth: Red, White & Black, but I honestly don't think they have the balls to do so if the politics in Brave New World is anything to go by.
Overall, while the plot and messaging might be on the thin side in comparison to the original Captain America trilogy and even Falcon and The Winter Soldier, it's still got the heart of its predecessors and I'm looking forward to seeing more of Sam Wilson as Captain America.
Also there's a single after credits scene at the very ass end of everything, but it's honestly not that important and I'd advise just looking it up online lol.
Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-Man season 1 has ended and it's great, far better than I was expecting. It's easily the best Spider-Man series since Spectacular. Lore-wise it's probably the least accurate adaptation of the character so far (lol), but hot damn do they nail the tone, story, and characters. It kinda makes me wish the MCU had taken this kind of route with Tom Holland's take after Homecoming.
I do have some complaints of course, but they're things that could be improved upon or added later on. I like all the characters, I think the writing and dialogue are super solid, and in my opinion it's an aesthetically pleasing to look at. I still think it's strange that the show isn't using any of Peter's usual cast of characters outside of Harry and Norman, Aunt May is also fairly underutilised this season, and the animations sometimes looks a little wonky or "laggy." But again, these are things that can be improved upon with later seasons.
Overall, it's great! I had a really good time with the show and I'm looking forward to the next couple seasons. Maybe if it does well enough it could even go beyond that, that'd be neat having a Spidey series that continues on past highschool.
A Punisher 'Special Presentation' has been revealed to be in the works with Jon Bernthal set to co-write alongside director Reinaldo Marcus Green, who he previously worked with on the tv series, We Own This City.
We've never been more back.
I thought I heard rumors they were gonna drop the Special Presentation titles, since they weren't panning out..!
But this is great news, whoa yeah!!
(Also, currently rewatching Daredevil in prep for Born Again. Gosh, so dark and actiony but good. Never saw Season 3 so it'll be good to get around to that.)
I still haven't seen What If S3 (I've heard it's quite divisive unfortunately), the new Spider-Man show (had low expectations but heard great things even if non-MCU connected anymore) and haven't checked out Echo (also heard mixed things.)
Gosh there's just so much TV and games out there, I only got so much time in my life! 😆
Well I just got back from watching the new Captain America: Brave New World.
It was fun. I had fun.
Was it a good movie? Uhhhm no. It was... pretty messy.
There were good ideas and details and themes in this movie, but yeah from what I've heard the movie was shredded in the editing room. Fully cast, filmed characters/actors not appearing at all. Character design changes in reshoots (for the worst according to fans idk)
Lingering loose ends, inconsistencies, or just strange exposition blunders permeate this film.
Gosh, yeah, I had a good time. I came for the Red Hulk fight and cool Falcon flying fights and Giancarlo Esposito, aaaand... yeah we got that. Those were in the trailers. C'mon, they knew you and I wanted that and I got it and I had fun.
(I think it's hilarious the marketing team had such a "fuck it" energy after the first teaser, just... putting the whole "Harrison-Ford-Red-Hulk" climax teases in every trailer and poster. Like, the IMAX poster is legit just Cap vs. Looming Red Ford-Hulk. No secrecy or anything.)
Ford may have no interest or care for this movie at all given the press interviews. He's just here for the paycheck, that's fair. But I'd say he earned his paycheck! I liked his performance and dialogue, and he was cool!
Was it... good cinema though? Meeehhh no I don't think so.
The beginning had some great camera angles and framing. Cool, cool. Then they didn't really have anything eye-catching in the middle IMO.
However, I thought the Red Hulk climax was very fun in a silly "oh boy The President is a Hulk!" goofy way. The shot of Ford-Hulk standing over the President's Seal Podium and then doing a King Kong rampage across the White House with American Flags behind him was fun to watch.
(...Probably because of IRL America being run currently by an idiotic President with many malicious Right-Hand-Men and it's SO mind-boggling how much they've metaphorically destroyed in just 2 months -- there's some fun I guess in seeing "Hey, at least the MCU now has to deal with a Hulk President Rampage!" Wow!)
...anyway probably wait for streaming/yo-ho-ho-ing. Or if you can save money with gift cards or points or whatever, it's a fun watch for pretty cheap if you have no better plans.
I'm still excited for Thunderbolts* though.
That movie at least looks very fun in a clearly "this is a big action movie with lots of action" kind of film. You aren't here for the interesting narrative. You're here for the stunts.
I'm probably missing some thoughts on stuff in the movie. If lupin or anyone has any questions for me, you can always shoot. 👍
Daredevil: Born Again has released it's first two episodes and I am happy to say that they're good lmao. It's a strong, albeit a little messy start to the series. If anyone's worried about the universe it takes place in or the level of maturity, you can all breathe easy. It very much is a continuation of the Netflix universe in almost every way, while fully merging itself into the MCU. It's a little less grounded cause the show doesn't feel like it's embarrassed of the magic and mysticism of the wider world, but it's still bloody and violent while keeping up with the themes of the original series. Born Again actually goes a little further with its maturity by actually letting characters say "fuck" which is a surprise.
I know Charlie Cox and Vincent D'Onofrio have appeared in a handful of projects since their re-introduction but this series really lets them shine. They are fully back in as their respective roles and they are brilliant. Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson also return as Karen and Foggy, and despite not being in it that much at the moment, they continue to be very good. The show also introduces a few new side characters and while we don't know too much about them so far, I'm enjoying what they're bringing in, especially the characters Cherry and BB.
An addition to the show I'm liking a lot so far is the inclusion of these little snippets of vox pop interviews with random citizens in New York and their opinions on the events going on in the city. In general you hear a lot from the people of the city which I think is a nice touch. It helps to keep the world feeling alive and active, rather than just a backdrop.
I of course have some issues. The CGI is pretty bad lmao, but thankfully it's only ever really used in the prologue of episode 1. After that it's all fairly practical. The pacing, especially in episode one is also a little rough especially with the amount of time that passes. You can also kind of tell that the episodes are a bit of a patchwork with the new creative team having to work with the old stuff that was too far ahead in completion to be scrapped, specifically in terms of writing. At least it's nice knowing season 2 won't have these kinds of issues with them knowing ahead of time what they want exactly.
Overall I'm pretty happy so far. It definitely has its issues, but I'm really liking what I'm seeing so far. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things play out!
Episode 3 of Born Again is out and it's fantastic! Straight up felt like an episode of the Netflix series without having that stitched together feeling from the premiere episodes. It's near entirely set within the confines of a courtroom, so action is kept to a minimum, and it's easily some of the best courtroom drama we've had from all of Daredevil. It's in no small part due to the dialogue, characters, and acting, especially from Charlie Cox and Kamar de los Reyes, who unfortunately passed away in late 2023 from a battle with cancer. Not to mention an absolute wallop of an ending that opens the series up to its next story arc.
Really enjoyed the episode. Very excited for next week!