Are they any romance options?

I been curious. Are there any options to romance anyone, at all. Even have as a girlfriend. That's one the thing's been missing from these games. A romantic option, even if its erased later. Only makes sense since they show the blood and gore.
Anyone think, this will be a reality?
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Na. Something seems to be developing between Bigby and Snow, though.
Plus nudity in episode 2. +1 for booby shot in "next time on...."
Na. Something seems to be developing between Bigby and Snow, though.
Plus nudity in episode 2. +1 for booby shot in "next time on...."
Nudity in episode two, is this confirmed
Everyone you love dies
Sad. Well, it is not our first time(Carley, Faith, Snow) so...we're getting used to it.
Faith's... head.
Their could be another love interest.
I don't think another love interest would fit in well with the story. We already had Snow and she's... well... ya know...
I'm not sure I'd like the idea of Bigby moving on so quickly.
With Snow's death I don't believe there is a chance for that
Since Snow is alive in other upcoming series. I don't think that was her head. It was some magic that made it appear that way.
Damn,really taught there will be something between them
Well, anyone who's read the comics already kind of knows where Bigby's romantic life ends up going. So I wouldn't expect anything more than perhaps the occasional flirting we saw in Episode 1. Besides, he's looking for a serial killer who's apparently going around cutting off girls' heads. I'm not sure that really sets the right mood for romance, you know?
I think the nudity had something to do with an actual butt shown in one of the last scenes.
Yeah. All the possible 'romance options' as they appeared in episode one would have tantamounted to necrophily eventually.
Nah, it was a breast shot in "Next time in episode 2". You know, that preview they do at the end of the game. Bigby was speaking to the beast and you had topless stripper(?) in the background outside of a strip joint(?). I think that's where beauty is working now and why she asked you to lie for her.
Maybe you only get that scene if you lie for beauty. Not sure.
I agree completely. I mean...this is a world pretty much run by "Glamour", so why would that be such a stretch?