I can't open my game
Help i cant open my the wolf among us.. I dont wanna waste my 24.99 either. So please help?
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Help i cant open my the wolf among us.. I dont wanna waste my 24.99 either. So please help?
Could you provide a little more info?
Which version are you trying to play - the Steam one, or the one from the site? What operating system are you using? What exactly happens when you try to run the game?
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The one from the site. Im using windows and when i try to open it, a window opens and it states "The installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid windows installer package"
Have you tried redownloading it? It may be that the one you got in the first place didn't download properly.
Also, which version of Windows? There's 8 of them
Windows 7. And yea i did but it still doesnt work
Do you have Service Pack 1 and the windows updates installed?
Do you have any security software (e.g. Antivirus) that could interfere with the file?
What's a service pack 1? And i dont have any security software that could interfere with it..
Windows 7 Service Pack 1. If you don't already have it, you should probably get it.
Do i really need it to run the game though?
Probably not, but it does contain a lot of updates for Windows 7, so it's probably worth getting for those.
It is recommended to have the latest windows updates installed, especially in cases like yours, when something doesn't work as expected.