I know many will disagree but I found MI1 better than MI2

Often I hear Monkey Island 2 being lauded as the best Monkey Island game. It's a wonderful game. I really enjoy it. But I also think it's overrated. Without talking about the other MI games that I love, there is something about Secret of Monkey Island that I find so much more intriguing. First off, the humor of MI1 makes me laugh more. There isn't as much humor in MI1 as there is in MI2. In far, the humor of MI2, it could be argued, is even more outlandish. Yet, I overall didn't find it as funny as the humor in the first one. I found the first chapter in the the first one more enjoyable as well. Making a voodoo doll in the second one is okay, but there is something so much more enjoyable about insult sword fighting, looting from a mansion, and finding buried treasure in MI1. These are just a couple of reasons. What do you all think?


  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2013
    I really liked them both, and I rate them evenly. However, if I had to pick between the two, I'd pick the second. There's a lot more music, which fills the atmosphere well. This is the first game that used iMuse, and it really shines. The smooth transition of music between scenes was really special, and made the game feel more organic. There's more locations as well, so there's no real sections of lull like the first game. I loved The Secret of Monkey Island, but the section on Monkey Island felt like it dragged on because there were tons of puzzles, but not a lot to see on the island.
  • edited June 2013
    I also prefer Secret to Revenge, but for me its more nostalgia than anything: My younger siblings and I sort of accidently skipped Revenge and didn't get it until after Curse, and at that point we were a bit burned out on Monkey Island and never finished it. We also liked putting Secret's CD in the CD player to play the music and dance along to it. I have tons of good memories of Secret and almost none with Revenge, so you can feel free to call my preference totally irrational if it pleases you. :p

    (Of course, they are in the end both fantastic games. No one can argue they aren't.)
  • edited June 2013
    I think it's completely based on our taste. I remember the first thought I had, when I saw the covers from the Special Editions (I wasn't even born when the Classic Editions went out, and I wasn't interested until two years ago). When I saw the cover from Secret, I thought, "Cool, Monkey Island from scratch. Let's see...", but when I saw the cover from Revenge (after playing Secret), I thought, "Oh! Guybrush has a stubble! And LeChuck s torturing him! Yeah!". I was so looking forward to play it. So I think that the fact that I loved Revenge's cover influenced me to love the whole game as well. But I can't say that I didn't like Secret. It's cool, and it's the original.
    And to AdventureGamer's defence, I believe that Revenge was HUGE. I loved it, but it was too big and more difficult that Secret :-P

    P.S. Don't think that I'm sadistic...I just thought that I could...when I...oh, too late, eh?
    We also liked putting Secret's CD in the CD player to play the music and dance along to it.
    Really? Did it work that way? :D I didn't know it could!
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited June 2013
    lyan-14 wrote: »
    Really? Did it work that way? :D I didn't know it could!
    Yep, I also used to listen to the CD (in my car's CD player) all the time. The PC CD-ROM version of the game originally played it's tracks straight from the CD, in the standard CD digital audio format.

    Monkey Island 1 and the PC CD-ROM version of Loom were the only LucasArts games to behave that way (outside of obscure versions like the FM-Towns version of Zak McKracken). On a side note, the Sam & Max: Hit the Road CD-ROM has standard CDDA audio tracks on it too, but the game doesn't use them (they were included simply as a bonus for people who wanted to listen to the tracks on their CD players :)).
  • edited June 2013
    Return To Zork (I know, not Lucas) also played its tracks directly from CD. Back then, there were a lot of computers that couldn't handle both high-quality animation and high-quality sound at the same time, so putting the soundtrack on the CD helped keep a little of the load off the CPU.
  • edited July 2013
    My favorite Monkey Island game is definitely Tales of Monkey Island. However, MI1 will always have a special place in my heart as I will always remember the countless, sleepless nights I spent as a child trying to become a pirate. With that said, between MI1 and MI2, I still have to choose MI2.
  • edited July 2013
    As a game, I find MI2 to be the best (it's my personal favourite of all the adventure games I've played). However, I find MI1 lighter and easier to approach, so I understand what you mean when you say you prefer it due to the humour.
  • edited July 2013
    MI2's more logical and well-polished, i think + have some great scenes.
  • edited July 2013
    They're both great games. But I have to say, I think MI2 did everything better. It made it all bigger. Funnier (to me).
  • edited July 2013
    I liked Monkey 2 better as it had better graphics, (not that this is everything of course) more islands and was therefore a bigger game and was more of a challenge in general. Having said that I absoolutely loved the original Monkey as well and still do.
  • edited September 2013

    "The secret of monkey island " was my entrance to point and click graphical adventures.
    It came on a bundle with my sons" amiga " one christmas past and was the last game that we loaded up from that bundle.
    I fell in love with it, and have forever been in thrall to point and click games.
    I loved "revenge" but the "secret of monkey island" will always be my favorite.

