Wolf Among Us - Can't Connect To Telltale Servers
I downloaded the game when it was released, but didn't get a chance to try it until this morning. When it started, it asked me to log in. After I did, it said there was an error and it could not communicate with Telltale servers.
I came on here for help and noticed a similar thread. A suggestion was made to uninstall, re-downloaded, and install the game. I did so but I still get the same error. Any help would be appreciated.
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Please try the suggestions in the support FAQ.
If you still can't log into TWAU, please change your password on the settings page, and only use the characters from the set A-Z a-z 0-9 in the new password. Then try logging in with username and password again.
Ah! Finally! That did the trick for me. Thanks!
Won't let me change my password. Says it's "Unauthorized" .
I have tried this several times and it still doesn't work.
Please delete the Login data from the registry and try again.
First, open a command window.
Windows XP: Go to your start menu and click on run. Type in "cmd" and press enter
Windows Vista / 7: Press the Windows key. Type in "cmd" and press enter
Windows 8: At the start screen, type in "cmd" and press enter
Then copy the command line below and paste it into the command window, press enter, and confirm the question:
REG DELETE "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Telltale Games\Launcher"
If you still can't log into the game then, please write an E-Mail to support@telltalegames.com. Include the E-Mail address you used for your TTG Account and full name so they can look up your account.
Can you tell me where to find the registry? I'm not sure where to look.
Just follow the steps in the post above that match your windows version.
Thank you so much! You are a good person for helping strangers that you don't owe anything to.