I haven't been able to concentrate on schoolwork lately. Any tips?
Turn off your computer. Or at least the bit of it that contains the internet.
Seriously, maybe it's just my enormous internet addiction, but doing this quadrupled my productivity. I didn't even have to do it permanently, just for a few weeks.
Only if I get to be Polyne- NO. NOT UNTIL PAPER IS DONE.
Polynesia totally isn't my style. More in tune with how I play are the bonuses for America, Babylon, Rome, Egypt, and maybe Japan if I'm feeling militaristic.
I haven't been able to concentrate on schoolwork lately. Any tips?
Anything in particular or schoolwork as a whole?
If it is only part of the school work find out which part it is and why your concentration does not last. There must be a consciuos or subconscious reason that leads to some lack of motivation.
If it is the whole work that causes you trouble, have you tried changing the working atmosphere? It always helped me to put some change into the process just to keep my interest going.
Everytime I buy it, I end up getting through a whole pack of it in the day.
I just chew on it a lot.
I kind of just mull over things with it in my mouth, which would be fine if it weren't for it making you thirsty, and causing your jaw to ache.
I pop like 2 pieces of wrigleys at a time for an extra kick.
If I didn't stop myself I'd easily become an addict, I swear...
believe it or not, I'm actually getting some work done. Scandalous. I know. Halfway through my Japanese paper, then I have to finish a policy memo on the Taiwan Strait Crisis.
New iPhone is named Doctor. When I plugged it in this afternoon, he got wiped because apparently Apple's server got backed up from the new iOS5. All I was thinking about was the end of Season Five- believe in the Doctor and he'll be recreated from scratch- and then he started reinstalling himself and is working just fine. So, exactly how nerdy am I?
New iPhone is named Doctor. When I plugged it in this afternoon, he got wiped because apparently Apple's server got backed up from the new iOS5. All I was thinking about was the end of Season Five- believe in the Doctor and he'll be recreated from scratch- and then he started reinstalling himself and is working just fine.
So, exactly how nerdy am I?
Extremely, but that's okay. After all, you're in good company.
Communicator Entertainment Program Idea Spy 2.5 (Two-point-five) Episode 1 New York. Here in the city where dreams come true and desires rule, something is being bought, sold and thrown away, even as we speak. But behind the scenes of business as usual, the nefarious J.E. (Junker Expensive) Corporation lines its already bloated coffers with profits from worthless products. As J.E. swindles yet another innocent into purchasing high-priced junk...the FBI mobilizes a top-secret task force to put a stop to the menace. Now, the city's best-kept secret spy is out there, briefed and ready to protect the people from J.E., the catalogue of conspiracy -- just call him 2.5 (Two-point-five).
I haven't been able to concentrate on schoolwork lately. Any tips?
I got turned down from a holiday temp job because I've only worked at one place.
Now I'm scrapping around my job history to come up with a more impressive and fluffed up resume.
God, this whole thing makes me depressed.
The best solution to distraction is more distraction.
Only if I get to be Polyne- NO. NOT UNTIL PAPER IS DONE.
Turn off your computer. Or at least the bit of it that contains the internet.
Seriously, maybe it's just my enormous internet addiction, but doing this quadrupled my productivity. I didn't even have to do it permanently, just for a few weeks.
Maybe the banning combined with his madness turned him into a deity.
Pretty obvious really, now that you mention it.
I like the he became a god explanation better.
I suppose that is the most logical explanation, but still...
... exactamondo!
Either that or aliens did it. Seems rather appropriate.
The mere thought of this scared the kaka out of me ...
I would like to Nominate myself, I'm rather good at it.
Listen to music while working?
Murder your peers.
At lest no one suggested dope..yet..its always an option though.
If it is only part of the school work find out which part it is and why your concentration does not last. There must be a consciuos or subconscious reason that leads to some lack of motivation.
If it is the whole work that causes you trouble, have you tried changing the working atmosphere? It always helped me to put some change into the process just to keep my interest going.
Did you try resetting your router?
Everytime I buy it, I end up getting through a whole pack of it in the day.
I just chew on it a lot.
I kind of just mull over things with it in my mouth, which would be fine if it weren't for it making you thirsty, and causing your jaw to ache.
I pop like 2 pieces of wrigleys at a time for an extra kick.
If I didn't stop myself I'd easily become an addict, I swear...
No, not so much.
Yes, that's exactly what I did. It didn't hurt any that the new thread he created was also called "Doodo's Musings". You win a cookie.
NEver claimed to be a good one.
I absolutely trashed my older bro at NBA Jam.
I was Celtics, he was the Nicks.
I only got the game today, but after 1/2 an hour of play I was 18 points ahead of him at the end of our match.
He just couldn't keep up with my mind games.
Extremely, but that's okay. After all, you're in good company.
Wait, did that seven years later mean we just did a fast-forward to seven years from now, or am I making it more complicated then you intended?