  • voting for mi1, too. feelings. memories. the original. the beginning. grog grog grog! behind you! a three-headed monkey! sword-fighting! stan! voodoo!

    (and who didn't want to be a pirate as a kid??)

    loved ALL OF THEM (part 4 a bit less... interface was horrible)

  • I agree, however I feel that MI1 was a bit more clunkier and difficult than 2.

  • Spoiler

    I know it's an old topic, but I had to react on that statement ! Of course, I'm just here to tell my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own. And that's what's interesting, otherwise, what's the point in debating if everyone says "I agree" ?

    Monkey Island is one of the first series I played (with other Lucasart and Serria's games). I was a little girl when my sister bought them, and played secret to curse more time than I can count since then.

    I loved all three, had more trouble to enjoy the fourth, mostly because I didn't found the graphic charm of the three others (even pixels were more suitable to me).

    But there are some reasons why I'll always prefer the second one. I know it by heart, but I would always play it again more than the others.

    The story of Lechuck's revenge was so interesting, the plot and the riddles were, imo, funnier and I loved how we got to travel around island after getting Largo to flee Scabb island.

    Also, it's the episode which's setting a lot of reccuring jokes that couldn't occur in the first one. As the return of Stan (who we get to lock in a coffin to get the key, one of my favourite part), Lady Voodoo (who Guybrush keeps forgetting each time, even after three episodes where she did nothing but help him), Governor Marley (where the couple is reunited, because it obviously didn't work out before), the three pirates that tried to sell a parents leaflet as a map in the first one (and you can mention it when introducing yourself to them).

    This is also an episode where you meet Wally, who is back on the Curse of Monkey Island, in a funny way (you have to make him cry and see him trying to be the tough guy he's not for Lechuck. After stealing his monocle in Revenge, I think we owe him one, poor thing). Mad Marty, even though he's not a reccuring character was also pretty funny. I was never tired of the conversations I could have with him, and I loved that the only thing he was understanding was when you come to get Largo's underwears. (btw, it stills make me laugh each time).

    Booty island was one of my favourite place to be at the time also. 'Coz even thought you're getting put in prison, the things you do to avoid it next are the funniest. I loved playing the lottery (and was always trying to keep both money and invitation, yeah I'm that bad as a pirat !), going to the library, lying about my name and information, and looking at all different books. I even got a few ones that weren't necessary to the story, and read them. And that's one of the many reasons I'm still playing it, even if it's for the I don't know how many time.

    I was always purchasing items that weren't needed if I could, 'coz I found it funnier that way.

    And I was totally seduce by the explanation at the end (a little bit sad that they made it as nothing ever happened on the next but well...).
    The fact that it was explained as a dream, as if Guybrush was just a little boy, playing with his brother Lechuck, and all of that what the fruit of their imagination. I found it awesome. And then, they're leaving the amusement park, and Lechuck (as a little boy) looks at the player (or at least, I liked to thing he was), and his eyes become "evil" and make us doubt.

    And at the end, you don't really know what to think. And even if it is still unexplained and have been forgotten in the following episodes, I found it very powerfull. You DON'T know, and in some way, that's the thing !

    (On another topic, I found Curse to be my second favourite, with Murray, the pirates at the barber shop, Guybrush faking his death and everything... But that's another story.)

    Well, I think I told everything. Probably forgot a few, but my main thoughts are here. And with that, I think I might be on my way to play it again on my PS3.
    Sorry for the novel. If anyone have the courage to read it all, I would be pleased if you answer. I did not have many people to discuss it before, 'coz it's an old series and there are many players nowadays that prefer recent games, when I can't help but love both old and new.

    It was my childhood, and I'll never be fed up with it.

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